@Toronto Raptors

Jakob Poeltl, RJ Barrett and Immanuel Quickley LEAD Big Win | Raptors vs Rockets Recap

Jakob Poeltl, RJ Barrett and Immanuel Quickley LEAD Big Win | Raptors vs Rockets Recap

Whitmore loses the dribble Scotty here’s RJ looks around shovel pass quickly let’s Thompson fly bys it up and knocks it down no more trade talk until the summer folks it’s all just basketball from here on out and while we did get to speak to Kelly oin and oay abaji the latest

Acquisitions for the Toronto Raptors they did not play tonight against the Houston Rockets despite that the Raptor Rockets game had a little bit of everything a reunion a lot of Canadian flavor a blowout and then a nail-biting finish that showed the Hallmarks of a young team as the Raptors pulled off the

W I mean it’s a good win for us um and it’s at the same time it’s a learning experience like being in a in a game like that um when it comes down to the wire cleaning up those uh mistakes on defense cleaning up um like even

Rebounds at the end of the game they kind of like kept them in the game a little bit uh getting a little bit better organized um stuff like that um yeah Fred Van vet made his return to Toronto and while he didn’t suit up he did receive a tribute video and a

Standing ovation in a touching moment but the Raptors could have probably used van vet tonight as Toronto was in control pretty much throughout jumping out to a 14-point lead after the first quarter and leading by as much as 22 throughout Emanuel quickley and RJ Barrett took turns cooking the rockets

On offense and defense Ely yakob purle looked as Stout as ever registering three Steals and six blocks on the night purle especially was great in limiting alut and shangan to seven points and seven rebounds and shenon was benched in the fourth quarter of the game everybody

Uh they just stepped up uh I think we in the first half he had 27 deflections we had 13 steals we created 21 points off of off of those uh Steels so that’s something that we’re going to continue to build um and time that looked like

For us that we have a little bit of um uh fatigue then then we slowed down we missed a couple of layups or wide open shots we just got a continue building that stamina on both ends of the floor quickly and RJ combined for an efficient 46 points meanwhile Scotty baren

Struggled from the field shooting just 25% but nearly finished with a triple double despite the good game from the Raptors as a whole Houston still made this one interesting in the fourth quarter thanks to the Canadian Dylan Brooks who poured in three threes late in the game finishing with 20 points to

Cut the Raptor’s lead to just one I told guys like we just need to learn how to close those games you know what it takes how to execute how to you know get that extra rebound that we need uh it it came down to last couple of possessions that

We needed to to get a stop uh it’s going to be really good film for us to to watch and then learn now the Raptors still escaped with a win and have one two in row which means if they pull off the next one against the Cavaliers they

Get a pizza party ladies and gentlemen the three game curse is over now for the film room tonight I wanted to talk about the offensive connection that’s developing between yaka Purtle and both RJ Barrett and Emanuel quickly the connection between yaka ptle and RJ Barrett is really really developing and

It starts with these empty side actions where RJ can kind of slip into space he has that downhill momentum and these nice left-handed pocket passes to yakob for finishes a similar idea here but it just looks very different it’s not an empty side pick and roll it’s not even a

Pick and roll at all but you look at RJ catching it in motion you know this get action to get RJ going downhill he’s able to get downhill draw a bunch of attention get past his man get the help and then a nice dump off to yakup for

The finish and RJ is great at creating his own shot in these moments too so here he is a attacking the close out again he draws help but he can use that right hand this was such a nice pass in the moment uh the Rockets were making a

Bit of a run and just a beautiful recognition by RJ to dump it off to yakob for the Finish again now for quickly it looks a little bit different but most of the results are pretty much the same instead of trying to Barrel into the rim IQ yakob screens try to

Open up IQ in the middle of the floor where he can get into his potent floater game this time he kind of high screen and roll nice skip pass to Grady who pump dump and then nice triple here great great shot by Grady there see him reject the screen here and then get

Downhill nice deceleration thinks about it and then a nice pass right here pick and roll here between yakob and this is where yakob can really open up iq’s you know finishing game in that floater range look at IQ able to get his Defender in jail because of the yakob

Screen and so he’s able to settle into this floater and so I asked coach Darko rakovic about this after the game the the connection that he’s developing yakob is developing with RJ with IQ and this is what he had to say it’s just the start of those guys trying to figure it

Out together uh we had those two guys when we were rehabbing in Houston we had a great great workout they were able to go together for like 45 minutes and we dissected pick and roll game to to the point with those guys what they need to

Look for how we need to set screens what angles what they’re doing against to xandr how to create threes but also how Yak needs to be able to when quickly is turning the core and how Yak needs to to get get offensive rebounds and that’s it

Folks that is how the Raptors won and it looks like more and more their offense the structure of their offense is going to be these pick and roll type situations between RJ and yakob IQ and yakob Scotty and yakob and that’s what makes yakob so important to this

Basketball team and that’s why I think Kelly oen adding another big man who can you know roll to the basket a guy who can stretch the floor a guy who’s also a great screener I think that is going to add another element another player to

Play with here uh for those for BBQ um and that’s why the Austrian BBQ connection is amazing because I really do think yacob’s importance to this team I mean I’ve mentioned it a couple times this week already but you see how important he is on the defensive end the

Way he’s able to just kind of clean up things he had six blocks and three steals tonight just a a a mammoth in the paint in that drop defense the defensive coverage that they really had success with tonight and then on the offensive end it’s sealing off their man it’s it’s

The screens that get RJ downhill that get IQ downhill all of these are so important to the the development of the Raptor star players and they wouldn’t be able to do it without yaka purle it’s just that essential to what they do so the Raptors pick up a win against the

Rockets they got one against the Cleveland Cavaliers today it should be interesting to see how they do that the Cavaliers have been playing some really really good basketball as of late so it’s not going to be the same game it was on January 1 when Emanuel quickly

And RJ Barrett made their debut the the Raptors won fairly comfortably in that game this is going to be a bigger challenge uh the Cavs are just playing some of the best basketball in the league right now how are they able to sort of match that and it’s most likely

That Kelly oin is going to play in that game and oai abaji is going to play in that game so what kind of wrinkle will those two be able to bring to this team you know initially at least it’s going to be interesting to watch ladies and

Gentlemen um but I just from this perspective from this game you see that just the connection between yakob and these guys guys is so important it’s so it’s just essential to see how these guys develop you know bringing up the Steven Adams jawar comparison again I think it’s really important to get to

That point um people will bring up Scotty maren and him struggling he he only shot 25% from the field I think it’s fair to bring up but I also want to credit the Rockets Defenders um Dylan Brooks was really physical with him Jabari Smith Jr was really physical with

Him Jeff Green even uh shout out to Samson we were talking about this afterwards but Jeff Green was even you know a pretty good body to throw out at Scotty Barnes and you know this is something that Scotty has to improve at this is something that Scotty has to

Figure out but when he can’t out physical a team when he can’t outmuscle a team when he can’t just be the bigger more physical player and there are other guys who can match him on that other side how was he able to do that how was

He able to find his own shot usually when that happens when a team can match him physically he settles into mid-range jump ERS he has that soft touch around the basket that he can shoot over defenders uh he settles into some three-point shots the counters are just

Not there uh the ability to create his own shot outside of the postup is just not there um but it’s it’s developing folks and this is what you kind of have signed up for the rebuild requires seeing these type of performances so that you get the 30 10 and 10 games

Eventually um and from what we’ve seen Scotty is cap of so he he’s going through this learning process himself to be honest with you and you see that in his recent stretch of basketball um seeing the added attention seeing the the fact that he’s playing the best

Defenders on the other side uh the best defenders on the other side are guarding him on most nights how he’s able to adjust to that how he’s able to deal with those things it’s not going to be an overnight process it’s not going to be something that he’s just going to

Figure out on the Fly um it’s going to take time and it’s going to suck sometimes it’s going to look great sometimes uh and it’s going to look like it did tonight sometimes so he’ll figure it out it’ll be all good um we’ll see what he can do against Moy and Jered

Allen tomorrow which will be interesting folks uh thank you very much for tapping into the recap as usual subscribe to the Raptors Republic YouTube account they do great work um on the website obviously if you want you can go ahead and um and pay to to you know behind that pay wall

Type of thing they explain it much better than I do but they do incredible work on the writing side of things so I think that it is worth the money um and so yeah tap in folks do the things you guys got to do to support Independent

Media but also some great Raptors work thank you very much see you guys for Cleveland

Post trade deadline the Toronto Raptors look good. Jakob Poeltl had a double-double including 3 steals and 6 blocks. Meanwhile, RJ Barrett and Immanuel Quickley combined for 46 points and despite Scottie Barnes struggling from the field, Toronto pulled off a win against the Houston Rockets in Fred VanVleet’s return to the city.

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0:00 – Recap
3:30 – Film Room
5:47 – Podcast

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  1. Trwnt had a great start to the game with 3 steals and 2 threes but then he fell off nowara could have grabbed some of his min once he was 2 for 8 or ochai get them today.

  2. We like to define players according to their offensive output. But with the emergence of RJ and IQ (and eventually Gradey?), Scottie seems to want to be a unique combo of OG and Magic Johnson. Offensively, he's more naturally of a facilitator than a finisher – at least at this point in the season and with Schroder gone. His rebounding is also very important to this team.

    I'm glad he made the all-star team, but I hope he treats the break as an opportunity to relax and recuperate.

  3. We fade late due to fatigue, missed shots, limited use of an under developed second line or bench. There is an over reliance on the fab 6. With the recent changes, we can alter that over dependence.

    Let's see how Darko starts getting more from less. Progressively giving more opportunities to others: Brown, Boucher, Dick, Olynyk, Porter, Nwora, Agbaji, McDaniels.

  4. Imagine if Quickley wouldve transformed himself into what some delusional media members thought he would how happy you all would be with Masai pathetic mishandling of the Team

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