@Detroit Pistons

CRAZY TRADE DEADLINE! Detroit Pistons Add SIX New Players Ahead Of The Deadline!

CRAZY TRADE DEADLINE! Detroit Pistons Add SIX New Players Ahead Of The Deadline!

Holy crap I did not expect for the trade deadline to be this crazy and this active for the Detroit Pistons Tom Gore said that change was going to be made at the end of December and man did the change happened today you are locked on Pistons your daily Detroit Pistons

Podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team Everyday Johnson with second go what’s the deal welcome back to another episode of the lock on Pistons podcast for usual I’m your host cah Hill you can find me over on Twitter at cah Hill I want to thank you guys for making lock on Pistons to your first listen of every

Single day we’re free and available on our podcast platforms if you haven’t already head to the YouTube channel at locked on Pistons hit that subscribe button or leave us a five star review on whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on there another great way to support the podcast and today’s

Episode was brought to you by prize piics the easiest most exciting way to play daily fan fantasy sports go to loock innba and use code all lowercase lockon NBA for our first deposit match up to $100 I am absolutely shocked let me start this off by saying this I was

Clearly wrong clearly clearly wrong few days ago I said I thought it was very likely that the Pistons would just be completely quiet even yesterday I said that it looks like it’s more likely they’ll make moves but even then I still would probably rather bet my money that

They don’t make any moves outside of moving kiling Hayes which they ended up doing uh but they made this is a completely new roster after the trade deadline Tom Gore said changes needed to be made and it took two months actually it took the entire season it took four months uh but they

Have made changes to almost basically the entire roster let’s just look at this later on we’ll talk about what the goal for the rest of the season is by the way and what the starting lineup may look like for the rest of the year um but let’s just go through this these are

The players now there were some players that the Pistons traded before then just eventually got waved so those guys were never going mention about them they were just basically salary cap uh acquired a second round pick with them like Daniel will house and just to make salary cap

Work and they waved them expiring contracts it basically is nothing so not even gonna talk about them at all but these are the players that the Pistons traded for and are still on the team Simone fonio Quinn Grimes Troy Brown Jr Malachi Flynn Shake Milton and Evan

Forney that’s six new players on the teams six now before they made waves they had gotten up to a roster of 19 players they had to wave and get down to 15 the players that have left the Detroit Pistons Killian Hayes Joe Harris Kevin Knox buam bonovich Monte Morris

And Alec Burks if you go all the way back to the trade against Washington or for with Washington they added also Mike muscala and Danilo gari that’s eight players now added and they got rid of Marvin Bagley and isaah liver so since January 14th they have gotten rid of eight players

And brought in eight new players in the last 48 hours they added six new players and got rid of six players and honestly gotten rid of six players they also had a wave like I said four more players so really they got rid of 10 in the last 48

Hours they have been extremely active and I was wrong I did not expect them at all to be this active they they they were the easily the most active team at the trade deadline and they completely reshaped this roster it was like even still I can’t completely wrap my head

Around this trade deadline for the Detroit Pistons uh they moved off of boan and Alec Burks let’s start there I had been saying for weeks even last year I said in a Lost season you should be maximizing the value out of your veterans there’s no point keeping the

Round what are you g to do you’re gonna try to win you know 11 games instead of nine there’s no reason get the assets you can for them you don’t need to keep them around The Season’s loss they didn’t do that last year my biggest concern that I voiced in the podcast

That they wouldn’t do it this year I seriously thought at yesterday when I went to bed yesterday I did not think Buon and Burks were I thought maybe Burks but I did not think buan was going to be moved and they moved off of not only Monte Morris they moved off of buan

And they moved off of Alec Burks so I’m happy they did that I thought the decision that they made to maximize their the value of their vets was absolutely the correct one to make I I had been like I said I had been asking for it for weeks and they did it I’m

Happy for it now in a future episode we’ll talk about their Asset Management because a few years or last year it sounded like there was better offer just for boan um than the one that they got now I know some people argue about whether Quinn Grimes

Is worth more than two late round first round picks you know you can argue about that but they ended up moving off with Buon and Alec Burks and got a player in Quinn Grimes that is exactly what they need a three and D type of player who is

Young and under control when I say under control I mean team control contract wise and he fits what they need a three and D player they no longer have guys who just shoot threes and can’t play defense they no longer have guys that just play defense and can’t shoot threes

These guys may not be Superstars these guys are not going to turn them into a playoff team by the end of this year but they are going to have a more functional foot or not football a more functional basketball team for the rest of the Year

By adding a guy like Quinn Grimes I’m extremely happy by adding him I’m really high on Quinn grimmes I I remember I believe over the last few weeks we had mentioned him on the podcast a few times as a guy they could potentially go after for a second there I thought they

Acquired their first round pick back from the Knicks if they did that this would have been an A+ home run out of the park uh kind of trade deadline for Troy Weaver they did not do that but despite that I I think getting um Quin

Grimes is still a really good get uh a 6566 Wing play can play defense shoot threes I really like it I like acquiring Quin Grimes um add on to that we talked about fonio yesterday I really like adding him another Wing who can play defense and shoot threes movement threes

A guy who has a lot of professional basketball experience maybe not NBA experienc he’s 28 but he’s played professional basketball for a long time I really like adding him as well we talked about him on yesterday’s podcast I’ve talked with a few Utah people we we’ll talk about that and him

Specifically maybe in a future episode by the end of the week maybe early next week we also have some cool guests coming on in the next few weeks stay tuned it’s goingon to be fun um we’ll talk about all this with them but fonio and Grimes both guys who are wings that

Can shoot and play defense so the Pistons have been kneading for years and they address that this deadline another guy Troy Brown Jr a guy who someone that is a friend of the podcast sham mohill who again I’ve said is the guy who got me involved inro Detroit Pistons Media

Stuff back when I was 18 he’s been on the podcast multiple times he lives in Minnesota we talked with him um earlier um I was talking with him earlier about Troy uh Troy Brown Jr he just said that this is a guy that everyone liked in Minnesota they just have so many wings

Like him that all good he was just one of the ones that fell out of the the rotation so this isn’t like just some trash player that the Pistons got this is a a player another player that theoretically 67 68 can spot up hit threes and be active defensively this is

A guy before this year he shot 38% for the Lakers last year he’s shooting 37% for the t- Wolves this year the last three years in the NBA um he’s shooting around 36 37% over the last three seasons since joining Chicago Bulls in 2021 I don’t know how much he’s going to

Play but yes again another player that theoretically can shoot threes and play some defense just that’s what the pisses have needed and along with this as you can hear me you know you can put together here from what I’m saying the pisses now finally have some Wing dep

They have not had this I can’t remember when the last time they’ve had they were deep at the wing position it’s consistently been a weak spot for them and now they have assar Thompson they have Simone fonio they have Quinn Grimes they have Troy Brown Jr that is

Death that they have not had in I can’t remember when so I think that was by far the biggest deal of this is that they went out and acquired wings that actually can shoot while also not being a complete Turn Style defensively they also added multiple second round picks

To the Arsenal something I very much like they added two first round picks in this deal uh with with the Knicks they added another second round pick in this deal I believe with the Sixers for Daniel house after they waved him so they added a bunch of second round picks

As well to the Arsenal I believe they also got one with Monte Morris they added Shake Milton Evan for Malachi F I don’t expect those guys to play much for the Detroit Pistons maybe Shake Milton but I I don’t expect them to be playing Major minutes um Evan forier is a guy I

Know they’re 15 now but I wonder if they would buy out Evan forier I don’t expect him to play either um for the Pistons this year um yeah I wonder if he’s a guy they buy out but those are other guys I don’t expect them to play much those

Guys are just like salary filler um but those other guys I’m really happy with that return I think that Troy Weaver and Company were told that they had to make massive changes and we questioned whether they were actually going to make these changes I’ll say adding all these guys

Along with muscala and galinari getting rid of eight players off your team and adding eight midseason mid season and six of them happening in 48 hours I think that’s major change they clearly made major change with this roster and something that you got to give credit to

Troy Weaver for they made all of these changes while also keeping their long-term flexibility none of these guys are on contracts longer than next year they all have Team options or expire ing contracts now guys like Quinn Grimes guys like fonio you expect them to be on

The team past next year so they’ll eventually have some kind of you know cap hit past this season but as of right now all of them are just team options or expiring contracts so they did not have to take on any long-term contracts they can still be just as aggressive this off

Season so I look I’ve been very critical of Troy weer all season I deservingly so but I thought this deadline I wouldn’t say it was perfect but I think it was pretty damn good I think he did a pretty damn good job completely reshaping this roster and getting players around their

Core four that better fit and enable them to be the leaders of the team not boan to be the reason why they win because he went nuclear or Burks to be the reason why they won because he went nuclear no if they win games now it’s going to be because they have players

That are enabling their core Four Guys their play their best basketball and that’s what you wanted to see all season this year and I hope that that is the goal it it seems clear to me that’s the goal but I hope the coaching staff does this for the rest of the year and

Prioritizes the core four guys with these players that they have acquired I think this is a fun and crazy absolutely crazy deadline for the Detroit Pistons let me know in the comment section down below or over on Twitter at cookah Hill how do you guys feel about the deadline

How crazy was it do you guys like it do you guys dislike it do you think it was a good deadline let me know all that comment section down below or over on Twitter at CER Hill when we come back what is the goal for the rest of the

Season with the Detroit Pistons after this this just crazy deadline we’ll talk about that when we come back but first I’ve got to tell you guys about one of our sponsors Nissan are you the kind of driver that likes to push things a little further ever wonder what

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So I want to thank you guys again for making lockon Pistons your first listen of every single day we’re free and Avail on our podcast platforms if you haven’t already head to the YouTube channel at laon Pistons hit that subscribe button or leave us a festar review on whatever

Podcast platform you’re listening to us on that’s another great way to support the podcast what is the goal why did they make all these moves what’s their goal for the rest of the year with the Detroit Pistons well this is going to take a while this is gonna be a long

Explanation for me so get tuned up you know get get your popcorn get ready so I want to go it really starts going all the way back to the beginning of the season now there’s been a lot of talk obviously I think it’s Absolut lunacy talk I think most people agree

But there’s obviously been talk about hey is this team better without K Cunningham and I’m going to point out and this is what the moves you you’ll see why this all Matters from the beginning of the season to January 7th when the that January 7th is when Kade

Went down with that knee injury I believe against Denver from that time until January 7th the Pistons were 28th in the NBA in three-point percentage and 29th in the NBA in three-point attempts terrible they did not have good three-point shooting they did not have good spacing

The roster made no sense and despite the fact that Kade had that great 24 games uh stretch right after the first 12 games of the year before he went down with that knee injury it didn’t matter because the team did not have enough shooting around him the Vets weren’t

Shooting well they didn’t have good Shooters on the roster all that kind of stuff after January 7th so from January 7th to now February 8th in that a week after January 7th they traded for Mike muscala and Danilo galinari two guys who are Sharp Shooters two guys who have

Been shooting the ball really well for the Detroit Pistons and play the five position which allow the Pistons at times to go five out or to Simply only have one player on the floor who can’t shoot since that time in this month span the Detroit Pistons have jumped from

29th to 19th in the NBA three-point attempts and they’ve jumped from 28th in the NBA in three-point percentage to Fourth Yes you heard me fourth in the NBA in three-point shooting so what this end the pistes obviously have won a few more games in this last month than they

Have the entire season so what this said what this said and told the front office and what the front office believes is that if they simply had put veterans that could space the floor if they could s not even just veterans just players around their their their young core that

Can space and shoot the basketball this season would not have went as bad it did and they clearly very clearly absolutely failed bombed that past off season in inquiring that so their goal at the deadline was to then go get more of those type of players that fit around that and

Can they can put a better product on the floor with Cade with ivy with assar with durren and see how it works for the rest of the year look the Pistons are not going to make the plan they’re not going to make the playoffs they’re not going

To finish with a 500 record however if the Pistons can look at after January 7th they went an ad of galinari muscala two Sharpshooters two Shooters they went at the deadline and acquired fonio they acquired quen Grimes they acquired Troy Brown Jr while getting rid of boan Alec

Burks who we’ll touch on just a second and kilan Hayes and Isaiah livers and Marvin Bagley and Monte Morris and Kevin Knox and Joe Harris like getting rid of those guys and replacing them with who they brought in if that leads them from January 7th

To the end of the year to be playing near 500 basketball at the end of the year which we’ll talk about the podcast if this does happen that’s the hope but they’ll look at the end of the year and be like look we failed that past off season absolutely bombed it it we

Completely and utterly failed but after we tried to write the ship after we got the right pieces around the core four guys this team played near 500 basketball and there’s reason to believe that they will be good next year because once we finally had the right pieces not

Even Superstars not Stars not near All Stars heck maybe not even above average starters simply guys that fit what they have and what they need that leads to them playing near 500 basketball after January 7th or technically January 14th is when they made the trip for galinari muscala after

That point moving forward if that leads to them playing near 500 basketball no they didn’t save this season but you will walk away from this season feeling much better I would say about this team’s future than the record would indicate at the end of the year

People would think that is the goal of this season and moving on to buang Alec Burks like I said like I mentioned that we were going to get to them they were good veterans Alec Burks I say over the last like month and a half he was a good

Veteran but buan they was a good veteran all along okay good players however like we mentioned on the last episode when we talked about the trade for fonio Alec Burks and buam bdic are guys who are going to eat up usage they are going to eat up possessions

They are going to eat up pick and roll reps they are going to eat up isolation reps they’re going to eat up postup reps when it comes to ban bonovich those guys are taking away possessions from Ivy from Cade from assar from Duren they’re taking possessions away from

Them moving on from and obviously they’re terrible defensively those guys were what you look they were great vets good players I hope they have a great career you know obviously they already had a great career but hopefully they you know have a great success wherever they go but they were bad defensively

And they soaked up possessions offensively along with what we just talked about the other goal was if the Pistons are going to win games from now on remember like last week I talked in the podcast that I didn’t think the young Court actually was playing like infinitely better I thought they only

Had been winning games because either gari had like a 24-point game best game in like four years or boan would go nuclear or Burks would go nuclear or Mike muscal would hit five threes like that’s why I thought the Pistons were winning some of those games now for the

Rest of the year it’s not going to be because if they win games because of boan going nuclear and soaking up possessions or Alec Burke soaking up possessions and going to nuclear it’s not gonna be because of that it’s going to be because Cade goes off and he has a

Good team around him it’s gonna be because Ivy plays well goes off and has a team around him same thing with thear Duran like those four guys are going to be if they win games those four guys will be the ones leading the charge and they have guys around them in Quinn

Grimes in fonio in Troy Brown Jr in these guys and obviously muscala and galinari who are low usage off ball Shooters and can defend they’re not going to soak up a ton of possessions trying to go pick and rolls they’re not going to soak up possessions trying to

Isolate these guys are going to move well off ball especially fonio they’re going to relocate off ball they’re going to space out the basketball floor and they’re going to compete on the defensive end they’re going to enable Ivy to play how he played last night where he dropped 37 points they’re going

To enable Kade to play how he played for that 24 game stretch before going down with the knee injury they’re going to enable durren to play better they’re going to enable assar to play better they’re also going to allow you to get functional for uh uh fiveman units in

Minutes with the core four on the floor together that’s what they’re going to do so that is the goal for the rest of the season the rest of the season is the can this core four if you put pieces around them that fit can they lead you not to

Be a playoff team no one’s expecting these four guys to be already good enough to be a top playoff team that’s not the expectation but can they not be the worst team in the NBA can they show promise can they play near 500 basketball for the rest of the year can

They be the reason why they the Pistons win games that is the goal for the rest of the year so if at the end of the year the Pistons are still like after this moment they lose a ton of games and they’re still playing terrible basketball there will be conversations

You have to have about the core four at the end of the season that maybe people don’t want to have but I expect and this is the expectation of the front office I’d say the expectation of most the fan base is that now with these type of

Players on the roster based off how they played since even acquiring two guys who were even in the rotation with Washington two guys who simply could space the floor out in muscala and galinari acquiring these guys and now putting the ball and and giving that usage from Burks and boan to the hands

Of Cade and Ivy and Duran and assar The Hope is that those guys will lead this team to close to 500 basketball for the rest of the year play really well and then you can right off into the offseason say look we failed last off season the season ended off with a bad

Record but after we made these moves and put the right pieces around these guys we saw that these four guys are the right four guys to build around and we messed up to start off those guys didn’t those guys are the right guys and we

Know what we have to go address now we need to be we need to go be aggressive because these guys can do it that’s the goal for the rest of the year and we’ll see if it actually if that plans out I think that’s what everyone expects that’s what everyone’s hoping for I

Expect it to happen I think they’re going to play good basketball not I okay good basketball suggest it’ll be like above 500 I don’t know about that but I expect them to play basketball that you may be expected this year like a lot of people expect them to win like 32 games

This year 33 games I expect them to be on that kind of win Pace over the rest of the season that’s what I expect and if they can do that I think a lot of people will feel good about where they’re heading it took a long time it

Should have been done last off season it should not have taken the worst start to to a season in NBA history for this to happen to for them to save their young core for them to put the right pieces around their young Corp but they eventually did it Tom gor has followed

Through on the promise of change and we’ll see what they happens for the rest of the year I think they’re going to hit that goal I think it’s going to look good I think all of us everyone’s going to feel feel a lot better about this core and this team

Moving into the future after these moves let me know if you guys think that that goal would be reached do you guys think that is the goal do you guys have different goals for the rest of the Year let me know in the comment section down

Below or over on Twitter at Cook Hill when we come back what will be the starting lineup now for the rest of the year they’ve completely reshaped everything what’s going to be the starting lineup now for the Detroit Pistons we’ll talk about that when we come

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Picks so I want to thank you guys again for Mak lockon Pistons your first list of every single day we’re free and available on our podcast platforms if you haven’t already head to the YouTube channel at lockon Pistons hit that subscribe button or leave us a five star review on whatever podcast platform

You’re listening to this on that’s another great way to support the podcast um man this was just this was insane deadline absolutely crazy deadline the Pistons move off a boon move off of Burks they waved Joe Harris one of their offseason acquisitions they traded Monte Morris for basically a second round pick

I would just summ it up to they waved their former seventh overall pick in kilan Hayes the kiling Hayes era is done in Detroit which I think a lot of Pistons fans are happy about moved off Burks like I said moved off with Kevin Knox this was crazy this I did not

Expect this I was completely wrong about how active they would be things changed like that just like that even James I believe wrote like three days ago that it was possible it was just gonna be a really quiet deadline and things can change that just let you know in the NBA

You can be told one thing you can be thinking one thing one second and just just like that things can completely change I was not expecting this this was crazy um but what is going to be the staran lineup for the Detroit Pistons the rest of the year I have absolutely no

Clue on one hand it the core four should be the primary goal should be 100% at the top of the priority list to find out can these guys play together can they play well together with the right pieces around them can they play well that

Should be by by far the very number one priority for this team the rest of the year so with thinking that you’d think that they would start those four guys and then start I would assume fonio with those guys maybe Quin Grimes but I would expect fonio with them that’s what I

Would do I would start those guys and then fonio with them in the S lineup do I believe they’ll do that I until they don’t until they decide not to bench or start Isaiah Stewart I’m not going to believe they’re not going to start them so I’m going to assume that

We’re going to see Kade Ivy Stu durren I don’t believe they’re going to Star SAR in that third spot as they shouldn’t they need spacing they can’t have three guys that aren’t really drawing attention even if St an okay he doesn’t draw attention so they can’t have that so if they go

With um Cade Ivy St Duran I still think it probably is going to be fono in that third spot um or RS I don’t think Troy Brown’s going to start I don’t think that’s an option um I think those I don’t think also Mike muscal is gonna start

Again I think the the the only two options I can see is that you start AAR with either um with either fonio or why am I just like going blank Fant old Grimes my goodness with the SAR or you start Stu with fanto or Grimes I don’t think it’s even remotely possible

That you see AAR and St but maybe I shouldn’t rule anything out with what we’ve seen from this year um but like I said with the goal primary goal saying if these four guys can fit together I think you have to start them for the rest of the year like you absolutely

Have to and then just play one of the guys you required with them and then Off the Bench I mean I don’t know what’s going to happen Off the Bench like I I don’t even want to try to come on here and speculate because it’s gonna be such

A mess I have no clue I mean like um maybe Milton Sasser Grimes or fonio I mean the wing rotations just so like crazy right now I it could be any of Ino Grimes or assar in that backup three spot um and then Stu and muscala

That would be my assumption of like the 10- men rotation something like that but who knows I mean you never know what this team and the bench is so crazy right now there’s so many options now that who knows what they’re going to do

I don’t expect for to play at all I do not expect Malachi Flynn to play at all I don’t know if Troy Brown’s gonna play at all I maybe he does but I don’t know if he will maybe they just put Sasser at point guard maybe they just have him be

The point guard and then they’ve run like Grimes Troy Brown um muscala and Stu together maybe maybe that’s like the bench line but who knows I don’t know what their plan is but the starting lineup all I know is I believe that you should 100% make the core for

The starting lineup in the starting lineup they should be the priority and then you either pick fonio or Grimes to start with them whichever one you think I think fonio fits best with them but I think that is what I would do and should be the goal but we’ll see what Monty

Decides to do um but that’s all I’ve got for you guys man this was a crazy crazy deadline um again I just want to emphasize this Troy Weaver making all these moves and adding these guys to help them for the rest of the year while also maintaining that long-term

Flexibility in that cap space that is a big that is big time I’ll give him extreme credit for that because it’s really hard to acquire guys that help for the rest of the year while also maintaining that usually have to take on contracts and take on long-term salary

They did not do that at all not once so even with the guys they waved they didn’t have to do that so I give them a lot of credit for that um but yeah man that’s all I’ve got for you guys today let me know what you guys think about

All this comment section down below or over on Twitter at C Hill um thank you guys for making lockdown Pistons your first listen of every single day Freedom all your podcast platforms hit that sub subscribe button at locked on Pistons leave us a five star review whatever podcast platform you’re listening to us

On and until next time I will see you guys later stay safe out there until next time man peace out

Tom Gores promised changes were coming at the of December for the Detroit Pistons, and despite it looking like it would potentially be a quiet deadline for Detroit, it turned out to be possibly the most hectic deadline in Pistons history. The Pistons got rid of six players and added six players, when including the Mike Muscala and Danilo Gallinari trade from January 14th the Pistons have added eight new players to the team in the last three weeks!

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  1. Can’t start Ausar yet. Ivey, Grimes, Cade, Fonteccio, and Duren should be the starters. Sasser, Brown, Ausar, Stewart, Muscala should be the bench. Maybe Shake or Fournier are actually better than their previous roles and you start them instead of Brown. But we will see on that.

  2. I think Weaver showed he knows what a balanced roster looks like and ill gove him a chance (like its my choice) this summer. Monty has to do better too now.

  3. What in the world is wrong with you?!!😂😂😂 These are bums they picked up! Not one of them is better than Bojan or Burks. They all avg. less points than both Bojan and Burks. At least trade them for BETTER PLAYERS NOT WORSE PLAYERS!!!!!

  4. Player turnover of this number @ this time in a season is very rare. Not sure how much the team has improved. Just because you get guys who have a skillset needed to help our "Core 4" thrive doesn't mean its a given to succeed. IMO, there are just as many questions if not more after all these moves. The Cade/Ivey debate will only get louder.

  5. Fournier was use to high usage in Orlando and struggled in NY in part due to being used off ball in addition ro age. Hopefully we move on from him.

  6. This crew plus a top 5 draft pick. I was hoping we get Zaccharie who plays very much like Simone Fontecchio.

  7. Ku, when I hear you say, “I don’t expect xxxx to play much.” I hear “Monty is giving xxxx heavy minutes and inexplicably putting him in the starting line up.”😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  8. Ku, how did the team’s record look in that 24 game stretch that Cade put up great numbers. Not good. When he went down and the offense changed, run faster and more ball movement through Ivey the team looked better. Even before the Wiz trade. Even looks better the few games Cade has been back, except when Cade tries to take over, slow things down and put up his numbers. The Wiz trade surely helped, and the new additions will as well, but the biggest thing that has made the difference is taking the ball out of Cade’s hands as the primary initiator. He is still clearly our best player, but he has to find a way to do so playing off ball most of the time.

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