@Dallas Mavericks

Why Did Mark Cuban Sell the Mavericks?

Why Did Mark Cuban Sell the Mavericks?

The biggest Shams bomb of the Year wasn’t Pascal SE yakum it was Mark Cuban selling the Mavericks dude was the last owner you would think would do that people say oh well he bought them for 285 million sold for billions anyone would do that yeah right the Mavs

Weren’t an investment for him they were his baby remember this I’m pretty sure you’re turning down 1.4 billion oh yeah I mean I’m turning down anything but um yeah you turning down anything yeah like would you turn down 3 billion yeah you turned down 3 billion

What do I need $3 billion for oh so what changed well part of the answer is that Cuban kept a minority State and still makes basketball decisions but let’s be honest as soon as the maps start losing dude who paid 3 billion is going to be

Like uh hey Mark I get this is hard but I’m out so if you’re like me you know there’s got to be more to this story well it turns out there’s Cuban’s official reason for selling then there’s what he doesn’t want us to know so let’s expose the three secret reasons Cuban

Sold his baby well he sold 70% of the team at a valuation at 3.5 billion which means he made about 2.45 billion the new owners are actually two families the adon’s and the dants together they run the Las Vegas Sands Corporation Cuban said financially the Mavs are in a far

Better position to be able to compete which is true the new owner’s net worth is about 33 billion so they go from the 11th richest team to number two behind the clippers but with the new CBA the net worth of your owner doesn’t even matter that much the real reason will

Make Mark Cuban a lot more money than what he got selling the team the new owner wants to make gambling legal in Texas Mir and Adon shamelessly donated 3 million to Texas politicians cuz it’s a huge Market the second richest state in the US behind California if Texas was a

Country it would be the ninth richest nation in the world but owning the Dallas Mavericks was a big part of her plan first legalize gambling in Texas then build a new Mavs Arena inside a resort and casino complex and because Cuban still owns 27% he will cash out

Big time on legalized gambling the map’s current Arena lease ends in 20130 so they have about 6 years to make their multi-billion dollar scheme a reality now I don’t actually think that is a shady reason because Cuban admits it and like millions of Texans already drive

Out of state to gamble anyway but the other reasons he sold the team are shocking first is financial trouble but why would Mark Cuban have money problems cuz he went heavy into crypto during the pandemic first he invested in a crap coin called Titan promised over 200%

Returns and Mark advertised that on his personal blog so tons of new investors flooded in Titan jumped from $29 per coin to 65 but 3 Days Later went to zero but don’t worry Cuban got out just in time I got hit like everyone else crazy part is I got out thought they were

Increasing their tlv enough then bam what a coincidence 3 days after saying they were awesome cubin got out weird now he later took responsibility and said oh sorry I was too lazy to research now he’s not going to pay anyone back but he might have to for this next

Scandal Cuban promoted a crypto lending platform called Voyager claimed it was as risk free as you’re going to get which is a huge red flag especially in the crypto space but listen to how nervously Cuban reads off this sketchy Mavericks promotion fans who download the app create an account using the

Promotional code code Mavs 100 deposit $100 and make a trade we’ll get $100 in crypto ah you’ll never guess what happened next months later Voyager went bankrupt cuz they were lending to Shady individuals but cubin knew they were Shady Voyager was being sued for lying about having no fees and Mark knew about

It and not only did he not tell his fans this while promoting them he said it was almost risk-free now Cuban is being sued for $5 billion but if you think that’s sketchy it is nothing compared to his nft project Cuban bought the IG handle

At nft in the hide of the craze the page highlighted certain nft projects and because Cuban’s name was in the bio it had credibility what they didn’t tell people was it was pay for play all the posts were ads but they never disclosed that coffeezilla messaged them about a

Fake nft project all they asked him for was 20 grand at a five post minimum so 100,000 bucks no questions about the actual project so a guy named Top Shot fund on Twitter investigated and found 70% of the at nft projects fell in value and 10% were straight up scams so the

Only people who made money here were Mark Cuban and the sketchy nft creators in most cases now Mark says he was not involved in operations but this was a trend for him around that time but the third reason he sold is bad for the entire NBA in the last 18 months four

NBA teams have been sold which is weird it makes you wonder what do these billionaires know that we don’t all of them made big profits cuz team valuations have gone way up it all started with the $24 billion NBA media rights deal with ESPN and TNT in 2014

Annual revenue per team exploded from 966 million to 2.6 billion a year so the average team value also went up 2.3 billion in 2015 3 billion in 2021 3.4 billion in 202 23 but Cuban might think the NBA bubble is about to burst the new medeor right deal is coming up but TV

Ratings are way down now I can give like a 100 examples of this but let’s keep it simple this is the average rating for a regular season game starting in 1990 it peaked with Michael Jordan when the last medor rights deal was signed still respectable then immediately went in the

Tank in fact this year was an all-time low the best NBA on ABC game ever was 5.42 million in 2012 the worst was during the pandemic 2.77 million well this year there was an ABC game that Drew 1.6 million a new low ABC has shows that get more views than that many of

Them get cancelled so why would this next NBA metor rights deal be a good thing for the league Cuban even admitted this days before he sold the team people forget like when you you guys were in the cap was like flat yeah right it was just like 40 million to 50 million from

2000 when I bought the team and there were years where it was down and then in 2010 remember um New Orleans no one would buy it the league had to take it over and so I’m not saying it’s going to be like that but the point is it’s not

Automatic that everything always gets better yeah just look at the top 100 TV shows of 2023 let’s see how many of them are basketball oh none of them cubaan knows that’s not good now I do think this next media deal might be decent because Adam Silver just got a big

Extension from the owners but this Golden Era of NBA revenue is about to end so a ton of billionaire owners are getting out now Die Hard fans like us don’t really care about ratings that much we just want to know who’s the next Superstar to get traded well Trey young

Might actually be the next guy because he is openly flirting with Victor Wim banama

Mark Cuban was the last NBA owner people thought would ever sell so it was a shock he did so while having a legend like Luka Doncic on the team. Many fans thought there is more to the story and they were right. This is a look at why Cuban really sold his most prized asset.


  1. The nba has become about pop stars moving around not competition. Nobody cares about winning really, only a bit in the playoffs.

  2. Keep digging. He been shady since before he bought the team. Most don’t know the real deal on the Broadcast deal with yahoo. More questions than answers on that. Not surprised with the crypto things. I don’t think he’s as genius as he makes himself out to be. Think I’m full of it? Keep digging on that yahoo deal. Cube’s version is much different than what really went down.

  3. Your top 100 chart is disingenuous. Nearly all football games are on broadcast; nearly all basketball games are on cable.

  4. who the heck invest in an unknown crypto coins? 🤣 y'all got rag and pull'ed by Cuban 🤣

    the last choice in my life i'd invest in coin is only B*tcoin i guess, eventho right now i haven't invest a penny

  5. Who would have thought that a league loses its appeal when formerly exceptional achievements become normalized due to changes to rules and the way the game is played. What are you supposed to get excited about nowadays in an NBA game? The occasional rare dunk? Scores are inflated, three point shooting is rampant and tough defense is really hard to come by. There is no sense of achievement when something happens, because in the grand scheme of things, it does not matter. A highlight dunk? Will be rendered meaningless by three pointers. I remember when hitting 100 points was relevant and celebrated by fans. Not saying it had to stay like this forever, but it meant something back then. When LeBron and Steph retire, the ratings will crater even further and Mark Cuban found his exit at the right time.

  6. Sports betting is the future of the NBA more so than streaming rights. The NBA by far has the youngest fan base and are just less likely to sit down and watch a regular season game but are so much more likely to gamble so the value per fan is so much higher. So any short coming in streaming rights will be made up by gambling sponsors there's just so many NBA games per season for people to gamble on. Your point on Cuban selling to a Betting group to help legalize gambling in texas was spot on.

    I do think the next media rights deal will be massive for the sheer fact that tech companies wanna start there own streaming services that they are willing to overspend in the short-term but this exponential growth will end in the next one or two deals. The traditional TV stations have to compete with Apple and Amazon now for rights.

  7. The more I learn about Cuban, the bigger a scumbag I feel like he is. People see him as some great investor but if you look at his increase in net worth, it’s all basically his increase in equity value in the Mavs. 😂

  8. To be honest you're videos are unique than other nba cover, it's like an mini documentary and waiting for videos everyday.

  9. Love seeing this type of video instead of the vapid bulls*** you’ve been pumping out lately. You were so good for a long time which got me hooked but lately your content has been so much lower quality. Hope this is a permanent return to form.

  10. Yep. The ratings are why I say no to a Vegas team. Seattle is all but assured a team, and the NBA needs Mexico. It’s an untapped market. The semipro basketball ball team in Mexico City has more viewers than most NBA playoff games. And the owner would be the second richest person in the world. Oh, and Mexico City’s arena (already built) would be the league’s largest arena. The only problem would be the altitude. Mexico City doubles Denver’s elevation.

  11. It could be that they know something catastrophic is likely to occur relatively soon and the insiders are trying to liquidate anything that's not a hard asset.

  12. This is 100% why Cuban goes around promoting DEI and anti-white policies so publicly. He knows the media and politicians will shield him.

  13. Wow….Cuban should be in prison, just like Martha Stewart pulled out before her stock crashed. ….smh

  14. Lower ratings in the NBA? Geez I don't know why. I guess maybe it's not fun to watch everybody either shoot a 3 or free throws every possession. Maybe watching the players flop and then whine about not getting a call isn't entertaining. And we can't forget about the worst refs on planet Earth somehow all gathered in the NBA. Them and their tiny fragile ego can't help but hand out technical fouls every time they make eye contact with a player.
    I'm just a little sad that undeserving people like Harden, Kawhi, Embiid, Westbrick, and a lot of other divas/insanely overrated players got paid waaaaaay too much.

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