@Miami Heat

[Post Game] Heat fall in tightly contested game against Celtics | Miami without Butler | Rozier and Jrich both leave game in the first half with injuries

[box score](

Bam double-double (22pts, 13 reb)

Herro 24 pts (22 in the second half)

by tomgreen99200


  1. Number333

    * Jimmy out for personal reasons
    * Injured Rozier
    * Injured J-Rich
    * Jaylen tries to snap Duncan’s elbow
    * Hobbled Caleb on ref’s foot

    Still pushed Boston’s bitch asses to the brink in the 4th Q. That atmosphere in the 4th felt like ***crack***. I love how much we hate them. Herro was awesome in the 2nd half. Shame Bam missed so many opportunities when the score was stuck at 99-94 or this could have had a different ending. Enjoy the Super Bowl y’all.

  2. This is the type of game I’ve been waiting to see from this team. Size is always going to hurt us and we just need a few things to go our way in those instances. With that being said, this type of hustle and grit can absolutely carry us in the playoffs. Does it get us a chip? I don’t know about that just yet, but I feel a lot better about this team right now than I have all season.

  3. readndrun

    All things considered, we were RIGHT THERE at the end. Just a few bonehead plays at the end cost us.

    It’s gonna be interesting to watch this team try to win in the next couple games without Rozier, Jimmy and J rich.

  4. Top-Ocelot-9758

    Average Celtics regular season game: injure your opponents, get some questionable calls and win by single digits

  5. shorttttt

    Honestly I cant even be mad about that lol. That was a fun ass game. The injuries suck but oh well.

    And also highsmith is dumbest player alive on both ends on the floor. A liability on offense and a rookie on defence who falls for the most obvious pump fakes.

  6. The Celtics almost losing that game with no Jimmy or Terry is pretty alarming for them. Game got ramped up to playoff atmosphere and they shriveled up again like they did last year.

    Never gonna be scared of a team led by dirty Jaylen Brown and playoff choker Jayson Tatum. We move

  7. garret126

    Herro has been our second best player since the player only meeting

  8. Dame2Miami

    Scary and JRich hurt, Jimmy not playing, and we still kept it close. We gonna fuck these dirty celtikkks raw in a playoff series.

  9. Present-Panda5916

    A 7 game series against the Celtics will be so fun to watch. I don’t care if we lost today.

  10. SudTheThug

    Bam get that fucking handle right
    Haywood learn shot to shoot anywhere but the fucking corner

    i’m so mad for no one sticking up for duncan

  11. HoldR2ForLongerLife

    We’ll see those bums again down the road.

    Fuck Boston

  12. Melyheadzbeatz

    I say fuck that dunk contest JJJ need to get his shit back

  13. Congrats on injuring half our team and winning by 4 with our best player out

  14. Diggity_Dave

    That was actually an encouraging loss. Saw what I needed to see.

  15. Kibitz117

    This is why all of us have been haters lately, we know our team can bring this type of energy and we’re disappointed when we don’t bring it. This game proved we have enough, hopefully everyone gets healthy.

  16. yuhdatway21

    Shoutout herro for making this game close at all

  17. HerroicDunc

    Duncan deserved the ball along with Herro after that Brown incident.

    But what did I expect. Duncan always gets the end of the stick

  18. hokiesean

    Bam smiling with Tatum and Brown after a game like that infuriates me

  19. chitownbulls92

    Not really a fan of Bam “cozying” up with Tatum after the game when he didn’t do jackshit to close the game…

  20. glennjamintaekyu

    Why is no one acknowledging how poor Bam has been on offense for like a month and a half now? Not only does he miss a ton of mid range and layups, he also keeps taking them at crucial points and it’s beyond frustrating

  21. Without Tyrone, we’re blown out. Watch your fucking mouths when yall include him on trades. Glad he’s still on our team.

  22. Cockycent

    This was the worst game of the year to me. They fought so hard, so that isn’t in question.

    Its the loss of Terry and J Rich. I’ve never experienced so many losses in 1 game with refs allowing the physicality to continue when they say they are about avoiding that. I mostly stay away from or don’t get pissed at officiating, but this shit probably cost the Heat 2 players.

    I hate this shit man.

  23. Celtikkks fans currently complaining about lack of whistles and calling us dirty when they took out about a third of our rotation and got called for a flagrant trying to hurt even more

  24. Of course after the game bam and Tatum chopping it up per usual.

  25. MiamiHeatAndNCFC

    Bam not sticking up for Duncan and running straight to dap Brown made me feel a bit sick

  26. TheBatman52

    We are never trading Duncan, only dog on the roster

  27. ZamalekUnited

    The heat org better fucking file a complaint about Jaylen Brown. I still don’t get how he wasn’t ejected.

  28. Who cares what BAMs statline was. Dude is the most unclutch player on the roster.

  29. Candid_Sand_398

    I just hope our guys will be ok. Rozier’s injury looks bad. Knee twisted, but Spo said ankle?

    Right when he was starting to gel.
    Celts were on some bull $hit today.
    Hope no one forgets that.

  30. Melyheadzbeatz

    Bam why clap up the dude that almost took your teammate arm off? Wtf

  31. silverfoxgoldenhux

    I know Herro’s efficiency is often criticized but it’s funny how his best games come against the BIG teams. He’s had all good games against BOS & MIL.

  32. Candid_Sand_398

    Loved the fight. I think our team turned a corner today.
    Herro was great in the 2nd half and gave us a shot.

  33. SnooPears316

    Jrue talking shit , Jaylen being disrespectful, I hope Jimmy finds time after everything to watch this bullshit

  34. bluepineapple42069

    Feel worse for the injuries than losing tbh

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