@Memphis Grizzlies

New York Knicks vs Memphis Grizzlies Full Highlights 2nd QTR | Feb 6 | 2024 NBA Regular

New York Knicks vs Memphis Grizzlies Full Highlights 2nd QTR | Feb 6 | 2024 NBA Regular

His first rest Malachi Flynn in the game derck Rose off the bounce gets inside left-handed missed it Park leads the break kcks it back out to Flynn riching a good d by Grizzle doing a good job getting back Flynn finds stenzo three corter won’t go David Rody

In the game for the first time Rody a drafted player he’s official Mike that’s that’s not a that’s not a given here’s a first round pick in 2022 for them Rose drives pulls back still has the spin move Bank Shot is no good h on the rim just wouldn’t go down Rose misses

Last two shots after making the first one har yet to score Evo previously misfiring the three ball mcde gets inside a two Defenders beautiful move from Duce McBride slicing and rising and surprising him was de tan and War up the rookie from Princeton an interesting player he’s in

As well play of in the first quarter as well PG Jackson launches another Rebecca’s alamada represented tonight even chenzo nearly lost it Gibson even chenzo oh gorgeous move couple of beautiful drives to the basket first MC and D chenzo in the Knicks up 13o improvised and mesmerizing underneath M’s got that what they’re

Calling a performative autobiography that’s streaming right now on Max it’s a oneman show about life fascinating I saw it Mike it was it was compelling I learned a lot you always do whenever you talk to Bill Bradley y might be more a guy more altruistic than you Mike over

What a what a remarkable life he has led in so many different ways he’s going to join us after the next timeout Rody gets inside can’t get it Hart grabs another rebound Hart had 11 of those the last game Malachi Flynn walks into with three Alama the rebound Hart by the way he’s

Had four consecutive games double figure rebounds K spotting up that won’t go kind of a l in action now both teams wishing they were swishing the Grizzlies lost by 40 on Sunday in Boston against the Celtics T spinning nice Spin and he draws the foul second straight game on the bench he was

Here on Saturday and Saturday was a great example of just how badly the Knicks missed Julius Rand Mi have been three and one without him they’ve been terrific but against the top teams it’s going to be show how much W able to knock contract just a couple of days ago or

Maybe a week ago Josh Hart knocks down the three and the lead is up to 16 hard first points of the evening straight on with the hoop that time it’s his first shot Too been a tough defensive battle guys digging in on the Deep A good steal podcast yeah yeah so they gave us our jerseys tonight they’re a comedy team you know Alama flips it up it Unfortunately they won’t last 25 years though that’s a good point Brunson even though brunson’s younger he says Josh Hart is like his annoying little

Brother so stay tuned for that podcast folks McBride step back three pointers good dece McBride with his second field go this has been a lethal three baller that time right in front of the griz’s V and this is the largest lead of the first half this is way the Knicks wanted

To start take away these guys confidence early on don’t allow them to hang Around last year last January January 2023 they were tied with Denver for first in the west they were 25 and 13 since then they’ve been had nothing but guys get hurt and suspended Malachi FL you got 10 so let me ask you right off the top

This this is I guess you can you call it a documentary well it’s more what I call a performative autobiography in other words I do it on the stage there’s film and there is our photos but primarily do it on the stage for those don’t know

Tell us exactly what it is and why you decided to do something like this well I think there’s such division in the country I thought maybe if you told your story in a candid way your life that it might have a healing effect and that’s

Why I did it Clyde was just telling me about it that he he was he’s seen it already yeah yeah we saw it tricker what was that the tri Film Festival yeah yeah I was impressed good I was like what have they done to Bill Bradley well a sense of humor

He how about that well I saw an interview with with our good friend Bruce bre on NBC and Bruce brought up the C said even Bill’s even the NBA as a player in the political world and dealing with that you talk about dealing with all those things well I try to be

Honest about my life and my life is uh some Triumph and some sadness and loss as well and so you try to talk about that in hopes that you can establish credibility with people so we’d all understand we have a common humanity and that’s really what it’s

About how would you if you to tell somebody how to overcome these adversities and the challenges that everybody’s going to face at some point played more games as a nickach than you how about that I didn’t know that I got to come on a show with you to get to the

Facts sure you didn’t play more one more than me well bill I told them when we played they never told us these stats so they wouldn’t have to pay us def right definitely right stats wasn’t important there was only one stat did you win or lose these guys embarrass me almost

Every night man they put up a stat and it’s me and I don’t know it have these trivia question but I remember one time where I was on something with you and I said you had to find a seventh game in the history of the NBA 36 points 19

Assists and you said and 13 rebounds I forgot that one50 years well Brunson has a chance to be perhaps if he continues along this path his second best guard in Nick’s history yeah well they got a few years a few championships first ex exactly um speaking as as a

Three-pointer goes down when you were with Clyde did you ever think that he would become not just become a broadcaster someone to do with this long uh I didn’t think of Clyde as a broadcaster I thought somebody who would excel in whatever he did they had that

Kind of uh dedication and you see it in the game I saw him do it with words uh and we were traveling around he had his dictionary I saw it uh when he became a broadcaster so you know 25 years go for 50 Clyde so once I R with Bill Mike

And uh going to tell this story okay so it’s it’s you know it’s 5:00 we’re watching the news he sits on the edge of the bed you know they have no remotes at this time just on there watching the news and then he turns it again just it

Did not respecting me at all just kept turning I’m not eating quite as many seeds as you usually do though but I no you you don’t see the Snickers bars that are under the table that he has every game right all you know he was you’re way

Ahead of your time on that health food thing that’s a beautiful pass from Brunson to De venzo we’re talking with Bill Bradley about his performative autobiography that’s streaming now on mat Max looks getting the fired up another time whether it’s in politics or whether it’s in sports right act with honor not

Grievance and to me that’s uh the essence of the game too you’ve lived your whole life as a basketball teammate as a politician and everything else living for others and worried about others first yet this is something you had to do this is kind of an individual project obviously and

Talking about yourself was that hard to turn the attention on you to get your message across I think it would have been had I not written it so because I wrote it I was writing and saying exactly what I wanted to say about myself about the country about our

Possibilities um you know and therefore I uh I loved every minute when I was in the room what is the equivalent of the locker room going out on stage to do this thing on 42nd Street I actually thought I’m in the locker room I should relax I’m

Home I went on and did it I see this as a Metamorphoses in in you feel like with the yoga you’re more crar is these days I think you’re really enjoying yourself maybe 80 you found peace and happiness I think that’s true I’m lucky and I’m very

Lucky to have been your teammate and been the teammate of Willis and Dave and all the other guys the big important part of my life that you enriched it and gave me something that I could never have gotten anywhere else and then you know you live your life you work hard to

Be a good Senator and you try to be as much as you can and it’s over and you say well life goes on there are things other things you can do and that’s the joy I have now so Mike when I’m here with Bill and we go down 500 Club down there he’s

Sitting with Robert Craft the owner of the Celtics hey Clyde come over here calls me over can meet these guys oh this is that man that’s the way he is then he’ll call me tomorrow like Clyde really thanks man thanks for all you do you’re such a generous person

Man Mutual it’s mutual you are too the only thing you you might love more than basketball is you love your country and you talked about division can you give a message of Hope of that you think everything’s going to be okay because it’s there’s a lot of division right now

I think that the country can learn a lot from what made the Nick team successful so many years ago take responsibility for yourself respect your fellow human being disagree with them honestly openly and civil enjoy their humanity and never look down on

New York Knicks vs Memphis Grizzlies Full Highlights 2nd QTR | Feb 6 | 2024 NBA Regular


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