@Los Angeles Lakers

It’s redemption time 🥶❄️

Rooting for DLo to redeem himself this year, hopefully on the way to a championship

by Hot_Pie1464


  1. CabbageStockExchange

    That is one positive. I’ll admit I didn’t wanna see Dlo go. Hope he continues to turn it up with us

  2. boyharsher-

    I’d happily give him a contract if he shows up consistently in the playoffs (probably won’t happen)

  3. we seeing D’lo in the mamba jerseys 🔥🔥🔥

  4. im-a-drawl

    A year from now he will be in trade discussions again. Won’t even matter what team he’s on.

  5. JayCrenshaw

    Can’t believe I still gotta watch this bum play.

  6. 23NMASTAR

    Either we get DLO Masterclass or DLO Mastercrap

  7. EvilGeniusGL

    Bummed we made NO moves, but the silver lining is that I’ve been having a lot of fun watching D’Lo.

    The only thing is we’re gonna have to worry about him walking for nothing in the offseason.

    Letting guys walk for nothing has been the Rob and Jeanie special.

  8. BaullahBaullah87

    Lol cant wait for yall to come out if we make the playoffs and he gets played off the floor yet again

  9. I_am_groot123

    This can legit be one of the greatest nba storylines ever. Prodigal son returns home and redeems himself. Idk maybe I’m high on copium.

  10. Glad we stick with him. He is bleeding purple and gold

  11. camlawson24

    It’s a glass half full / glass half empty situation. I 100% get fans frustration and I too think we have some potentially rough years ahead but I’ll still be rooting my ass off for the current roster the rest of the year and seeing if we can get hot at the right time

  12. jiffythekid

    Thank fuck. The delirium here about him is ridiculous. The only move this team should make is getting rid of Ham, but I think we can go far out of spite.

  13. Street-Common-4023

    lol championship we ain’t winning the chip man

  14. LeFatigue

    Hope yall are ready for that egg laying tonight

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