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Pistons Trade For Jazz’s Simone Fontecchio | The Valenti Show with Rico

Pistons Trade For Jazz’s Simone Fontecchio | The Valenti Show with Rico

Okay so let’s against my better judgment we’ll spend a segment on it Pistons have made a move let me try to walk through it fun fun fun fun um this one’s complicated so kind of bear with me they made a trade today to acquire Simone Fontano no I’m not related to him

Yes he’s from Italy um who for a part of this year when lry marinan was out for the Jazz started uh also fun side note fun uh he lit your ass up the night the Jazz were here now as a player I don’t hate it he’s 28 he’s shooting a career

Best 39% from three he’s actually a plus rebounder by analytics I’m okay with it like I I could not possibly knock the player that’s not what I’m doing now he’s a restricted free agent here are the rules on that just whenever you see a guy who’s a restricted free agent

Generally speaking if they’re going to bail it’s an assign and trade so let’s assume Fontano is yours okay second-year player shooting much better this year than last year he fills a role here you gave up Kevin Knox who cares and a second round pick this year now there’s

Your issue the second round pick would be for all intensive purposes pick 32 that’s first round pick a late one but it’s first round pick here’s the issue when you zoom out away from it and go all right so a bad team wanted to get a 28-year-old guy who

Can be a stretch four help this thing out and he played on a can I call the Jazz a decent team a 500 team like they’re not bad yeah I can’t knock that but what if I told you the Pistons now don’t have a second round pick until

2027 then add to the fact you still owe the Knicks a first rounder in one of the next three years that’s where I need to see something else happen in order to fully go okay we’re good here yeah Monte Morris bogdanovic Alec Burks you got to

Get all those guys out of here to restock your pcks cabinet why because in all your deals you’ve given away that’s right and if you’re going to make a deal what do we have to give up picks so I I can say I like the player

And I’m not hey look I’m not saying tune in uh you know Sunday night and fontano’s going to drop no is he a player who’s better for what you need than Isaiah Stewart is he better than what you need than the dead body of Danilo galinari or Mike mcalla or Kevin Knox

Yes but I’m uncomfortable that we have allowed Troy Weaver to so deplete the war chest that even if I get rid of Weaver at the end of the year which is my strong desire the next guy will have nothing to work with truly you hear about the cupboards

Being empty this this is the epitome this is the Wikipedia version of empty cupboards right here that yeah um I I think it’s almost malpractice that let this man allow him to make deals but every deal and the Pistons gave away this pick as well and they gave away

This second round pick and you owe the Knicks that’s all look here’s my thing you can’t we can’t just look at the deal in a vacuum the deadline is tomorrow now I would like to tell you that if I were able to ship out Morris bogdanovic and

Burks I’m getting back no less than four second round picks I can replenish this thing you might be able to get a first in there somewhere the point I’m making is if you don’t trade those players then I can’t get on board with stuff like this I can’t go into an offseason where

I’m going to have to make a trade to acquire a player and have or free agency yeah no yeah but who realistically that’s true look at the free agent crop so I just wanted to look we’ll do one segment on it I don’t hate the player

I’m not making fun of him I actually feel terrible for the kid wait what Detroit I thought Salt Lake was bad what did I do they’re 6 and 44 can I apologize to somebody I’m sorry who did I offend I didn’t mean to park in your

Spot but I don’t hate it I don’t but I mean just keep an eye on it we got less than 24 hours I don’t I don’t hate it Mike I just I’m very uncomfortable that the fact that it’s Weaver doing this because it’s Weaver and he doesn’t win

These things and it just seems like you’re giving away the store I don’t know what your ingame is and maybe if I understood what they were trying to do I could get on board I know but I don’t it’s give away all your picks have put an extremely high value on your tradable

Pieces in order to win six games none of this makes sense no that’s where I need to see the other shoe drop look if they keep all these pieces around and they go into summer with no war chest it really doesn’t add up to me what value does

Alec Burks have to you now Alec Burks has a value to a team like the Sixers that needs some outside shooting in a veteran cheap you know like Xavier Tilman the Celtics needed toughness rebounding an adult injury insurance for porzingis that’s Xavier Tillman to a te

I don’t get what these players are doing here so let’s see but yeah I’m not going to knock the player they got back I mean it’s it’s at least going to space the floor it’s at least going to give us someone new to watch but David that’s

All I got for you see but here’s the thing though and and I respect everything you’re doing here because it’s smart it is the best thing you can do but I’m going to give you 23 hours from now when the trade deadline has passed already and I’m going to give you

What the breaking news will be the Pistons didn’t make a move don’t say that that’s what I believe I believe they’re not trading any of the individuals they need to yes they do because you’re right they need some pieces whether you’re getting second round picks whatever you need it but

They’re not making a deal I don’t believe they will no and what people don’t understand is if you want to get involved in these the moves that move the needle all this cap space we have to hear about if you want to trade for a player that moves the needle the going

Rate in the NBA today is three to four first round picks you don’t have it the NBA has changed their rules rules you can’t be Picklessz: four teams control 35 first round picks in the next five years so I I just fail to understand okay we brought in a player that I don’t dislike but he will not in any way shape or form result in huge win totals if I’m

Going to get a player the cap space is only a part of the story Rico you have to have picks even if you went and got LaVine you were going to have to attach some picks and I hate Zack LaVine so just keep your eye on it David I hope

Your predictions wrong I can’t tell you that it is but the three names you have to get rid of now that you have no second round pick till 27 and you’re short a first round pick between now and 26 you got to get rid of bonovich Burks

Morris I guess what I’m hoping for is they become part of three-way deals and they become The Dumping Ground for picks where the players go to the different teams and you get all the picks need to see it so not knocking the deal put in the framework from a franchise

Standpoint I just don’t get how this man has been allowed to trade three second round picks in as many weeks when he shouldn’t even have a job yeah that’s the thing it’s like you got to break it down to say yes nice player they got it

It will help a little bit but the other stuff is just no picks come on now Weaver Jesus okay I’m sorry it’s just so frustrating because I’m I know I yell all the time I know I do especially today but Rico hears me yelling over there because they gave up a second

Round pick and I’m the best the best is David under his breath in a disgusted tone using the lord’s name in vain I I need him I need him right now Roberto is there any way for us to have that as a drop might be the most satisfying audio

We’ve had on this station ever that was tremendous but David I because you don’t understand like I could put up with rebuilding if I know what you’re trying to do fans okay it’s going to be bad this year like you look at the Tigers like I see what you’re trying to do so

You know what the problem is this is the other problem now you’re at the mercy of what the rest of the league believes Fontano is worth see he’ll be pursued in restricted free agency so now the Pistons have to keep this guy so if somebody goes to Fontano and goes all right

You’re a regular beef stew over here and they sign you to four at 63 that’s what you’re paying this guy so just understand this isn’t a one night stand this ain’t a rental you’re you’re you’re you’re marrying this guy this is happening can you say cap space

Gone well no D David David they talked about their cap space what I’m saying is people have to view this as a part of the cap space this Cade’s extension and maybe Tobias Harris at 32 years old there’s your cap face so what did it get us 27 wins

Maybe that’s everything they do I grade out on does this change the Paradigm does this change the conversation organizationally so hope you heard the words coming out of my mouth I’m not anti player here but if some other team gets stupid like when the Kings tried to sign Zack LaVine

To a crazy deal and then the Bulls decided we matched it like if somebody comes in at 4 for 80 for Fontano just despite you you have to match it all right we can do some ticket teexs we can get a little football today maybe a little Super Bowl by the Numbers uh

Roberto also morphing into Ryan Day by the day with his addiction to hair dye in his beard addiction to hair dye it is it’s something tell him about it Rico

Will Fontecchio be a part of the Pistons future? #pistons #nba #basketball


  1. Troy Weaver has just got to go, he has no clue what he's doing. Anyone see the video where a fan court side is filming Cade Cunningham. The guy yells, "Cade! Pistons need to trade you! They wasting your career!" Then he Cade bobs his head yes.

  2. Pistons have traded away every player they drafted in the 2nd round. I don't care how many 2nd rounders they have because they are going to choose the wrong guy anyway.

  3. The pistons actually gave away 2 players and the early 2nd round pick!! For that player. Knox, Percodia, 2nd round pick via wizards

  4. The Knicks pick we owe them is essentially so protected that it coveys into two more seconds…but it is holding up trading future 1st yes

  5. Why does Valenti not realize the pick only conveys to New York if the pistons are good if they keep being bad it conveys to a second rounder

  6. these guys are reaching, pistons suck, but the move is solid. everyone knows 2nd round picks in the nba are useless. even first rounders past pick 15 are sketchy at best.

  7. As a Utah Jazz fan I was disappointed to hear that Simone Fontecchio had been traded to the Pistons. He's been great this season. The guy hustles, play hard, has decent defense and is a great shooter. We are still shaking our heads at how little the Jazz got for him. You're going love having him on your team. No, he's not a game-changer, but he is going to help Detroit win more games this season than they would have otherwise. He's a great locker room presence and will quickly become a fan favorite. And FYI, Fontecchio is pronounced like "Pinocchio."

  8. Valenti is clueless about the Pistons. They already have a plethora of young players AND they will get another top 5 draft pick. The last thing they need is some second rounder… They need quality experienced players (really good ones are not gonna come – we know that) to help develop the young core.

  9. Everyone is punting on this draft. Teams are giving away picks to get under the tax and 2nd apron. I hope the pistons get big z from Kentucky

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