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Miami Heat: The Rozier-Herro backcourt | Five on the Floor

Miami Heat: The Rozier-Herro backcourt | Five on the Floor

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Help you play the game prize picks use the code five FIV and now today’s episode all right welcome back to five on the floor here’s today’s floor plan I’m Ethan skolnick you can follow me Ethan J scolnick and at five reason Sports I got Brady Hawk you can follow him at Brady Hawk

305 Brady and I were at practice today this is a rarity that Mi heat do not practice a whole lot a lot of it is schedule based some of it is they don’t want to do full practices because then they have to let the media in and some

Of it is just that their approach has changed a little bit over the years so this was Terry rosier’s first practice so we’re going to focus on Terry today Terry did a group media session I also had a chance to talk to Tyler herro a little bit on the side so I’ll weave

Some of that in uh as we go forward here but before we do um Brady Terry’s been a member of the Mii heat for 17 days this is his first practice how do you think that’s manifested itself on the court I mean this is the new NBA first

Off like the the they don’t practice anymore like the heat just in general haven’t practiced I feel like over the last two or three years uh or kind of ever since covid it feels like there’s just less and less practices though uh I mean they did not have Jimmy Butler by

The way it’s also important to knowe from today at practice duude a personal reason so he wasn’t there so obviously that mixes things in so in terms of like getting into a rhythm figuring out certain play plays and and kind of working that stuff in uh Jimmy was not

There but the big thing is Rosier and Tyler and I’m glad you mentioned that because I know we’re going to focus on that heavily but they have to kind of get these reps in and and figure out what certain lineups which guy goes where who’s going to be more off ball in

These spots which guy is going to be more pick and roll driven in in these lineups so that’s what the practice is for and then the biggest thing probably is defensively still trying to pick up on stuff like yeah you could say uh they run a ton of Zone and everything but it

It it’s not an easy defensive concept to just run with it’s not an easy thing to pick up on the wi so yeah 17 days which by the way this these 17 days have flown by like the fact that we’re already at day 17 is crazy uh but kind of picking

Up on a little the small things that the the little parts of the Zone where he’s supposed to be uh the different rotations the off and blends like all that stuff is important so you know but not only one practice Ethan but back toback practices because tomorrow he’s

Going to be practicing with the team as well was surprised to see that actually they’ve got a uh they got a short session coming up tomorrow actually today uh they went long and well they went long for the Modern Age I I once sat outside of Pat rally practice for

Six hours longer than it was supposed to go uh today we were all complaining because it was about 50 minutes Beyond when they said they would open the doors but we’re just not used to it um they don’t typically go a long time we had some of the questions for us on our

Discord today on off the floor like how these practices work because I think a lot of modern Heat fans aren’t even used to them practicing uh anymore so they did today and again uh Rosier got in work with hero and I I think when we look at the way rosier’s

Played there’s really two elements to this on the offensive end anyway defense we’ll get into as well I mean the first thing is okay could he provide the speed the ability to get into the paint the wiggle so to speak that they didn’t have with their prior point guard and he has

Done that like I I mean he had I mean you look at the drive numbers um you look at the free throw numbers in some the games one of the games he had 11 free throw attempts he made all of them he’s done all that and he’s done all

That again without the practices I mean he’s he told me today I said you know you looking for the allstar break he says yeah because I I I need to find a spot and then he does he hasn’t found a place to live permanently yet but the

Shooting I think is is been the one negative and so I’ll just ask you he’s been a streaky shooter over the course of his career I mean when he came to Miami he had missed 17 of his last 18 threes in Charlotte after I think he had

A game where he made five or six so he just is a streaky shooter do you see any problems with the form do you see anything that would keep him from at least getting back to the levels that he’s been at previously I definitely don’t see problems with the with the form or

Anything like that like I I think his game is his game at this stage but I say the spot up stuff and the catch and shoot stuff has never been like his strongest part of his game where it’s just pure catch and shoot uh so I think

You even saw even in the last game I pointed out where it was like he had some opportunities where he caught it off the catch and like threw like a pump fake into a side step in and like the shot was way more contested that way but

That’s his way of like getting into a rhythm and I’ll say it honestly I’m I’m honestly surprised that we haven’t seen him shoot more threes like he he’s been he has not taken a ton of them especially on pull-ups and kind of off the dribble where if he’s kind of Runing

In those pick and rolls it’s it’s more so to get into the paint and kick or maybe get into the lane and try to get a shot at The Rim or something he’s not really running a ton of high pick and roll stuff that we saw from him a little

Bit in Charlotte where he’s doing a lot of those type of free form shooting partly because I mean a lot of his threes in the past were coming out of isolation and and Miami’s offense is just not really built around that he’s not really running around for 10 seconds

Left in the shot clock and throwing up a step back three so I guess that stuff will come along I think there still is going to have to be a volume uptick from Beyond The Arc a little bit just to kind of get him into a rhythm at certain parts of the game

But I don’t really see a problem with the shooting I think that’s kind of what you expected the the catches shoot things are never going to be there uh consistently but if he can get to a rhythm one or two of those games that’s kind of been the key so Tyler doesn’t

Really have that problem though I think that’s the difference between the two of them and kind of bouncing off each others Tyler can turn it off and on spot up or pull up like he doesn’t have to get into a rhythm one or the other it

Feels like he’s more of a guy that can kind of flicker back and forth well I’m going to go through my my conversation with Tyler I got a chance to talk to him for a couple minutes on this side today and um it was interesting and I and with Tyler it’s

It’s interesting in this regard that everybody is going to read into everything he says even when he doesn’t intend anything and again I apologize for my voice still getting over cold here but um we talked at first you know about sort of the transition to playing

With with Terry and I said well a little bit like playing with Goron because I mean that kind of pushed the pace point guard um you know Tyler was a rookie in the bubble year and Goron was right there with Jimmy as their leading scorer uh throughout the

Bubble and and he said you know I didn’t have the same role then so it was a little bit different but he talked about how goran’s a little bigger stronger maybe than than Rosier is but that there are some similarities there um before I get to the rest of his comments what do

You think could be taken from the way that he played with Goron to the way he plays with Terry now well I think the biggest thing is Goron at the time even though it’s not the same Tyler role was Goron was always the unselfish guy that was willing to let

Tyler play on the ball it felt like where as much as we don’t think of Goran like as a pure off the ball catch and shoot type of guy he was willing to kind of play that role and I think that’s what you’re seeing with Roser the other

Part of it is when you have a guy that can get downhill consistently and get into the paint it opens up your ability to get downhill and get into the paint and I think that’s what we’ve seen so far with Tyler and Rosier is the fact that yeah t Terry’s getting into the

Paint making those kickouts and Tyler’s playing off the ball and stuff but what I’ve noticed more than anything is I feel like Tyler has gotten into the paint more often than than what we’ve usually seen early in the season or in past past Seasons it’s like I think it’s

Almost the fact that when he’s not the stle guy in the back court that’s being asked well at times you gotta you have to put pressure on the rim you have to kind of get into the paint and you have to be the guy that does it consistently

While also getting up 10 threes a game it’s like okay well Terry’s doing it now and now all of a sudden the playing off the ball running off a close out I’m able to kind of get into the paint much easier so that’s the kind of comparison

I see thinking back to Goron because I remember seeing a lot of that even some of the bench lineups they used to run uh they always played in that range I know the other thing you’re going to hit on from your conversation with Tyler was the transition stuff and I’d say that’s

Kind of the big thing in terms of comparing the two where Goran was able to get out on the break and and Tyler wasn’t really the one asked to kind of dictate stuff in that range he wasn’t asked to kind of get downhill and trans position kind of make the right play

Finish at The Rim make kickouts it’s like Tyler is the guy that likes to just run around off the ball and like I know the words you guys use was was relief buckets like he he wants to be the guy that kind finds his spot and is the guy

That’s being set up uh instead of setting up for others so I’d say that’s the biggest difference because Terry’s the same way Terry can get downhill and he’s kind of find Tyler on those kickouts and that’s contrary to the way that a lot of Heat fans view this I

Think because you know there’s this perception that Tyler wants to be on the ball time right and he made the comment after the game when I asked him um can’t remember which game it was I I think maybe after the Clipper game about uh you know playing off the off he said

He’s been trying to get more off the ball to fit in better and people took it like and he used the word sacrifice and so people s of took that like okay he’s complaining when actually what he said to me today and I didn’t probe him specifically to follow up on that

Comment but what he said to me today was he said that 10 games stretch where he wasn’t uh he kind of suggested that where he wasn’t playing as well he said I was on the ball so much I like to look for those easy release buckets in

Transition he says and I get to those when someone else is bringing the ball up so again that’s what you’re talking about but that is I think contrary to what I think a large segment of Heat fans think that is Tyler wants the ball in his hands all the time he doesn’t

Actually and particularly in transition like and you know so I think that and he also said it’s also one of the positives have been and I’m expecting Jimmy to play Sunday but one of the positive Jimmy being back uh allows him to get off the ball a little bit more often as

Well so again a little bit different from I think the way that most Heat fans perceive it but let let me get to the the the sort of the money quote here I asked him I said about playing with Tyler with Terry in general and he said

I like playing with Terry our age is around the same we like getting up the floor We’re Young we got some popped us I like that I’m not too worried about the scoring right now in the playoffs it will be who they are putting their best

Perimeter on it’s been me but I don’t think you can Contin continue to do that and then he went on to say I think in the playoffs we’re going to be really good will be fine um what have you seen about how other teams are playing the

Two of them are they putting the best perimeter on Tyler consistently still yeah I would say so so I think there’s still that idea that Tyler is more of the on ball player uh that’s going to have the ball in his hands a little bit more often in the offense

That they’re still kind of chasing him around those screens and doing that stuff but here’s the thing about the playoffs and it’s it’s an interesting quote because it’s about putting your best guard defender on one of them because you can’t put your best Wing defender on them because Jimmy Butler’s

Gonna be on the floor like everything especially in the playoffs is schemed around Jimmy Butler where now you’re you’re kind of putting him this in this spot where I think back specifically it’s funny to tie this in after what we talked about last episode but the Hawk series a few

Years ago when Delon Wright was guarding Tyler herro and he did a really good job on him I thought that entire series like they they blitzed Tyler uh but even in the single coverage like they were basically saying like Kyle’s over Kyle can kind of dictate the offense but

We’re making sure Tyler has the toughest catches does not able to run his similar actions kind of takes him out of think where I think about that that kind of scenario in the playoffs now now and I’m like I don’t think you could run that defensive Style with Terry because of

The fact of you cannot focus on Tyler to that extent that Terry’s able to just operate backside one-on-one and get into the paint with ease like there’s going to be a certain style there that you’re you’re not you’re going to have to basically guard as bam says guard your

Yard that’s what their teams are gonna have to do with them it feels like with the with the pure talent aspect so I mean it may be a case of like second halves Whoever has it going in a certain game kind of gets the the better perimeter Defender and they can move

Things around I guess with other teams but you also see the fact that which honestly I did not expect to see this early on is the amount of Terry Tyler actions that we’ve seen I feel like in the first few few games or so they’ve been running a lot of stuff where

They’re running slip screens for each other it’s all about just trying to find good match ups for each other it’s about Tyler slipping a screen and seeing if they’ll overreact it’s about Terry trying to draw the worst Defender it feels like a lot of the time because

You’re almost better off if Terry has the worst Defender because Terry is the iso guy Terry’s the guy that’s going to take that guy for a Defender one-on-one and kind of break down a defense where Tyler’s more so the guy that’s that’s going to get the screen and kind of slow

Pace the offense and get to his spot so it’ll be interesting to see what teams end up doing but I mean he’s he’s not wrong they they will you know on paper they’re they’re a tough couple guy offensive guys to guard so the way that people read that

Quote because we’re we’re we’re handling it in a more nuanced way the way that people read that quot particularly because Tyler is not exactly the same age as Terry I mean Terry’s almost 30 right so he’s 29 Tyler just turned 24 so there is a five to six year age

Gap but also we like getting up the floor We’re Young we got some pop to us do you think it was difficult for Tyler hero to play with Kyle Lowry recently yeah I I think early on because I feel like there’s also that the aspect of like

The new life kind of thing because that first year with Kyle because I don’t want to make it sound like like the Kyle tenure was just like just always like like like the early the first year of Kyle it felt like there was that pop they did have pop to that back court

There were certain aspects to it especially if we think back we always bring up that like December January stretch where they were without bam they were without Jimmy it was a lot on Kyle but it was Kyle and Tyler really working the offense and working off each other

And they they did a pop so I think it was tougher in in the last year or so year or two just because it felt like things were slowing down and when you have a backp guy that’s has the ball in his hands a decent amount but also plays

Off the ball but it’s unwilling to shoot like Tyler’s like looking around and saying like okay everybody’s mad at me because I’m taking 20-some shots a game my backourt mate is not really he not shooting five shots a game so like who’s getting the shots at that point so it

Puts him in a tough spot because whatever he does or says is really kind of magnified and examined like like you just said like Terry and him being around the same age he didn’t say they had the same birthday he he said they’re around the same age so right right

Everything’s just G to be looked at in a in a different manner with him that’s like me saying you and Alex are around the same age which I mean compared to me you are but not exactly um so uh when we come back we’re gonna get to the part

That I think concerns Heat fans more the defense uh with the two of them before we do want to mention a great sponsor of the five reason Sports Network our friends over at Water cleanup of Florida you can find them at that’s right Michael and Robert and his

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Question can you put these two guys out there in a playoff series considering it’s not a tall back court um it’s not an elite defensive back court just in terms of instincts and all that kind of stuff can you can you put the two of them out there in playoff series after

Playoff series after playoff series and defend effectively can they like yeah but I also think they have to like they’re at the point now when you give up a first round pick for a guy like Terry Rosier when you’re leading into this certain style like

There’s it’s really hard for me to see a scenario where they where they don’t play both of them and close with these guys and able to kind of play that style and also the fifth guy in a lot of these lineups obviously is going to have to be

A defender or an off ball player of some kind which you talked about with hakz or Haywood heith or Caleb Martin one of those guys is going to be that fifth guy that that makes it the a little bit easier but the way I’ve seen things defensively number one I mean I think

Part of the reason that they’ve gone to this much Zone and stuff is because of those Terry Tyler lineups and credit to them because I feel like they’ve been they’ve been good in that range as well by the way the heater are first in defense in February which is not a large

Sample size also haven’t played a crazy amount of competition among that stretch but one of them was the Clippers uh just I thought really played well defensively in that game so they they’re kind of figuring themselves out defensively and it’s with these guys playing it’s with them playing this certain style where

They’re not switching as much because you really can’t when you have uh Terry Rosier to kind of guard those switches or Tyler as well they were able to do with Kyle because that’s more of his style that’s what he’s better at well now you kind of play him in that top of

That zone play him on the Press Play him on the bottom of the Zone uh and are able to build around it there was moments Ethan where we were watching in the last few games where Terry Tyler literally the guys on the bottom box of

The Zone like both of them and teams are just hunting them but it didn’t really matter because the Heat’s defensive style is just to help anyway in that zone that like bam and these other guys are just covering everything up that they found ways to to kind of overdo it

So I think there’s ways of getting around it now when teams begin in you know let’s say in a certain playoff series let’s just say against Boston because we saw it Boston just absolutely go off of them uh in that regular season game a few weeks ago if the zone is

Broken because the other team is shooting in that range and you can’t go Zone then the questions become what do you do defensively you better be able to guard your yard and stay with guys and not lose that much size because a Boston’s a team that if you’re go get

Out of the Zone they have the size to attack you they can attack certain mismatches and get to that and all of a sudden now uh you have to you have to approach some things a little bit differently so as much as we could say

Like can they do it I I really think they have to because there’s no way Terry or Tyler is going to be on the bench at end of a game in a playoff series both of them are going to be on the floor so they have to figure out a

Way to get through that and every year with the Miami Heat we discuss you know the offense the defense I’m really not worried about the defense the defense is going to figure itself out I think at some point they can run certain stuff to

Kind of SPO is the best at this in the playoffs he can find ways to hide certain guys or get away with it it’s really to me about the offense more than the defense and that’s why we were talking about it before about them just working together and finding stuff

Consistently because that’s what they’re going to need in the playoffs they’re going to need certain games where it’s not just Jimmy having to drop 42 where it’s Terry and Tyler kind of being a consistent threat in doing that type of stuff so we we’ll see what happens but

100% they’re closed I think that this is gonna end up Terry’s acquisition is gonna end up being a referendum on Tyler more than it is on Terry honestly because I I do feel like they they got a B that’s why I wanted to talk to Tyler

About it today because they got a back court made for him that makes sense you know playing him with 37y old Kyle lry at this stage doesn’t make sense but playing him with a mid-career guy who can get into the paint attack bend the defense a little bit get him some open

Looks in transition that’s who he should be playing with at this point and it it’s a younger drogin in some ways and if it doesn’t work now then I think the questions are going to be reasonable like okay who could you pair him with and also if you look at rosier’s

Contract and Tyler’s contract going forward you can make an argument on holding on to Rosier and not hero if the situation doesn’t work so I I think that we talk about the playoffs and Tyler keeps talking about in the playoffs we’re going to be able to do this in the

Playoffs in the playoffs and I know he fans are saying okay let’s try to be healthy in the playoffs let’s try to be effective in the playoffs and again I don’t blame Tyler for for going out last year he do for a loose ball that’s you know it is

What it is but I’m saying like there that’s going to be the referendum here is okay we got you somebody to make your life easier where maybe you aren’t guarded by the best guard uh defender in every playoff game where maybe they aren’t going to try to scheme you out of

It because they got to worry about Rosier possibly dropping 25 of them and now let’s see what you do want to close with this and and thanks to our sponsors excuse me water cleanup of Florida price picks and better Edge use the code five with prize picks how do you think that

The Rosier Duncan Robinson minutes will look over a prolonged period of time we haven’t seen you know because obviously dunk was in the concussion protocol we haven’t seen a ton of it but I mean Duncan’s one of those guys you could really play next to anybody like

He he’s literally the the guy that you would want to play with in those lineups because number one he does not demand the ball he’s pulls Defenders away weak side uh and he’s always moving that it feels like that’s going to be a natural fit defensively is kind of the other

Thing in the similar conversation uh and we obviously I I do not think or I hope we don’t see many Tyler Terry Duncan lineups because I just don’t know if that’s to be a uh good formula defensively but there’s been certain combos that have worked this season and Kevin Love

And Jimmy are one of them and you add in guys like haime or another one that I think they’re going to find certain combos that are going to work uh and Duncan’s in that mix where if you’re kind of playing in the these new this new substitution pattern where now

They’re kind of bringing in uh Hai early for Jimmy and then bringing him back in they’re going to have to kind of operate where everybody’s going to have to play with everybody like it got so like school likee that you like you’re going to come in at this time and then you’re

Leaving at this time and you’re coming in that we’re like the substitution pattern felt a little stale that they almost needed this they needed this little bit of a breathing pattern it’s funny because we’re talking about talking about uh Tyler I asked him about this the other night because I felt like

The new pattern for him where he’s playing almost the entire first quarter was better for him like I was like okay it’s a he’s a player that needs a rhythm he he’s able to kind of play in that range for a while and I asked him if if

He likes it more and he basically said like actually I like the other one better which once again a Tyler comment getting everybody riled up he said he he’s going to do whatever it takes to win but he was it was literally just me asking of the preference of him like

Which one he likes more because I actually thought it would be the opposite opinion of his uh but either way they they I just think they need a little bit of a a fresh air moment and Terry Rosier and Duncan and Tero zir and these different combos are going to

Continue to give that it feels like uh so we’ll see what happens but Duncan is he needs to shoot better to be able to see the Terry Duncan combo it feels like for longer since because it’s been a little bit of a rough stretch feels like

Over the last few weeks even before the the concussion protocol thing so he’s gonna have to figure some things out maybe here’s the question Ethan because we’re talking about how he’s going to play off it’s almost like does this mean is is the stuff he was doing in the

Paint and more Rim attempts and all that stuff being eliminated because he’s playing with Tyler and and Terry now and playing with these with more on guys that’ll be the question because now it basically means it’s all on his shooting it’s basically if you’re going to get

Your shots up it’s going to be off the catch and it’s going to be in these different spots that you’re not going to be able to like have these extra Pockets where you’re running Runners and Bank shots step backs that he was randomly doing early in the season it does feel

Like that honestly it does feel like the one guy who’s gotten squeezed a little bit and you mentioned it before the concussion protocol has been Duncan like Butz a lot of he’s been squeezed in part because he’s just out of rhythm uh it has seemed like like we came back from

The injury a little bit Rusty and then the dynamic had changed some I feel like they’ll work him back in with with Duncan we know that he either has a really good stretch for like two or three months or a really bad one and I I think they need to figure out exactly

What his role is I know some Heat fans want it to be in the starting lineup it’s not going to be uh they are going to commit to the hero Roser thing for a bunch of reasons that we’ve mentioned here in the podcast and even if the metrics may look better with Duncan

They’re still going to commit to the Tyler thing so think at this point it is just about how to get Duncan as comfortable with the different rotations Off the Bench maybe it just means playing him uh more with bam which is something we talk about a lot I think he

Has a chemistry with love I think he’s got a chemistry with Hawkins so I I I think you can look at at those combinations and try to make something work there um but the other thing I want to say here real quick and I’m glad you mentioned the comment about the rotation

Pattern with Tyler and then I talked about my my conversation with Tyler today and then there was the other question I asked Tyler last week about uh that I mentioned here in the podcast you know after a game um you know about uh about playing on or off the ball he’s

Honest and I hate that he gets dinged for that honestly because it’s like I’m so tired of athletes not saying like especially when it comes down to strategic things that involve them I hate when they’re afraid to say what they’re comfortable and what they’re not

And he will tell you like he will say what he’s comfortable with and what he’s not and then there’s a segment of Heat fans that just reacts right off of that without listening to what he’s saying and I I just I’m not saying he always says the right thing I’m not saying that

He always is going to put team first in every scenario he’s as he told me he’s an ambitious young player but I do think he cares about team success and I do think that he’s trying to find a way to make this thing work at the same time as

Yes he has some individual Ambitions and I I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that the fact that Jimmy doesn’t give a damn about all NBA or allar all that is you know that’s a redeeming quality of jimmies but that’s also not a

Quality that 99 % of the NBA has so I I just I wish that everybody would cut Tyler a bit of a break so that we could continue to get the honest answers because even I feel like even when I was talking to him today there’s a little

Part of him is like he’s saying what he wants to say but he doesn’t want to totally say it because I think he knows how it’s gonna play on social media and I I just think that’s a little bit unfortunate but anyway that’s an aside all right thanks to Brady thanks to our

Sponsors uh make sure you check out the latest episode of Flor is yours with Brian fona Sean Rochester Timothy Bane and Tony we put that up on the feed as well we’ll have all your coverage from heat Celtics t uh excuse me Sunday at 2

O’ on Super Bowl Sunday have a good one everyone

Ethan Skolnick is joined by Brady Hawk after Terry Rozier’s first full practice with the Miami Heat, to evaluate how Rozier has looked with the Heat so far, and specifically with Tyler Herro. What is the upside to the backcourt, on offense and defense?

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  1. He feels better initiating his own shot. I can tell he still excited to be on the team than to being on the team. After the all star break Terry gets no more excuses!

  2. I'm a D Wade fan where ever he goes,,, till D Wade retires in miami,,, so i became a big fan of this team even D Wade retires,,,but now,,, i'm going to be the Scary Terry fan than Tyler,,, i think Scary Terry is still better than Tyler! 🔥

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