@San Antonio Spurs

Devin Vassell Is WAY BETTER Than You Think!

Devin Vassell Is WAY BETTER Than You Think!

Guys please for the love of God follow me on Twitter please I am begging you at this point there are so many toxic people on this platform that I want you guys to at least follow me Clan the Spurs fan because you guys are actually cool not kissing your butt all right I

Promise but interacting with you guys have been significantly better than 80% of the interactions I get on that site please follow me on there I want some n are we having fun yet all right so I want to bring up this graph uh wait I forgot my okay I got I

Haven’t recorded a video in a while um so I wanted to uh bring up this graph that I came across and just talk to you guys about it a little bit and also address uh a criticism that some people have levied my way so what is this this

Is efficiency versus shot quality and they actually explain it here shout out to NBA University phenomenal phenomenal uh uh Twitter Twitter space they have so we can go and see here what does that mean so this is their methodology the model looks at shot type so this is

Pull-ups catch and shoot uh shots uh within 10 ft and Defender distance on shot attempts taking the league average at each specific type like type Pull-Ups for example and weighs out a player’s expected average uh efficiency field goal percentage based on their shot profile so let’s go ahead and take a

Look at it so I brought it up right here and let’s go ahead and start with the most obvious okay obviously Giannis would be not only very high shot quality but high efficiency field goal percentage for for obvious reasons right like like they said they bring up within

10t and we all know that Giannis just kind of barrels in the paint um he uses that strength and it’s very high uh percent chance of of him hitting it and he’s very efficient in that in that regard same thing with sabonis same thing with Zion uh it’s no shocker there

That their shot qualities be pretty high now I do find this quite funny I’m not here to bash on Chad okay but I do hate the fact that people try to compare Chad and wimy I think that that’s kind of calmed down a little bit people have

Chilled out with that but we’ve known for the longest of a time that wimy is better than C I mean he’s been better than Chad before they were even in the NBA so I don’t quite understand when they go to head to-head wimy always wins I I don’t know where that came from

Where that stemmed from um but he’s really good at what he’s doing so you can see that his shot quality is very high um due to let just be honest having G and uh Williams on his team so it does help him quite a bit but at the end of

The day you still got to knock him down and he is knocking them down um I know some people have brought up like oh what what about the usage rate between him and wimy don’t don’t do that okay just because uh this player in particular is averaging pretty good with low or or

High shot quality doesn’t mean that if you put him in wy’s position that it looks the same or that he averages uh so many more points not necessarily that’s that’s not how you use that okay that’s that’s not that’s not a fair metric to to base that off of but anyways all I’m

Trying to say is Chad doing a good job but I also find that quite quite funny and I think it’s telling too so if you want to compare the two uh yeah yeah I don’t think you should all right but anyways so let’s go ahead and go down

This isn’t who I want to talk about but uh we got Victor one banama no shocker here as far as his here you can see the big scheme of things it’s pretty mid I would say as far as his shot quality pretty poor um but at the same time not

Too poor not in this category it’s it’s all right um but obviously he’s double team constantly triple teamed if you’re going against OKC oh my gosh um and he doesn’t necessarily have a lot of help around him so it’s not really something you can focus in on uh too much with

Wimy but yeah it’s it’s pretty accurate in what we would expect there um also you got here I just love uh y I don’t think he gets enough love uh oh my god look how high this man’s efficiency is with his shot quality he poor shot quality guys very poor shot quality and

Yeah that’s kind of ridiculous same with kawhai same with KD we like I said you would expect the superstars to be in this category right high efficiency tough shots that they’re making they get a lot of attention on them you see Steph Curry there you see uh Luca Don what who

Is that wait a minute who is that right next to Jason Tatum the Superstar chasing Tatum hold on who who is who is that who is that right next to Jason Tatum that’s what I’m talking about um so yeah this is really about Deon fael uh very

Impressive man we all know that his shot quality has been pretty poor not necessarily his fault mind you it’s just the fact that him and wimy get a lot of attention I mean a a lot of attention and teams know you want to stop you want

To stop Devon fael uh first and foremost okay you want to stop him he’s the best scorer we have I would say or as far as natural shooter whatever you want to say I don’t know how you guys would phrase it I would say more natural score um on

The offensive end as far as getting that ball in the basket than even wimy is and I know that we all talk about give wimy the ball I’m all forward okay I want wimy to develop I think that he’s finally finding his spots I think he’s absolutely incredible on the court I

Think that he has the highest basketball IQ of anybody on the team um even at the age of 19 I get all that generational Talent but as far as his offensive game it is not is not anywhere near not only where it needs to be uh for us to make

Some runs in the future but it’s it’s it’s not where you would even expect it to be at this point like he yeah we weren’t expecting him to be like offensive uh Phenom his first year in the in the NBA we weren’t expecting that but we knew his defense would be elite

Which it is uh but man oh man Devon fael so you can see he’s in the category of Paul George Jason Tatum uh Fox Jaylen Brunson and embiid when it pertains to uh his poor shot selection which I mean not I would to call it selection it’s

Not a lot of times it’s not his fault but um shot quality and his efficiency very impressive for him to be in this category um that that’s absolutely awesome okay and I wanted to bring this up okay cuz I got this criticism Levy to me and this isn’t the only time so I’m

Not just bringing up this one thing um at all okay but th this is something that I’ve noticed quite a bit and not only on Twitter but people on um on YouTube as well I had some people mess me on Instagram as well about this and

They’re like Clan why are you so mean when it pertains to Kellin Johnson you are so freaking mean this is actually the wrong tweet I’m looking at hold on that’s better but yeah they’re like you’re so mean when it comes to talking about Kell and Johnson man why don’t you

Just relax and why don’t you criticize Devon fael the same amount that you criticized Kellin Johnson I’ve been very adamant about this okay I’ve been very honest and open about this the reason why I am not as quick as to hyper fix a on a play or two that Devon fael messes

Up on is because he brings so many different things to the team as far as playmaking defenses in between game uh he he’s he’s a very good player okay I think that he’s going to be worth every dollar that the San Antonio Spurs spent

On him I get all that and I feel like a lot of the times when he makes a mistake it’s not necessarily his play style getting in the way that’s causing him to make that mistake uh it might make a mistake as in oh I miss wimy on this one

Specific play in this one instance but he’s made made a conservative effort to try to get wimy the ball as much as he possibly can he’s been the most vocal about it that’s why I was so pissed off when Don Harris uh came out and says something like uh Dev fael thinks that

He’s bat man absolutely disgusting okay I hate that so much uh but I think that he’s done a really good job and there’s so many other things that he can lean on and so many different redeem redeemable qualities that Devon fael has where I’m not going to hyperfixate on one or two

Mistakes my main criticism of Devon this entire time has been be more aggressive that’s it just just be more don’t disappear in the middle of a game yeah your defense you can lean on that a little bit I understand you being out there you you are perimeter teams know

That um so they can’t just leave you open you you you you have all these things to your game but at the same time you can’t just disappear you have to be very active in the offense so that’s why I find it very ironic and why I didn’t

Get that upset when when uh Devon facel ended up missing wimy would have been a tough pass whatever I won’t sit here and just break it down but at the same time I wasn’t that angry with him because at the end of the day that’s been the main

Criticism I’ve had of him is be more aggressive you’re the best scorer on the team do your thing but with that being said you can’t then compare that to my critiques of Kellin because I feel like ke first off let me say this Kellin is a

Great leader on this team I love his energy he is a spark plug at times I I do like Kellin Johnson and if the Spurs were to keep Kellin I’m fine with it especially with his contract and if you can get more Defenders around him we get

Some more scorers some more Shooters I I think that he could benefit from that but at the same time I just say all that to say this the reason why Kellin Johnson I do get kind of irritated is because when he makes a mistak it’s usually compounded and the reason why

It’s compounded is because he can’t play make that well he doesn’t have that great of a three-point shot so guys do leave him open often his defense they constantly attack him so if he makes a If he if he commits a turnover it does have a bigger impact on the team and the

The the flow of the game than it would with Devon fael on the court making him mistake are making a turnover there is a difference I mean you can’t seriously tell me that for instance if we go back to TW this might be a bad example but if

We go back to 2013 where uh Tim Duncan you know he made some mistakes in that game uh but we would not criticize Tim Duncan the same way that we might criticize Danny Green if he makes a big mistake not saying that the the talent

Gap is as you know far as Devon fael and and in uh in in I mean I’m not saying it’s as far as Tim Duncan and Danny Green as it is with Deon fael and Kellin as far as the the talent Gap but I am saying that that yeah I will criticize a

Diff a player a little bit differently than I would another I’m very open about that I’m very honest about that I think yeah the example I put here is Trey Jones he wouldn’t get the same criticism as Malachi uh Malachi turns the ball over everyone loses their mind with 1.1

Uh turnovers per game Trey Jones he turns the ball over 1.4 he’s averaging and people aren’t his mad why is that it’s because Trey Jones brings so many other things to the table I wouldn’t criticize Malachi as heavy cuz he is only a sophomore but I do understand people criticizing Malachi more than

They would Trey Jones it it just makes more sense okay uh we do that with everything Not Just Sports we do it with music as well if jcole came out with some trash song no one’s going to just absolutely bash him and say it’s over and whatever but you

Know oh should I say this ah you guys won’t care Nicki Minaj Nicki Minaj she releases a lot of trash okay trash all the time just trash Galore so yeah people are going to clown her more often than they would if J.Cole released something that wasn’t that good or

Kendrick released something that wasn’t that good um you know I don’t know I shouldn’t probably get into this topic but yeah that that’s all I’m saying so I’m not sitting here saying uh that Kellin Johnson is trash or he’s he’s he’s a bad player or anything like that

He’s a he is a good player he’s a good basketball player and I like him I I truly do but with this team right now and how we’re building he’s not necessarily fitting right now and I think that a lot of of the times even if he scores well it usually starts off

Pretty good dies off in the second half and he’s attacked constantly on the defensive in playmaking isn’t necessar necessarily there ton of vision kicks in it it’s just the flow of it it it does mean something more if he committed a turnover versus another not every turnover not every mistake is created

Equal and I think that’s one thing that irritates me another example would be wimy right no one talks about wimy being a like turnovers every single day okay he averages a lot of turn he turns the ball over a lot do we all know that that’s a mistake and that that’s

Something you need work on yes but let’s be real if Dom Barlo were to turn the ball over we all would sit back and say don’t play this guy like that’s that’s how it would be I don’t know that that’s how it would be I

Don’t know that’s all I got to say I got kind of hiccups now I I hate when that happens like I want to laugh but then I have hiccups but just want to explain my point there um as far as the Devon fael versus Kellin do I critique Devon the

Same way as I critique Kellan no no no cuz Devon fail’s mistakes the problem I have with Devon fael is going to be aggression uh being a little bit more aggressive and I’ve been very open about that and I get irritated by that when he

Hasn’t but he has for the most part you know this past month and Kellin Johnson I get more irritated with his play style it’s like it’s like come on we we need you his best games is is actually the games where he doesn’t go as hard in the

Paint like it’s games where you didn’t even notice that he put up you know 10 10 points eight or 10 points and I’m watching I’m like wow Kell’s playing really well good spacing uh making the right Cuts uh defense pretty decent like that that’s when I think Kellin is is at

His best when he’s more in the the background and he’s more of a complimentary piece but when he has to have the ball in his hands and and we’re relying solely on him for that second unit it’s not as smooth as I thought it would be

And yeah it it it kind of stalls the offense at times but those are my thoughts I just wanted to lay that out there this is supposed to be a quickie it was not a quickie 14 minutes oh my goodness um but anyways I will get with

You guys later man until next time uh Bye


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  1. Did not realize Devin was that good when you factor in his shot quality. I wonder if there's anything that could be done to increase volume while maintaining his quality.

  2. He’s great and worth the contract but we just need the right talent around him and wemby to space the floor and give both of them better and more efficient shots

  3. he is arleady a great scorer and can become better,his mid range game remember a bit of kawhi but there is one team were playmaking and be able to make good decisions is important and this team is called spurs , like the whole team he must step up in this part of the game

  4. These same people will eat those words in two years when we are contending with Devin bringing a laser 3 point shot as the second or third best scorer on the team. He’s a smooth monster (pause). He’s good on defense too.

    Wemby, Devin and Sochan are the core.

  5. Devin does think hes batman though, he admitted it when he said he saw Wemby slip the screen for an open layup down 1 but he (devin) was open for a 3 he usually makes. It was a mistake that Pop admitted he didnt want to see but Dev standing on his decision is a bit alarming. It was one mistake but hopefully he will change that mentality cuz I am a huge Dev fan but if its a Dev open 3 and a Wemby open layup down 1 I need to see Dev pass that for the easy win

  6. Im just wondering if all these guys are underrated and really good, why is the team not really good 🀣

  7. your stats take the complete season (so in a way completly outdated) when Spurs used Sochan as PG for 30+ games + when Wemby was a 4 + when the paint was locked/clogged because Collins (and therefore his defender) didn't move to let Wemby attack it.
    Since Wemby is at 5, and more since Tre Jones play starting PG, his True Shooting Efficiency is around 60%. Nowhere near what it was before with the experiment bs and such…

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