@Boston Celtics

Xavier Tillman FIRST Celtics Interview Since Trade

Xavier Tillman FIRST Celtics Interview Since Trade

Okay questions for Xavier so uh let just walk through like the trade how’d you find out about it what do you think about it uh I got a call from Zach uh after I went in for like a you know just a typical workout session and he just kind of give me the

Breakdown like yeah you’re uh we’re going to trade you off to Boston and he was just telling me how much he appreciated me and and I appreciated him for just being open and honest with everything and me not finding out on Twitter and all that good stuff so it

Was pretty good that’s going to be like an accomplishment nowadays not find about to trade on Twitter yeah I mean cuz that’s your life and and you got to you got to move and stuff like that so it’s it’s good to hear you know from the

Boss instead of you know from the out I right and you’ve got three three kids y three kids married yeah yeah so this is going to be a little bit of a challenge for you yeah we got to get adjust it to it we got to find uh know new schooling

And all that stuff but uh I want to bring my family up as soon as I can so we want to do that you know pretty quickly how are you doing uh healthwise right now I know you’re having a couple games last week you go do you you going

To kind of EAS in here with yeah I still I still have some time to to feel better with my my left knee stuff like that so I’m I don’t have a timeline we actually just getting here meeting with the trainers and stuff like that so we we’ll

Go through it pretty soon here did you uh hear from Marcus at all about coming here Marcus marus uh he was just telling me about his experience here I haven’t talked to him since I’ve been traded um but um yeah he the main thing he told me

Is very similar to Memphis in terms of the grit and the grind and how hard you know you have to work for the fans you know appreciation stuff like that and once you do show that you’re willing to hustle you know they’re going to love

You after that so I love it what does it mean to you is to be Celtic uh it’s crazy um to be honest with you um I’ve always watched the Celtics in terms of just the winning history of it right you know back with kg and all that stuff and then seeing

These guys repeatedly go to the Eastern Conference Finals all the time I’m always you know locked in on on that so um for me to get the opportunity to be part of a winning organization um it’s pretty awesome has has BR or anybody explained kind of the RO they see for

You on the team uh kind of being similar to what I what I’ve been doing um you know great on defense great at moving the ball great at screen setting great at rebounding and stuff like that I don’t think I’m inventing the wheel here how big have how difficult this year in

Memphis all the injuries you guys had all the kind of things you were going through there just how did that kind of not just your playing the FL but everybody’s this year in terms of that you were doing yeah I mean I can’t imagine I ever run into a team again

Where we have at one time 13 of the roster guys out with injury um it was crazy for sure with the injuries but you know as far as the guys themselves you know I loved everyone over there for sure have you already started looking at how they do things on defense here how

Big an that’s going to be for you if you talking to about that yeah I mean coming out of a film session that’s something that that I was learning and stuff like that the new nuances and how they like to operate and stuff like that um it’ll

Take it’ll take a little bit but I don’t think it’ll be too long or too hard for me to get adjusted to it for sure thank you

BRIGHTON — Xavier Tillman spoke to reporters for the first time since the Grizzlies traded him to the Celtics. Tillman spoke about how big of an adjustment it’ll be learning Boston’s system. Xavuier dealt with knee soreness at the end of his time with the Grizzlies and just met with Boston’s training staff. He is unclear yet if he’ll play tonight.


  1. I wish him the best, but just "going back" to KG years tells me that's not that "into" our history and basketball tradition . Hope he proves me wrong and ended up being a great adition :),

  2. Great defender. Hopefully he gets minutes in the playoffs, he locked up AD last year we need a guy who can be physical against other athletic bigs like he can. We just lack that off the bench, Luke gets out worked and killed on the glass and Queta just doesn’t know how to defend without fouling and looks lost at times out there, so hes a great addition.

  3. Dude doesn’t sound like I thought he would. Very soft spoken. I thought he would have a James Earl Jones thing going on.

  4. Although I’m not from Boston, but rather NYC, I have higher respect for the Mecca of basketball. If I may, I played ball division, one, the cage in Rucker Park, and my favorites were always up in Boston, especially Larry Byrd. So when I root for the Celtics my wish for the players are if they are feeling down just look up at the raftersand see all those championships and retired numbers. And as Derek Jeter would say, the ghost will come in Yankee Stadium. Welcome to Boston and go get another championship.

  5. My god do we need this guy. Need another big, strong body to throw at Giannis. Tillman also seems like an extremely nice guy. Win-Win in my book.

  6. Tatum – Jordan
    Brown – Pippen
    PP – Steve Kerr
    Jrue – Ron Harper lite
    KP – LL with cheat code
    XT – Rodman?

  7. Very well spoken guy, seems very intelligent. Could see this guy in coaching or in media after his career

  8. I’ve been watching some of the grizzlies playoffs this last couple seasons pretty solid pick up you know I feel like he’s gonna compete and bring us some toughness that we need.

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