@San Antonio Spurs

How the San Antonio Spurs are About to Shock the NBA

How the San Antonio Spurs are About to Shock the NBA

The San Antonio Spurs may have one of the most exciting looking Futures to look at in the entire NBA now I know as of right now they are you could say the best team okay they they have their struggles on their team record-wise they’re definitely not the greatest team

Right now but in the future in the big pitcher type deal they probably have one of the brightest Futures in the entire NBA and I just think it is very very fun to kind of like look into these things and kind of speculate what you think may

Happen what moves they could make and things like that so if that does sound interesting to you please watch the video all the way through hit the like button subscribe but AB me and without further Ado without AR too much let’s get right into this video so the first

Thing we’re going into is going to be let’s just break down their current roster they currently have and how much higher their ceiling could be than where they are right now as I mean obviously you have to talk about Victor wi Bama first he legitimately has a chance to be

An MVP level multiple time Defensive Player of the Year just one of the best players in the NBA at all times he can literally do everything like his ceiling is Hall of Famer okay okay like that’s how good Victor win banama is and there’s only so many of those players in

The NBA and when you have one of them on your team well then that makes you a very very good team and at least helps your future in a huge way because he’s a guy that eventually will probably be able to single-handedly win you a lot of

Games so that is a huge huge deal to have but even outside of just Victor wi Bama they have guys like Devon basil and Devon basil is another extremely extremely good guy and he’s probably one of the most overlooked guys in the NBA because he’s been on the Spurs the

Entire time but since he’s came in the NBA he has been a very good shooter and just a very good scorer overall he has very good high two-way potential and he legitimately is on the trajectory to becoming an All-Star level scorer as he has improved his averages every single

Year since joining the NBA this year being no different and if he can continue to do that then obviously eventually he will be able to put up Allstar level numbers now he may never actually make the team because he’s kind of like one of those guys that’s never

Going to be a superstar and he’s going to be kind of caught in the middle but he will at least be an All-Star level talent and then even a guy guy like Jeremy soan now soan I don’t think is ever going to be an Allstar but I think

He could be a perennial all defensive player eventually because he has very good athleticism he’s very very solid on that defensive end already he can block shots at a very high rate and he’s just overall a very very solid player and I think soan with how young he is I think

It’s only his second year in the NBA now he has tons and tons of room to improve now yes his offensive game has a very very long way to go until he’s even a remotely close to an All-Star level player but I do think that his offense

Will improve and eventually he’ll be one of the better two-way players in the entire NBA and with him being in the same trajectory at least timeline wise as Devon Vil and as Victor wi banama I think both of them or all three of them should be able to develop chemistry at a

Very high level and learn to play together very very well and then the last guy I want to get into that’s going to probably be a huge part of their future or maybe even a trade piece eventually is going to be Kellen Johnson now Kellin Johnson once again is one of

The more overlooked guys in the NBA but since he’s joined the NBA I think he was like the 17th or like 28th pick he was a late first rounder and he has been more than what the Spurs expected probably out of him he has been a very very good

Scorer he can give you 20 points per game anytime you need him to he’s just overall an extremely good offensive player now yes his defense is suspect and he’s kind of a tweener but he’s still a very solid player and maybe one day could even be their six-man off

Their bench and he would probably be one of the best six-man in the entire NBA if that is a role that he can accept going into the future and then even outside of their roster their path forward is extremely extremely promising as going into this next draft they’re going to

Have their own pick which is going to be a very high one and then they also have the Toronto rord which is going to be one through six protected so they probably have a very likely chance of having two first round picks going into this next draft which is going to be

Very very valuable because anytime you can add two first round level players that is a big big deal for a team especially a rebuilding one like the San Antonio Spurs and if they’re able to add a guy like Alex SAR with their own pick that would be one of the most

Potentially future dominant big big Duos we have ever seen cuz alexar is kind of Victor wanyama esque now he’s not as tall he’s not as lengthy and I don’t think he’s as good offensively but he is a very athletic very agile can guard every position on the floor he can

Dribble the ball he can shoot from everywhere like he is a very very good player and he legitimately could have Superstar potential as well and if you can combine alexar and wanyama skill sets together I don’t know how the NBA is going to be able to deal with that

Because now you’re going to have two completely unguardable players on the offensive end who can completely lock down the paint and are also good enough to guard the perimeter and I just don’t understand how you would deal with that so if they’re able to combine alexar and

Victor wi banama together it is going to be very very interesting to see how good they could potentially be and then even if they don’t get a top pick like maybe the first or second overall pick and get SAR they still have a lot of options

They can go from there and then even in the next year’s class which is two years from now I they’re going to have at least two first round picks and most likely three first round picks depending on how some protections fall so I think for sure if they can have a five first

Round picks in the next two years they’re definitely going to be adding some high level players or they’re going to be trading for some high level players either way you should definitely be sitting in a very good position to land some very good players to help your rebuild going forward so with wiim

Bama’s development with sohan’s development with vasel and Johnson’s development plus all the people they’re going to be adding in the draft there is a huge huge chance that this team could be extremely dangerous going into the very very near future just of development and drafting alone and then

On top of that they still have other guys like Tre Jones is a very solid point guard kind of like true point guard type guy then you have a guy also like Zach Collins who’s a very decent Center as a backup big so they even have guys on their current roster that could

Be roll players for them for a very very long time so the foundation is 100% there they just have to keep building on that they have to make the correct draft decisions and they have to make the correct roster moves but if they can do that this team’s future is legitimately

One of the the brightest in the NBA and if they do get alexar by some miracle of God watch out cuz I’m not sure the NBA is ready for a Duo of those two level bigs together but even if they can go get a guy like jacobe Walter which is

Probably more realistic where where they’ be picking in the draft even a guy like him would be very very solid for them Isaiah Kier would fit them perfectly as well there’s just a lot of options that they can go out and get if you’re on the San Antonio Spurs roster

And if I was a fan of this team I would be extremely extremely excited of the potential future of them as well but unfortunately guys that’s going for video combo do you agree with me do you think the the Spurs have a very bright future who do you think they should

Draft what do you think they should do on your thoughts in the comment section below if you do like any point hit like button subscribe button me that me and hope you have a blessed day cuz I had a blessed day so you need to have a

Blessed day all glory to God see you next video goodbye Boo

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Why all the things I used is legal

shout out to the homie: iittssviruss:


  1. So-Han…and Vass-ELL. Sorry, man…pronunciation stickler! Otherwise, any video of this other guy you’ve mentioned possibly pairing with Victor would be helpful! Great video, man👍🏻 Can’t wait to see how this team develops!

  2. I had to check my Playback Speed to make sure it wasn't on 1.5. This dude can talk! But yeah, Spurs have a bright future. The question is about the so-called ceiling of some of the current players – Sochan, Vassell, Johnson, Champagnie, Barlow… they have quite a few youngsters who are still learning. If two or three of them can grow into solid, consistent players, AND if the Spurs can get (draft or trade) at least one more all-star level guy, then they can be a contender in 2 to 4 years.

  3. People forget that a couple years ago the Thunder were getting clapped because their core was young and untested. Now their key guys have some experience and they're killing it. Same idea here. Spurs are looking for a dynasty and that doesn't happen overnight

  4. All I'll say is that Luka will be a free agent whilst Wemby is still on his rookie deal. Couple that with the plethora of picks and young talent they already have and we could see a dynasty forming very soon.

    Them and the OKC Thunder will dominate the west for years to come…

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