@New York Knicks

NBA TODAY | “Knicks get ROBBED in Rockets after a controversial foul call on Jalen Brunson!” – Windy

NBA TODAY | “Knicks get ROBBED in Rockets after a controversial foul call on Jalen Brunson!” – Windy

To NBA Today presented by who Richard GoDaddy by Go Daddy Richard Jefferson Brian whorse today a is here you guys haven’t you guys haven’t thanked me for this sponsorship yet this is absolutely not you have not thanked me for what I the work that I have put in look into my

Eyes look into my eyes you haven’t thanked me yet thank you you’re welcome all right guys Richard you know it was I’m glad you’re feeling yourself this morning because did you guys know it was a year ago today exactly that you were refereeing the celebrity all

Broke the internet so it’s good we have an expert here expert hear that complex you hear that complex to take a look at what happened at the end of Nick’s Rockets last night oh man let’s show you because any chances of a New York comeback they got nixed with under a

Second play in Houston you see that little word play there we’re actually going to pick this one up in the third quarter though here Dylan Brooks he just kind of runs over Jaylen Brunson but gets called for the foul Brooks he put a right shoulder into Brunson Brunson and tibs they do

Not all it was a conversation that ensued and it it said a little bit about what was to come but alen shenon certainly a bright spot for the rocket absolutely he had 18 points in this game but what I love is that both of these guys they don’t shy away from the

Competition you know New York you have a star because he wants the ball in the biggest moments I’m talking about Brunson and he delivers he certainly does Brunson put TI of the game and he gets that one to go so we’re all tied up

At 103 here but this is this is the Play 4 seconds remaining game tied at 103 jayen Bren denied by prea kicked it out to Aaron holiday the shot was no good but a foul is called on the Brunson play tibs Brunson I mean I couldn’t believe it watching this

Call well holiday would shoot three free throws with 03 left with three left rather tibs is fired up the Rockets get the win 105 103 and tibs is just here so he doesn’t get fined this is the way I feel about that in general is I don’t really care like

How tight the game is called you can call it tight or you can call it Loose I just would like the consistency to be the same they have to use their judgment right and I have respect for that so didn’t go our way tonight on that last play great call next

Question what do you feel about your close out on that it was a great call next question do you think that was the right call Richard I I don’t know if we have the ability to show it again like I under it was a BS shot it was 100% a BS

Shot that’s not the question but if the ball’s still in someone’s hands and you hit their body he doesn’t hit his body okay well that’s the thing I didn’t see I couldn’t see if he doesn’t hit his body at all it looks like he hit his

Body great defense he forced him to take a one-handed shot okay well I don’t disagree so he doesn’t touch his body at all Landing space is a landing space Landing space is not the only thing Landing space it’s it’s hands it’s Landing space you know you know that a

Foul this is what I’m saying you know the play where you tap somebody in their stomach and you’re not allowed to hit him you know you know what I’m talking about when you hit somebody in their stomach that’s not Landing space that’s not risk you’re not allowed to touch a

Shooter when he’s in air well after the game crew chief Ed Malloy he was asked about seeing the replay and do officials believe that it was the correct call this is what he said right after the game Richard this wasn’t even the next day he said after seeing it during the

Postgame review the offensive player was able to return to a normal playing position on the floor so the contact which occurred after the release of the ball therefore is incidental and marginal to the shot attempt and should not have been called so he admitted that it was I incorrect I 100% agree with

What they’re saying what I am just sitting here and I think it’s it’s absurd for everyone to look at the officials and see that and not assume that there’s contact or to say like hey once we’ve slowed it down 19 times and looked at it from six different angles

That is not a foul that’s the only thing I’m saying and that’s what I that’s what I will agree with because if you’re watching the game and the refs do the best job that they can I know we give them a lot of hail sometimes but like

That angle didn’t look like a natural I mean when you have the shot going up that way and then the angle that the defense came now you did not touch but I will tell you this when we sat down over the last season the WNBA we have the

Same type of rules conversations the number one emphasis that they brought to the table was Landing space and so if you’re sort of lunging I can see why that whistle was called even though they didn’t understand no no I get the referees try and be very emphasis let go I pro

Athletes brutal call brutal call and I am always a defender of officials I believe the officials don’t have an outcome of the game huge huge percentage of the time 99% this is 1% yeah it’s a brutal call and even what’s even more brutal about it Malika it’s the same official who made

The call or not the non- call last year Boston that game in Boston when Tatum hits LeBron here this is a Pat Patrick Beverly camera game right yeah Jason Goble in this particular case he he’s out of position um he’s on the Move he’s out of position um in both instances in

The in the pool report after the game they instantaneously admit the foul is wrong which is unheard of I don’t know what would happen in overtime okay I I maybe the Rockets hit their first six shots and win anyway I’m just telling you it’s a brutal call the

Knicks are in a brutal part of their schedule they got all these guys getting hurt Dante D venzo gets hurt in the fourth quarter of this game they got two more games on this road trip Chan it is brutal yeah that’s a heartbreaker for the Knicks and I will say this you said

Two things on the move and out of position a lot of times refs see you on the move and out of position and sometimes they call it not knowing the actuality based off of the angles right yeah but but here’s my issue is that unless there is a challenge available

It’s not reviewable and I don’t think that anybody is clamoring to slow the game down more with challenge in the second quarter on a Taj Gibson foul sometimes tibs gets angry and he calls for he was angrier after this part no okay so let I I’m not going

To question tibs and using it on your ninth man that just got joined to your roster because they’re they’re not they don’t have the depth sounds like a question sarcasm I know right only thing I’m Taj say we look Alik I don’t I don’t see the resemblance but this is what I

Will say about the play and this not a defensive rip for Nicks fans truly I feel for you I know you give a lot I give youall a lot of heat Nick’s fans this is not a shot at you what I’m merely saying is this in that play if a

Guy goes to shoot and he does have his Landing space you don’t hit his RI but the referee see his body turn as his body there at the end of the day that’s what happened yeah yes but he he believed that he made contact with him there was you’re saying you’re

Saying there was Zero contact to the body I’m saying he miss call but I understand why he called it last I’ll take that no I think the angles didn’t help it and I do think that over all I mean you can say the game was won or

Loss on that possession but there were possessions before that really dictated it the refs are human we all accept that but that doesn’t mean that fans aren’t going to be very upset that doesn’t mean challes are not going to be very upset notable New Yorker Ben Stiller he was

Spamming frustrated posts on social media after the whistle and then he’s still so angry that he sent in an exclusive quote to MBA today saying quote basketball fans Not Just Nick fans all see that was an awful call shouldn’t there be recourse when refs make bad calls that loses the game also Brunson

Is an All-Star and does not get the calls or respect that’s irrelevance he says perk knows what I’m talking about so clearly that’s irrelevant let me healthy Nick going to the Eastern Conference Finals B Stiller without a doubt is my favorite New York Knicks fan some people might say some people say

Spike I love spike I grew up on Spike when I found that that Ben Stiller Live tech live tweets the game bin Stiller is my favorite Nick really quick this is important right here though right because Dante D Veneno went out with a hamstring injury which means that the

Team may be down at least five guys who have started 14 games for New York why are you making that face I just not the Five Guys how concerning is that surprise by the way he he had when he suffered that injury he had played 41 of

The 43 minutes in the game I don’t know what the severity of the injury is or how it happened but you have to wonder whether overuse because they’ve had to play him so many minutes because all the other guys are out contributed to it and Malika they have two more Road games

This week right before the All-Star break and we’ve talked about how important the number two seed is in the Eastern Conference all right let’s go from the call of the night to the game of the night my friends because we need to check in on the best in the west from

New York we’re moving on from that to yes the Wolves and the Clippers Kawhi Leonard and the two- seated Clippers hosting the first seated Timberwolves last night we’re going to start in the first quarter the Clippers down by eight here Norm pow loses handle don’t worry

Kawh Leonard is there Lefty my kids were in the building they were in the back row against the air conditioning Ducks but they love every second of this and Kawai was putting on the show well then the very next Clippers possession here kawhai wasn’t done with his highlight

Reel no that those were the two plays he was like Daddy I saw Kawai with two dunks I was like what happened after that they were like that’s pretty much it was the last two baskets those the last two basket last two baskets the rim for the game yeah because then Anthony

Edwards said excuse me I’m going to take over here no Anthony Edwards he was the he was the guy that I showed my kids highlights and they were super excited to go watch him I wasn’t going to go join them but Anthony Edward put on a

Show he was doing a little bit of this little bit of that he is showing in my opinion why he is one of the best players in this league and he’s doing it consistently it is so impressive to watch I want to talk about the Wolves the wolves are beasts at the defensive

End they were beasts at the defensive end this game Paul George I know he makes a brilliant play here look what he had to do to make one basket on goar they were they were they were taking off the rim a terrific Road wi for the wolves and frankly they’ve been having

Terrific Road winds All Season ooh nice little move there from Anthony Edwards Minnesota outscored the Clippers 40-19 in the third quarter and then in the fourth the Wolves up 21 at this point running away with this one Chan gum what were you watching on the Timberwolf side look yesterday was a

Night for shot blockers and the favorite for defensive player of the year is Rudy goar for the reason of anchoring the best defense in the league now look at these numbers from the stifle Tower he’s making it tough for his opponents at The Rim teams are making under 42% of their

Shots at The Rim thanks to Rudy so let’s break it all down and Wendy had a nice little like moment throwing some of these plays but more importantly listen to what Rudy said when people say hey why do we challenge at The Rim Rudy you guys had seven block shots in this one

You had four of them people are hesitating before they come into the paint how good does that feel as they should as they should love it Rudy so I’ll show you exactly what he does on the floor he is the greatest deterrent he’s right now at three- time

Defensive player of the year he could end this season as four time now watch this the shot goes off Long Shots mean long rebounds and look at how aggressive he is he like goes like this just to deter so that forces Kawai to make a pass now everyone sort of scrambling and

Look at this extra release bam it feels like like volleyball moves that he’s doing at The Rim now on another possession I mean this is the place that he owns look at the extension his seven9 wingspan that forces another play and guess what Paul George attacks he’s like

I don’t want none of this so what does he do he attacks he’s like ah think it twice bobbles the ball and forces a contested three from James Harden but what I love at the end the most is just like this is his bread and butter Russ people are

Going to go under him on screens and what do you have behind him the stifled Tower to knock down the block now one thing that was really cool was that you know at half time Anthony Edwards said hey we needed some motivation and it Came your team has destroy the tower an enemy has been defeated Your team has destroyed a tower Foree spee foreign speech Speech foreign spee speech spe Spee Out no an enemy has been defeated shut down for your team has destroyed a tower for foree Speee For Ofe for spee fore executed speech speech fore speee speeech spee Speech for spee speee Escape No Escape out of nowhere Spe Spe fore speee

NBA TODAY | “Knicks get ROBBED in Rockets after a controversial foul call on Jalen Brunson!” – Windy


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