@Houston Rockets

New York Knicks vs Houston Rockets πŸ‘€| Final 4 Minutes! Film BREAKDOWN

New York Knicks vs Houston Rockets πŸ‘€| Final 4 Minutes! Film BREAKDOWN

Time you deserve from me this is something I Know know all right so we’re going to pick it up here 4 minutes left in the game Rockets up two it is winning time and it’s time for us to try to close out the game love how they went to Al shanon one of the most efficient closers in the NBA

This season um I think at some point he was top five in in scoring efficiency in the clutch um and I love how they try to isolate him at the top of the key and switching it up from just getting him in the corners on the wed R action uh kind

Of like Ryan Holland pointed out it’s harder to double team him off of those I want you to watch on this play he gets the entry pass from holiday he’s going to attack auua in isolation get downhill drive hit the spin move this a shot he’s

Made a million times just missed it but just watch um amen Thompson watch him in Thompson um they kind of are playing him in a dunker spot a little bit one of the benefits of having a a player in that position is the rebounding obviously

When you attack um out of five out on the defense uh offensive rebounds are not going to come easily so uh men Thompson kind of being in that spot uh trying to mitigate some of his shooting so this is what he can do and he has

Some big boards in this game able to you know try to get the tip in quick second jump you know got the shots go big buckets Rockets four Rockets get the ball down now Alp at the top of the key again caire’s out Jabari wants to go to dho with uh with

Dylan Brooks but you see that Josh Hart does a great job denying that action there get the handoff you get here shenon now he has a mismatch with Josh Harden the post um obviously this is going to draw a double team because they cannot leave that happen great cut by

Jabari behind the mismatch Dylan shakes up um but just a cut by by uh Jabari and Dylan being able to shake up to U alpie pereral where he could see him uh to be able to make this pass and this big shot right here little stuff in basketball

Really goes a long way big buckets 98 93 now Dylan didn’t have a great game um but you know he he was scoring efficiently we needed every shot he made for me personally I didn’t like the defensive game like and his his just overall he was just kind of all over the

Place needs to rain it back a bit Jaylen Brunson again here you can see this is the level I want shanon playing at right this is the level I want Al shanon playing at look at the uh the uh the tag from Dylan Brooks here look at the

Alignment and I think it was kind of a a blessing in disguise and smart of Coach adoka not to have Jaylen in the game at this point because um we one thing he struggles at is help defense usually Jaylen would be on the corners and uh

This is where you need guys that are able to step in at least offer some resistance to The Rolling big Dylan does a great job tagging now his job is going to be to stop a from Rolling so that’s taken away shenon stays parallel with the ball handlers bothering him staying

Parallel forces him to make a tough pass to Josh Hart uh who’s able to hit the dagger but you’ll live with that that’s all you ask for man you you don’t let the it’s one thing to let you know a Josh hard hit a three is it’s another

Thing to let like Dame and all these guys that are actually known for getting this these buckets be the guys to destroy you in game so I love that so Jaylen green is back in the game the Rockets are are up two um jaylen’s going to play the lead ball handler position

Here one thing I noticed from Jaylen in this game he did not force a lot I know he didn’t shoot well went over for five from three um but this is probably one of the first games that I’ve seen him actually not be reluctant to give the

Ball up to shanon it seems like uh he was a little you know sometimes he tries to find his game outside of the context of the team which to me is why a lot of times even though he’s scoring well the team loses because it’s it’s not within

The flow of the offense but in this game a lot of the you know he got a lot of greatl looking shots he just got to hit him but um the fact that he was able to get the action started by getting the inbounds into shangu like Fred would or

Or any of our point guards should and then work off of that I think over in the long run if he keeps chopping wood it’s going to serve him well but um you know they get this screen and row action here with him and shenon great pass I

Mean this is a great pocket pass right there in in in motion shanga is on the move this should have been an easy dunk by Alp just missed it just miss the bunny just missed the bunny but but to me I’m more about process um than I am

About like just always the outcome because a good process is going to lead to a to a good outcome at some point if you keep doing the right things this is why you know I was against the tanking and all the stuff the Rockets did over

The past few years because a lot of those uh those the way we processed our tank was bad and it led to some bad outcomes for our players they’re trying to fix right now uh but you keep chopping wood you keep running the right offense making the right passes making

The right plays over time as your skill level things even out you’ll start hitting those shots Jaylen Al will make those layups out at of high CL and we’ve seen him do it horns action here by the Knicks uh Dylan at POA bdon comes off crosses uh over um crosses across to

Precious Chua then you get a man trailing um kind of lost in the shuffle there I don’t know if they wanted to switch this or man was a little bit late on that rotation so him and Shang goon are kind of in no man’s land right now

Luckily he’s able to get there but honestly if you see bonovich in in a form like this that’s usually a dagger so that’s a late rotation there could have been a big shot but great contest by man Thompson using his length great Rec contest and uh just forces a tough

Shot great rebound by jayen man because Josh har would have been right there for it so these little plays are things that help you kind of stay in the game um obviously Jabari comes in here and gets blocked uh just got to be stronger got

To be stronger I would like for him I love for him to search his game not right now bro it’s 2 minutes left in the game winning time we like these aren’t the times this is what I call IQ and discipline this is where a lot of our

Guys a lot of the games that we’ve lost come down to bad IQ Laden games and and bad discipline like like these these you can’t do that bro like for Jaylen for even for Shang goon for anybody if you know there’s a guy that has an advantage

You have to be disciplined enough to give it to them obviously Jabari trying to uh navigate to the rim on a fast break against half of the Knicks defense is not great IQ and that leads to a turnover and the Knicks are in transition and then Jaylen Brunson uh

Good contest by man Thompson just making winning plays never gives up on the play just uses his length like a big man another great rebound by Jaylen great great great transition defense there uh for us leads to another opportunity for us to score shanon has bonov sealed in

The paint leads to a great corner kickout and Dylan with the great shot buckets that’s those are big shots Big Shots by Dylan man you just wish that he would cut off some of the other stuff that’ll that’ll help us out a lot once again Dylan POA I’m not mad at it I

Would like him am man to be POA but they were screening off the POA anyway so you know I mean you could roll with it you get alpie and uh amen Thompson on the pick and roll action watch through the level outp is at this is what I want to

See right I don’t give a damn about precious Chua what is he going to do there’s too many times we’re giving up lobs to all these bad centers that don’t score right they’ll they usually Score Four Points but against says they’re putting up 16 it’s about the defense

This is how you hold the Knicks team to uh to this lowc scoring that they have just playing smart Defense level of the screen you show you trap and now you force the the ball out of the hands of the best uh playmaker and shot Creator

On that team and then now you’re in scramble Retreat Jabari Retreat Retreat and there you go close out now we’re matched up again just got to play defense good cut off by Alper shenon just a tough shot that’s a tough shot you will live with that it’s all about

The process right you want to you want to uh uh you want to do the process right the outcomes yeah guys are going to hit tough shots but make them take tough shots not blowing assignments and things like that all right Dylan bringing the ball up the court 137 left

In the game opin shenon o reliable in the post right here against precess saua um this this should be barbecue chicken right here sizing them up no no uh help comes in pushes off with the arm didn’t even need to do that you got Aaron

Holiday in the game now um in place of who do they take out Jabari so now you got Jabari Jaylen Aaron shenon and and DB um against other teams I hate this lineup because the Knicks are small you could do this but you can’t do this

Against most of the lineups in the NBA too small now you got holiday as a POA on on Jaylen Brunton Dylan comes off to try to double um so they double him there now he’s going to have to give up the rock here good pass good close out

By Shang goon this is what it’s about guys this is what it’s about the rebounds that guys are are given effort on the second effort by am men the rebound by Jaylen this close out by shanon this is what we need on a nightly basis and a lot of nights man these

Dudes are just lazy bro they’re just lazy that’s why that’s that stuff be pissing me off they’re just lazy they just got to go get it got to go almost a turnover there almost the turnover there I got a little nervous there one minute left in the game theen Thompson got the

Ball right let’s get to all reliable IQ discipline get there you go as soon as one thing I love about him man he knows basketball as soon as he gets the entry pass guess what you’re supposed to do cut cut take that second Defender away right now you see the spacing

Improvement a man cuts now shenon has another isolation they one-on-one with a Chua now uh Josh Hart is in a tough predicament here DB’s been cooking him all game right from that three-point those kick outs by shanon Josh har gotta this is what you want ideally this is

What you want if we can get consistent shooting out of the guys where you have a guy that that demands a double team you got a shooter flanked next to him and right now we only have about maybe two Shooters two and a half Shooters two Shooters being Dylan and that’s saying a

Very very mildly Shooters and Aaron holiday and Jaylen being a half shooter because he’s struggling from threes and am man Thompson is a non- shooter but you could still generate space with cutting and just good alignment and you put your best shooter adjacent to the guy that’s cooking in the post and this

Is just barbecue chicken right here one-on-one that you can go to that all day just put the baby to sleep 10399 1039 99 that’s easy money all right Dylan at POA right here gets faked out you know I mean great move by uh Jaylen Brunson shenon got a jump bro

Like I I don’t know be know what he be on with that like go up and do something bro like do something jump um this is where he needs to just jump bro like stop being scared of fouling so he got to jump try to contest that shot that’s

A small guard but great move Jaylen Jaylen Brunson is nice he’s the he’s the goods amen Thompson here loose handle loose handle kind of got me scared a little bit you may saw that call the timeout now it’s 34 seconds left you need a bucket uh where you going to go

With this one obviously you know they’re going to try to go to Alp uh here on this play um so he is able to get it almost thought he was going to cough it up so he got oneon-one there with precious um I’m okay with this with him

Attacking downhill um uh keep your dribble alive though you know what I mean he kind of loses his dribble here good defense by prees swipes the ball causes it to get wedged just a random D I’ve never seen a ball get wedgie off of a swipe and like a softly gets wedged in

There jump ball we lose that um you get Jaylen Brunson you know I mean 17 seconds left he got the rock and he’s about to cook uh this is just a tough bucket bro like good step back pure dagger they’re going to be tough in the playoffs the Knicks are going to be

Tough in the playoffs I really I’m looking forward to what they’re going to do in the Eastern Conference I right 8 seconds left game on the line tied up you need a bucket the play is drawn up for Jaylen and um Alp to uh to to do a a

Back screen here on pre shua to then have Alp go ahead and uh switch out onto the post and that corner that that that left corner where he likes to do a lot of his work uh but the Knicks do a good good job of guarding this precious does

A great job of playing Trail here Trails well in LP uh Burks does a great job of fronting him so you get two on one over there which leads to Jaylen having a pass now it’s oneon-one now this ideally you know this is a mismatch for uh the

For uh against prua Jaylen should cook him um you know you just got to go and once he goes I would have you know I probably would have done the step back here and try to get a midi but he buries his head in that’s a tough shot to try

To make and get swatted but luckily for us the shot is called the foul that was a I don’t know if that was a great call or not I’m of the mind that that was not a foul especially close out the game but hey guess what we’ll take it bro we’ll

Take it great win for the Rockets definitely needed it um I think this at least I mean I’m saying the playoff or play in hopes are still alive uh for them right now um really great game enjoyable game to watch I haven’t had one of those in a while all they have to

Do is try hard like they play hard they put themselves in position obviously the Knicks are missing a lot of their key players guess what so we are we’re missing cam Whitmore uh uh Fred Van vet t decent so this was a even game and the rockets just just played good this is

The team that I see when I say these guys are viable when I say they’re viable this is what I’m talking about right you see them going toe-to-toe with contenders going bucket for bucket you see your young guys playing defense amen Thompson having a hell of a game um just

Just you know I mean just doing everything on the court and for once again the Rockets not to think that they should try to improve this team even marginally to give him a chance to be able to compete at the highest levels even if it’s just the highest levels for

Us being the play in to me it’s criminal but you know whatever I think I still think we have a chance to do something it’s going to be an All-Star break once they get their legs under them can they put together a run in that 26 27 games

Down a stretch to like go maybe winning about 17 games can they do that we’ll see that’s going to be to me the determin of whether they can actually push for the play in because you don’t know what could happen to other teams injuries tanking all that stuff is in

The cards for them um but great game um all around from everybody I like what I seen from all the guys I love what I saw from Jaylen he didn’t force the issue didn’t shoot good but he was playing within the context of offense rebounding playing good defense men Thompson is I’m

Gonna have to do a separate video on him uh coming up here I might do it over the All-Star break just going over all that he’s doing but dude is balling I mean he’s he’s he is um he looks like a generational Defender like right now

Like it’s crazy uh shenon doing you know not a great game from him statistically but I love the energy great def defensive game from him um wish he rebounded better but he did what he was supposed to do was uh the focal point of the team ran the team and ran the

Offense very very well loved it Dylan Brooks needs to scale back like I said needs to do a little better Jabari still ups and downs but defensively and just being in in the game and playing within the confines of what he’s supposed to be doing I think he’s found his Niche now

He’s just got to up it a little bit um and Aaron holiday you know I mean I’ll be hating on dude I ain’t going to hold but um he put together that was a great game from him great game um he’s been shooting the ball pretty well um and you

Know the only my only problem with dude is that he thinks he’s him right if he would scale back on some of the I’m the guy shots and just play his role be a good catch and shoot player play hard defense attack the basket and transition

Now we’re talking you know I mean he’s casting a couple posters and doing what he’s supposed to do uh but otherwise yeah I still anate you know whatever um but great game from the Rockets really exciting to see glad I was able to break break down some actual basketball ball

Instead of complaining about the front office um not an easy win even though it’s at home uh we were able to get it done the refs helped out a little bit now if you’re Nicks fan and you’re mad you know I mean tough stuff you know I

Mean that’s what it is we’re going to take this dub if you are new to the channel hit the Subscribe button if you like this video hit this like button keep rocking with The Chop Shop we going to keep dropping that F Oh

Film breakdown of the final 4 minutes of the Knicks vs. Rockets #nba #houstonrockets #alperensengun #newyorkknicks #nba #jalenbrunson

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  1. I would have enjoyed watching Rockets games if Frank were to be a technical commentator on replays and post games.

  2. One of the most entertaining games we have had ina while , Amen is a joy to watch almost makes Fred feel black and white

  3. awesome breakdown. i thought it was a pretty obvious foul even if time is running out i don't see why rules should change. you can't just run into a shooter and it obviously changed his shot. Maybe if it was Amen, a rookie and not a shooter they would've let it go but Holiday can hit that shot if there's not a guy just jumping into him. They were mad mad about that one at halftime too even though it was pretty obvious Dante kicked his leg out the wrong way. Hart was fouling everyone too, idk that they can blame that one on the refs they got a pretty favorable whistle on the road.

  4. Alpi is still looking way less physical and less secure than at the beginning of the season.

    If he is still not fully recovered, he shouldnt play.

  5. Alperen has not had any rest since the Olympic qualifiers, a center cannot defend and attack perfectly. In the long term, it is necessary to protect Alperen against injuries.

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