@Utah Jazz

What are the Raptors doing trading for Kelly Olynyk?

What are the Raptors doing trading for Kelly Olynyk?

The Canadian team in the NBA acquires yet another Canadian select with me I’ve got Dave deor the Utah Jazz are sending Kelly o lenck and oi abaji to the Toronto Raptors for Kyro Lewis poor Kyro Lewis he’s just hope hope you’re hope you’re renting and not buying Kyro Lewis auto

Porter and a 2024 first round pick which is the Oklahoma City Thunders first round pick which is a pretty bad pick and a pretty bad draft and I’m still trying to wrap my head around this about the only thing I can really configure is that Toronto really just likes to have Canadian

Guys that’s what big analysis I I don’t want to upset you this early in the morning and I I should note Pacific time uh trade deadline day is rough uh but I don’t want to upset you this early in the morning but what if this is all about Shay gildas Alexander we’re going

To get all the Canadians all these guys that spent the summer hanging out with SH in in Indonesia and in the Philippines we’re going to get them all here and we’re going this is an Olympic year these guys are gonna go They’re gonna have training camp right after the

Season they’re gonna go to Paris together right after the season they’re gonna be spending a lot of time together and Shake GIS Alexander is an MVP level player yeah get all his buddies bring them all in hey bring them all to be clear this what this makes way more

Sense than what the Toronto Raptors trying to do to their team today I mean the Raptors are 18 and 33 they’re they’re going nowhere fast this season and to acquire two players that have have been at least Kelly has been like a really key contributor to

What Utah’s done and aaji has been kind of in and out of the starting lineup kind of in and out of the lineup in general he’s had kind of a weird season he’s not really shooting at well from three he’s not really big enough to be a wing

Um so like his his impact has been kind of here and there but to me like o Len would be like a guy that would help a lot of contending teams because he can pass he can shoot he’s not a bad Defender can move a little bit he can

Play in transition like he’s the kind of guy that I think could give teams a boost but then when you look at him going to the Raptors you’re like what like why why do what do they what do you want with Kelly oen except for the fact

That he’s Canadian I get it and then like aaji a 6’5 shooting guard that doesn’t really do anything well as an NBA I I don’t know I don’t I think it’s a it’s it’s fine it didn’t cost them a whole lot and because I just don’t think

This pick is gonna be worth a whole lot I mean like a late first round pick and a bad draft like fine the the deal just kind of like rings out just kind of meh to me whenever I like really take a look at it I I mean I would be honest with

You um I maybe wouldn’t have done a video about this one if uh I mean I just to be honest it it’s just it’s a nothing to me it’s similar to the Raptors last year going out and get yakob purle for what you stink you stink yeah why yeah

Why Toronto you are not good your team is not well put together it makes no sense whatsoever um Emanuel quickley has gotten worse since he went to Toronto and the whole thing was he was going to get the keys finally and be Unleashed and they’re just not doing a good job of

It and and part of this is I just I Toronto has not done a good job of getting good players since they got Kawhi Leonard yeah period true they drafted Scotty Barnes man great choice at number four over jayen Suggs I think Scotty Barnes

The guy’s a star I mean he’s gonna be an All-Star this year that’s great but what else has this front office done nothing they traded ogan anobi and they did it a little bit late I think they could have gotten more for him last year my understanding is teams were

Offering four firsts last year they didn’t Fred Van vet walks for nothing I mean this is I don’t know I I just this is a a continuation of weird roster moves that just don’t make much sense to me so I’m with you I think it the only reasoning I

Can come up with is that Kelly o linck is Canadian I don’t I don’t understand it doesn’t make any functional sense to the sport of basketball or to roster management for this team none whatsoever I mean look if they had traded for like d up reath okay he’s like 27 28 you know

On the bench for for Portland give him a shot that’s oh great pickup yeah let’s see if maybe he’s a player I I happen to think he is I know who Kelly o lenck is and he’s old yeah doesn’t set up with your timeline in any way he’s he I I just it

Just doesn’t make a lot of sense I really was you know and we talked a little bit before we started recording oen could help a lot of contending teams a lot and unless the plan is to try to flip him in the next you know two hours

I I and I don’t think it is I don’t think so it just he he doesn’t help a bad team he just doesn’t uh although he is averaging a triple double per 48 minutes so I just throw that out there maybe that’s what they saw

Yeah yeah I don’t quite get it for the Raptors they they they you know Messi said that he wasn’t going to keep all of his first round picks and he has kept he’s true to his word here but maybe he likes aaji that would make the most

Sense to me he like hey this a guy who was a lottery pick not that long ago maybe we can bring him in and do something with him but he also listen he’s not six foot n he’s not a raptor what’s going on over is that

Over um it feels over I mean I watched the Raptors here in Oklahoma City on Sunday and it feels like everything is over except for Scotty at this point too many too many short guys they got too many guys under 69ine project 69 has been destroyed by Vision 610 down in

Orlando that’s true that’s true it’s sad it’s sad to say but I believe that that’s true yeah um if you’re Utah you feel good about getting a first for kellyo linic and you know that’s about it even that in a bad draft in a bad draft I get a late first

It it is really like the worst contract situation you want to be in but maybe they can just maybe there’s a guy they do like in this draft then they’re just like you know what it’s worth it for us we we’ve got the salary space that that

Doesn’t really matter that much uh to Utah and Danny a is actually pretty good at drafting he a good job this could bad drafts are sometimes at the top end if they’re bad they’re sometimes decent for role players and you never know once these guys get into an NBA system so

There could be an opportunity here for Utah to turn what is ostensibly a bad pick and it’s not bad because the guy in the late first round is all that much worse it’s about the contract of the guy who is a little bit worse I don’t know I

I tend to trust Danny a in the draft room so much that I think you give him any extra tools and he’s gonna make something out of it expect like I expect him to look for a big Wing a guard a a guy you know that’s his thing he likes

These big and I know they’ve got Colin seon and he’s been cooking but my guess is they’re going to be looking at every big guard and Wing in the draft and they’re going to bring a couple of them in and see what sticks agbaji wasn’t

Able to stick there and and that says a lot to me I know that’s that’s a red flag if I’m the Raptors that they were willing to include both of those guys for at first is like yeah it’s a little weird it’s a little weird all right that’s enough not saying

He’s a bad player but don’t think he’s a good one uh thanks so much for listening uh to this please stay tuned we’re gon to have a lot more videos for you all day long on the trade deadline and stay locked into everything at the athletic

The Athletic NBA Show discuss Kelly Olynyk being traded from the Utah Jazz to the Toronto Raptors.


  1. I don’t really question why GM’s make certain deals since I’m not an expert. Just see what happens.

  2. I don't blame anyone for not watching much Toronto this year but if you do you'll see how nice of a fit Olynyk will be. He can close games at C to negate hack-a-Jak, and his passing and shooting will facilitate a lot for other guys. Late first to take a flyer on a prospect with upside is totally fine. Masai values players over picks.

  3. this clip is an amazing example of how stupid these "analysts" are, the raptors traded their worst first for a backup center and a recent lottery pick, in what world is that a bad trade?

  4. The Raptors wanted to find a stretch 5 to play with the young core of Barnes, RJ, and Quickly. The Raptors have wanted Olynyk for a while and missed out the last time he was an FA. Stretch 5 are rare and hard to find and aren’t available often. They couldn’t find one that’s young because those are never available.

    The Raptors also traded all their picks in the 2024 draft because they think it’s weak. They currently have a first owed to the Spurs which is top 6 protected and they have the 6th worst record. They also have the Pacers 2024 currently 17th, the OKC one which is what they traded at 29th and they have the Pistons second currently 31st.

    Masai already said they won’t use all those picks. They flipped Porter Jr who hardly played in two years on the team and Lewis who played once for them and the 29th pick in a poor draft they already have too many picks in. For Olynyk a stretch 5 and Ogbaji who is a young prospect. They would rather have that over that pick. Don’t be shocked if they trade more of their 2024 picks.

    Olynyk is an expiring contract but I see the Raptors having long term plans for him. He’s played with RJ on the national team and knows many in the Raptors organization.

  5. Rather than about him being Canadian, I wonder if the goal was to get another young player, Agbaji, that might amount to something, and also take on Olynyk's expiring contract? They'll have a lot of cap space to use in the off-season. Alternatively, maybe they'll give him a contact and have a big man who can space the floor a bit, for the next couple of seasons.

  6. Raptors basically got 2 rotational players for free. Kira and Otto do not play. That 1st is gonna be the 29th pick overall which won't amount to anything, and they will likely already have 2 picks in this draft already. It's a good deal regardless.

    You guys haven't seen how much potential BBQ has for the future. Raps will be fine.

  7. Holy these dudes do not watch basketball. Vet who is a much needed stretch 5 to space the floor.

    “Doesn’t make sense for the sport of basketball” ???? What in the world

  8. lol it's the middle of a teardown season and you're analysis is 'the Raptors aren't good and Quickley is worse'. Team with no experience playing together, pieces who know they are on the move and multiple starters coming back from injury just took the Thunder to 2OT. Slow clap, glad I tuned in. 👍

  9. It makes total sense… two guys we don't use and 1 draft pick who we have no idea who it will be for somebody that we know and love and need. Plus nobody wants to come to Canada except for Canadians.

  10. Crazy analysis here! Pls start watching Raptor games to make an input! Kelly is a great option that spaces the floor vs Jacob, which opens the floor for Scottie and Rj to operate

  11. Talking about how a draft is bad when discussing picks that will be low 20's is silly. Bad draft means top 10 talent isn't there. No one knows whether the talent at 28 in the 2024 draft is any better or worse than any other year.

  12. I hope this isn’t an official athletic account, if so u have some biased morons working for u.

  13. "I think we could have gotten more for OG (last year)." What in the fck do you know? Statements like that are so ridiculous. Only front office knows the answer to that statements. The rest is just rumors.

  14. Stupid takes are stupid. I mean who would want a big man who spaces the floor and is shooting over 40% from three? Makes no sense to me…

  15. Hahhahahah listen to these jamokes.. you two have completely missed it. Go cover baseball. Have you idiots even seen this deadline??? Screw baseball… you two dummies should cover dog shows instead of any sport. Your takes are sooooooooo surface it's not even funny. Trust I'll break it down for you too. Either of you care for a rebuttal?

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