@Memphis Grizzlies

The Memphis Grizzlies seek the sunny side after losing ninth straight

The Memphis Grizzlies seek the sunny side after losing ninth straight

On this episode of lock on Grizzlies we are talking about Memphis dropping their ninth consecutive game Yes you heard that right the record losing streak under the Taylor Jenkins and Zack kimman regime grows to nine games we’re going to talk about that plus how one Memphis Grizzly in particular is continuing to

Show his value and some of the things that we can take away during this difficult time following this team in this Lost season lock in with me on a Tuesday edition of lock on Grizzlies you are locked on Grizzlies your daily Memphis Grizzlies podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team

Every Day losses don’t get easier as Seasons grind forth and as they pile up they still can hurt uh a little bit more than I even let on as someone who has bookmarked and all of those sorts of things don’t get me wrong as someone that’s followed this team for so long

Over a decade now it it’s still tough to see them drop games even when that’s the likeliest outcome given the current circumstances I am your host for this episode of lockon Grizzlies Joe Mullen know to Michael Cole day after a game he’s doing his beat riter thing usually

In those situations it’ll be myself or him solo and that’s exactly the case he’ll be back with me for our Wednesday edition of locked on Grizzlies but here we are living in a moment where the Grizzlies are among the worst teams in the NBA and they’re earning that title

At the moment given their record especially over the last nine contests this episode is brought to you by prize picks the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy Sports go to lockon NBA use code all lowercase locked on NBA for a first deposit match up to

$100 as proud members of the locked on podcast Network your team each and every day we are free and available wherever you get podcasts you can also check us out on YouTube like comment rate review subscribe all those fun things continue to make to Michael myself both of us

Here at lockd on Grizzlies part of your daily NBA and Memphis Grizzlies consumption lots of fun things to discuss lots of reasons to be positive and optimistic even in the darkness that is a nine game losing streak we’ll talk more about that later on in the show but

First off we need to discuss the obvious and that’s the the Memphis Grizzlies are not particularly good at this time the New Orleans Pelicans come into FedEx form hand the Grizzlies their 20th home loss of the Season Two Z who would have thought that the Memphis Grizzlies would

Have 20 home losses at this point in the campaign certainly not me even with the John Maran suspension the Memphis Grizzlies are one of the two best teams in the NBA and it’s just unbelievable to me that even with all that’s transpired all that’s occurred for Memphis for them

To be in a position now where they are one of the very worst home record teams in the National Basketball Association that is a drastic turn for them obviously things didn’t go the way that Memphis wanted them to especially in a fourth quarter which had to be one of

The lowest scoring fourth quarters if not the lowest scoring fourth quarter in the NBA this season only 24 points combined scored between the Pelicans and The Grizzlies in this 96 to 87 game it’s one of those finals that you if you follow the grit and grind Grizzlies like

I did back in the day about a decade ago you saw that score and it wasn’t isn’t that surprising it’s pretty surprising in the modern NBA and it’s pretty surprising when again 10 points for the Pelicans in the final frame of the game 14 points for Memphis New Orleans wins

This contest only shooting 41% from the field the grizzly shot 42% the Pelicans shot much better from three Memphis chucked 44 three-pointers in this game only converting 12 of them and one of the reasons that they have to shoot that many threes a third of which made by

Luke Gard who will talk more about later on in the show hopefully my good buddy and pal to Michael Cole is listening Mr Stephen Adams I’m going to make a case for Luke Canard and his Elite skill set still belonging on the Grizzlies a third of those threes were made by

Memphis here is why they have to shoot so many of those because the Grizzlies simply do not have guys that can create off the dribble for themselves right now no John Morant no Desmond Bane no Marcus Smart no Derrick Rose Who is the primary creator of offense in a starting five

That includes Jackson Jr Alama John Kar who only played 15 minutes for all my John Kar uh frustrations hopefully uh he didn’t get hurt and it was just Coach Jenkins realizing that John conar shouldn’t have been playing uh but I digress you know Vince Williams Jr and

Scotti Pippen Jr of those five names who’s your creator of offense Scotty Pippen Jr I suppose but he literally is on a uh a contract that he wasn’t on with the Grizzlies a couple of weeks ago he’s still new to the team so while he had six assists and no turnovers that’s

A bright spot if that’s the guy that you’re primarily counting on and jiren had four turnovers you can’t realistically expect this team to do much more than Chuck threes if the defensive Focus as it was for the Pelicans was to make jiren’s life difficult 22 points for jiren but

On 19 shots wasn’t his most efficient game from Beyond The Arc if you’re going to collapse the paint a lot of drop coverage was played by the Pelicans in this contest you got to take shots from outside and that leads to things like two for eight shooting opportunities for

Santi Al dama who continues his poor run every once in a while he has a flash of offense and that’s good to see because the Grizzlies are going to need him if he’s going to stick around for his offensive Acumen you see another tough

Game for him you see udaan and ab who is a fun story don’t get me wrong and he was four for five on his two-pointers nice cut to the basket for an assist from Vince Williams Jr a nice highlight in a dark dreary basketball game for

Memphis but UDA was one for seven from three you definitely need more from him in that situation Vince had a tough shooting night as well one for five from Beyond The Arc so the Grizzlies shoot poorly they don’t have the ability to get to the basket in New Orleans takes

Advantage of it even in a bad offensive game for them me or New Orleans is up by 14 I believe at the half and didn’t really look back nor should they have looked back but the the reality for this Grizzlies team right now is they simply if their defense doesn’t consistently

Lock down guys and they did some good things in this game but Brandon Ingram went off herb Jones uh the noted let’s leave him open and see if he makes them well he made them right in 35 minutes of play he shot three for six 50% from the

On the arc Brandon Ingram had a solid offensive game the Pelicans bench did some good things the Grizzlies just don’t have the numbers they don’t have an NBA rotation right now Lamar Stevens scoring 10 points Off the Bench that’s cool that’s a good story seven rebounds two blocks he’s probably not on this

Grizzlies team long term same thing with udaan and ab it’s fun to watch him out there in this Lost season but the reality is watching those guys play is a reminder that this team is broken right now they are are broken and it doesn’t get much more broken than a niname

Losing streak obviously the streak can continue and if they keep playing this way the most almost certainly will continue but the the painful truth is that the Grizzlies is currently constructed are not going to win very many games jiren Jackson Jr is a number one option that’s not the ideal role for

Him Vince Williams Jr leading the team in minutes at 37 that’s not an ideal role for him even if you want to argue that Vince Jr should be a starter when everybody’s back and healthy next season you want to make that argument I’ll listen to it I don’t know that I agree

But I’ll certainly listen he’s earned that through his play this year Vince being a member of the Rising Stars challenge now we’ll talk more about that later on in the show so the Grizzlies will be represented in all-star weekend coming up after all Vince Williams Jr earned

That and he’s earned the opportunity in the contract and all those things with Memphis but even if he is a starter next year year he shouldn’t have 37 minutes loged that’s not reality that’s not good basketball Lamar Stevens you have want an AB Trey Json all of those guys

There’s an outside chance none of them are on the active roster for Memphis this time next year this team’s GNA look very different than it does right now Luke Gard the only realistic bench option for Memphis at this time so nine games losing it sucks you

Want to win as a fan I’m sure the players and coaches obviously want to but perspective is key they fought they defended they made the game close they fought back from 25 points down to make it a contest late they just ran out of gas and that’s exactly what going to

Keep happening because they do not have enough in the tank to compete with a team like New Orleans even on an off night for them which it was offensively noted Grizz killer CJ McCollum shooting as poorly as he did against Memphis four for thir 15 from Beyond the uh excuse me

Four for 15 from the field that’s not going to happen again right McCollum is a lot better against Memphis usually than that so to Michel and I kind of predicted that New Orleans was gonna have that game circled it wasn’t a dominant win because the Grizzlies

Fought back in the second half like I mentioned but it was a win nonetheless for the Pelicans and The Grizzlies dropped their ninth consecutive game there was a positive though and it was the continued productivity of Luke Gard continuing to have an elite skill that the Memphis Grizzlies will desperately

Need going into next season we’ll talk about that next here on lockon Grizzlies but first this episode of lockdown Grizzlies is brought to you by prize picks it’s demon time over on prize picks you can now win up to 100 times your money with as little as four

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His value to this team both now and moving forward stick around welcome back to lockdown Grizzlies I’m Joe Mullen flying solo on this episode of the show no to Michael Cole he is the Memphis Grizzlies beat writer of course for the Commercial Appeal I am a former writer

Myself I’ve been with lockon Grizzlies for a while now been covering this team over a decade very excited to be with you each and every time I’m able here on lockon Grizzlies thank you so much for choosing to spend part of your day with me a tough loss for Memphis not going to

Try to make it seemed like it was anything other than that but even on the darkest and drest day as I mentioned earlier there are rays of sunshine and Luke Canard was an was a ray of sunshine in this contest and Michael and I have talked about luk Canard on this

Show and demichel has been I don’t want to say critical because I think he likes luk Canard but he has kind of alluded to the idea and he wrote about this over the Commercial Appeal that he felt that it should have been Canard who was traded and not Stephen Adams and he

Thinks Memphis is going to struggle finding a replacement for Adams now that particular piece of this may very well be true and it’s important to understand that the concerns about Luke Canard that the Michael has are valid watch him go against bigger physical teams watch him go against the Lakers

Watch him play in the playoffs where the defensive energy really ramps up go back to that Lakers series he had trouble at times getting open because he does not have that Elite athleticism the ability to come off a screen that really Rapid Fire release he is not that kind of

Three-point shooter you know what kind of three-point shooter he is the kind that for three seasons straight has shot at least 43% from Beyond The Arc at least 43% for three consecutive Seasons he is the kind of three-point shooter that is shooting a third best in the history of the National Basketball Association

Three-point percentage for his career that’s not hyperbole you can look it up basketball reference wherever you get your basketball stats it’s there third best percentage in NBA history now does that make him better than Steph Curry of course not does that make him better than Klay Thompson no it doesn’t does it

Make him extremely valuable to this Memphis Grizzlies team you better believe it because what he provides better than anybody else that Memphis can realistically acquire is spacing good friend of mine Parker Fleming he would call it gravity right that always kind of annoyed me it bugged

Me that’s one of my old man basketball things get off my lawn with your Gravity the attention of the defense has to be paid to lucar you can’t just shy away from him because he can make you pay for a variety of spots on the perimeter with his shot and that allows

For a guy when the team is healthy like John Morant like Desmond Bane who’s grown as a Creator off the dribble like a Marcus Smart heck even a Derk Rose all four of those guys not active against the Pelicans they have more room to work with because you cannot get overh helped

Off of when Luke Canard is on the floor and I mentioned this idea of athletic defensive wing right and I think that’s a fair point that’s to Michael makes but against the New Orleans Pelicans who have some athletic long defensive Wings not as successful in this particular contest and again for all the

Grizzlies three-point shooting Wes in this game imagine if Luke Canard wasn’t on the floor Memphis shot 12 of 44 from Beyond The Arc Luke Canard was four for nine four for nine almost 50% from three again right in line with that 43 is % pretty consistent without Luke Canard where

Would this team be they would not be capable of shooting the three ball in any way shape or form anywhere near what they’re going to need moving forward and how do you replace that if it was so easy to replace three-point shooting how come the Grizzlies for 10 years have been

Trying to find it how come during the grit and grind era and all the moves that were made and all the hopes and dreams of trying to fill that void nobody was is able to fully manage to do so why not because it’s not as simple as

You think even in this era of NBA basketball finding a guy that can fill it up from range not that simple to do now again that doesn’t mean that finding a guy who’s really good at being big like Stephen Adams doesn’t mean that’s gonna happen overnight either but that’s

Assuming that Stephen Adams after almost 18 months of not playing basketball ball competitively is going to be able to do those things the way that he used to do them or that’s assuming that Stephen Adams wants to do them in Memphis or wanted to do them in Memphis or that

Memphis wanted him to do those things for them that’s a lot of assuming and you know what they say about assuming dear listener and dear viewer I’m not going to say it because it’s family show you catch the drift if Stephen Adams wasn’t longed for this Grizzly’s life it’s best to move on

Now and now you if you want to move on from Luke Canard I understand they’re not going to do it of course this season because the trade deadline is come and gone canard’s here to stay for now but if Memphis somehow can get in on a nice big fat Superstar type deal

Sure as long as the money’s right you could use canard’s salary it’s a nice piece going into next season team option for basically the whole kitten Kaboodle all 14 or so million dollars so that’s helpful but his ability to shoot threes is also very helpful and that is going to be

Necessary it’s going to be something that Memphis if they’re smart is going to look into extending with Luke Canard he’s not a defensive Dynamo he’s a tryhard to Michael says that I think that’s a fair way to put it but he shoots the basketball at an elite clip and he did

So in a game where he did not have a ton of help he didn’t have someone to create those shots for him as easily as he would if the first second or even third string point guards were active for the contest and yet he was still able to get

His shots off he was still able to convert that is a major positive that is something to be excited about watching this team moving forward because his productivity is a layer and a connector it’s a bridge to next season you can inv him being open in the corner off of a

Drive jawar drive or you can Envision somebody sticking him and not being able to help in a pick and roll set and allowing for jaw the room and space to manipulate create a shot for someone else or get his own bucket it’s easy to say that you can

Remanufacture that in other ways but the shest fire way to make that space a reality is through having Elite three-point shooting and The Grizzlies are bad at that they got one guy that’s good at it right now consistently even Desmond Banes having a Down Season shooting doesn’t mean he’s a bad shooter

But it’s not his best year the best three-point shooter on the Memphis Grizzlies is Luke Canard and you can have him on the team next year to have that skill set that was worth it for me personally to ship out Stephen Adam but what say you maybe you

Disagree with me maybe your team demichael on this take and you think Stephen Adams should still be in Memphis I am of the mindset that they can try to replicate what Adams brought especially as a rebounder in the aggregate as a screener as a creator of offense in that

Way that’s a much more difficult task and we can talk more about that on an upcoming episode of lockon Grizzlies he was an excellent rebounder I’m not trying to say he wasn’t I think there’s other pieces that you can find that can replicate that more easily than the

Elite shooting that Canard brings what say you let us know in the comments below uh when we come back here on lockon Grizzlies we’re going to close out the show again looking for reasons to be optimistic losing streaks are no fun having to talk yourself into Luke

Canard being a key part of this franchise moving forward you got to remember he was kind of on the end of the bench for the Clippers when he arrived around this time last year it’s difficult right now but there’s a sunny side there’s a bright side to all this

And we’ll talk about that coming up next year on lockdown Grizzlies but first I want to remind you of lockdown sports today first ever National Sports 24/7 streaming Channel on YouTube that you can now also find on Amazon Fire TV lockon sports today is here for you 247

Covering the top stories of the day in sports with the local Experts of lock on plus our national shows covering every League find the lockon sports today Channel now on Amazon Fire TV I think that’s pretty cool personally this episode of lockdown Grizzlies is brought to you by better help and again I’m

Guilty of taking Sports too seriously if you’re checking out this podcast chances are a time or two you’re in the same boat as me we sometimes all need the chance to get stuff off off our chest and I’m going to take that opportunity now to really kind of drive home how

Difficult it can be to lose you feel like it’s your fault somehow as a fan even but especially if you’re a player or a coach how you’re connected to the failure you kind of internalize it you don’t want to share that pain and while it’s just a game it’s just Sports when

It’s something that you’re so passionate about it can certainly drag you down more than you let on therapy can be different for everyone obviously lots of us have bigger problems than our favorite sports team and it’s important to get things like that off your chest every once in a while if you’re thinking

Of starting therapy give better help a try it’s entirely online designed to be flexible and suited to your schedule visit lockon NBA to get 10% off your first month that’s betterhelp lockon NBA coming back here on lockon Grizzlies discussing the Sunny Side of the current

State of things stick with us welcome back to lockon Grizzlies I am Joe Mullen X closing out this episode of the show looking for the bright side in the midst of a nine game losing streak not the easiest thing to do flying solo makes it

A little bit harder as well I miss to Michael Cole of the commercial peel there in Memphis Tennessee but deich will be back with us on our Wednesday Edition and you’ve been so kind as to give some of your day to me spending it with me talking Memphis Grizzlies

Basketball and I truly do appreciate it each and every time you do so hopefully you’re in every day at this point and you do it every time a new episode drops on Apple Spotify YouTube wherever you get your podcast Luke Canard is a reason to be optimistic another reason to be

Optimistic in these dark days is the discipline for GG Jackson that led to him not participating in the game on Monday night now hopefully you’re sitting there listening viewing whatever the case might beer be beer fraudi and slip whatever the case might be dear listener dear viewer viewer and you’re

Thinking to yourself wait a second is this idiot trying to tell me that GG Jackson getting in trouble with the team for violating a team rule is a good thing yes because now is a time for learning lessons and it’s a heck of a lot easier to learn those lessons in a

Season that realistically you cannot expect anything more than the current state of play competitiveness flawed execution losses those are going to be the expectations for the next two months the doesn’t make it fun doesn’t make it something to be overly excited about but it does mean

That you can take advantage of this time and Learn and Grow we see it with jiren Jackson Jr almost every game he is passing and completing assists more than he has at any point in his career and that’s extremely valuable that is a skill set that I promise you as long as

Everybody stays healthy knock on wood this team set is going to benefit tremendous or this team is going to benefit immensely from that skill set developing moving forward once John morance is back on the floor and Desmond Bane is back on the floor and marus smart is back on the floor another guy

That can create offense for others even if it’s on a 10 to 11% clip that’s still better than four or five perc and those points could be the difference in winning and losing close basketball games against good teams that’s a reason to be optimistic Vince Williams continued opportunity the

Opportunity for playing time the opportunity for starting role the opportunity to show that he’s worthy of a fullblown NBA contract and now with Dyson Daniels of the New Orleans Pelicans out with injury Vince Williams Jr as an injury replacement gets to show the NBA as a member of the Rising Stars

Challenge gets to show the NBA Universe what he’s capable of and the good work that he’s done in Memphis this season we were going into this all-star weekend I was going to do some research for an episode coming up later this week I can’t remember the last time that

Grizzlies didn’t have an allstar game representative even if it’s rising stars or Three-Point Shootout or whatever the case might be they usually had something but until Vince Williams Jr was added to the rising stars challenge it was going to be a pretty easy weekend for myself

And to Michael almost a weekl long break basically still do a show here there but was gonna have a ton to talk about now we have Vince Williams Jr as a rising star to discuss later on this week here on lockon Grizzlies in a Lost season you will see

Opportunities for guys like GG Jackson to learn and grow both on and off the floor for guys like Vince Williams Jr to show they belong and those are going to continue to happen Lamar Stevens looked good at times against the Pelicans and maybe that won’t translate to a full-time

Grizzlies gig but it certainly could help him be a long-term NBA player or a valuable enough commodity that Memphis could resign him ship him out and a sign and trade maybe not that aggressive but you’re catching my drift same thing with UDA Wabi who has a roughly 2.6 million

Dooll player option for next season if he picks that thing up and he can be an end to the bench guy who can get some minutes shoot some threes make some shots you want to see a larger sample size of him being able to do that in Grizzlies be Street

Blue you’re not going to be able to see that if this team was competing night in and night out for the two seeds in the Western Conference like they’ve been doing the past couple of years so I’m not trying to say that the current state of things is better than what Memphis

Fans got to enjoy the last two years that Grizzlies team over the last two seasons that secured the number two seed in back-to-back years that team’s beating the grit and grind Grizzlies in a series by five G&G next gen in five would be my prediction and if you follow lockdown

Grizzly you follow my career you know how much I love the grit and grind Grizzlies Grizz gen and five the talent disparity is that drastic the ability for Memphis to play at a level that is so special when they’re clicking and they’re healthy it’s fun to see but you’re not

Getting a chance to watch Vince Williams Jr play if this team was healthy he’s not getting the same opportunities GG Jackson might still be in South Haven with the Memphis hustle if Marcus Martin jond Bane and all these other guys were able to log minutes that’s important to remember too

So the Sunny Side of this is they’re racking up some losses but they have found two guys in Vince Williams Jr and GG Jackson Who at least for now appear to be part of the core long term they can be eighth ninth tth men in a rotation we talked yesterday about GG

Jackson potentially being that microwave schooler Off the Bench but if he’s going to make mistakes whether it’s on the floor as a defensive rotation or off the floor in terms of breaking team rules Now’s the Time to do it and Now’s the Time to gain the wisdom that you can only get from

Failure that’s something to be excited about not as excited as competing for an NBA championship but we’re looking for The Sunny Side the bright side of this situation and there is a bright side I promise if you look hard enough you see it we can talk about tank ofon that’s

More so for another episode but I really want to Beyond Lottery odds and pingpong balls and looking to talent that could be down the pike enjoy the now as weird as that is to say as long as they’re competing and as long as they’re growing

And as long as the guys that you need to grow for when this team is going to be good again because they will be good again the sun will shine on us again dear listener dear viewer and when that time comes you know you’ve got gigg Jackson and you’ve got Vince Williams Jr

Who can help that sun shine even brighter than it ever has before you may not have had that chance if not for the current struggle so find some opportunity to be optimistic today it’s going to be hard these next two months are going to grind pretty difficultly difficultly is that a word

It’s going to be pretty difficult over the next couple of months but we can do it we’re going to get there together here on lock down Grizzly stay with me stay with the Michael Cole we’re going to make it happen find the Sunnys side there is such a thing I promise thank

You so much for joining me on this episode of lockdown Grizzlies the next time that we’re together we will be previewing memphis’s next contest which will be against the Houston Rockets Dylan Brooks popping back around that’ll be fun looking forward to Dylan being back in the house

I’m sure he’ll have all sorts of fun things to say to Michael Cole and others so we’ll preview that game we will look ahead to the Bucks game after that we can talk Vince Williams Jr a little bit more extensively maybe I can get to Michael’s reaction to uh me being very

Pro Luke Gard as opposed to his Pro Stephen Adams argument we’ve already talked about that a little bit but there’s lots of different angles we can take again Vince Williams Jr is a rising star replacement that makes sense to discuss tomorrow as well so make sure you’re with us on our Wednesday edition

Of the show it’s going to be a good one make sure you’re checking out locked on sports today the first ever National Sports 247 streaming Channel on YouTube you can also find it on Amazon Fire TV locked on sports today here for you 247 covering the top sports stories of the

Day local Experts of lock on plus National shows covering every League again find the lockon sports today Channel now on Amazon Fire TV thank you so much for checking out lockon Grizzlies a proud member of the lockon podcast Network your team each and every day hopefully you’re in every day or by

This point you get a notification a new episode drops on YouTube new podcast out on Spotify Apple wherever you get your podcast like comment rate review subscribe subscribe subscribe subscribe smash that button stick with us and make us a part of your NBA content consumption each and every day thank you

So much for being me with me on this episode until next time stay locked in and keep looking for that Sunny Side I promise it’s there if you look hard enough in the clouds don’t look into the sun though that’ll hurt have a great day catch you next time on lockdown grizzly

It’s not easy to be an optimist after witnessing your team lose its ninth game in a row. But that’s the task that Host Joe Mullinax tackles on this episode of Locked on Grizzlies – finding the bright side of the current state of things in Memphis. From Luke Kennard to Vince Williams Jr. and everywhere inbetween – looking for the light is the focus of today’s show.

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  1. Losing sucks but it would suck worse if we had starters in and was still on a 9 game losing streak. With the players they have available they haven't learned how to close out games or be a full team. They haven't had time to get chemistry. So many people in and out of the lineup. Hate that Gilly on has 3 more games of availability.

  2. I’m not sure what’s going on with GG Jackson right now. I think people missed it when he said he’d been fined FOUR times earlier in the season. And now he is suspended by the team. He has some issues.

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