@Phoenix Suns

Kevin Durant shows out, Grayson Allen shows up as Suns beat Sabonis and Kings

Kevin Durant shows out, Grayson Allen shows up as Suns beat Sabonis and Kings

What’s going on everybody Welcome in to the phm sons post game show I’m Lindsay that’s Flex that’s ESO and that’s right we got sexy sacks tonight because the Phoenix Sons took care of business when it mattered most took down the Sacramento Kings 130 to5 might have been a little ugly but

You got the Dove and at the end of the day that’s all that matters and of course the biggest win of them all is that we get sexy scks yep there you go oh you hit the post with that Wy is perfect thank you okay Flex goes leans over to me in the

Middle of my dance and goes can you really dance during a during a Bui let’s hit it tonight was a Bui it wasn’t pretty it got the job done uh and and yes you can dance what you can’t do is get out of your chair

And dance and you cannot B bust out the plastic saxophone ex those are the two rules you can dance in your chair to the sexy sacks but there’s no additional uh excessive jocularity all right okay got it got it it’s more of a subtle dance

Right you got to keep close got I got it totaly tonight definitely honestly it was like deja vu all over again from Saturday except for this time it was a better ending yeah yeah it kind of made up for for that game sat listen we just talked about it right before we came

Live I think the Suns should have won Saturday and lost tonight and so you balances out and uh super producer Jacob over there you know he was having a conversation before we came on and he said it you got to win ugly sometimes and and good teams went ugly they find a

Way to get these wins and the Suns did that tonight and so I I’m I agree with you as aami but at the same time you you I I think losing Brad Bill oh yeah well that was part of why it was ugly yeah yeah losing Brad Bill herds and then uh

Lindsay nailed it earlier I mean what was the expectation for Roy 15 minutes yes he doubled there Frank vogle said coming into this game that their goal was to get him in you know around 15 minutes tonight he had 11 in his debut with the Suns on Saturday he far past

That number he played 30 minutes tonight but honestly I mean he needed all 30 of those minutes like he contributed in such great ways like especially in that fourth quarter doing all the little things all the dirty work there was a point in time there where I think he he

Had an assist and then he had his own bucket and a rebound I think or a steel I remember it was it was a Ste I don’t know if they credit him with the steal but he put it he he basically closed out the possession for us and got

His hand in there but yeah I mean he just stuffed the damn box score man you you said they should have lost Saturday or they should have won Saturday should have lost today what was the difference Royce O’Neal played crunchtime minutes and defense today yeah they didn’t have

That in the game against the Warriors and I think that was a big difference I mean he you can see how he is another connective tissue guy a glue guy he is a garbage man out there doing all the all the dirty work out there and the other

Thing that I saw that he that he brought to the table he got emotion at of Katie like emotion we haven’t se he chest bumped Royce was screaming like yeah he he pulled that out too which which I feel like that’s what Roy’s one of Roy’s

Big things is going to be here is pulling that emotion teamm like because he made a big and then he’s hyping the crowd he’s calling for the crowd to cheer it’s that attitude and we we said maybe that that Jay Crowder kind of mindset the PJ Tucker before him I feel like that’s

What what you’re already seeing uh two games into this experiment with Royce O’Neal and I like it that was a hell of a lot of fun with what you saw from him not the sexiest statline not not I love it I don’t it though listen nine points

One block four steals five assists four Reb four rebounds I agree but two of five from Deep I’m not mad at that all I’m not mad at it but if you’re just box score surfing right but also I think if you are box score surfing you need to

Look at the whole picture you look at those five assists and four steals in a block from Royce O’Neal I’m beyond thrilled with that yeah and eliminate the rebounds and the points I’m still happy with that I’m not saying I’m not h no no I even you’re surfing I still think for

Royce O’Neal like that is kind of a sexy statline it fits perfectly for who he is I agree yeah you know what it is a lot of times people just when they look at a box score they go directly to points yeah but if you look at the totality of

It like you said nine points full go ahead no sorry go ahead no you good I was just gonna say plus the nine points off of this son’s bench is actually kind of huge hug I mean that just many points is they’ve had some Gam like honestly that is kind of sexy for

Points off the bench for the season that’s that’s Rolls-Royce numbers I mean again nine points four rebounds five assists four steals a block right I hate plus minus but he did have the highest plus minus on the team highest plus minus on the team and to me to me what I

What I liked the most was again I think it was at the 235 Mark Jacob right it’s roughly 235 marking the four o’ stees possession somewhere around there around the 230 235 Mar and then his teammates or two things happened that I saw teammates looking for him to take

Big shots and then the coaching staff and his teammates wanting him in the game to close out the game in crunch time defensively so yeah it only took him one game to get all that trust from his team that’s that’s pretty good man well and he’s he’s what you wanted from

Josh aogi guy that can play defense what did he do he hit the big three when he was open in the fourth and he was he didn’t shy from taking that shot right and that’s that’s what you you want from the defensive stopper right then they

Were able to to get that out of him tonight and he played fantastic defense that is this guy will be playing in that closing rotation a lot okay so Xavier said Roy might be fourth quarter answer is it too soon to go back maybe but also a viable option yeah I think it’s

Too soon but um I do think that in the fourth quarter I don’t know if we’re talking like when you think fourth quarter struggles what do you think about offense but I also believe that Royce is going to bring such an upgrade defensively and in crunch time that yeah

He can he can absolutely be a guy that we depend on in the fourth quar I don’t know if he’s quite the answer okay remains to be seen but so far so far so good with everything we’re saying a lot of people in the chat are saying

Uh Royce O’Neal is that ex factor in general he’s also our exactor tonight our phnx X Factor goes to Royce O’Neal the newcomer we love to see it yeah two solid games so far from him still trying to get into the mix and learn everything that comes with uh joining a new Squad

But you couldn’t have asked for a better first two games from this guy especially tonight home debut right you got a pressure of your home debut you got the coaches telling you we’re going to ease you in 15 minutes potentially and you doubl that um hit big shots played H

Hella defense yeah man I mean I love what he brought to the table man I got no complaints with my boy Royce yeah and I I love I love his passing ability that’s something that we talked about with him uh and it’s Sneaky good yeah is

Per 36 was fantastic on that uh and then you look at dad young who they reportedly getting uh as well and that’s another guy that can do that uh very good on that front this bench has gotten more Dynamic uh it’s definitely with Royce and then with the reported signing

Of of Thad young uh it also got more interesting I like that they have Smart high IQ on that bench and and Roy is proving that in two games in how how high that IQ is yeah he’s he’s a true vet and ESO you brought up the emotion

That he kind of brings out of guys like specifically Kevin Durant I also really like that late in the game too when they would go to the guys over on the bench he was talking he was one of the loudest ones in the Huddle over there making sure that everyone was communicating

With one another and we’ve talked we talked about that Gerald you know out at practice talked to Frank Fogle talked to Bradley Beal and Royce O’Neal and all three of them talked about how vocal he is already in just one game already making sure that his teammates are communicating more and communicating in

Better ways and we got to literally see that can I can I piggyback on that of course all right so we talked about the other day how he has a reputation for talking and it’s it’s contagious what did you see today from book at the end of the game the same

Thing same thing pull the computer pull the computer yeah the whole computer not even an iPad this time you guys like a full on laptop pulled that MacBook Pro over time we’re getting a desktop we go from an iPad to a computer roll out the desktop he’s going to look like that

’90s kid meme where he’s pointing at the computer right so it’s you know what these are the things that don’t show up in box SCS and these are the things that are not going to show up when you talk about trade you know uh uh trade deadline grades and stuff like this this

Guy comes in he starts talking it’s contagious and now you’re seeing Devin Booker’s volume raise up you’re seeing KD’s volume raise up right so naturally when you’re around a guy that’s volume is that high it it’s almost you stand out if your volume is low especially if

You’re Devin book and Kevin Durant so yeah man Roy I don’t want to jump the gun it’s only been like two games but damn yo that cultural impact like that’s not that’s not crazy to say just him coming in could have that what I loved about the book computer thing though M wasn’t

Going over an offensive play defense he pulled it over to talk defense and to talk defensive rotations in that uh in that final minute there and that that speaks volumes to me too because everybody’s like ah Dev doesn’t care about defense no he damn well cared about defense because he was pissed on

Their botch rotation the previous time D Fox and then and then he was making sure they didn’t screw up again uh late there in the game I love that you know who could have helped tonight against sabonis dad young give me some DB I got

You you got it Dad young I’m I’m just keep I mean that’s I’m keeping it 100 that’s that you look at this game and you’re like okay he he was torturing us and then you sit in the back of your mind say oh damn that is coming though

So yeah that’s that’s who would have been helping tonight in that situation so a lot to be excited about do we think that there’s a possibility at all that he comes and plays tomorrow realistically I don’t think so no I feel like it’s going to take a little longer finalize they haven’t even

Officially signed him yet right so unfortunately we’re gonna have to wait yeah quite a little bit allar at allar well that’s this weekend tomorrow’s our last game of the week 22 against Dallas when we see quite quite a while till we see him um all right couple of super chats about this

Game before we move on and hand out a few more Awards here uh Cody sent us one and said don’t get me wrong I’m stoked for the win but the refs had like 1,800 bajillion no calls in favor of the Suns finally one in the Suns Direction like

Like the super producer said man you got to sometimes you got to have these these breaks I mean there’s so many games where you can look at that and it’s the opposite right so we got the call tonight and yeah I mean that’s the game of basketball you get the whistle you’re

In good shape if you don’t you might not be so tonight we got the whistle we’ve said it here before NBA refs suck all around it’s not one way it’s it’s all the way um we also got one from Joshua and they said I thought the ref were gonna

Steal this one but hell no nice fight son NBA referees suck all the way around 100% absolutely uh Justin sent us one as well they said lots of missed opportunities tonight but our effort got us us through it O’Neal made his presence known I couldn’t agree more I

Feel like that’s one of okay Flex so in the pregame show we were talking about how the last time these two teams faced off it felt like they kind of got a little lucky yeah feel like they got lucky tonight or do you feel like they

Were able to like grind it up I think this was a grind when you’re down 25 and the other one that’s low but tonight it never really got really out of hand um there was like a little bit of a seesaw t we you saw it shift back and forth it

Was shifting back and forth so I will call this one a a gritty grind out game not a lucky one okay yeah that’s fair all right before we uh move on to the next topic real quick let’s dive into Bradley Beal because a lot of people

Already asking about it and I do have an update for you guys so Bradley Beal left the the game in the first quarter with the hamstring injury he did not return uh couple super chats here Alex said how worried are we about Beal Michael said a

Beal gamble away from a five game win streak true close that’s true and then Trevor said time for Beal to get the hamstring and nose right for the break keep that one we’ll return back to Trevor a little bit later for the second half so Gerald just tweeted out that

Frank Fogle said that Bradley Beal is going to be out for tomorrow he pulled his hamstring he’s calling it a strain they don’t think it’s too serious and they hope he doesn’t miss too much time with the allstar break all right so I I will follow I sent the text and I got

The response I got was my trrain minus strain okay so minus strain for a major comeback is that what they say yeah I I I I do not based on what Gerald just tweeted out and based on what I got from the text from people I trust I do not

Think this is going to be an issue it’s a m strain we got the All-Star break coming we got the Pistons tomorrow I totally anticipate Brad be and the whole crew being ready for Dallas on the 22nd that I know it’s early as hell to say that but sometimes you just know when

It’s it’s more serious and based on what the information I got and what Gerald’s saying I’m I’m certain he’ll be okay yeah with the allstar break whatever go rest take take the time heal up get your nose straightened out that’s it uh and if you’re back for

Dallas great if you’re not back till that second game fine just don’t do anything that keeps you out extended period don’t force yourself back too soon or anything take the time uh we okay worri no no no not at all I mean I just don’t get that feeling from my

Communication but another thing Lind is like when you see hammies a lot of times when you see hammies if they’re serious you know right away like you know dude got to help you to the back yeah he was playing he was playing thr it and then he took a

Moment where he was like yo I don’t think it’s anything to worry about I mean he did Scream the f word when he felt it you could see no he did but it actually happened before that shot yeah so he he tweaked it stood in the game

And then actually elevated hit a jumper came down and was like [ __ ] right it’s not right but the fact that it wasn’t an instantaneous pop hey come get me that happened to book in the playoffs against the Pelicans when you feel it pop it’s

Like no come get me I’m done he played a little bit more I don’t think it’s anything to worry about well fingers crossed it’s not I feel bad for him the poor guy good Lord if somebody can’t catch a break I mean thank goodness with all these injuries you can make you make

Doct pricey um I just feel bad literally it’s one thing after the next you get healthy you start to feel good with your team you’re broken nose you figure out your mass situation you start to get used to that hamstring but like damn yeah that that was kind of

His Mo though I mean fair or not it was guy gets injured a lot uh and it’s played out that way so far but look like we’ve talked about the time you need him healthy April to June yeah um all right so everyone’s asking since Bradley Beal is out tomorrow should Royce O’Neal

Start yes 100% yes okay um I’m not there yet is it too soon I’m not there yet slide in there well no I think you go I think yeah I think you exactly what Lyn saying I I think you go with eg Grayson book uh KD nerk and I

Think that dis see here’s the thing this is what I don’t want don’t try to fool nobody uh Royce is going to come off the bench in the playoffs it’s imperative that he Masters that role when you start throwing him into the starting lineup and bringing him out it messes up Rhythm

Right now he mastered it tonight now that but he wasn’t start yeah no you know he came off the bench and played well I like to see that follow up another night cuz Lizzy just said it nine points Off the Bench I mean sometimes we’re lucky to get n points

Off the Bench off the total right so I I’m not there yet ESO but you could be right may maybe match ups dictate playing them all it’s Detroit I mean that’s what I mean start you tomorrow I don’t like damn I mean start me tomorrow that’s the whole point is Detroit like I

Got you I mean I I wouldn’t mind it give some of the guys a little bit honestly tomorrow the whole plan for me not to get too far ahead of ourselves um I would love for ktie and book to only play like 20 minutes tomorrow that be

Hopefully they’re up big enough not an issue and you know EEG plays good when he gets more minutes so yeah you should be that’s true um speaking of tomorrow we do have a few tickets left for our takeover if you guys want to come hang out with us you can get your tickets

Over at go and a ticket to the Takeover gets you a ticket to the game which we’re all going to go watch together sit in the same section and have a great time and it also includes pregame festivities we’re going to head on to the Desmond we’ll have food and

Beverage and then we’ll walk on over and catch the game it’s going to be a blast a Little Love and Basketball if you will for Valentine’s Day so again go if you want to come hang with with us and of course if uh you’re looking to

Get a little cash in your pocket our friends over at Desert Financial Credit Union are wanting to hook you up right now they are going to give you $200 in bonuses when you open a free checking account online for more than 84 years desert Financial has been Arizona’s

Largest most trusted Local Credit Union so get started by visiting 20000 Flex you know I just I have such such emotion for you Flex okay and uh you know what I like to give when when I have deep emotion for somebody money uh no you have more than

Enough of that uh and I’m well aware of that uh they say the quickest way to a man’s heart is is through his stomach yeah true which if you ask a surgeon that’s [ __ ] but uh and I got to tell you you mean that much to me that I want

To tell you about some burrow because you keep telling me about some they have the best Mexican food in the state I’m just going to tell you that’s the truth uh I don’t lie to you and they were voted uh Arizona’s most loved Mexican restaurant by people that I was not

Privy to know who they are but I’ve just been told that they they voted them most loved in Arizona uh they’ve got fantastic food and you got to try their fiesta platter which is loaded with mouthwatering red and green chili beef mini chimies of the mini chimies I do

Too so damn homemade taquitos chips fresh quac their famous hot sauce you have not had hot sauce try there I told you I will it’s right up near the the uh Che out one just north of here too you guys can go for lunch and

There’s one uh in goody year now uh so go check it out uh and you can find a sun burough near you at Sun let them cater your next meal big or small order online or find one near You by visiting uh also Flex uh you’re you like inside information I

It’s true right you know where you can get the best inside information no I don’t that’s what tell me go become a Die Hard uh and for one low fee you can get all the information you need you will feel like you are on the

Inside uh whether it’s you know with us or with the teams uh you can check it out you’ll get great content exclusive information in our Discord uh great chats with us as well uh and you get exclusive video content too so go become a die hard today at go all right

Guys let’s hand out a few more Awards before we get to our big bright shining star we do actually have one more phnx factor and that’s goingon to go to Grayson Allen so Grayson Allen oh fancy love it Grayson Allen finished with 19 points tonight he also had a block a

Steal four assists four rebounds and he was two of five from Deep a nice outing for Grayson Allen okay hold on yeah are we really gonna do my man EG dirty like this we we’re not mentioning EG we didn’t go to EG first no I think we do

Grayson Allen and then EEG that’s that’s just crap the chat told me we’re going in reverse order oh we’re going okay so second half then we’ll go back to the first half Grayson Allen was the Eric Gordon of the third quarter exactly I mean he was Fant fantastic in that third

Uh Grayson does some things that always make you go how the hell did he just get to the hoop and do that uh and the third quarter was a a perfect example of that tonight yeah Grayson was terrific he he just again I’m not so I’m not surprised

Man he’s just a good basketball player like there’s not many nights where I look at a game and I have anything bad to say about Grayson um he just comes out he makes his shots he he attacks the defense he plays defense plays hard that uh that play against uh Darren Fox the

The tough flagrant foul where everybody got chicken from listen it was flagrant but it wasn’t dirty in exactly it wasn’t malicious yeah CU I know that was one of the big things with when it happened everyone was like oh no the Grayson Allen experience whatever whatever I

Don’t personally think it was dirty it was a flagrant but I don’t think he was intentional yeah he he he he got a hit above the head above the neck and so it’s a flagrant but I I really believe he was just trying to make a hard play

And you could tell the way he fell out of bounds he tried to catch Fox he also hit the ground hard a lot of momentum I think here’s what I think happened I honestly think that on that play like in when it slowed down it looked like he

Anticipated Fox to kind of elevate at a certain time and he didn’t and so he thought where Fox’s head was that’s where the ball was going to be but Fox never actually jumped and that’s why him in the head they were they were also they both kind of awkwardly it was just

A weird play weird play uh yeah but then Fox proceeded to miss both free throws and each one of the sons guys out of the Court steep forward pointing at the crowd because they knew chicken was on its way literally the loudest the crowd is all game long no matter what was

Something about something about free food a flagrant became free chicken yes that’s that’s that’s be thanking gra and the refs because everyone who said wasn’t even a flagrant well if it wasn’t for that we wouldn’t have got so what you’re saying is it was a foul foul

Oh boy that’s a chicken pun thank you very much it’s late people and I’ve been here a long time oh my goodness all right now we can give a little bit of love to Eric Gordon Eric Gordon had a fantastic first half of this basketball game uh finished with 23 points one

Block three assists rebounds four of nine from Deep 20 in the first half he did have 20 in the first half three in the second half but EG was basically single-handedly keeping us in this game in the first so so we let EG start the game tomorrow let Roy start the second

Half and and we’re good and we found the magic solution yeah yeah I no I thought listen you know Bill goes out quick Gordon’s not ready you know he’s thinking he’s going to come into his normal minutes he gets thrown out there he hits a three real quick gets to the

Lane got Aly dunk from Royce O’Neal yeah that was that was crazy it was crazy it was like somebody hit the reset button it was 2012 again here’s what I believe happened Roy is so new to the damn team that he I don’t even think he realized

That was Eric I think he’s curling and he’s like okay back door I’m throwing it to some oh [ __ ] that’s Eric and Eric’s like yeah I did this in the Bahamas man I I can do still do this off of two feet which is cu I’ve seen EG

Dunk a lot off one leg but that was off of two two feet he went up there got it 20 at to have I do I do not like and y’all don’t get mad at me neither one of y’all for saying this oh I’m been mad at

You oh man Lindsay’s been mad at me all night listen do not get mad at me for saying this but I don’t like when we kind of separate like if we say 20 and a half but then he didn’t do nothing like 20 is 20 to me I don’t give a damn what

Part of the game you get it done because you need everything at the end so I get it I agree with you actually I’m not mad at you for that okay however comma I think the reason is because so many people will look at the the ending of

The game as the most important part fa and so I think that’s why sometimes you have to say it and when you give love to somebody who maybe had a really shitty fourth quarter people will remember that a little bit more just because it’s recent and it’s the the heightened

Emotion of the game is when it’s about to end right so I think it’s important to mention it but I also fully agree with you that the first quarter counts just as much as the fourth quarter in my book because if you don’t have 30 plus points in the first quarter you’re gonna

Lose this game there you go yeah I mean so I agree I think it’s just different ways of fandom but I still I’m with you I get it yeah I mean you’re you’re back in a 25 Point deficit situation if you don’t get the kind of Eric Gordon you

Get in the first half and it’s like that fallacy in baseball oh you gotta bring your closer in in the ninth that’s just the way it is it’s like yeah but those three outs in the seventh might be the most important or the sixth whatever the

Case may be it’s tough to determine what what points in a game are most impactful yeah would have been nice if he scored more than three points in the second half yeah hell yeah it would have been nice but I also understand the importance of those

In the to this team track so he deserves he deserves his credit yeah and then hello in the chat said Flex you espo and Saul didn’t give EG xfactor because he only had a great first half not second that’s not true we wanted to but we were

Loading Jacob with way too many graic it was lined up I mean it was I was ready we just we just said listen we already made you make a couple extra things for us tonight we’ll just mention this one well I mean yeah give me give me the the

Argument of EG over Roy and I and if if there’s a compelling argument I will happily admit that I don’t want that argument I just want us to appreciate all well that’s why we gave him love I’m just uh you know I think it’s hard to

Deny how much of an X Factor Royce was this evening for sure yeah all threat them deserve praise tonight they all deserve X factors and they all got it Eric or excuse me not Eric uh Jacob can you hit the uh the X sound effect for Eric Gordon

Plays yeah see see my keys are not working tonight so so so there he’s officially an X Factor you’re welcome chat all right should we give out one more one more H flower yeah why not this time we’ll do our big bright shiny star I’m a big bright shining star it goes to

Kevin Durant he finished with 28 points 10 rebounds four assists Katie got himself a double double also add in one Steel in there yeah yeah good game by Kevin we should be in Olympics we keep doing synchronized yeah it was really great analysis you know what we watched

Too much Usher at halftime and now we’re just saying yeah and in sync tonight uh but really good effort from from ktie tonight this was one of those games where vintage Kevin Durant right 11 to 17 uh went out there on on the boards just did everything

You needed to hit some of those uh difficult shots that that you look at KD and go wow he makes that look really easy that yeah you know that kind of mid-range from the side of the Court almost behind the backboard yeah hits that over a guy no problem uh this was

This was vintage KD hell of a game for him yeah KD’s did KD things I I thought the fourth quarter there were a couple stretches two three minute stretch where they all going back and forth you go I go you go I go right everybody was just

Making shots and Kevin Went stride for stride with him um he hit that patented elbow mid-range jumper and he had like two three in a row and so he kept us he kept us in the game uh long enough for us to pull away and so yeah Kev kev’s

Great Hall of Fame first B what’s up SL so funny did we a rebound Kevin Durant had 11 rebound the chat is letting me know that’s for sure somebody says 12 I don’t know what the real number is is trying to give ESPN right now says 11 11 Bo 11 boards

For slam when there was eight seconds left what did I ask you Flex I said get said is he gonna get anything else Oh I thought you said they won’t get the ball again so I said oh he’s not getting another board or any more points he CH

But no he’s listen he act that was my bad that was my bad blame Flex three seconds left I’m like yo it’s over it’s a wrap I was anticipating uh talking about Katie’s points but I didn’t know he’d probably get that last the the slim Valley Reaper was in full effect and if

You like that nickname we got a shirt check out the PHX what do we got it’s a really nice shirt get some glasses bro can’t see right there in the corner oh I see it okay right there in the corner yeah I in your eyes that’s it down there um

We talked about this on pregame show but Flex I do think you need get your eyes checked I my uh big Park sent us a super chat too they said Katie hit 28,000 points point about to be ninth all time shees crazy a lot of points crazy that’s a lot tell me

When he gets to 30 I mean that’s a lot of you guys you guys got to do a show as to what teami goes into the Hall of Fame on you don’t go that’s a great that’s a great question Jacob that’s a great question they don’t do that in the NBA

No no no see they don’t do that in the NBA but they kind of do because the night before the induction they ask you they like they ask Chuck and he said 76ers it’s simple it’s Thunder that’s where he won his MVP maybe but what if he wins what what if he racks

Off a title or two here dog then what it’s still OKC he didn’t win that’s where Kevin Durant became Kevin Durant he won an MVP his most famous quote you the real MVP uh and his mom there like that was that was where Kevin Durant became Kevin Durant I think I think

You’re right unless he wins multiple championships with the same team to close out two with us he wins two with us you got well we’re talking hypothetical here everyone knows that here’s something I know it was dangerous he’s PHX Katie for the hoop heads in the chat we gon we

Just I just want to say this for the hoop heads in the chat if you’re a hoop head and you play basketball in your life and you and you play high school basketball there’s a number there’s a specific number that you want to leave high school with that’s a th000 points

Right everybody wants to go to high school play basketball and be a th Point scorer that’s it four years you want to be a th Point score this man got 28,000 like come on man it’s been 17 years no I get that no no I get that I

Get that I’m just saying like some people play four years of high school basketball and they get a th000 points they realize how hard it is to get a th000 points not easy to get a th000 points in high school which why if you get 1,000 points of high school they

Typically put your number up there and and this guy got 28,000 of those and he’s still going like he a top five player that’s a lot that’s a lot of point I don’t think people understand how many points that is if he wins if he

Wins one title here he’s PHX KD and he should claim that because that would be the most impressive thing he did in his career because it hasn’t been done in 56 years here so which is why I think he goes in a sun because I think this is is

The one that would mean the most him the two and Golden State I think he appreciates and nobody there’s no argument with the Suns I don’t in my opinion I mean I guess you could argue that there’s a big three but like I don’t know I don’t I don’t think it’s

The it’s not somebody in the chat said uh he’d go in as a son just to spite Barkley so he might if he wins a title here I don’t think he has to I don’t think he’s going in as a warrior how am I a always stacking says what the hell

This espo guy is a lowkey hater on KD I just call him a top five player of all time yeah I don’t know sensitive I don’t know man not so sensitive just chill a little bit good job Kevin Durant we’re happy your Phoenix son 28k and the slim Valley

Reaper all right guys let’s take a look at the numbers presented by desert Financial Credit Union Arizona’s Number One Credit Union named by forbs all right so the Suns get a that was you oh I thought you I’m sorry it sounded like you ready to go what’s in the box okay

So Suns get a 130 125 dub the numbers are strange here uh both teams shoot 51% from the field it’s a miss a make League Sun shoot 42% from three to to the Sacramento Kings 29% but here’s here’s the two numbers that are crazy to me espo 72 to 42

Points in the pain I mean when you look at Damon sabonis and and the lack of nerk in this game it doesn’t necessary necessarily floor me but it is I mean 30 30 point difference is pretty pretty crazy and Jacob fast break points 24-4 so if I told you Jacob real quick

Super producer if I told you before the game the suns were gonna get outscored by 50 in the paint and in Fast Break points how much we lose by I ask you what we shot from three that’s what you would say all you a smart man

Because we shot 42% to their 29 that’s why we won well so you’re a smart guy okay that’s a lot of points 50 point differential fast break points in the paint wild I will give you that but you can’t I think it’s twofold we talked about this before the game three-point

Shooting yeah but it’s free throws as well you got to look at free throws in the differential tonight they shot 12 more and they made 11 more free throws 11 points at the charity stripe on top of what they did free throw wise I mean excuse me three point wise and that’s

How you eat into that that differential too like that’s and that’s how you make up for having 10 fewer shots as your opponent as well that’s a fact what do you think L um I think I want to talk about these super chats here real quick

So Eddie sent us one and they said speaking of Katie screwed Draymond and his podcast um we’re not going to dive super into that here on the show we did in the pregame show and there’s a clip on our YouTube page where we talked about it but long story short Draymond is

Embarrassing that’s really all they’re say agree yes Don davius sent us one and they said my intention isn’t to take a shot at Beal but he’s had more injuries alone than the entire Thunder team combined when will they face some adversity okay the entire Thunder team

Combined I think is the same agees as Bradley Beal and the and the big three here like they’re a bunch of young guys so sometimes that doesn’t catch up to that group right right I mean Gordon hayward’s gonna help uh bring that injury number up for them but when

You’re young you don’t face that as much and that’s that’s just the reality of it yeah yeah Brad’s has some bad breaks this year he has it’s tough um all right let’s go back to Trevor’s here real quick Trevor had a couple additional thoughts here he said what role do you

Think Thad will play could he play tomorrow Rody minutes tomorrow so no he probably won’t play tomorrow that’s for sure because they haven’t even officially announced it yeah he’s not playing we’re gonna have to wait until after allar break for that one D’s not even in the state of Arizona tomorrow

Like uh David Rody minutes though honestly maybe it’s the Pistons I mean if it’s the Pistons you see potential David Rody minutes yeah I I feel like David Rody’s the new bull bow everybody’s just going to be excited when he gets out there on the court they

Want they want to see see the guy I think there’s definitely an opportunity in terms of Thad Young’s role he’s been a backup five the last year or two yeah I think that’s the role that he’s gonna play here he is yeah is and it’ll depend on matchup whether Eubanks gets those

Opportunities or that and it’s going to depend when that gets that chance how well does he play here if he can prove himself I think he could find some decent minutes of backup five yeah yeah last thing on right I mean for the people wanting uh Rody and I don’t I I

Think I’d be remissed to not mention this guy Nas a little like Nas little played well tonight he came in and played well so Rody’s got some people in front of him like like nasia has gotta play too and Nas did a good job and hit

Some shots and did some things so he got some time but I love to see him way up 30 right bring him in why not um also goto tech review said just went and said we got the full J experience in the third quarter we sure did we did we sure

Did miss layup Miss layup Miss layup made three and you go huh yeah he had to make up for the Miss layups yeah well then he needed two threes well he was he did it he did the best he could okay he got it halfway done but Joshua kogi does

Always still it’s the same thing we say every time even though the offense struggles often times his defense and what he brings as far as the intangibles and the energy and the effort you can always count on it biggest play of the game last play of the game who got that

Tip so Grayson can get the rebound Josh kogi so yeah I mean you live with the Miss layups but he always brings great energy defense and intangibles and again book misses that free throw he could be looking like a go I mean uh yeah ghost

The right word right I mean I know we use go in but yes as in the yeah is that is that what they say l correct me don’t no you’re right they use it in both way don’t they say in both ways like if you do something wrong they like you’re

Looking like the goat today yeah right am I am I wrong I don’t know okay I don’t I haven’t heard that you’re correct that is an appropriate turn of phrase for somebody that was born in the 70s I haven’t heard that one I’m sorry all right all right so I yeah uh before

Before we before we look at Goat as the greatest greatest of all time I didn’t know goat was like a bad thing yeah well when I was growing up they’re like yo you’re you’re a goat you know it wasn’t greatest of all time it was like you

Play like crap play like yeah that was trash or cheeks in yes in the year of Our Lord 2024 that’s cheeks all right so book Mr free throw and Sacramento comes down and hits a three books book would have been cheeks tonight book would have

Been cheeks tonight but J saved it J got the tip yeah s sorry for that I got extended it was like a long like lesson yeah um one more Super Chat here from KT they sent us two actually so the first one said we need a backup center what

Y’all think about nerland Noel or Kai Jones and then sent it again so twice they really want us to know um what do you think about nland newel Kai Jones or Tod Gibson is who we added in there dad young is is the guy that fills that role

So exactly yeah I feel like this final roster spot they’re going to try and look for maybe that backup point guard that we I’ve been talking about a lot lately if if you get uh Delon Wright actually want up on the buyout Market I I think that’s probably the guy they’re

They’re looking at hello you better cut it out man hello said no born in 1920s hello was he was yeah he were for sure um but hopefully we get um news sooner rather than later on that last spot and hopefully it works out really well um unfortunately our bets didn’t

Work out very well tonight except for Saul which is like the opposite of what we wanted you should get you should get yeah because he didn’t even make a pick he just got the default money you know what the new the new rule should be it’s the opponent’s money

Line yeah flush that but to be fair it was only a minus 1990 so he only won like $526 from the bet so here’s what the leaderboard looks like now but he is at the top which is super unfortunate 18876 for Saul 11350 for espo 67

23 for meus 7601 for Flex I’m leaning into this man I’m not changing my bets I make the same damn bet every night book KD Bill 20 points son’s money line and over under well not tomorrow that’s what I do yeah not tomorrow I’ll change it for tomorrow but yeah I don’t know

Listen if you guys think you can do it better than us or if you can’t it doesn’t matter our friends over at the bgm Sportsbook app want to hook you up either which way if you sign up for bmgm using the bonus code PHX all you got to

Do is place your first B MGM Sportsbook wager through the B MGM Sportsbook mobile app of at least $5 and you’re going to receive $150 instantly and additional winnings regardless of your Wagers outcome you can check out the show notes for full details and now you

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Rico in Partnership withas Crossing Casino and Hotel for terms this promotional offer is not available in New York no about Ontario or Puerto Rico get stuffed Ontario Jacob how long you been here today uh I got here about 9:30 this morning so a long time is what

You’re saying uh you know what you deserve what it’s definitely not a pay raise but uh you do deserve a nice ice cold beer from our friends over at Four Peaks you’re a golfer Jacob have you tried the best M birdie juicy golden Al yet it’s delicious it is and it’s

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Have one final flower to hand out this one is a big one Devin Booker tonight passed Alvin Adams for the second most all-time Point scored in son’s franchise history he Trails now only Walter Davis this is a big one uh congratulations to Devon it’s only a matter of time before

He reaches Walter Davis as well here’s what Al Alvin Adams had to say about book getting super close and inevitably passing him someone just told me about about Deon uh approaching uh myself and then another couple months or a year to to catch Walter so you know back in the

Day there weren’t all these great stories all these great articles coming about about all these fun facts so I I don’t remember when I took over the scoring lead from it was probably Dick Van Aro many years ago or the day that Walt passed me I just enjoyed so much

Playing with Walter and now from the first year Devin got here and people I didn’t know he was I asked him I go tell me about him oh he’s another Klay Thompson I go well that’s good and my opinion he’s better than Klay Thompson it every year and uh how what an

Offensive player is but I remember watching his first year how good his defense was so somewhere on that U record list with all the different fund statistics uh he’s going to pass me tonight and I don’t know how many more a couple hundred points or a thousand

Points it is to get to Walter but but isn’t it fun watching Devon Booker in this this year’s Phoenix SS so Devon Booker now has 13,918 points Walter Davis is 15,6 166 so again it’s only a matter of time before Devon Booker reaches that number

One spot here’s what he had to say after tonight’s game about the accomplishment um hard to put the words um especially passing Alvin you know somebody that I have a a high respect for somebody that’s been around this organization um not just as a player but um as a facility manager always being

Hands-On and you know just you know his presence is there and been there from the beginning so you know big shout out to out I I love how much Devin Embraces the history and all this in theity he he understands some guys would have no clue who Alvin Adams is yeah and

They’d be Oh you mean that real tall guy that’s kind of around the arena with the glasses or something Devin understands he gets the history with this team and he understands his place in it now uh being number two and how close he is uh

To passing uh Walter Davis as well to be number one in this franchise and how fast he’s got here too I’ve said it before I’ll say it again Devin Booker is the greatest Phoenix son of all time uh and he just continues to move up that

List and and will be number one in scoring in no time here yeah I mean he this this guy just he just gets it and he makes it look so easy he just you know the the everybody look at the Nike commercial look at that trip that clip

Where his father passes him the ball and he says deeply rooted in the game like that’s not just a line this guy understands the history of basketball he respects it he cares about he cares about it like that’s not just a line for a Nike commercial rooted deep in the

Game this guy knows what he’s talking about good for Deon man yeah and KD also had some really nice things about to say about it as well yeah I mean just a Sant of the game the work he puts in um shows up on Game Nights every night and uh he

Inspires a whole generation of players you know so this as he hit these Milestones it’s just actually what I expect him to do at this point you know and he deserves to be the number one alltime leading scorer in Suns history with the the work he’s put in so I can’t

Wait for that day I don’t know how many points he got until he passed that you know oh so H another season or two another season and um and that just shows you know he hit the ground running as a rookie and hadn’t look back since

And U it’s meant so much to the people here in Phoenix and in the state of Arizona so congrats to him but I know he wants number one he wants number one of course he does I mean of course that’s why he plays with number one on the back of his

Jersey yeah that’s that’s cool as hell and and being a Devin got so much respect for Kevin that’s just cool man I’m so happy for that guy that just you know just keep chugging away he’ll be a top I think I’m gonna I’ve always said

This I think Devon will be top 10 all time when it’s all done on the whole NBA list top 10 all time scoring good job Devin poer proud of you all right guys if you are looking for an adventure our friends over at the Arizona Lottery have an adventure for

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More information on how you can take an adventure for a chance to win 1 million in cash and Arizona travel prizes Flex you’re probably the most stylish guy around here at ph& X yeah I think so do you know where I could get that jacket

That uh that KD was wearing no tell me what how about how about a pair of book ones I know because I’m going to need those to get in the club in a place that I I can hang out on a week and have a good time uh and

Casino excuse me Healer River Casino is where I can do that Healer River Resorts and casinos is is the place where I’m gonna go looking good wearing that Katie jacket and my book ones I’m gonna get into into their shows I’m gonna play some table games I’m gonna hit the food

Which is best I’ve had at any venue like this I’m G have a good time at heiler River Resorts and casinos thanks to you helping my fashion game look better hey I want to go with you so yeah so we’ll hit that up Don’t You Worry uh because

No one does it better uh than Casino he River Casinos you know Nobody Does it Better I’m just gonna get to the CT you do youlex at heila River Resorts and casinos visit play for more details it is late people it’s almost midnight that’s right it’s almost

Midnight but to have no fear because Gerald’s here everybody oh in the darkness beyond the light there shall only be one welcome new Gerald welcome in nice backdrop you look so snazy tonight thank you the uh they were tearing down the court out there so I had to make do in here where

We have the uh the podium behind so well it looks good like that looks good um we just got done talking about Devin moving into second in uh alltime scoring for the Suns franchise and hearing from Devon and KD on that accomplishment how much do you just love the way that Devon

Always talks about those who have come before him yeah absolutely it’s something that he Embraces and it’s something that the past greats in this franchise Embrace him in return um it’s actually what I’m going to be writing about for tomorrow’s newsletter I got to sit down with Alvin Adams for about five

Minutes before the game and talk about his early memories of book and his relationship with him and what he thinks of what he’s meant to this organization and and being passed by who someone who’s probably going to be the greatest son of all time by the time he is all

Said and done here if he’s not already so um lots of good stuff out of vogle KD book about that Booker it’s obviously something that’s important to him um and you know vogle was saying it was just a matter of time until he moved up there

Just like it’s just a matter of time before he passes Walter Davis if he continues scoring at a rate of like 27 points per game which is around what he’s been averaging these last three years he’s going to pass Walter Davis sometime next season so it it’s coming

And it’s going to be exciting when he does get here I loved how giddy KD was and how he was just smiling talking about how much that would mean to book and how excited he is for that day to come so it’s a really cool thing and it

Was kind of funny because someone challenged Booker on how much he actually knew about Alvin Adams and he joked he scored a lot of points didn’t he so it’s a it’s a cool relationship that he has with some of the past greats in this franchise G I got a question man

Let’s talk about the uh let’s talk about the big homie Roy Roy that’s what I’m calling him um nine nine points four rebounds five assists four steals a block uh earlier in the pregame we talked about them gradually getting him into the flow things I think Frank vogle

Said about 15 minutes tonight he ended up doubling that closing the game on defense getting some big shots in the fourth talk to me about the feeling you get from about Royce’s performance as well as if you got anything from the locker room any players or coaches talk

About how big Royce was tonight yeah absolutely I mean he was huge on both ends of the floor I think he had was three or four Steals on top of like five assists he knocked down some big threes Frank vogle was saying he came in and

Had an immediate impact um and you know obviously Bill’s injury paved the way for him to play a lot more minutes than I think they were originally planning for him but that wound up being a good thing because they don’t win this game without him and the small ball lineups

They were able to trot out there I had asked Bogle yesterday at practice about you know envisioning Royce with those small ball lineups where Katie’s at the five and he had said you know on both ends we feel like he can make an impact and he definitely did tonight those

Small ball lineups were kind of what you know paved the way for the Suns to get back into this game um and reyce was just Monumental in that KD highlighted some of his defensive stops on Damonte sabonis um you know obviously the big time threes that he hit in his first

Home game that was really cool to see the way that the crowd embraced him and that he was not afraid of the moment but they’ve also highlighted how vocal he has been defensively how he’s been encouraging communication which is something that vogle has said needs to

Improve so Roy looks like a seamless fit for this group you know he’s not going to be as good every night as he was tonight especially on the stat sheet but he really does look like a great two-way fit and this is why we were kind of

Excited to sign him on the buyout Market you uh you gave an update on Twitter when it came to Bradley Beal but give everybody an update what was the level of concern you felt when you uh were talking with Frank vogle about him yeah so Bradley Beal he said he pulled

His hammy they’re calling it a h or vogle is calling it a hamstring trrain we’re going to get official word from the team probably tomorrow but yeah he is ruled out for tomorrow already which makes sense because it’s a back toback you don’t want to test that heading into

The All-Star break there’s no point it’s a very bad Pistons team that you should be able to beat without Bradley Beal um so they’re you know they’re going to be cautious with that they’re going to give him extra time over the All-Star break to heal um you know real had already

Been toying around with the idea of getting that uh nasal surgery done to kind of reset his nose which is going to take a couple days to heal so this might I mean it’s not a blessing in disguise by any means because hamstrings are be tricky but they’re airing on the side of

Caution for sure and hopefully this is the right time for that type of injury with the break coming up and plenty of time to recuperate I’m sorry that poor guy just can’t catch a break yeah no he can’t catch a break hey G I have a question you just mentioned about

Resetting Brad be’s nose any time frame or how long you think it’s gonna take to reset Lindsay’s foot um I don’t know if you can see it but it’s kind of pointing the wrong way and so uh I mean that’s just what happens when you got really big feet

Sometimes you know they just do their own thing so I mean she she might have sprained it right before pregame so what do you think Frank got anything to any timeline on Lindsay’s foot getting fixed there I don’t know we’re gonna have to talk to Jay Caspar and see if he has any

Extra like bub size shoes because I think I don’t know it looks like we’re going to need to fix those ones optical illusion day to day day to day but we’re going doubtful okay Gerald I apologize for these nonserious questions on this show I do not accept this kind of line of

Questioning for you uh we discussed this earlier with uh uh with Bradley be out who would you turn to in the starting lineup do you think Royce is proven enough in two games or would you go with Eric Gordon H you know I honestly it’s the

Piston so I don’t think it matters too much and hopefully that’s the only game you have to worry about this but um I would give Royce a shot in the starting lineup just to see how he does just to give you a little bit more size out there uh if you’re looking for

Continuity I think Gordon is the way to go but you kind of want to bring his scoring in Off the Bench and I like what I saw out of Royce just being a complimentary piece um a guy that can come in and have an impact on both ends

Of the floor so I think it’d be interesting to see Royce in the starting lineup I’m not sure which way they’ll go in these situations it’s pretty much been Gordon whenever they’ve had to replace Grayson or Beal in that starting lineup um but I guess we’ll see tomorrow

Again though it’s it’s the Pistons so it shouldn’t matter too much one way or the other I I got um one more question any anything on NAS uh I was impressed with the nas little minutes uh anything from Frank vogle on NAS I thought that was a

Tremendous thing that they were able to get through the deadline without getting rid of Nas and I still think Nas can help this basketball team and I I liked what I saw from him tonight anything from Frank a coach on the minutes that Nas got yeah so Katie actually shouted

Out Nas’s big time three that he hit there uh I think it was the fourth quarter that he knocked that one down and they had to sub him out a little bit later because that lineup was getting beat up inside by damonta sabonis um but vogle was shouting out a lot of guys

Tonight Nas was definitely one of them in terms of just you know the typical staying ready thing but the way that he was able to switch on defense the big time three that he made there um and just giving them solid minutes you know it’s been tough for him this season

Getting inconsistent playing time but over these last handful of games except for the Warriors game he’s come in and quietly done his job which is to be a switchable Wing knock down shots if he gets them be aggressive be physical defensively and he’s done all those

Things and he did that again tonight so quietly really good minutes for Nas um Bogle also did shout out Yousef nurkic who let’s be honest like the suns were rolling with the small ball lineups they went away from nerk it was starting to feel like it just wasn’t his game and

Vogle went back to him in that fourth quarter because sabonis was beating him up on the inside and nurk was able to come in have an impact and then be okay with being subbed out later when they decided to go small again to close so that’s not easy to do as a player

Especially you know we I’m sure you guys talked a lot about the Draymond Yousef nerkish stuff he’s been you know getting blasted on Twitter there’s been a lot of talk about him and Draymond all week so for him to have that type of mentally strong performance uh is pretty

Impressive Gerald I have one real question and then one really real question okay so the first real question ailia and a couple other people in the chat keep bringing up great Allen’s hand I must have missed this what what happened and is he cool is he good so it

Looked like he jammed his hand I think it was going for a loose ball or he made contact with Fox I think it was but um it it didn’t look he was kind of ringing out his hand it didn’t look like he was comfortable using it down the stretch

There I did ask Frank Bogle about it after the game he said I haven’t gotten an update from the medical team he was able to close the game so that’s a good sign but we’re going to have to wait until tomorrow to figure out uh the

Extent of what that hand injury is okay my second really real question is when are we going to find out if book likes chocolate ice cream or not soon that’s all I can say is soon it’s a long season you know you know how Damen Lee is gonna be back before the

End of the regular season promise before the end of the regular season we’ll we’ll find out if Devon Booker likes chocolate ice cream all going to tell you is that the Suns posted that Katie likes strawberry ice cream on Instagram today okay so you might want to get to

It real quick Gerald I’m sorry about this Tom fooler this is not acceptable I will not stand for this kind of crap on this program I will make sure that it’s better tomorrow night thank you I appreciate are you gonna be here tomorrow night Eso Just making sure you firing me no

I’m just making sure yeah I’ll be here don’t you I was just wondering if you were the Tom fullery those leing or not no I will I will be making sure that everything is uh copasetic tomorrow to take tomorrow off uh no but we will be making sure they behave

Themselves all right Gerald anything else last thing everybody was very impressed and surprised by Eric Gordon getting up for that alyo blob Frank Bogle joke that he asked Eric Gordon what did you do with Eric Gordon when he got up for that one book started laughing when he was talking about I

Didn’t expect him to keep going up and get that thing up there when it touched the ceiling so uh they were very impressed with Eric Gordon busting out a team Bahamas style dunk tonight you you know what’s funny G the only reason why he got that dunk is because his teammate

Didn’t know it was him Roy O’Neal ain’t been here long enough he’s like oh I think that’s somebody that could jump oh that’s Eric K KD literally said that he said Royce threw it and I was like who’s he throwing that to because I know we

Have a small ball lineup out here here you go so shout out to KD because he definitely didn’t know what the hell he was doing there but he got it anything else oh no all right well thank you all for joining us we we appreciate you uh we will be back

Tomorrow it’s a back to back we will not have a pregame show though however because the Takeover like I said but if you want to hang out with us before the game get yourself a ticket to the Takeover go click the events tab you’ll find everything you need there

But we will have a postgame show for you guys so plan to come hang out with us tomorrow evening after the game wraps up for our postgame show until then you can give the show a follow on social at H nxor Suns you can follow Gerald at

Gerald boray you can follow me at lindsy Smith a you can follow Flex at Flex from Jersey and of course you can follow espo at espo espo take us home remember even if you’re an old guy you can surprise yourself sometimes ask Eric Gordon oh Hoy Hoy A

The Phoenix Suns and Kevin Durant defeat the Sacramento Kings and Domantas Sabonis 130-125. The Suns gutted this one out, between some sloppy play and Bradley Beal leaving the game in the 1st quarter they turned things around when it mattered most. Grayson Allen, Royce O’Neale and Eric Gordon all had major contributions. Join the PHNX Suns Podcast for the Suns vs Kings postgame show. Don’t forget to follow the show on social @PHNX_Suns.

0:00 Intro
3:00 Royce O’Neale balled out
14:40 Bradley Beal updates
23:15 Grayson Allen and Eric Gordon played key roles
30:45 Kevin Durant was vintage
47:00 Devin Booker moving up in Suns history

An ALLCITY Network Production

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  1. Love the show always, but the way ya'll interrupt each other throws off the Flow. Sometimes someone's idea has to wait after somebody's tangent or rant and often they never voice that idea. Especially and I'm sorry, but Linds u do it often and when ur the host talking the most, it's like come on, take a break and chill….my bad ya'll, always love the show. Go Suns

  2. I’ve never watched a show where the host interjects themselves SO MUCH into the conversational flow of show. Sit back Lindsey, you’re host for a reason. Yap too much.

  3. It took fifty plus games for Vogel too realize that you have to play of mixture of defensive personal, to maximize ur chances. Now, hopefully he'll understand size matters, as the Suns get crushed on the glass, again.

  4. Question: who thinks Eric Gordon may have found his groove and will be okay now? And who thinks it was just 1 game?

  5. Detroit isn't as bad as their record. They have some talent and a lot of their games are close, they just haven't figured out how to pull out the win. Don't be surprised when KD plays 36 minutes unfortunately

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