@New Orleans Pelicans

PPR Final: Pelicans run over Raptors 138-100 (Full Recap)

PPR Final: Pelicans run over Raptors 138-100 (Full Recap)

Uh dominant performance by Brandon um when he shoots the ball like that he’s capable of doing that night in and night out uh you know they it puts the game away and that’s what he did and and just the the total effort from our group from

Wire you know from the start of the game was a wir to wire business-like mindset knowing that we getting ready to go on a tough road trip so you know credit to the guys in the locker room for coming out and playing hard playing together playing with joy was fun to watch yeah

Know one thing you always talk about is that you go a long road trip the first one home could be could be tough I mean what you what you like about just your response after four on the road uh I loved it I loved it you know

It’s that time of time of year you know you pass halfway point um you know you kind of glancing at the standings here and there but the thing for us is to focus on each and every game game and tonight was no different um coming off a road trip it

Could be a let down game but we didn’t let it we didn’t let that happen we came out with the right mindset from the beginning and we dominated the game from the start and was like just saying just how he went about getting this all jumpers barely anything just just put on the

Shot well we we’ve we we’ve been on our guys to shoot more threes and um bi especially and so you know he has it in him and tonight he sees what happens when when he shoots the shots that are open Catch and shooting he he just

Caught it he he just caught fire and the guys continued to find him in transition find him off pin downs and any one of our guys when they shoot the ball like that you know it’s going to be tough to stop us I’m not sure the fin I think

Three quarters only three turn yeah and impressive and you talk about bi eight for 11 from three 41 points but he also had nine assists and so Not only was he scoring but he was making the right plays offensively finding his teammates and it’s a reason we had 36

Assists and seven turnovers collectively as a team you know trying to take care of the basketball is one of our Concepts but then making sure we share it and um tonight was a great example of that well it could be easy to look past the rppers they’ve been balling out of the

Standings was the better players could you go and talk maybe more about the preparation that Brandon takes you know for every game and especially like for tonight’s game so I’m working with JB watch video for 10 minutes and put up shots with Fred three-point shots Brandon is meticulous about his work and

You know behind the scenes when people don’t see him he’s working he’s coming back at night you know getting free throws in shooting shots working on this game in practice he’s one of the first on the floor one of the last to leave he’s in the wait room he does all the

Things that you want your players to do in order to give themselves a chance to be successful and um when you see these performances by any of our guys but bi especially um you know it’s rewarding it’s rewarding I’m sure for him it’s rewarding for for us as a organization

And for his teammates to see it as well I know you guys had an offensive exposure but tonight your defense was really especially early you can tell there was a lot of rotations um sign is I think that was huge possession there you talk about the effort you guys kind

Of put for tonight def yes it starts with our defensive mindset and that allows our offense to flourish is when we’re defending and we we’re continuously working on it um working on ways that we can get stops get rebounds and uh when we play in the open

Floor like we did tonight you know we’re a hard team to stop uh so our offense is is definitely predicated on our ability to get stops and this is a team that we know they score in transition they get in the paint they offensive rebound and

I thought we did a great job on all those categories tonight CJ had 20 Zion had 16 for your stars to lead the way how important was that especially knowing just how much they had going through the night before with a double overtime yeah um it’s it’s important for

Those three to carry our team on both ends of the floor and our our second unit and substitution guys they all come in and they play hard they’re going to play together they’re going to be a great Supporting Cast but those three guys are going to carry us

And tonight and even go back to the Spurs game they all played well and that’s what we want we want those guys to continuously play unselfish share the basketball lock in defensively rebound and we’ll give ourselves a chance to be a good team what’s the most important thing on this

Road continue to lock in on our principles and take it game by game and that’s the that’s the mindset for us you know we know we got four four games on a row but it’s really a cliche but take it game by game and let’s have a business-like approach to it tonight was

A 50th game of the season I mean how much of the Pelican success so far this year has just been Brandon CJ and Zion availability from those guys and just being out there you know night after night health is is extremely important and that’s for any team that’s in life

Whatever you do you want to have you want to be healthy and um a credit to you know our training staff and medical staff they’re doing a fantastic job and then all of our guys doing all the extra things that it take um to to be

Available to play on the floor and that combination allows us to have an opportunity and you know things can happen and you can’t control everything but the things that we can control um it feels like we’re doing a great job in that area I know you just said that

You’ve been preaching taking more threes but preaching is kind of a like a leap of faith so to say you know you believe in it and and you want your players to believe in it but do nights like tonight does it make it more tangible for

Somebody like Brandon to say it’s not a Le of Faith it’s real and you can do it and you should do it for sure it’s definitely not just a leap of faith um there’s an itics that go behind it and there’s film work that we put in and

Then there’s work that we get on we get on the floor and we work towards how do we generate these type of shots for our team and so all of those combinations and then you win like you did did tonight allows our guys to see

Why we want to take you know 40 you know 38 43s a a game because we shoot a great a good percentage and we have guys that are capable of making those shots it’s hard to beat us when we are I think the more surprising fact isn’t just that he

May eight3 but he took 11 three shots you take into account his shot attempts and the emphasis on the team shotts how much of is this just seeing Theo system really take fruition this point the season it’s it’s a combination for sure uh coach Bargo has done a fantastic job

Of you know giving our offense some clarity and looking at some of the numbers what do we do well we want to continuously to do those things where well and um this was a area of growth for us a team that you know the last couple Seasons we we dominated the paint

We got to the free throw line we got got out and transition but now we’re adding the three ball to our group and it’s a credit to our players for trusting in continuously to buy in so the guys have been playing really great against some of the more

Manageable teams um to say but they’ve been having a much tougher time against some of these top teams um what do you think this team can do to kind of break that barrier and start against these top teams as getting later in the season yeah you you’re you’re absolutely right

Um we’ve talked about it as a team um if you we we thought about our you know not to be negative but our last five losses were all against playoff caliber teams and that’s an area of growth we’re talking about it we have to bring the competitive spirit and our our room for

Era is less when you play against to better teams and this road trip will be a good test the first couple games at least okay thank you all right for all things Pelicans now tuned into the Pelican post game report much love to the flock appreciate

Y’all for being in the Stream much love to the fam this was a good one Pelicans run over the wrap that’s 138 to 100 uh getting their 29th win of the season third straight win in a row bi win went off 41 points from bi in the matchup man he was awesome eight

Three-pointers I think he hit like five in a row he was just unbelievably hot took it to the Raptors man and the Pelicans looked really good and a blowout win over these Toronto people man they just just wasn’t ready for what the Pelicans had man as they get ready

To go back on the road so shout out to the fam please feel free to hit the like button hit the Subscribe button and by all means feel free to share share the show on your social media feed we up in this thing shout out to the fam I’m big

Q we got DC and Lex in the Stream tonight fam Pelicans were fantastic especially bi man tonight they had all of the energy the effort from start to finish the Pelicans were there I mean just to go over to just quickly to hit some of the team statistics Pelicans shot 51%

From the field tonight 42% from down to 19 three-pointers they were perfect from the foul line 13 of 13 they had 51 rebounds 36 assists 11 steals they only had seven turnovers tonight seven and it was just magnificent and all L by bi’s 41 points eight three-pointers on the

Night he was fantastic man what can I say so with that being said shout out to you guys appreciate you being here let’s bring in uh the family members DC Lex let’s hear from you guys man what a fantastic performance by our Pelicans tonight let’s hear from you guys uh

We’ll start with you uh DC man I mean definitely supposed to beat the Toronto Raptors but in the way they did it is you know you just got to be impressed by that man at one point during the game I’m looking I said damn will Ain take the starters out oh wait

This the second unit they out there having fun doing and one moves in the whole nine man um the pals dominated top to bottom um Zion actually played very well too got to get a early rest so did be even though he managed to get 41 points in only three

Quarters it was it was an awesome night man but it was a phenomenal performance you know um from him as well as CJ McCulla he was real high from 3-2 you know so it’s just one of them nights man where all three of your your top guys

Just had it going man and then you know all the the role players came in and they played huge as well man it was nothing you could do with the PS tonight man um this is a bad matchup for Toronto um no answer for Zion which led to them

You know trying to play off bi a little bit he got it going then you got CJ going like what do you do what do you do they they can’t really stop any of our guys and uh they didn’t really have a lot of offensive punch either uh they m

Thing is basically to score on fast breaks and we shut that down forced turnovers and scored a bunch of points off of turnovers on them so really put them at a disadvantage man uh but great game great game for the pals man they extend our winning streak to three you

Know and hopefully we can keep it going and we got a real tough matchup coming up in La against the Clippers man they’ve been playing awesome so uh this will be another another test for the pals but they starting off on the right foot winning the games they should win

And winning them in you know very impressive fashion yeah DC inde d man I was uh loving this game start to finish man it was uh and like you said bro um it is the Toronto Raptors but hey you got to beat these teams man when you have these

Teams to step up on the on the schedule uh you know you smack him down as hard as you can and keep him moving as we gear up uh for a really tough matchup against a very hot Clipper team so the Clippers are very hot nine and one over

The last 10 games Pelicans going up there playing oh yeah oh absolutely like he’s looking like Spurs kawhai right now man it’s crazy I know man and this that’s that’s what makes it so uh so intriguing that matchup coming up on I think it’s Wednesday uh Lex uh welcome on in the

Stream let’s hear from you what do you think about tonight’s uh win a smacking down the Raptors I know mo a lot of people say qwi was supposed to get this dub but like d alluded to this is what you this is how you handle these type of clubs what you

Think what’s up everybody how’s everybody doing all good we uh we missed you on the last one you know what I’m saying but uh U um yeah uh be I had a heck of a night um had a heck heck of a night um

Know kudos to him um he had it going uh much like uh I think he had another game where he hit like like six threes or something like that six and seven threes in another game um but this this kind of reminded me of that game um

But I mean the Raptors again you know you supposed to beat this team um they lost to OKC on last night double overtime so their legs were pretty shot I mean everybody played uh a lot of minutes so the pales came in with the right mindset the right definitely with the

Right mentality and they stuck it to him from the jump they stuck it to him and uh they kept their foot foot on the gas I mean they they didn’t have a chance so uh we we really took advantage of that uh because I mean obviously know it

Wasn’t a fresh team but still you still have to come in with the right mentality and and get a get the wins that you’re supposed to get so um I think really I mean just the way that the ball was moving um the players were moving um I

Actually saw Brandon and Zion playing off of each other um on tonight I think this is kind of like probably like like three out of the whole season maybe four where they’ve really played off each other working on that they stayed late after practice together working on them

Yeah but they got to continue to do it though you know what I’m saying cuz like it hasn’t been consistent as far as in games so I mean I was glad to see it a lot on today but again we got to have more you know what I’m saying um I I

Think it it’s been it’s been really apparent in uh in about maybe like three or four games out of out of all the games played this season um but yeah I mean it was I mean this was a great game it was a great game I mean everybody

Contributed um you know Trey um I don’t think uh because I know he’s been struggling but I was happy for him you know so he could see the ball go in the basket because uh definitely need him to you know get going um to help you know

Spread the floor more you know in future games and against better teams um you know uh yeah the the Raptors really they they didn’t have a chance um they they didn’t have any answer for the inside game obviously it was just a good overall game everybody contributed and you know

Like I said be had a heck of a night yeah this is awesome man I enjoyed these I’m not gonna lie to you this is no one of those no stress games man where everything just flows and then you feel the energy and know that man when

It was I think in in the second second quarter of the game I was like man this is going to be a blowout you had it you had the feeling that this was going to be a no stress just blowout game which is everything working for him and it was

Working for him especially be man when he hit those five three-pointers in a row the arena was lit I know the the F the fam was lit and this is just one of those games that you enjoy no heart attack game it was a relaxing blowout

Win by the pals against a inferior team and this is what you’re supposed to do them man if you’re trying to be a contender and this here lead all right so anyway let’s go from this this blowout win against this team to one of the hottest teams in the NBA

Right now which is the Los Angeles Clippers they’re 34 and 15 nine and one over the last 10 games and currently on the four game winning streak now we know that this series is tied the Pelicans got him in the first one 116 to 106 Clippers return the favor early in

January now we’re lined up on Wednesday this is going to be a n 9 pm uh Central Time game here and our times of night it’s goingon to be a little late but the but this is going to be a really interesting game the Clippers are nine

19 and four at home and let’s see how we can do this so start with you Lex let’s talk about this game this is g to be a real good one here pelic is the clipers what needs to happen I’m I’mma add to that they are

26 of um they’ve won 26 out of their last 31 games since I think December 5th or something like they have really been on a chair they really have um they’ve they’ve they’ve found their stride they’ve polished up their identity and they know who they are they know what

They trying to do and really it’s like I mean this they’re playing like they they are an Allstar team like literally because they they have a lot of stars on their team um multiple MVP players were yeah uh for regular season on their squad so um this game is not going to be

Easy this this really is not going to be easy um but definitely number one thing gotta have energy gota you know you gotta bring it from the jump um definitely gota gotta try to slow uh slow them down um especially Kawai but you know obviously you got two

Other guys that can that can really uh put up numbers even if you you’re covering you know other guys well this is going as far as defense it’s going to be a team effort is going to be a team effort um can’t can’t make a lot of mistakes cannot make a lot of

Mistakes I mean this is one of those games where obviously um the pals have been doing well as far as controlling the turnovers but everything is going to count this game is going to be very important because the Clippers are actually like right there we’re in cahoots with them

Right like I think yeah so this game is very important I I wouldn’t be surprised if uh this had a playoff type atmosphere to it because that’s how serious this this game is right now um really got to be locked in really got to be locked in mentally um hopefully

The game plan I don’t don’t I don’t know how they’re going to set up the game plan but you know again um they are going to be vulnerable down low um I think we definitely have to be on the attack mode but you also know that they can get hot like collectively

From behind the ark and that’s basically what happened the last time because they they they can put the ball up I mean you’re talking about you know what Brandon did on tonight you know hitting what eight eight threes and you now multiply that by three you know

What I’m saying that’s how many guys they have that can do just that so we we definitely have to um guard the three push them push them off the um you know off the line and and make them drive but be ready to uh to double uh rotate

You know you know have that timing right as far as rotating and collapsing you like when someone’s uh coming coming into the lane um there’s a lot of things we got to watch out for man I mean really everything the our shot has to be falling we

Cannot have one of those games where the ball is not dropping for us so that is very key because we know that that’s happened to this team before um that Ball’s got to fall it’s got to fall for us and then we just have to play some Stellar

Defense and really got to have a little bit of luck hope the ball doesn’t fall for them too much so I think I think those are the keys to the game but this is going to be a very competitive game playoff atmosphere for sure no doubt no doubt well we’re

Actually a few games back of the Clippers though we like uh they 34 and 15 we 29 and 21 so still pretty close um one through four is a grid lock with everybody you know the Clippers right there at three 35 wins 35 wins 34 35 you

Know um they looking at this game and I’m pretty sure they gon they gon they gonna be looking to not K this one up man um especially uh they’re probably going to feel confident after what they were able to do to us last time played but um kawh Leonard

Obviously is uh is the guy right now he’s he’s on a tear with the Clippers um I mean just playing awesome man one of the most efficient players in the league hits tough shots hits him at a high rate uh their version of Brandon engam you know he got that little mid-range game

Too working at MJ old school MJ game and uh will light you up from three and he’s actually playing like Kawai in Spurs still defensively as well so you know you got that added Dynamic to what he does um this this is the guy right here man um

You gotta find a way to slow him down know they do have James Harden you got Paul jars and for the love of God please do not leave Norman power open in the corner anymore I’m still having nightmares about that we just kept leaving him open in

The corner man he just kept hitting shots um you got zubot who might out so maybe we have an opportunity for big V to get going um I think he’s always somewhat of a wild card for us because you have certain teams where you can

Really utilize big V and he can be a very gamechanging Factor if he can get it going but the way Zion is playing right now too um last time we played the Clippers I don’t think Zion had the confidence and just the rhythm that he’s in right now man looking at him tonight

He he looked like he’s um he’s just about back you know that the 88 to 91% or whatever he looks like he’s about 100% he didn’t slimmed up a little bit I see more of that explosiveness um obviously it’s matchup depending because per purle couldn’t do

Nothing with him but it’s just like Zion can get whatever he wants on the court right now and you got be hopefully this isn’t a mirage what I saw tonight um you know you had the whole trade bi talk because he would never shoot threes round Zion know people always been

Saying that for years but I mean he he put up 10 of them here eight tonight and 41 and three quarters I don’t think he’s just gonna cool off going to La another place where he’s comfortable you know played all his beginning of his career with LA there

So if bi can keep playing the way he is and CJ also this is it’s a tough matchup for us but just as much as we have to be I guess aware of their big three because you know James Harden could get it going Paul George could get it going Kawai can

Get it cooking I think the same goes for us so the PS the way they played tonight even though was Toronto Raptors understand it but when the pals play the way that they play tonight turning defense to offense getting turnovers getting a lot of points off of turnovers passing the ball around taking

Your open shot not overthinking it actually having intensity energy effort defensively um not messing up their rotations didn’t see no back Cuts or nothing T night lower quality opponent but the same principes still apply when the pals play Team ball man and they do the simple things we got all the flashy

Stuff so a lot of times with us uh we get away from what works we go into playing hero ball overthinking things uh jacking up shots without you know our key guys really touching the ball you didn’t see any of that tonight so they got uh they gotta play with the the seword

Right Lex gotta have some some consistency maybe they heard you you know well I mean Still Still Still gota because the thing is you know the teams because we just played went on the road played some really good teams and we saw the differences in those games

We got back in the win column and you know we we gotta we gotta close that Gap you know what I’m saying go definitely gotta close that Gap but yeah um you know we got we got three games in a row but the tests the the true tests are

Coming so it’s wa to see after the Clippers I think we got uh let’s see we might have one more real tough game and I think we get a little bit of a break you know it starts to lighten up you know so if the pals I think if they if

They can beat the Clippers man we might be able to go on a real get a real winning streak going the Lakers so we got we got the Lakers I would love to at least just at least have a 10 a 10 game winning streak you know they can they can do it

I I don’t think they gonna do it I want them to do it but I think yeah I want them to too you what I’m saying I I because I’d like to get past I’d like to get past four games we’ve won four games in a row before we’ve done that I think

Either two maybe three times we haven’t gone past that so I would love for this team to like like rack up wins you know past that number like way past that number well I think they got a chance with uh you know the the the Lakers and then

After that the Trailblazers you got uh the Grizzlies on Fat Tuesday you know what I’m saying you got a backto back well not really you got the um a couple of days off in between that with the Wizards Rockets heat Bulls um when do the allstar break start

Family I think I want to say It’s usually the weekend of MJ’s birthday which is like the 16th 17th 18th it may off by like one of those days but okay well you know what Valentine’s Day is on the 14th which is a Wednesday so it might be following that following weekend

February the 18th ststar game itself but you know that that falls on that weekend uh it’s listed as February the 18 uh February what is it February the 17 is Valentine’s Day correct February 14th no 14th that’s on a Wednesday okay shout out to DC I know it’s movie coming out

So I just wanted to give him a I didn’t know I didn’t know I had a comedy coming out I don’t find anything funny it’s not comedy DC it’s it’s a biopic bro you know you did a really man got shot have some respect bro listen hold on here I didn’t I

Had with you brother about what you did bro was in that car with the kids brother kind of upset about what you was doing bro with the joint man them kids seeing the shower posy around there shooting people up man they needed they needed some relief DC crazy man all right so you

Realize in other countries the grow up a lot faster baby in our CH man doing they got that car man yes indeed all right anyway but yeah February the 18th Sunday February 18th of 7 p.m. is the allstar game itself so I mean we have Lex you talk about a 10

Game winning streak Pelicans uh have the Clippers on Wednesday the Lakers uh who what on Friday and uh then they have Portland and then Memphis so I mean I I it’ll be I wouldn’t bet on it but it’s possible Pelicans can go through some of these

Games man and then of course what on the 14th we have uh the Wizards matchup we got Wizards we the Pelicans come off the road uh with the four games and then they match up with the Wizards and then I think we go right to they probably

Gonna be uh a skeleton by the time we get get them man they got all them people up there they trying to pull off any trade they could get over there the wz yeah might not even look to same I think they offered some a couple somebody offered a couple of first for

Uh what his name tyus Jones Lakers uh I was like they got the memo not trade not trade with the Lakers man I think they boycotting the Lakers again and [ __ ] I think they I think they first and the second I think that was but that always happens like obviously

When the trade line trade deadline gets closer you know guys tend guys tend to play differently than they did like you know when it wasn’t creeping upon you so you know I mean you going to get that I mean it happens all the time it happens year I mean look at D’Angelo so

Like if they decide not to trade him you know what’s gonna be funny if he goes back to how he was playing goes back to you know what I’m saying like cause it’s like they can’t do nothing I’m here you know what I’m saying like ain’t nothing happening now

Because they everything is done so I just think it’s kind of funny because you know he’s really came on and been doing it scene but it’s like is that a trick you know what I’m saying yeah every every year man it seems like the Lakers man they’re trying

To do something for the trade deadline I remember what was that last year when they they were able to get vanderbelt and all these other I’m like yeah I was like how were they able to get all of these point oh and they also got uh ruy too they got

Ruy they got him way before the trade deadline they got him like early January they did all all that and still couldn’t do nothing and they still need more help 22 and 25 DC they on a three- game winning streak brother is the most most goddamn needy team I ever seen in my

Life I guarantee you de when the playoffs start guess who’s gonna be sitting up in there it’s definitely gonna be LeBron and you know how it go bro you know you know how it goes the Lakers Le LeBron wearing New York Knicks towers around around his neck man I

Don’t think he too Happ right now what’s going on over there he trying to take his talents and bronnie somewhere else or at least he threatening him to do so to get him that dud that guy there man I’m not gonna miss this about LeBron when he I’m serious bro that dude’s

There man that dude drama every goddamn speaking of that let’s let’s touch on this uh Lexa we was communicating about this uh Mel trade speculation you know um it was an article from Bleacher Report that came out that was talking about this and we let let’s talk about

This fam M Bridges trade rumors Pelicans known to have made serious offer to the Nets now I’m not I don’t know I’m not sure but let let’s cover it just the offer right let’s go okay was the Pelicans reportedly known to have made a serious offer for Brooklyn that’ss Ford

M Bridges according to the action networks Matt Moore he says the Nets received offers of five first round picks for Brees but the Pelicans were quote likewise rebuffed end quote Moore noted that he’s skeptical of the claims that the Pelicans offered such a high price for Bridges quote two League

Sources said the Nets have claimed multiple offers of five first rounders for Bridges but pretty skeptical on that front end quote and then he said one it might have been five first with swaps or heavily protected picks right and if the offer was really five first why share

That and they continue to say that they’re not interested in trading them you know what that sound like you go sound like that sound like a woman saying I can marry any man I want and she’s still single that’s what it sound like to you like in here oh

Lord why it got to be a relationship type stuff analogi you may buy hamburgers or something you know I’m say I’m not hungry or chip tra some Goods or something talk about the goods you was going do that bro I’m just saying they talking all that but ain’t nothing happening so you you

You could get all these picks but you’re not gonna trade them that don’t make no sense man well this is the thing now Bridges averages almost 22 might as well said 22 points a game and and almost four assists per contest right uh and they’re saying that the Pelicans rumored

Offered multiple picks for but you know they said the Athletics couple of people incl including Shams said that Houston Rockets also offered Brooklyn a handful of first round picks for Bridges but the Nets have zero interest in dealing him now it’s not clear at this point whether Bridges will

Be on the move before that deadline but the 27 year old will be looking to keep us keep up his production for the rest of the season now me personally I’mma y’all give y’all y’all takes on this one here at the end of the game y’all y’all

Start trying to shut it down no nobody shutting you Downy bro you just fir from left field on that one listen that’s what it sound like to me so listen all I’m saying about about this is when they were interviewing C.J McCulla at the end

Of the game and he talked about he made mention of the trade deadline he didn’t say any names but he said with the trade de deadline coming up you want to make sure you enjoy your teammates this type of stuff all this so he does understand that there’s going to be some movement

Because the Pelicans have to do something with valunas fam we’re days we’re days from it we’re like three days from uh you know uh the deadline right so I mean something we haven’t heard anything about them sitting down at the table and and working something out from

A pay you know from a contract standpoint it is almost a certainty we looking at did we hear with CJ McCulla I’m sorry did we hear anything when we got CJ Mulla we uh did we have there was some Rumblings going on hypothetical trades out there from what I remember just like

Are you hear any of this remember uh it was between CJ McCullum and dearn fox yeah but all of it all of it was hypothetical though like just like what we seeing now it wasn’t no real like oh the Pelicans are seriously interested in CJ McCulla it was all these like us with

Uh Jared Allen and you’re hearing this guy I was gonna be like that until it was the same thing same thing but DC I mean you gotta admit that this valat chunis thing is a little bit more concrete oh no no no I mean that’s been going on for years and

You know contract is up so it’s hard to say because I mean the thing is it’s just like with the scoot Henderson thing there was so much energy and talk about that but nothing happened and it seems like that’s yeah but I’m just saying like as

Far as just the rumor like it was very it was a Hot Topic yeah it was match MoneyWise talent wise it just it didn’t make any sense weal at all we were covering that at the time remember we were covering that when everybody was going to the left we was saying man

That’s some B that’s a bunch of bull man that is not going to happen you had proven guy for and everybody was sounds like man that’s that that is absolutely stupid then you had ESPN doing it but remember I was pointing this out sh shiria he came out with that stuff was

And I was shocked the really the real insiders like the ones that’s really respectable the top-notch ones like an Adrian wowski or what’s I forgot the other guy’s name but the real ones at the top that really know I mean he he been D He he’ll put

Out something that you know that that’ll be kind of faulty but W Janowski to me his his data the stuff that he be doing yeah he he’s more consistent I was that’s but I was surprised when Shams came out with that because I was like dang man that was really bad because he

Started that whole thing yeah I’m like why would you do that c I actually like you up until that point I was like oh okay well D was getting all type of FaceTime with McAfee when he was talking about that Zion Williams Zion yeah all that I was like

Dude this is all Bs and I got on there and I start cooking the SPN we start talking about that the real insiders are not saying anything when you have these people like Stephen A Smith and they up there just straight up lying about stuff

This is happening he don’t want to be in New Orleans he’s not gonna sign a deal and he just and it’s just no sources no information no nothing I was like this dude’s approving allance every chance he yeah this dudee I said this dude’s a proven liar man that’s all he does is

Just lie to get views for ESPN for Zion Willi saying this something like when the new Cycles get slow they start going at the Pelicans and that’s so it’s so very clear because they don’t cover the Pelicans when the Pelicans kicking ass but when the Pelicans when they start

Having problems of Zion struggles here or there here they come it never fails and like I was saying about they started remember the guy DC that goes to Wendy’s and eat remember what he said he was sitting up there saying uh uh well you

Know he he such Dave Thomas no no no he might know Dave Thomas he might know oh Wendy wait what his name is Lex I’m sorry I look I was saying about know leec no look you should have spelled that out Wendy no I said the guy that eats at Wendy’s

That’s that’s what I was saying okay got you okay I get I get what you saying now my bad he eat at a little more than Wendy bro that’s all he eat is Wendy I think he more than that he got a that’s the appetizer know he gone three number ones that’s the

Appetizer brother but listen all I’m saying is at the end of the day they’ve been caught out there lying and about the Pelicans a lot the scoop Henderson thing was complete just [ __ ] excuse my French and we called that I was like man this is dis just distasteful this is

Just wretched this is awful that they just cooking up this stuff and doing all this and then when H and when it came what happened not a damn thing and everybody saying Q y’all wrong they gonna trade them I’m like for who but when it passed I was like I told y’all

Man you got to look at how these people do like they’ll you know they’ll get together but watch the real insiders information like when you Stephen A Smith stupid ass sit up there and talk about Zion doesn’t want to be here and he he has aent wowski on the panel on

The show watch him he doesn’t say anything about that he’s not hearing any he’s not going and you know he’ll chime in if he hears something he don’t hear he a hear anything the real insiders are quiet when them other dudes is up there talking about rumor veal this and rumor

Veal that I remember the guy from Wendy’s was he gave a disclaimer on this stuff we recorded all that for the show so like I said man we know how we know the blueprint of the template when they start lying about the Pelicans because they don’t talk about them unless they

Struggling unless there’s a slow news cycle so but that eventually is going to change when Pelicans start kicking some tail and we gonna We gonna start seeing that happen so it’s just what it is man we cook them people supposed to give up five picks and and what player we was

Attaching with these five Pi that’s what I wanted to get to and and I and I want you to chime in too I want I want Lex to chime in but because listen all I’m saying is it might not be five picks for it but the stuff C circulating around

Bridges Milwaukee Bucks picks because they look like they gonna be worth [ __ ] but the but the bridges thing get I don’t know if I would go for bridg I like Bridges but like we saying if and I really don’t think there’s nothing to this but y’all chime in on this if if

Bridges if they’re interested in bridges and any sort of way of bringing them here how would that work with bi I don’t think that works with bi I don’t think so I’m thinking that this if you’re bringing in bridges that could mean bi is gone that’s what I’m thinking y’all

Y’all share your thoughts and in the chat as well go ahead Lex bi tra or herb or a combination of two and one stays um how else do you pull a trade off I don’t see no other way man I mean you give them a combination of what JV and and herb

Maybe um do they take that JV and Herb if he got five first round picks I would imagine uh man we a g no five first round picks bro what major player did they get for Kevin Durant so you mean to tell me we gonna be like that I’m just saying like um

They got they got Bridges and and Thomas for KD right so piece of what you got for KD you flip piece of that into five more picks I don’t know man um I think Mel by itself uh you doing that with bi and five picks that don’t sound like a [ __ ]

Exchange so to me it would have to be a combination of other guys not including bi if the five pick things were true what you think Lex um I mean I think I think it would have to be bi just for the mere fact that I

Think the Nets are going to want a starter and not only that I mean obviously they consider Michel Bridges I mean as a as a key piece so if you are giving up a key piece what do you think they want a key piece so I mean and plus he he’s a

Starter um as far as as the averages uh shooting average um you know he’s right there with with bi but one thing that I was looking at is that I don’t know if you all knew this but over the we the Nets made uh Nicholas Claxton available for

Trade and before when they did that you know you didn’t hear anything but I think because the pales are looking for a shot blocking big you know Le you might be on to something hey let me finish um I think that is what makes getting Mel and Nicholas

Claxton as much as I do like JV just saying the scenario like bi and um and then like if you’re throwing in a few picks or a young player like Dyson Daniels you know that would sweeten up the deal that’s too much in my opinion yeah

I know but I’m just saying like again you’re talking about JV right everybody’s been talking about you know that’s been in the works and been the Talk of the Town and so you know if you can get two key players I mean because again with bi being aail um being up for that

Contract extension just what he’s doing now it’s not it’s not worth that contract and that’s going to put the pales back if if if if they are to give him that contract extension that would put the pales back like by decade like if if they like it it would

Almost be like a Solomon Hill if they decided to want to trade Brandon within that contract that’s that’s a little extreme Solomon Hill well no I’m just saying like in comparison as far as the the size of the contract you you got to think about that the size of that

Contract I mean think about like if if if you traded like Jaylen Brown somewhere who’s going to if you if cont it’s like aund something million less than what Jaylen Brown’s getting like if if you did sign him and you decided you wanted to move on I think

That contract is still easily movable um but I do like you mentioning Nick Claxton and now that I’m thinking about it when the pals had all there was no noise really about CJ but you remember what the noise was was the noise was about Norman Powell Norman Powell was playing for the

Blazers they had a lot of noise about us getting Norman pow and we wound up with CJ McCulla what if you got all this Mel Bridges noise but the pals are really over there trying to figure out a way to get Nicholas Claxton because they always gonna throw up smoke

Screens but Nicholas Clon for 20 to 25 million like I’m looking up here I like him but I don’t want him no more if that’s true I don’t think he’s worth well I ain’t gonna say he not worth that maybe to a certain team but for what

We’re trying to do we we can’t afford that because the whole reason to get away from JV is so you can keep your core guys together if you’re gonna keep bi Trey her Zion everybody you know uh Larry trying to keep all these guys together

Hold on D let me jump in there man that’s very interesting there because uh J Black’s asking about do they think uh do we believe JV wants to resign around 20 million a year um if you look at some of the people the Pelicans were looking at that were serious about like Jared

From yeah Jared from Cleveland bro his contract’s 20 million a year I think they wanted a younger R Rim protection guy that’s then they cool with paying him 20 million a year so that’s I guess they figured J get older right that and that’s the thing it’s like jv’s getting older um

They’re looking for a rim protecting big and they they’re comfortable playing around uh playing or paying around this $20 million a year so you see Nicks clason expect expected to command this amount of money uh Jared Allen already makes 20 million a year so I mean it

Kind of fits you know so and they don’t have to pay trade this year either I know a lot lot of people TR extension which I think it would make more sense especially how up and down he’s been to try to extend him this year if you can

But um they don’t have to pay him this year they don’t have to do anything with be to [ __ ] but obviously if you decide you want to move on for be that definitely messes up a lot of your leverage with other teams to see you trying to trade him in the last year’s

Contract but um man I I guess maybe you call me a dreamer I I ain’t trading B for nothing short of a a superstar man like um trading him for Mel Bridges in my opinion is a downgrade but I understand that the dynamic of what Mel does I

Think it still works with the team and we would be extremely successful but he’s he’s not a better player and to pass package him with other people and picks and all of that man we getting raped if it was a straight up trade I still wouldn’t want to do it but I would

Say okay I get it but to have to trade him and add other stuff other than just philli for the salary I I get it if we trade him and uh you get back CLA them but then you pay them 20 million I don’t know man I don’t know

Where that really puts us and moving off from JV I don’t see how we get rid of JV and actually get better I just the options that they got out there it’s like okay maybe Jared Allen Nicholas Claxton I like what he does as a rim

Protector love to have him on a team not for 2025 million but if you get rid of JV and you place him there this does that make us a better team really I don’t I’m not I don’t know about the bridge go go ahead Lex no I’m

Just saying I moved on from Bridges I don’t I don’t think that’s real I mean it’s really hard to say because the the identity of the team is just it’s not clear um and we we’ve talked about this before about you know just the different things that that um that this team has

Problems with because I mean obviously you know the problems are really maxed by when we win games but when we lose I mean you can you can see them like a sore thumb and I think that’s the thing is like you know because you like we said even with Willie Green

And his coaching you know you trade anybody here it’s like we still got a problem because he doesn’t make you know the proper adjustments and and different things and his rotations are still horrible um the identity is up and down still which makes it hard to have a um Clear

Vision of okay well who do we want to trade and how are we going to incorporate them in the lineup or what rotations are we going to use I just think there’s there’s so many things that you know other things that makes it hard to determine what piece what what is that missing

Piece I mean I know we talk about having a point guard but it’s like okay well who’s that point guard and then if we do get a point guard who’s to say that we’re really going to use that point guard properly and not you know really stick him stick him in the

Corner so I mean it’s it it’s just think think about it this way look how long it took the Pelicans to use JV the correct way because we weren’t even using them for real you know Lex you’re right and remember I posed this question to the family members like are they using them

The correct way so we can get his trade value up so we can move them out of here to pump his stats because it don’t make any sense like we professional basketball coach and a professional staff around them of guys that were in the NBA and had multiple years of

Coaching experience should know how to utilize their players against other teams and you’ll see some nights where valat chunis man would have it gone and then they would just go away from him and I is it was you know like what was the game what was the Boston game what

Theid game was the Boston game the Boston G that happens pretty often bigad I’m sorry I was talking over you what you said no I said some nice that happens pretty often big you well don’t get Le started on it been happening for about two years and it

Continues to Happ know don’t get Lex started on Willie DC what are you doing here I mean it’s not all willly I think some of that’s on the play I’m just trying to speak facts man you know everybody sees it it’s not just me

You know I mean I know I see what you’re saying I agree with you I’m saying like like I mean because it is a problem I mean you know I mean it is I mean I hate to say but I mean it is I don’t I don’t want to like be up here

You know just oh yeah Willie’s great you know he’s gonna take us far in the playoffs and you know he’s doing great on his adjustments on his rotations he’s doing perfect you know what I’m saying you recorded that here we go every time let say something play that

Back oh yeah just in case anyone up being okay that’s in the recording right okay I’m G cut that part out of it okay but this is but this is the thing though we we you’re right on Willie Willie is uh man wow but yeah one by 40 tonight man give him a

Break man but we’ve been doing that most of our wins have been blowout wins we’ve only had one uh uh close game that was against the Spurs how many blowout wins did we have one and sixing three points or less uh yeah it’s the game’s determined by three points or

Less DC come on now I remember when we had Solomon Hill in the starting lineup alri Co I cannot sit up here act like Willie is not just Solomon Hill I mean I understand we can improve you know uh it’s it’s things that uh he doesn’t do correctly at times but you

Know I still have faith in him that he can change or they can put the right people around are you ready for this DC oh [ __ ] I got some so remember remember last season when Kyra Kyra didn’t get no play and then the the playin game came against OKC and

Toronto and he finally played them and everybody was like okay what you you haven’t played them in weeks and you’re GNA put them in important game like this the year before that for me it was Tony Snell but he he fixed it and put Trey Murphy out there finally oh and we made

It and we made it to the playoffs Lex you know if Zion wasn’t hurt probably would have been able to overtake uh the Suns you know what you talking about man what you talking about hey I’m I’m just saying man don’t pee in Willis conflict that’s all he

Saying man W by 40 we we gotta make a rule man we can’t talk bad by Willie when the Pelicans won by 40 30 25 points stuff like that we gota we gotta uh that’s right drown drown we gotta show some joy out Lex where is your joy what is your compassion oh

Goodness we supposed to be in this together look you know what I’ll tell you where my concernful is okay she didn’t created a whole another Banner concernful all right who is it yeah well yeah and tonight but you know what it’s awesome though man we we

Still have a lot to to look at but 29 to 21 the Pelicans are currently man one game off of 30 and they you know we jostling in between positions between the the fifth spot to the seventh spot so you know they they’re in there but

This is going to be a good uh matchup against the Clippers and listen I mean after that tough January slated games they have to have learned something man they had that difficult stretch of games in January man to get them ready for February not not the most difficult big Q I just want

Theough a whole league in January man and that’s what I’m saying though DC it was a difficult stretch of games that ultimately they finished eight and seven on that has to count for something especially how it feels like a walk in the park for the month of February bro

It got that was crazy man what they went through and they were eight and seven now they could have got the Boston match up too but in the end they have they have to have learned something we got some traps in February I I wouldn’t say walk in the park but I guess

Techan SCH is the schedule together must be relatively easy but we got back to back with the Pacers you know we do play the Heat you know you got the 76ers in there the Hawks who we can’t seem to beat recently for some reason you got the Cavaliers

After the Hawks and then you play the Clippers after that Trailblazers Nets magic who’s been a h killes Hill for us at times and you end oh wait I’m tripping I’m going all the way in March I’m telling you what what are you doing all right so anyway listen we gonna get

To so anyway shout out yeah DC TI man he been doing playing good D been playing playing this good tall night he tied man talking real L and shut all the window curtains see yeah I know that’s why I tell him you need to stop singing and play his

Goddamn goodar that’s why I tell him man let me be off key if I want to be you can’t be off key D it’s his movie it’s his movie tell me how to be man we gotta let him do him you know what I’m saying we

Gotta let him do him trying to make me a political prisoner again what’s wrong with you all right all right so anyway we gonna get out on that listen I appreciate all y’all for chiming in except for send the episode of Pelican post G report much love to the flock

Please feel free to hit the like button hit the Subscribe button and b means feel free to share the show on your social media feed Pelicans Hammer destroy take apart the Toronto Raptors 138 to 100 we’ll be back on Wednesday that’s right Wednesdays the Pelicans have a much difficult match up against

Them now Clippers it’s going to be a really really tough and interesting game it’s gonna be fun at don’t do the B Bo man it’s not going to be fun if it’s going to be a blowout loss [Laughter] no oh my [Laughter] goodness it’s all right man we gonna

Stop we gonna get off we gonna get off right now all my peop up in here sh body in the chat all right yo the H that that’s right the ho that your onstop shot for everything do all the saints do all the Pelicans LSU Tigers even the Top Flight

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Dive into the heart of the action with Big Q, DC, and Lexxah on the Pelican Postgame Report (PPR) as they break down the electrifying home game between the New Orleans Pelicans and the Toronto Raptors at the Smoothie King Center. This episode, “PPR Final: Pelicans vs Raptors Recap,” brings you detailed analysis, key highlights, and insightful commentary on the game’s pivotal moments.

Hear directly from Head Coach Willie Green and other notable figures in the postgame press conference, providing you with insider perspectives and reactions. But that’s not all—our hosts will also set the stage for the Pelicans’ upcoming clash with the Los Angeles Clippers, offering predictions, strategies, and what to watch for in this anticipated matchup.

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  1. Are we still trading BI I'm confused who we get for him that's gonna move the needle … seems like with time BI and Z can work . BI shot profile tonight was 🔥

  2. BI finally played with the shot profile that the coaches wanted him to with taking more 3s. He has the ability but when his first 2 don't fall he falls back into his comfort zone of dribbling too much & taking the midrange jumper.
    We will see how he does against a very good Clipper team & a good, long defensive team in the Lakers. I hope he doesn't revert back into his comfort zone of short shots. You pay last night's BI but you question paying a version of him that doesn't listen to his coaches.

  3. I hate the whole shot profile argument going on in today's game. A bucket is a bucket. B.I. greatness is minimized by this flawed logic. You want 3's– sign players to catch and shoot off of B.I. and Zion. To hold B.I. as the problem due to his shot selection is asinine. B.I. is a Pels Legend.

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