@San Antonio Spurs

Spurs Should SIGN Killian Hayes!?

Spurs Should SIGN Killian Hayes!?

Cool we can finally talk about this so should the San Antonio Spurs go after Killian Hayes I have an answer for it I want some n are we having fun yet all right so big shout out okay to a specific person all right I I usually

Don’t do this um but this is a special occasion uh so I saw a comment here and it’s from Shazam 9896 I want everyone to say welcome welcome Shazam okay however you want to say if want to say what up sh Shazam uh hi Shazam welcome to the

Family whatever you want to say because he’s special because Shazam actually came from Reddit and we all know that Reddit absolutely hates me but somehow someway he got on Reddit he asked them hey is there anyone I should check out uh that’s on YouTube and they

Recommended a clan so cool thank you man thank thank you for uh giving me a chance uh but yeah I I have some history or Reddit and it’s not good history okay they they they don’t talk very highly of me and it’s it’s kind of frustrating red

Red is dumb sometimes um so big shout out to you uh so yeah we actually have a redditor here um anyways let’s go ahead and dive into this so Killian Hayes uh three teams that could actually use Killian Hayes on the buyout Market we don’t care about the other two we only

Care about the Spurs so they put the Spurs here they said much has uh been said already about Victor wyam and the lack of playmaking around him uh whether his teammates ignoring him which I don’t think teammates necessarily ignore him I think that they just don’t see him which

I know it’s insane okay but hey when you have seven foot guys in front of you sometimes it is hard to see and that’s a talent level as well you know they don’t have really great anticipation the best passer on the team is Trey Jones um

Maybe Zack Collins uh who can see over the defense for the most part uh and and so hands in there uh somewhere maybe top three I I would say top three um Deon fael is a pretty good pass too he’s he’s been uh getting better at that okay I’m

Rambling all right all right so as far as killing haast I’ll just dive into that all right we we don’t have to read this article it doesn’t really matter who cares um so I was just looking at our roster okay first and foremost my answer is yes all right spoiler spoiler

Yes see my cat got very excited at that she got very excited at that news um yes yes heck yes yes yes yes yes any form in which you can bring him in you do it um now my ideal scenario okay my ideal scenario is be is to go ahead and have

Him on a two-way um but I know that that’s not possible um and he is ready like he can play but he just needs a team that’s a little uh more structured I I was talking to swish about this because I’ll be honest in saying that I

Didn’t watch a bunch of Pistons games I don’t even think Pistons fans watched a bunch of Pistons games um but I did I did keep up with Killian Hayes because he was constantly a name out there uh in which hey can the Spurs go after this

Guy or would they go after this guy um and we all knew that it wasn’t working and we all knew that pistons and the way that they drafted was really dumb uh just constantly getting guard after guard after guard after guard not necessarily making it beneficial for

Killian Hayes at all because he’s the type of player that needs Shooters around him now if he comes to San Antonio doesn’t mean that that fixes that problem okay he doesn’t have a bunch of uh shooting weapons around him but one thing that he does do that I

Think the Spurs could help him with is that he plays quite fast way too fast for his own good and there’s one player in particular that that does that or did that and much better at it is uh Blake Wesley you know that’s the only reason

Why I would sit back and say hey allow him to develop in the g- league but he is good enough to just play actual NBA games um and I understand that so this is what I would do okay just just me personally this is what I do um so cheddy

Osman I I love cheddy okay I do I love cheddy um but he is on an expiring contract um he is and where’s uh where’s Graham Graham okay Graham isn’t on an expiring contract so what I would do just I would try my best to just think about is it possibility to

Buy out cheddy would we just do that just just screww it and buy him out um and then go ahead and sign your boy uh to an actual contract uh I mean Killian Hayes that is um or I would do it with Devonte Graham which would actually make a little bit

More sense because chady Osman is in a position that we kind of need it for the rest of the season right like we’re going to be even more ugly than we are right now um so maybe just buy out Devonte Graham I don’t think we’re getting much utility out of him I don’t

Know if the Spurs will be able to trade him if you trade him it’ll probably be with the package but here’s the thing okay I I would just go ahead and do it with Devonte Graham and just buy him out keep cheddy um because at the end of the

Day maybe at the end of this season you would get more out of a Killian Hayes if you were like if you had to trade him than you would Devonte Graham I think I think any day now don’t get me wrong they had a hard time moving them but I’m

Pretty sure I mean I don’t know this for for a fact okay so don’t don’t quote me on this but I’m pretty sure the Spurs at least looked into trading Devonte Graham um and couldn’t couldn’t really uh get anything but uh I I just have a feeling that Killian Hayes playing with the

Spurs he’ll start to look a little bit better and the Spurs aren’t necessarily B in on him by 2025 where that’s the draft where we’re going to get a lot of good point guards um then they they be able to trade him we will make him look

Better we will help him make him look better um but right now yeah he just doesn’t have structure that team is constructed ridiculously I I don’t know how he could have been successful um but the good news is he can he can defend um he’s an okay three-point actually hold

On we we’ll go as far as three-point shooting I think if it’s wide open he’s okay um yeah it’s not going to show it up in the stats but if it’s a open shot he’s decent um but yeah he’s just on a team where he can’t really utilize Iz

His skills and even yet and steel every now and then you you get a taste of it right like you have when he got 12 assists against us or seven assists against the Kings or nine assists in this uh last game against the Kings dang Kings um you know eight eight assists

Against um uh Min uh Minnesota so like he he has these spans where he plays pretty well and then he just kind of falls apart um so just me personally I think I don’t think that he’s trash I don’t think that he’s garbage I won’t

Even go as far to say he’s a bust um I know that he was in the same draft as uh uh Devon fael and your boy um uh Tyrese halberton and I know that that’s going to be over his head but he is a good uh playmaking Talent he just needs to be

With a team that can give him a little bit more structure the other question would be also with dom Barlo because I personally really want Don Barlo to get an actual contract and I would prioritize Don Barlo over anything thing that’s why I’m just hoping that what the

Spurs could possibly do well I guess you wouldn’t have to do this if you just go ahead and waved VTE Graham um but I was going to say like maybe wave David Duke uh give Killian Hayes a two-way and then you go ahead and sign Don Barlo uh to a

Contract that’s what I would love to do but hey maybe Killian would get more utility or more usage and um uh more growth if he were just to play with the Spurs um but I would love for them to bring him in um at least see how things

Go for the rest of this season go into next season and at that point he’s going to look better like there’s no way the Spurs will like you’re going to look really terrible really bad you’re going to be under a system and if we we sit

Back and kind of similar to the jontay Murray situation and obviously teams have shown this now and I’ve been saying this forever um way before uh he was ever tra traded from the San Antonio Spurs uh you know teams will look at and say oh wow he’s pretty good he he’s

Pretty he’s pretty decent um but hey uh he’s he’s he just looks good or looks better because of the the structure that he’s in uh and hopefully that will be the same thing uh with Killian Hayes as of right now no one wants to jontay Murray because he’s not in a structure

That makes him look uh better than what he is um but anyways moving on I did want to show this so if anybody is not really high on uh getting Killian Hayes this is the top five fourth year players in playmaking Talent um so he in his

Class he is he is up there okay uh they went ahead and rank and bball index is great and they ranked him right behind lamelo ball um so I’m not mad at that whatsoever so guys just um just let me know what you think that that’s just how

See it’s like people like Killian Hayes gosh they’re so mean towards Killian Hayes man and I I know I know he looked terrible um you know like I said I didn’t watch a lot of Pistons games but I would tune in every now and then when

You know because of Killian Hayes try to see what’s going and K Cunningham see what’s going on over there um and he he would look he would look bad but there there are fans where it’s like dude I don’t know what else he could do on this

Team you know like I I I I don’t I don’t know he he needs he needs some type of development and the Pistons are not the ones to do it and they just have too many guards I mean the way they drafted was so dumb um but yeah those are my

Thoughts tell me what you think sorry I I rambled quite a bit it was a lot of us and SS in there um just still trying to get my my thoughts together on this but anyways simple answer yes yes yes yes no matter what you don’t really have much

To lose who cares I mean Devonte Graham I don’t see him getting any more playing time I don’t see him uh uh developing more with the Spurs or anything like that I I think that that that ship is kind of sailed not to say he’s bad or

Anything I think he’ll be fine on another team but with us that’s that’s not really what we’re looking for right now and with Killian Hayes kind of having a very similar issue that Blake Wesley had in regards to just playing too fast I think he coming to the San

Antonio Spurs would be ideal for his career and it will really help uh him and and thus help us because he is a a good playmaker um good Defender so it’ll be nice anyways give with you guys later man until now until next time bye M


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  1. I don’t see any risks with bringing him in. He doesn’t even need to score, he can just be a playmaker off the bench

  2. Hayes can't shoot. His defender will sag off from him and pack the paint against Wemby. He would just be another French speaker to keep Wemby company.

  3. I actually like Killan Hayes quite a lot, even if he got totally roasted by everyone, but he is actually a good playmaker (I think so) and a good defender, wouldn't say lockdown, but can become one. His problems are volume scoring and he needs to work on his jumpshot to make it more efficient. If he can get that and shoot around 8 to 10 times a gale with okay to good efficiency, he can be a very good player for the Spurs and also having that French Connection with Wemby (and Sidy if I'm not mistaking) could be beneficial for theur development.

  4. I literally had a dono a couple months back and i didn’t even think you knew who he was at the time. Where was this answer when I asked it 😂😂

  5. There's no need to buy anyone else out, last I heard, Morris will be bought out (F Morris btw lol). The Spurs will have a open roster spot to either bring in someone like Hayes or bring up someone from Austin.

  6. NO, shooting is already an issue for the Spurs, we don't need the worst shooter and finisher of all the NBA!

  7. 'Reddit' doesn't hate you mate, you maybe encountered a few dumbass, but I've seen plenty of people talk positively about you in r/NBASpurs

  8. I feel really bad for him bc I really thought going to the draft i compared him to dlo and i thought he can be better than him and be a all star. He was supposed to be the point guard. He was supposed to run the offense and give you 7+ assists and dropping 30pt. I knew it when pistons drafted Cade I knew it was gonna mess him up his growth as a player . I hope he get on a new team and show everyone he an all star

  9. I heard if no team pick up Killian from waivers over the weekend he can be a free agent and choose where he wants to go. Also, not that it mean anything but Wemby and Killian follow each other on social media.

  10. Yes! Would love to acquire K. Hayes any way possible. Would improve our PG playmaking and would help our Deefense!! I already love how Pop sometimes has TreJ on the floor at same with with B Wesley. Pop loves defenders with high basketball IQ's. Let's get back to playing the "beautiful game"! Go Spurs!

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