
Indiana Basketball Fans are Running Out of Patience with Mike Woodson

Indiana Basketball Fans are Running Out of Patience with Mike Woodson

Indiana fans seem to be running out of patience with head coach Mike Woodson you are locked on hooers your daily podcast on the Indiana hooers part of the locked on podcast Network your team every Day welcome into this the locked on hooers podcast I’m your man Jacob goz I appreciate you making locked on hoers your first listen each and every day we are part of the locked on podcast Network free and available wherever you get your podcast on your audio platforms

If you’re on YouTube you can just search up in the search bar locked on ho you’ll find us there like the video subscribe to the channel on YouTube today’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more new customers join today and you’ll get 15 50 in bonus

Bets if your first bet of $5 or more wins visit lockon to get started Indiana fans seem to be running out of patience when it comes to head coach Mike Woodson we’re gonna have so much discussion about that today why you may be impatient why

Indiana fans may want to be pulling the trigger on Mike Woodson to get them out of town also we’ll look at what you had to say following the Indiana and Purdue Lo Indiana Purdue game the Purdue loss for Indiana and then um also head coach Kurt Signet for Indiana football had

Some things to say previewing the spring coming up in just a few weeks so that’s here on lockon hooers Indiana fans coming down the stretch of this season seem to be very upset we seem to be a a fan base that’s just not very happy right now and there’s a couple of

Different ideas and a couple groups of thinking here it seems like based off of what I read what I see what I hear in our fan base I mean it’s over half easily over half of the fan base is ready to get rid of Mike Woodson right

Now they’re ready to fire him they’re ready to move on they’re disappointed they’re frustrated um they they haven’t seen anything new any changes it’s been the same old same old and they’re ready to pull the trigger right now and just say look it’s time to move on you’re not

He’s not the guy he’s not good for Indiana whatever there seems to be over half of the fan base is in that little Camp there’s also a group of people that are saying let’s slow down let’s give him some time it’s only year three right he needs more time here in Bloomington

And I understand where both sides are coming from it just seems like the other crowd of hey it’s time for him to go is much much louder and it typically is right that crowd is always louder whether it be fire the coach or bench this player or start this guy or get rid

Of this guy whatever the case may be that crowd always seems to be a little bit louder in the take action now rather than let’s be a little more realistic let’s kind of slow down and let’s see how it plays out and that’s exactly what’s Happening Here

Is Indiana fans this fan base is very passionate we care about Indiana basketball and we want it to be great and we want it to be great right now because it used to be great all the time and we can all agree that it just hasn’t

Been there in a long time and as I said yesterday it doesn’t help that our biggest rival is really really good it doesn’t help that the Big 10 is really really good and you know it’s it’s understandable right you understand why other fans around this fan base are

Frustrated and have lost all hope and patience for Mike Woodson because there just hasn’t been a whole lot of improvement this year and we’ve mentioned before how I truly believe how a lot of the problems a year ago last year were covered up by chafino and

Trace Jackson Davis and uh I think we can all agree on that to a certain extent that there were some problems and Mike witson may not have been the best coach at the time but when you’ve got true Playmakers they can help overcome that and while Indiana right now we’ve

Got guys that can play ball I mean there’s some serious Talent I’ve said that numerous times I think this is a really talented team it’s just been a poor coaching job so far so then the question becomes okay who’s in the right thinking is it the group that says this

Experiment’s not working it’s time to move on we’re digging ourselves a deeper hole or is it the group that says let’s slow down give him time and let him build the program how he wants it I get both sides I really really do I understand both sides of it I’m

Extremely upset and frustrated with how this season has gone because changes are just not being made nothing is happening it’s the same thing every single time and that really is frustrating to me because this is a Uber talented team that I think could be a lot better than

It is but for those of you that say give him time to build the program you know most coaches it took six or seven eight years to build their program yeah you’re not wrong either you’re not wrong either and so where do I fall kind of in the

Middle I’m not ready to fire Mike Woodson but I’m not just chilled back with my feet up drinking a margarita is saying oh everything’s fine we’re going to be okay Indiana’s going to be great again one day I I’m not I’m not there either something’s got to change and I

Hope that it’s Mike Woodson’s strategy I hope that it’s his coaching game plan recruiting is fine recruiting is fine Indiana’s got good players Indiana’s bringing in good players you’ve got one already signed you’re trying to bring in another he’s hitting the recruiting Trail hard I’m not worried about that

I’m not worried about that what I’m worried about is bringing these players in them not getting better Indiana not getting better and then they leave and then we’re back to square one and then when you do eventually fire a coach if that’s where this ends up then yeah

You’re all the way back at the beginning and you got to restart and that process does take a long time and building a program especially in today’s world of college basketball is not easy it’s not easy at all it’s easier to catch up a little bit with the transfer portal but

To build a true foundation is extremely difficult because of nil and the transfer portal so all of that to say to say this I get where you’re coming from if you’re in that side of I’m done I’m over it Mike Woodson’s lost me it’s time to

Move on it’s time to get them out I get it I do I understand completely and as we go along and we have more games like we had this past Saturday I inch closer to that I really do but for those that say let’s give it a little time you

Got to understand why they think that way but I think we can all agree that you can’t just sit back and hope that it gets better something has to change something has to happen and I think that starts right now and I was hoping that that change had already started but it

Hasn’t and that’s the big problem is none of that is happening in season and that’s what worries me for the future even if recruiting does stay hot even if it does stay good if you don’t improve your team and you don’t make them better as a head coach you’re asking for a bad

Ending years and years to come coming up on lock on hooers we will take a look at what you had to say following the Indiana and Purdue game I we’ll look at YouTube comments on the latest video you guys always have great things to say so be sure that you’re

Interacting on there we’re going to take a look at that I’ll kind of give you my thoughts based on what you said plus we’ll also take a look at what head coach Kurt Signet for Indiana football had to say previewing spring coming up in just a few weeks it’s right around

The corner folks it’s crazy I know we’ll talk about all that coming up on lockon hooers today’s episode of lockon hooers is brought to you by FanDuel get buckets with your first bet on FanDuel America’s number one sports book because right now new customers get $150 in bonus Bets

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Game parlays and much more just visit lockon and shoot your shot FanDuel official Sportsbook partner of the NBA welcome back in to lockdown hooers I appreciate you making this your first listen each and every day if you’re on YouTube like the video subscribe to the

Channel helps us grow as we push towards 1,800 subscribers and then we get to 19 and then 2,000 so thank you so much for that if you’re on your audio platforms turn on notifications that way you don’t miss any new episodes of Locked on hooers I want to dive into what you are

Saying the fans the listeners of this show about Indiana basketball because we’re a passionate Bunch we get into it a little bit and we get fired up about our team because we want them to be so good and I love being able to interact with you on the YouTube video so this is

From yesterday’s episode and you start looking at what people are saying and it’s understandable it is you understand where people are coming from and why they are upset and this person starts it off and says they’ve gone winless talking about Indiana of course so they’ve gone winless against produced

Six of the last eight seasons unacceptable question mark it’s pretty much the standard at this point and and it’s not the standard but it’s becoming more and more common it’s become a common theme in this rivalry where Purdue has had the upper hand and the older generation Indiana fans don’t they

Didn’t see that for a long time and I think the younger generation Indiana fan have seen the ugly part of it and again I think that’s why so many fans are fired up right now currently with how down we are versus where Purdue Purdue is and that’s that’s always tough it’s

It’s like a double whammy right you get kicked one time and then as soon as you’re on the ground you go ahead and just get kicked again just because and that’s what makes it really really difficult would it be easier if Purdue wasn’t any good H maybe I mean we

Wouldn’t hear about it and see it as much but it wouldn’t make Indiana any better so I don’t know it’s a weird it’s a weird line to walk on this person says Mike Woodson will get us right next season we will have the guards and our holes filled we were

Predicted 16 and 14 this season it’s not the end of the world and uh he got a response and said I hope you’re right about recruiting the guards because that’s one area Woody and the coaching staff have fallen far short um he said not trying to dump on Sparks and Walker

But I would have been preferable for the hooers to have picked up a couple of guards in the portal instead of those guys and hindsight’s 2 20 obviously but yeah I I’m kind of with you guys where guard play has to improve it has to get better and look that’s not going to

Happen in this season it’s just not we’re middle of February that’s not in the cards right now but you’ve got to go out and get some dudes that can play that can shoot handle the basketball and facilitate Indiana does not have that right now at the guard spot because

Xavier Johnson he’s hurt Trey Galloway come on CJ gun it’s hit Hit or Miss Anthony Le Hit or Miss Gabe CBS non-existent the guard play is abysmal right now and anytime that Indiana goes up against any other team with legitimate guards which is most Big 10 teams they’re in trouble so yeah you’re

Absolutely right that the guard play has to improve seems to be a little confidence there that they’ll be right next season say it’s not the end of the world but maybe Indiana goes and recruits them maybe they go in the transfer portal maybe that is what saves

Mike Woodson’s job I I don’t know but it’s worth a shot he said this person says coaching isn’t the problem they have a culture problem you can’t fix that changing coaches every few years I’m GNA disagree I’m gonna wholeheartedly disagree if there’s a culture issue that’s on

Coaching because the culture is set by the head coach he comes in or he or she comes in and says this is what we’re doing this is is how we’re going to do it and it’s going to lead to these results you either Buy in or you get out

And I just don’t know if if Indiana has that right now and I get where you’re coming from where you say well you can’t ever establish a program if you’re changing coaches all the time which is absolutely true but if there’s a culture issue I I put that on coaching yes it’s

A player problem but players are a direct reflection of their leader AKA their coach and if that doesn’t change and there’s no accountability there’s no passion there’s no want and drive to be better that starts at the top with the head coach uh you look at some of these other

Ones um he says Purdue beating IU twice this year is not a surprise as they are superior team what’s unacceptable is not playing your Chief rival competitively in either game without solid guard play Indiana will continue to struggle in the remaining games and and yeah Michael I I’m with you on that

And I think most fans like us are are in that same boat were we really expecting to beat Purdue and maybe not I thought we could I absolutely thought we could and that that was not a Lie by any means but you want to be competitive against

Your rival you want to have a chance to beat your rival right and it just didn’t seem like Indiana gave themselves a chance to do that and that’s what’s demoralizing more than anything is it’s just upsetting and you’re like great we lost not only did we lose to them we got

Destroyed by them twice our place and their place and that really is what is upsetting a couple of others before we move on um this person says shopd do uh says need a better ex’s and O’s coach a coach with a fiery personality but one that can relate with his players and

Mentor them someone who understands how to develop these men’s skills and correct their mistakes constructively someone who is demanding of his teams and holds players accountable yeah absolutely absolutely and look here’s the thing Mike Woodson is a very old school coach we know that we all know

That we knew that when Indiana hired him right look where he comes from look at the era that he came from he came from the NBA he came in that older generation of college basketball like he’s an old School coach not saying there’s anything wrong with that but look at the trend in

College basketball look at it look at the Old School coaches I put that in air quotes for those of you on audio they’re starting to leave the game and not that not that he’s been coaching college basketball for 30 years but look at the old school guys they’re getting out of

The game it’s not the game has past them and Mike Woodson he’s very calm he’s very collected he’s not going to get super fired up he’s not going to get in your face he’s not going to get at the officials he’s not going to rip the

Jacket off and just go berserk on the sideline and I can’t speak to whether he holds players accountable or not but you’ve got to be a coach that shows a little something and yeah does make your team better does make your players better and through his very short time

Here I haven’t seen that and that’s an issue for me that’s a big problem for me which is why I think there’s an issue here and I’m beginning to become impatient with Mike Woodson because those things aren’t happening I would love for him to get teed up sometime

Could you imagine if he got teed up because he was fired up you can’t tell me the players wouldn’t feed off of that and and play a little bit harder and when the same mistakes continue to happen game after game after game night after night after night yeah you’re not

Holding them accountable you’re not teaching them you’re not making them better better you’re just kind of there as a mentor and Indiana this team needs more than that they need this program needs more than that they need a coach I think Woody can be that but he just

Hasn’t been that yet and so I’m I’m absolutely with you I really am I’m with you and that’s why again A lot of people are fired up they’re impatient some are ready to go some are ready to move on and and the fan base is torn on on Mike

Woodson right now well coming up by lockdown hoers are segment we’ll take a break from basketball take a look on the football side of things what is Kurt Signet saying about spring Practice coming up in just a couple of weeks all that coming up on locked on hooers today’s episode of Locked on

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Only available to you as customers final segment here on lock on hooers I appreciate you being here appreciate you being in every dayer as well and a reminder we are free and available wherever you get your podcast well I know we’ve got a lot of basketball talk men and women’s here but

Uh crazy to think that we are like a month and a half away from the start of spring practice for Indiana football a new head coach Kurt signed he met with the media a couple of days ago and had some really good things to say and uh

Some of the quotes um you know he was asked about just kind of what the goals were what he wants to do in Spring practice what he wants to see out of spring practice and he said it’s all about Player Development and kind of just instilling a new mindset installing bringing a new

Mindset if you will and here’s a good quote from him he said quot well there’s no scoreboard so everybody has a great spring he said about the approach he said quote you want to develop players get your offense defense special team systems in see Improvement on on a daily

Basis keep guys healthy don’t get anybody injured all you’re looking for is sort of individual development but start to build that kind of team identity this is who we are this is how we practice this is how we play this is how we play every play Fast physical

Relentless finish one play at a time right all of those things that you want to hear and those are all of the things that you have to bring as a new head coach in college football because look at what is happening look at what’s going on around you the Big 10 changing

Like crazy college football changing like crazy and coaches nowadays especially college football coaches have such little power and yeah I I said that right have such little power because the players hold all the cards they hold all the cards with nil and the transfer portal because they’re

Getting paid some of them are getting paid near what a coach gets paid and then if they’re unhappy if you do something they don’t like or they just want to see you fail and say shove it they can leave and there’s nothing that the coach can do about it which is so

Crazy to me and for a long time here at Indiana for football it just hasn’t been where it needs to be there has been culture issues there have been accountability issues there have been just low expectations and somehow someway Indiana even not hitting those and when you’re a

New head coach and you’re walking into a program like this that has been down for a while it’s hard to figure out where to start and so focusing on the little things of yeah we’re going to get better every day we’re going to establish how we’re going

To walk in this building the things we’re going to do the things we’re going to say how we’re going to practice how we’re going to lift weights how we’re going to treat each other how we’re going to talk to each other how we’re going to communicate with our coaches

All of those things that you have to do as a brand new coach at a brand new school and I think these are things that Kurt sigety was doing in every place he’s been right and look at what he was doing at James Madison he made them into

A good program because you did it the right way look at all the legendary coaches in college football they did it the right way by the small things first and it ended up being pretty good we’ll see what happens here but just establishing that culture and that

Mindset of This is Indiana football we are going to bring it every day and we’re going to hit you in the mouth and we are not scared of you we’re not worried about you we’re going to be better we’re going to make ourselves better each and every day that’s

Exciting and so I really am I’m excited to see and hear the notes coming out of practice and going and watching practice and seeing the different things and the new ways of doing things for Indiana football who knows what the expectations are they’re probably not going to be

Very high in year one but that’s exciting that’s what makes a new coach a new era so much fun to talk about in hypothetical and the what ifs because everything is in front of us everything is there for the taking and realistically there are no expectations

And so you just want to see the changes you want to see what’s different from year to year you want to see maybe there’s more passion maybe they’re bigger better and you know physical faster guys on the team I don’t know we’re gonna find out and with so many

New faces you have that opportunity to do that so I’m excited to cover it through the spring through the summer when they’re just working out and stuff and then getting into fall practice as well we’re going to have all that for you here at lockon hooer so excited for

That basketball season continuing to roll but spring practice six weeks away come on now we’re so close I can feel it you’ll have baseball you’ll have spring practice basketball wrapping up and so much more all of that will be with you and me right here on lock on hooers well

That’s going to do it for today’s episode thank you so much for being here again I appreciate you being in every day or like the video subscribe to the the Channel all that is free if you’re on YouTube you can subscribe and turn on notifications on your audio platforms as

Well we are free and available each and every day be sure you do all of that more episodes coming this week again no Indiana Men’s game this week so we won’t have any preview or recap episodes but we’ve get the women side of things more story lines for the men and anything

Else that happens in Indiana Athletics so until next time who’s your fans stay safe and I’ll talk to you later

On today’s episode of Locked On Hoosiers, Jacob Goins explains why a large amount of Indiana Hoosiers fans are running out of patience with Head Coach Mike Woodson. Many fans are ready for him to be let go, but others are wanting to give him more time. Is it too early in his tenure to pull the plug?

Then, we take a look and react to what the fans had to say following the Indiana Basketball loss to Purdue. Many fans expected the result, but are still fired up about being blown out by their biggest rival… twice. Will better recruiting and a culture change help fix this team and program moving forward? With big games against Northwestern and Wisconsin on the horizon, the confidence in the fan base continues to drop.

Finally, we react to what Indiana Head Football Coach Curt Cignetti said about the upcoming spring practice season for the Hoosiers. He looks to change the culture in the program and work on getting better every day in practice. It’s important that guys stay healthy throughout the spring window as well. We have all that and more on today’s episode of Locked On Hoosiers!

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  1. I believe IU should let Woodson go after this season. I know that seems radical after 3 years but it is apparent he's not the right coach. Coach Woodson will be gone within 3 years due to poor performance…..why wait that long? Quit giving 5-6 yr contracts on these coaches and offer 3 years initially and if performance and expectations are met then extension can happen.

  2. To worried about recurring rankings and not recruiting to win games, have to many people that want the ball and have egos and not enough guys that fit together

  3. Where is the love for the women's basketball team, they are killing it ? I never hear any support for them. I mean it's called locked on Hoosiers and they are Hoosiers as well.

  4. its not all that Purdue is good its that Indiana state has better guards than us Butler plays 4 Marquette tonight they have a chance at the tourney with Matta. Mike Woodson will get rid of anyone who questions his coaching so now we have to watch this garbage

  5. You should be worried about recruiting. Looking at the 247 Top 50 every year and saying those are our targets isn't working. Find an identity, build that identity, then recruit towards it. Star chasing rarely works. And hasn't at IU especially.

  6. Women's basketball men's basketball is totally different kind of game the men's is more exciting compared to the women that's just like comparing NBA and WNBA there is a big difference

  7. First, this season IU roster including the starting 5 was a lot of changes. Hard to compare the roster from last season to this.

  8. How are you gonna say the big ten is really good? Have you watched any conference play this year? There is only one great team and that is Purdue.

  9. Look at all the blue bloods in college basketball over the last 25 Kansas Kentucky North Carolina Duke Connecticut Villanova have one national championships we haven't even been to the elite eight in the last 25 years

  10. Third, totally agree the guard play has been just is consistent, and I would agree about the play making aspect as well. Very big first minded team and no plays being set up to consistently shoot 3’s.

  11. Think the ladies program is where the mens program needs to aspire to get to. Is it coach or the players recruited?

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