@Dallas Mavericks

Top 5 NBA Bag Fumbles

Top 5 NBA Bag Fumbles

When it comes to making money in professional sports nobody and I mean nobody has it better than NBA players the average NBA player earns a whopping $105 million more than twice as much as any average athlete salary in any other league around the world so with so much

To gain a common trem we’ve begun to see more and more in the NBA is players betting on themselves but it’s not always a fairy tale ending for everybody so with that being said these are the five NBA players who bet on themselves and lost it all play clock score four

Goals a two home run and One starting things off at number five we have Latrell Sprewell whose self-confidence resulted in one of the most infamous downfalls of an NBA career we’ve ever seen selected in the first round of the 1992 NBA draft by the Golden State Warriors Sprewell entered the league with a bang earning an

All-Star selection and all defensive team honors in just his second season by 1997 the Milwaukee native was already a three-time All-Star and even had a top five scoring season under his belt he still had plenty left in the tank when he was shipped to New York in 1999 but

After 5 years there and another two in Minnesota his game began declining quickly and everyone noticed everyone but him that is so when the Timberwolves came to the 34-year-old spr well with a three-year $21 million deal to keep the vet around it prompted a quote that

Might still haunt him to this day I have a family to feed needless to say he was appalled with the offer but little did he know it would be the very last one he’d get in the NBA as fre well refused to accept any offers at the vet minimum

And retired although the $21 million loss ranked fre will fifth on this list in terms of actual dollars lost his blunder is the only one that would subsequently be career ending coming in at Fourth on the list is bonsy Wells contrary to spr well bonsy wells’ success in the league

Didn’t come easy which makes his bag fumble all the more disappointing after being drafted by the Pistons back in 1998 well spent the better part of his first s years in the NBA coming off the bench but after a trade land Ed the flashy guard a solid starting job for

The Sacramento Kings in 2005 he impressed them enough to Garner a 5-year 385 million do contract extension the following offseason now considering the circumstances this deal actually had all the makings of being a massive overpay for Sacramento it’s not often a 29-year-old with a little starting

Experience is able to draw in almost $40 million in any era let alone 20 years ago but thankfully for the Kings there was one man who believed in Wells even more than they did and it was himself banking on the idea that he’d earn even more money as a free agent Wells opted

To decline the king’s offer and test the market which ultimately proved to be the worst decision he’d ever make he got absolutely zero bites and by the time the next season rolled around Wells found himself back on the bench earning am measely $2 million with the Houston

Rockets fast forward two years to 2008 and Wells would have been enjoying a cool $7.7 million a year with 3 years left on his deal in Sacramento instead he was overseas earning roughly 40,000 000 playing pro ball in China with the money he missed out on nearing $34

Million when it was all said and done moving on to number three on our list we have shabaz muhammd who fell victim to the absurdity that was the 2016 NBA off season and lost tens of millions of dollars because of it baz entered the league with a ton of buzz back in 2013

Coming off an impressive freshman season at UCLA scoring 18 points a night it was revealed that the guard was actually a year older than he said he was but that didn’t stop the Timberwolves from making him a lottery pick in the 2014 draft unfortunately for the t-wolves his scoring ability didn’t exactly translate

Well out the gate in the NBA averaging just nine points off the bench in his first three years with the team however Minnesota still believed in Muhammad enough and in the 2016 offseason they brought a 4-year $40 million deal to the table for him to sign now it’s important

To note that this deal would negate Muhammad’s ability to test free agency the following off season and at the time Minnesota offered him the deal NBA free agency was absolute pandemonia due to the salary cap skyrocketing under New National TV deals back in 2016 NBA free agents were getting as lucrative deals

As you can imagine from Chandler Parson signing a 4-year 95 million deal in Memphis to guys like Timo mozgov and Alan Krab garnering over 16 million a year so with this fresh and mohamad’s mind 10 million a year was nowhere near enough to keep him in Minnesota as he

Expected to field far bigger offers next off season but as I’m sure you’ve guessed by now they never came the salary cap came back down to earth and just a year after turning down 40 million from the Timberwolves he resigned with them for the vet minimum

By the end of his fifth year in Minnesota baz had fallen out of the rotation and netted just $2 million more which would ultimately bring a close to his career marking his losses at $38 million which brings us to number two on our list of bag fumblers and this one

Has a Twist nerland Noel an original piece of the process in Philadelphia Noel really had little to show for himself by the time his rookie contract was up Midway through what was just Noel’s thirdd season he was shipped to Dallas who quickly made use of him

Giving him 12 starts in his 22 games there obviously Dallas saw something in no well he was still just 22 years old and there was a very real chance they envisioned him being the big man of the future for years to come and so as it

Came time for him to sign an extension in 2017 Mark Cuban in Dallas’s front office offered a deal he couldn’t possibly refuse 4 years $70 million but Against All Odds he declined it now here’s the twist was this a case of Noel betting on himself or was it someone

Else betting on him following his decision Noel tested the market as a free agent apparently expecting a deal in the $100 million range but he was brutally met with complete embarrassment the best offer he received was once again from the Mavericks this time for just $4 million for one year it wouldn’t

Be until 2021 that Noel spoke out about the financial debacle and it came in the form of a lawsuit he claimed that he wasn’t the one that turned the deal down rather it was clutch Sports CEO Rich Paul Paul was Noel’s agent from 2017 to to 2020 and as the lawsuit detailed Noel

Believed that Paul’s decision- making cost the center roughly 58 million unfortunately for Noel nothing would come of the lawsuit leaving him to shoulder the responsibility of turning down the dud but giving credit where credits due Noel did manage to somewhat plays way out of the Holy dug and Dallas

Earning almost 30 million since then cutting his losses down to roughly $40 million and finally rounding out our list at number one is a man who despite still currently playing has lost far more getting on himself than anyone else in league history Dennis Schroeder after establishing himself as a reputable

Point guard in Atlanta Schroeder actually began his dealmaking career on the right foot inking a 4-year $70 million contract with the Hawks back in 2016 after being dealt to the Thunder he kept up his steady play and Drew the interest of the Lakers in 2020 appearing to be the perfect guy to orchestrate

Their LeBron and AD Le offense the Lakers pulled the trigger and traded for Schroeder that November slotting him in as the starting point guard for the rest of the season Schroeder fit the mold that La had in mind averaging 15 points and six assists in 32 minutes a night

For them so given his proven ability La was set on having him continue to be that guy for years to come and came to him with a 4-year $84 million deal that following off season but Schroeder had other ideas he expected to draw upwards of $100 million as a free agent and left

The deal on the table but nobody came calling when the dust had settled schroer was left with just a oneyear $6 million deal with the Celtics losing a whopping 78 million and a starting role in the league but unlike most of the guys on this list who fumbled away tens

Of millions of dollars betting on thems shter actually kept his head high throat at all at the end of the day he still managed to rack up almost $80 million in career earnings and has another 25 on the way thanks to his latest deal with the Raptors unfortunately for now

However he still goes down as the biggest bag fumbler the NBA has ever seen with his losses currently sitting at roughly $63 million knowing your worth and having self-confidence as an athlete or even as a person is always important to have but if there’s anything we can take away from this list

It’s that you’ve always got to keep yourself humble at the same time my name is Levi Smith and that’s my top Five

These are the Top 5 NBA Players who bet on themselves and lost it all.

Written & Hosted by: Levi Smith
Produced & Edited by: Zack Underhill (@zackunderhill | Instagram)
Thumbnail Design by: Justin Shipley (@shipleysportstudio | Instagram)

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#Top5 #NBA #BagFumbles


  1. You can blame these guys, sure, but ultimately it’s the agents that are responsible for poorly assessing the market for their clients. It’s up to them to know what offers are out there.

  2. One guy not mentioned here is Donatas Motiejunas
    He signed a 4 year $37m contract and when the Rockets took some incentives out it brought it down to 4 years $31m he got upset and didn't even report to his physical. When they finally worked it out he failed the physical anyways and the deal was off.

    He then signed a 600k minimum with the Pelicans and a 70k salary for the Spurs and then never had another NBA contract

  3. I thought Bonzi Wells' case was also simlar to Noel's i.e. being the agent's fault cause they don't want their clients to take it, making them miss the bag in the process.

  4. That isn't the whole Nerlens Noel story. There are some inaccuracies in this video. Nerlens agent was not Rich Paul at the time. In fact they met at a party and Paul gave him advice and he took it. Which was signing his qualifying offer to hit free agency next year. He did not test free agency that summer when he was offered that 5 year 70 million deal. Noel had no choice but to go back to the Mavs and they were trying to tank his value by not playing him much. It backfired and Noel got stuck with no offers next summer. He ends up going to the Knicks but did he bet on himself? Yes, but don't sit here and claim he had a choice. His only choices that summer were go back to Dallas on the qualifying offer. Sign that deal or get traded. He had no other options.

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