@Charlotte Hornets

Media Availability: Seth Curry | 2/10/2024

Media Availability: Seth Curry | 2/10/2024

Question what does this yeah it feels good it’s exciting um I mean obviously growing up I always want to put that Jersey on um we’re in 30 so it’s it’s kind of like a full circle moment being back um obviously just a little shake up middle of the

Season to get traded and move to a different team and try to adjust but uh if I want to go anyway it’ll be here so I’m excited to be here um get on the floor get around these guys and and try to make an impact did you have to ask his permission

No I didn’t I didn’t even I didn’t they didn’t ask me what number I wore or anything they didn’t give me a call they just for whatever reason they assumed I woned at 30 and now they they were not wrong so it’s exciting to put it on did you

Think uh you always think about it um whenever you changing teams or have a have opportunity to go somewhere um always like I said think about playing in Charlotte playing in front of the family family to friends I’m putting that Jersey on um so uh obviously you I’m not sure what happened

Or not but always hoped it would and I’m just like I said I’m excited no matter the circumstances of the Season I’m excited to be here and and put on that Jersey where were you you uh we were on a road trip we actually in New York for a few days so I

Was um in New York when I when I heard I kind of had an idea for a couple days that um it was a possibility but you never know if it’s going to go through or not so um just actually had a game that day preparing for a game and

Then the news went through and um I’m here ofn uh yes a lot of memories I I mean I grew up here um really time I was born to going off to to college so I’ve seen everything from the OG Hornets the Coliseum to to the Bobcat coming in town

To the Hornets coming back so kind of know the whole history and um no matter where I’ve been from AF far I’ve always rooted for the Hornets um when they’ve had a team here and um I got so many memories from like I said from my dad

Playing to those big shots you see walking around the the locker room in the arena you see all those those pictures of the all highlights of of those old teams and I kind of remember um most of them um some of them I was too young but I kind of remember most of

Them and it’s just fun to see he’s exciting man he’s exciting he’s talented as as anybody in the league uh you could tell when he’s out there he’s having fun playing and uh that’s that’s the main thing you look for in the young guys just do they like to play the game

And he’s one of those guys that enjoy playing the game um he’s a obviously a big guard who who can score but um also gets the teammates involved pass and he he’s one of those guys that puts on the show for the for the fans so so um I

Think everybody’s here lucky to have him here and just try to do my my part and and just just get to know him a little bit talk to him try to pick his brain and and and just help help him any way I can will uh I’m always in contact with a

Couple people from duke um I would say I didn’t really change much being here um Duke people right now they’re kind of in the in of season the guys that are there and um other people around but I’m always in contact with my duke people that’s definitely one of them um

Bojangles Show Mars those type of those type of restaurants that I kind of grew up on it’s kind of nostalgic trying to not to eat too much of it um in season but uh I got to get a taste of it but I think everything just riding around the

The streets from from time getting off the um the airplane and going to the hotel coming to the arena you just kind of have some some nostalgic memories some flashbacks and it’s it’s good to be back


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