@Chicago Bulls

KC Johnson Shares What Really Went Down for the Bulls at the Trade Deadline

KC Johnson Shares What Really Went Down for the Bulls at the Trade Deadline

Welcome in everyone you’re listening to Bulls Central I’m joined with me today by none other than our Bulls Insider and beat writer for NBC Sports Chicago who’s been covering this team since uh the dynasty days he’s been kind enough to take uh time out of his day during this

Busy time of year post deadline uh it’s my pleasure to welcome back to the show Casey Johnson of NBC Sports Chicago Casey thanks for coming on appreciate you making the time how we doing I’m doing well always fun to be here thanks for having me Jamal and uh yeah we’re

Past the deadline so the end is in sight the end is in sight I’m sure you guys are looking forward to the all-star break that’s for sure um now uh I’m sure most of you are already if you’re not uh be sure to give Casey a follow at Casey

J hoop uh be sure to check out all of his great work over at MBC Sports uh as well as The Bull Talk podcast um I’ll leave a link to all those uh in the description uh now Casey a lot to talk about with this team uh

And everything that is transpired from the start of the season to where we are shortly after the deadline um and I’ll try to get everything it gets everything that I wanted to talk talk about but let’s let’s start with the trade deadline of course the Bulls for the

Third straight deadline uh they stamp Pat Uh they’ve made one trade since the summer of 2021 despite having more or less remained in the same place in the standings for a better part of two seasons and now for me personally while I was in disbelief of the front offices

In action at the deadline at the same time I also wasn’t surprised right you know given that we knew this front office the fact that we also had Zack lavine’s injury likely halted any deal of him getting moved and giving the Bulls overall improvement from their

Initial five and 14 start in a way you kind of could almost predict the quotes that were going to be coming from AK for why they didn’t make any moves but I’m curious as someone who’s been covering this team for a long time you obviously have a close relationship with AK were

You surprised at all by the Bulls yet again not making any trades at the deadline no I wasn’t surprised um in the fact I mean you kind of already hit on some of the big points I mean their main energy and main focus was on Trading

Zach for so many weeks and then his foot surgery derailed that obviously and you know they were they have made it pretty clear that they’re buyers it’s the second straight trade deadline that they position themselves as buyers they are intoxicated with this playin race and you know making the playoffs uh and it’s

Clear that that is their focus so um you know I reported that they were trying to get bogdanovich from Detroit um so they were they were clearly trying to add not to sell um the Caruso talk it’s we’re beating a dead horse with this I mean it

Would just take you know an completely unforeseen and ridiculous offer for them to part with that guy they they extremely highly value Caruso um the two that I probably had my most focus on after the Zach foot surgery uh announcement were dear and Drummond dear less so because they want

To trade him but more so you have to kind of have a handle on what he’s going to be doing in free agency and I don’t know I’m sure everyone’s heard what he said at shoot in Memphis on trade deadline day that sounded certainly like somebody to me who knows he’s going to

Be signing an extension this summer so what’s crazy about this deadline Jamal is like if dear signs an extension this team is going to be largely pretty similar next year to bring it back because I I’d be hard pressed to find a situation where you can trade Zach this

Summer I mean never say never but um that’s that’s just crazy to me but um Drummond uh his Market dried up a little bit during the day with uh Philly getting healed and and using three second round picks to do so and then Dallas signing Gafford I do know a

Couple of other teams I never got the identity of the team I just told a couple other teams called on Drummond so I’m not privy what came across the Bull’s desk I person would have probably traded Andre Drummond even if it was just for two second round picks nothing

Against Andre Drummond love covering him having a fantastic year but if you look at some of the deals that happened um you know second round picks were attached to some of those names as as sweeteners and if you want to try to trade Zack at some point I’m not saying

A second round pick is GNA make or break a Zack LaVine deal but it can’t hurt if you have some in your trove right so I was a little surprised on the Drummond situation um but I was not surprised by the overall philosophy can I ask and there

Has to be a statistic out there somewhere have you just because you’ve been around the league for so long have you ever come across a scenario which which a team has not made a trade for three straight deadlines not a single trade because I feel like it’s so common

Place these days at the trade deadline you see all these moves being made even just small marginal moves at least in your time period covering the bulls has there been a situation where they actually didn’t do anything for that manyi trade deadlines um I’d have to

Look at um I’d have to look at I don’t have that I I don’t have that at the top I didn’t expect you just off the top of your head I wasn’t sure like you know I think that was what I was more surprised

By was it’s like the third year in a row and and a team it’s different if you’re a championship level contending team yeah okay it makes sense you don’t want to you know shake up the roster because you don’t want to try to fix what isn’t broken but three straight years no moves

Being made and you know we’re sitting here playing team right now so I was just curious if that’s something you you’ve experienced in your time covering the team no I mean we’ve written it we’ve talked about it I mean it’s you know they’ve they’ve kind of followed

The same formula I mean d Goran dragic became Patrick Beverly became Javon Carter and um you know uh Tori uh Terry Craig was uh you know um who let’s see who do they sign the G oh Andre Drummond he’s still here but it’s like they just added floor raising veterans in free

Agency that’s what that’s that’s been their personnel moves uh I did I did want to ask do you know what potential deals were maybe on the table uh that were being offered for Alex Caruso because I know you talked uh on the bull Talk podcast you also had a column out

On it about how the Bulls wanted uh Jonathan kaminga right if they were going to be including Caruso in the deal was that a straight kaminga for Caruso swap or were there more stuff attached to that or you don’t know the specifics of the deal here’s all I know and and I

Mean in this day age so much gets um so so much gets aggregated and so Tak out of context look teams talk all the time that’s their job so like I was told this was something that happened over time and it wasn’t like even I do know the

Warriors circled back on treade Deadline day I don’t know specifically what what those talks were about but this was at a time earlier in the season I I believe when when um kaminga wasn’t playing as well and they kind of said hey you know we’d have interest in Caruso if you guys

Were ever going to think about training him and and the Bulls CED with well we we’d have interest in kaminga if we continued that and the Warriors like we’re not we’re not trading Jonathan kaminga so these things evolve and twist and turn um I do know that when the when

Kaminga was rebuffed I know Moody and maybe a pick I don’t know if that’s all the specifics but Moody a pick and maybe one other player were kind of count bannered back and forth but I it it sounded to me more like a fluid situation inste instead of like here’s

Our absolute final offer what what what are you considering and then as far as a Warriors call and on trade deadline day I was just told that at that point the Bulls were pretty firmly interested in keeping Caruso so what what do you think it would have taken for the Bulls to

Move Caruso because everyone talks about how they they you know they valued him incredibly highly which they should and I never wanted the Bulls to trade Caruso unless they got an insane Hall but I’m curious where do you think the front offices heads were at as far as what

Would take an overwhelming offer to actually move off of Caruso yeah I’m guessing but uh just given what I know about their mindset I would say it wouldn’t just be like everyone said oh he’d get two first round picks at first of all I never heard that for sure that

They got an offer of two first round picks and I don’t think that that I my personal sense is they’d want a player who can contribute now and a first round pick this team they do not want to take a step back they they just don’t they

Are all in on this Pursuit of you know the playoffs um that’s their mindset I mean you heard it from arur himself on on trade deadline day so uh I I don’t think they would move outex cre so simply for draft capital I think you’d have to have a player that can

Contribute now and draft Capital Cas see I’m actually curious what’s it like in the life of a beat writer uh in those Final hours leading up to the trade deadline are you kind of just you know scrambling trying to get the inside scoop from all your sources

In terms of you know what deals are potentially going down what are in the works things like that it’s changed so much because I’ve obviously been doing this so long I probably used to be a little bit more stressed about it and intense about it um because it was a

Different era before social media and so you’d be making more phone calls and now as we all know I mean the Scoops happen and you know they’re more often than not broken by woes or Shams and you’re just basically in a position where you’re um confirming stuff that said I mean it’s

My job to have a handle on what’s going on and um in that sense uh I don’t make as many phone calls as I used to because if it’s going to get broken it’s typically going to be broken by one of the national guys and so I’ll just

Already have a sense of what’s going on I just need to get something simply confirmed so um I but I I talked to I talked to three people on on trade deadline day just to get a sense of what was going on um and you know I was I

Think Shams had this too but I was one of the only ones who write about bogdanovich I mean they were I from my understanding they were in on that that to the very end like they they thought they had a good chance until he was

Traded to to New York so um I know they’re pursuing him pretty hard um so that um yeah that’s kind of how deadline works but it was it was a long day I mean I woke up that morning in Chicago flew to Memphis covered shoot around and

Then you’re just back at the hotel room kind of waiting for the deadline to pass and we did a trade deadline streaming show and then Urus had his Zoom news conference at 3 so it it was it was it was an eventful day I’m I’m sure the

Shoot around was also kind of a dead giveaway when you went there and you saw you know all the suspected players that were potentially going to get traded being there right because if they were moved or about to get moved they likely wouldn’t be out on the floor I’m sure

That was that was kind of right I tweeted that right away when we got access to the floor and then we all went over and talked to tomorrow you know if there’s not a trade deadline day what we like to typically do as beat Riders is

All kind of go to our own player to get a one-on-one but obviously that was the day where we all were going to go to Dear andar was in such a good mood and like I said he to me he talked to a guy like he knows he’s going to be here for

A while so yeah he had a really good analogy too I liked it you know as a married man sometimes you know exactly what that feels like the love is there though the love is there that’s what the love is there the love is there sometimes it can be challenging and you

Got to figure out how to make this work but the love is there um uh I did want to ask actually you were talking about B donovich uh do you think if Zach hadn’t gotten hurt season ending injury that that trade would have eventually come to

Fruition or or the Bulls would have been able to move LaVine somewhere uh I think Detroit was their best chance and I was told and I mean I I reported this all along I was told that Detroit was not even convinced on their end so I don’t even before the injury you’re saying

Yeah I don’t think it was a slam dunk I I was told that there was some people in their front office that were on in on in favor of training for Zach and there were some that were not and if you look at the deal they ultimately made there I

Mean you could make a case that they you know got a better deal out of out of New York so I mean not to say they got a better player than Zack LaVine but just a better deal for their situation sure so um I I I I would guess no um

That they if Zach hadn’t had foot surgery that they would have been able to move him but we’ll never know that’s just a guess you know the the inaction from the front office at the deadline obviously was frustrating for Bulls fans especially you know it’s the third time

That it’s happened of them standing Pat but honestly what had me more concerned than the bulls not making any moves was actually the press conference from AK shortly after that time passed I mean I I know the media speaking of the media isn’t exactly ak’s Forte and you know

That’s not for everyone that’s I’m not faulting him for that but in my view this pressor was exceptionally bad for a number of reasons which we could talk about but as a fan while I’ve kind of somewhat given AK a pass a lot of times I’ve defended you know his decisions at

Certain times even the vuich trade because at that time that that was the right market price for vich coming off an All-Star season uh but this was one of the first times where I really walked away from the presser and was pretty discouraged thinking is this guy in over

His head and I don’t mean that to just be one of these annoying armchair GMS because you always maintain they know way more than I do it’s why they get paid big money to be in that role and I think you know most of us who think we

Can be GMS would actually be terrible at it but for me in my view this just seemed very little self-awareness little accountability on you know the product of basketball we see before us you know focusing on this notion of staying competitive uh you know saying that we

Felt that this was the best group of guys you know that we wanted to be able to be competitive and win I know that you know as an objective reporter you’ve always been professional in your approach and covering this team so I’m sure you’re not going to you know

Disparage the guy by any means but what were your thoughts on that press conference and were you surprised at all by some of his comments I no I wasn’t surprised just because I’ve heard I mean we talked the thing about the misnomer about AK is I mean not that we have a

Lot access to him but I mean we have conversations with him that are not formal press conferences we’ve gotten to that point now in in the working relationship so nothing he said there surprised me but I can certainly understand why fans were underwhelmed or you called it exceptionally bad I mean I

Just thought the messaging fell kind of flat there because I mean quite frankly I think he has I think he’s kind of Miss I mean his job is not to pay attention to the fans right his job is to do what’s best for the team what he thinks

Best for the team right right but I think like you know I personally would not want to do a full rebuild because I’ve covered to and they’re really hard to get out of and they’re really painful um but I I think he’s underestimating like fans patience for rebuild I think

Fans would be excited if he tried to do something bold and blew it up and I don’t think it needs to go to that level but like for instance the example I brought up earlier is I would have traded Andre Drummond for two second round picks now again I’m not privy to

Know what came across his table in that situation so maybe he didn’t have that option but if you’re keeping Andre Drummond to win a you know nothing game against the Memphis g-league team in February you know what’s your vision here you know and again your vision is to stay competitive and make the

Playoffs but I don’t know one one question I’m kind of kicking myself for not asking um in the press conference this is an excuse but it was a long day I was tired and and there was a lot of lot of questions coming at and I asked a

Couple just kind of more matter of fact questions but one question that kind of I should have asked is you know when when he came in we heard so much talk about the championship standard and now it’s almost seems like the goal post have moved to like being a competitive

Standpoint and again I’m not saying like acquiring second round picks is the make or break path to get to a championship but it just seems like other front offices are doing these on the margins Mo on the margin moves that kind of help you advance advance and further I mean

If you look at New York like they were I’ve always talked about needing to land another big star needing to land another big star since Leon Rose taking over they just concentrated on hitting singles and doubles and you know it seems like it’s working out now I’m not

Saying they’re a championship level team yet but they’re on a good path their books are in good shape and they’ve made a lot of smart moves as they’ve gone along and you know I probably am more on your lean a little bit more towards you that we’re probably a little more forgiving

Of AK because I think there are some moves that he’s made that have been very good and yeah um so but yes I I I can understand I I I my lead was the 2024 press conference sounded a lot like the 2023 press conference I mean what are we

Doing here it’s like a year later we’re hearing the same things you know and but and I think you’re right and I think the only difference being that it’s a year later you know what I mean so it’s like when I heard that in 2023 like I said

Very similar very similar you know wording phrasing approach for you know why they didn’t make any moves but for me it’s like well we’re we’re a year remov now what you know what’s what’s going to happen and I don’t know was it just me but like even in his voice it

Almost sounded like he didn’t actually you believe half the things he was saying like his you know his voice was kind of trilling off a bit didn’t really speak with confidence and enthusiasm maybe that’s you know just his personality and that’s fine but I don’t

Know did you get that sense at all like no that’s just how he is in those he’s not he’s not good the former fres SC he’s he’s much better I’m telling you if you’ve if fans that have a low impression of him ever talk to him just casually like he’s actually a really

Funny dude he’s like people would be astonished he he’s got a good sense of humor self-deprecating okay uh so that yeah that I think that’s reading a little too much into but one one other thing I was going to say that you said that was a

Good point that and not only is the message the same but the fact that a year later is troubling for a couple reasons cuz last year we were the we a lot of people on the beat including silver writing like hey I would hate to see DeMar rosen go I love covering him

Incredible person to deal with great talent great for the organization I would have traded Demar de rosan if you could have last year at the deadline because that team that’s getting him is getting him for two playoff runs and you needed to do something okay so that

Didn’t happen so now you say your point here we are a year later which makes it even worse here’s why demard Rosen now is going to be an under agent who’s going to be turning 35 in the offseason Alice Caruso now if you try to trade him

The team only gets him for one playoff run as opposed to two uh Zach situation is worse than it was a year ago when AK was talking in Brooklyn right V is now you know resigned and not probably have a lot of trade interest in him because

You sign them at a number of 20 million so it is worse um if if you think this ceiling has a core which I and many people fully subscribe to you know uh I think it was one of the things you and Kevin were talking about the Bulls Talk

Podcast C it was probably mentioned I think on the press conference as well I don’t know if it was if it was you or Joe cie talking about hey uh how are you guys going to be able to stay below the tax line if the expectation is you’re

GNA resign dear you’re GNA you know resign Patrick Williams you still have Zach Line’s contract right because he didn’t trade it I mean obviously they can still trade in the offseason maybe you know we could talk about that but um do you think that they can get there and

In making that work because one of the things we did question a lot last offseason how you going to resign Kobe how you going to re sign IO um and vich right those were those were the big ones and it’s like how are you going to do

That M of the tax and they did it right and they got Kobe and io on great deals uh do you think there is a path to be able to to keep all of them whether it’s the right path or not but do you think

There is a path to be able to resign and keep all them 100% because just because of I’m just going off of the history of the franchise I I right know that’s kind of the the marching orders not necessarily the marching orders just kind of the implied understanding with

Ownership is like you can’t be in the tax unless we’re competing for champions ship so right I just assume that they know how they’re going to do it and that’s where the JJ pul you know comes in the salary cap expert on on the staff and right know JJ showed his

Maneuverability and and and worth in the summer of 2021 when they did all those crazy signing trades and he did it again last summer when like to your point we’re all saying like how the heck are they going to do I I asked so Joe asked

It this year I asked it last year the draft like Hey by my math I don’t see how you’re going toide all these guys taxs well guess what they did it so they’re they’re they they have a they have a knack for doing so and I would

Say bringing it to specifics I think they have to have no knowledge of either they they have they have some Zach trade scenarios that they feel like fairly confident they can pull off that we aren’t aware of or privy to and or um they think that Lonzo might be a career

Ending uh career ending provision and his 20 million is completely wiped you know he’s still gets paid but it’s completely white from the cap and the uh and the luxury tax figures and people shouldn’t get that confused with the injury exception this they got this year because that’s just something different

That was just you know they gave him money to sign the player if they wanted to uh because he wasn’t able to play this year but by this summer you’re going to know if Lonzo can play next year or not and so there’s $20 million that could possibly be coming off their

Book so that’s that’s why I’m fairly confident they’re going to be under the tax at the start of next season I did actually want ask about that just get a quick update on Lonzo you guys had a chance to see him you know get some shots up at practice the other day at

The Advocate Center uh I think the one thing we’re all kind of waiting on to see how he responds when he starts sprinting or even cutting I would assume that he still hasn’t reached that stage in his recovery because we would have heard about it from you guys unless I

Missed it but what’s sort of the latest on on his progress if he’s made any since the time you guys saw him putting up shots no I mean he joined our broadcast with Adam and Stacy and then we saw him on that practice St shooting I that’s what he’s doing he’s on the

Court a little bit doing some jump shooting and some uh um some controlled running but he you know this is all and you know I always say like the good thing about it is he’s doing things non basketball-wise that used to cause him pain that are no longer causing in pain

So from a human level there’s that’s fantastic because you want him to have a normal life regardless of you know what happens with his basketball future but to me it’s like and I I don’t mean to sound make this sound callous or flip flippant but um like wake me when he

Starts running and cutting you know it’s like that’s that’s the test I and I hope he passes it but that that to me there’s no story until he starts doing that so that’s where I’m at with it you know I did want to ask it was curious if if

Lonzo does recover and and he’s able to play next season do the Bulls still have an option to say ah we deem his injury you know how at what point how do they deem to the league that his injury is career ending and they’re able to get

His salary off the books if he’s healthy and he’s ready to go they don’t have that ability correct correct and he’s got it’s a player option not team option so he’s picking that up yeah yeah this has to to get the the this is the difference between the injury exception

Which is just granted for players who can’t play by the league and the cing provision which is independent medical doctors have to rule and the and the both the Players Association and the league have to sign off on it so it’s completely arbit objective and kind of

Remove so I see he can play Bulls he’s on the Bulls unless tra him so do uh does that mean that in this instance that Lonzo would not be able to come back to the NBA if if he it’s you know deed career ending like let’s say three

Years later you know he eventually starts getting back into shape and and he wants to make a return would he even be able to at that point I don’t think so and I I didn’t want to misspeak there I used to know the answer to that I

Don’t have it me um I it’s also changed a little bit I mean I dealt with this news story when Jay Williams wrecked his motorcycle right um then did try to make an NBA comeback after the Bulls had paid him off to go to to void his contract so

Um but I don’t fully know the answer that but my sense my guess is that you’re not allowed to it’s it’s it’s ruled ruled by an independent panel and and you can’t play again let’s talk about the uh the buyout Market real quick uh you wrote a recent column about

How you know the Bulls potentially looking at picking someone off the bout Market Billy even mentioned to you guys that you know the front office is definitely exploring it but as of right now nothing has moved forward in terms of plans or discussions you know with a

Specific player or players I know that came out yesterday and sometimes these situations can be a little fluid so a lot can change quickly anything you’re hearing on your end um as of right now as far as players that the Bulls might be interested in getting off the bout

Market no I haven’t heard any specific names I just threw out some names to me that to me makes sense I mean if you are adding somebody you’re adding to me either size or shooting two areas where you lack considerably on this roster um and quite frankly I don’t think the bio

Market that is that good this year um so uh you know we’ll see that they’re 1.7 million underneath the um luxury tax and it’s a prated amount I think they can do it but I also um I I need to check into this because Kobe white has some incentives

To this contract and I gota I got to do some reporting on that to see if they if they’re worried about Kobe hitting certain incentives to then make it difficult for them to add somebody from the bout market so I I don’t I don’t know where that’s going to go um but

I’ll I’ll say this man they could use an extra body right now because yeah you know all the injuries well Zach’s out forever for the season and I don’t think Patrick I mean I’m just kind of basing on what Billy the update we got from Billy usot it doesn’t sound to me like

Patrick’s going to be ready to go for a little bit and OB obviously the minutes have been piled up for Demar and Kobe so um even if you can just get a veteran who can give you 12 to 160 minutes a night and quite frankly Javon Carter

Should be playing more but that’s just me so anybody at this point we we’ll see what the biomarket goes do you have a preferred player that would make the most sense for the Bulls uh I mean you’re talking about shooting if they were to sign someone on the bio Market

Yeah if you’re talking about shooting I I I don’t know I have not watched enough here’s a guy that would solve size and shooting but I he’s pretty he’s definitely cooked defensively and always kind of was ginari yeah the reason the reason my mind goes him is like the Bulls thought they had

Him the year went to Boston and so the connection’s already there he AK and his aging are really tight so there’s that but I don’t know how I don’t know how well he came back from that knee injury I have not been paying attention to his

Career that but then the other one that comes you know although he got a ton of guard s um but talk about a good shooter and he’s got a great very close friend and I don’t believe he’s been officially bought out yet or waved as Evan forier

Oh for yeah yeah he and V are very good friends so there’s a name that I i’ probably be watching but I’m just speculating right now I don’t I don’t have any concrete information yeah yeah um there was one is there like a time period for which buyout candidates need

To be signed or they can be signed at any point um what is the new rule on that they can be signed at any point to be eligible on the play play off roster they’ve changed this to if they sign somebody they’ll be eligible for the playoff roster okay okay um just really

Quick because I know we’re kind of coming up coming up on on time here did you uh any any update on Patrick you’re just talking about Patrick Williams um is there any possibility that you know there’s a world where he could miss the rest of the season uh I mean that would

Be complete speculation on my part I just know that you know um he um hasn’t done anything on the court um um so we we’re told two weeks in a reevaluation that two weeks comes up at the end of this week we won’t have access because it’ll be the allstar

Break right you know he’s not wearing the walking boot all the time anymore but he still wears it at times um but he’s not doing any running he’s not doing anything on the court um and we always knew like best case scenario would be that first game after the break

In in the Celtics game I mean that’s only 11 days away so yeah I personally would call that a long I mean not he’s not going to have any had any practice time so I think it’s going to be I think it’s going to be some time out of the

Allar break that he’s going to be missing too which is not good not good and this that lowkey that was a bad loss to the magic first of all because it was a very winnable game they had it in control and that’s a team you’re you’re

Chasing it’s above you y could have got within one game of 500 and these next we’re taping this on the off day um this these next two Road games are tough I is not a great team but the Bulls never seem to play well in Atlanta um and um

Atlanta’s one game below them right now right and and then Cleveland’s you know the hottest team in the league so you you that would not be a good scenario which you’re entering the allstar break with the old four game losing or three- game losing streak and uh and five games

Under 500 so we’ll see what we’ll see what happens well with with that I I’ll get you out here on this one thing uh Casey uh AK said you know what he was selling to the fans um in his Presser is a competitive team and aimed to make the

Playoffs uh we’re getting close to the all-star break do you see the bulls making the playoffs this season I think they’re going to be a play in team um I don’t think they will make the playoffs so no I I so I think it’ll be just like

Last year they’ll make the play in they will not make the playoffs um I think that you know they’ve got a pretty good cushion on Brooklyn and I think they ultimately will you know stabilize and and pull away from from Brooklyn I think they’ll be in you know 9 10 eight maybe

Eight but probably 910 range again I think it be very similar to last season and uh that’s where they are right it’s like even if you make the play and you’re most likely like you said 910 you’re looking at Hawks first game which is never going to be easy and then what

Magic heat most likely like these are tough games to win to try to get into the playoffs so yeah I I I agree with you my my my hope is that they are able to get into the playoffs just purely from a fan perspective but even when

They do then you’re talking about a pretty quick exit in the first round even if they’re able to squeak into it so yeah it’s where we are right now but um Casey of course is always uh very appreciative of you uh always making time for me to come on and uh give us

All this insight into what’s going on with the team I speak for all of us in Bulls Nation how we appreciate you keeping us updated informed and covering this team so uh keep up the great work and best of luck to best of the Season

Hope you get a a break uh here for the All-Star break coming up I plan to thanks Tom all all right take care Casey have a good one all right

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  1. It appears the Bulls FO leans more into Free Agency than the draft in their philosophy of roster buildingā€¦Do you think they are gun-shy when it comes to positioning for a high draft choice (especially seeing that the Bulls own their 2024 first round selection)?

  2. I would have wanted to trade Derozan, love the guy but he can't be our guy in the clutch anymore, we have to live or die by coby white making or missing shots at the end of the game

  3. This is how dumb and blind some fans are. There isn't even a franchise changing player in this draft so tanking won't help this year, we don't have our draft pick next year so no point in tanking then either, no guarantee you'd get a high enough pick with the lottery, and finally not much value on moat of our players so what move is there to make 2nd round draft picks don't usually make championship teams

  4. Never seen coby white starting in the playoffs anxious to see if he has another level hard to say what will happen right now

  5. Ownership needs to sell the team. Mgmt is executing the strategy from the top. They donā€™t have a clue what theyā€™re doing

  6. At this point, if the Bulls had traded Drummond just to say they made a trade, it would have been mindless. Actually, they blew their chances some time ago. The icing on the cake was when Lavine left for surgery. You got what you got now.

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