@Utah Jazz

Keyonte George making massive progress in pick and roll Warriors expose weaknesses

Keyonte George making massive progress in pick and roll Warriors expose weaknesses

Keon George is making major progress in the pick and roll and Jazz fans should be super excited about it it’s next on locked on Jazz you are locked on Jazz your daily podcast on the Utah Jazz part of the locked on podcast Network your team every Day all right I’m David lock radio voice of Utah jazz jazz NBA Insider on today we look at keante George in the pick and roll progress 900 pick and rolls he’s run this year we look at both when he went out of the starting lineup and

Played in the bench we also split them in half and it’s pretty fascinating on how much better he’s gotten and who he’s running the pick and roll with a little caveat that that is now out of whack again we’ll talk about it coming up plus Warriors expose a ton of jazz weaknesses and

Rotation issues exist as the Jazz try to put this thing back together for 48 minutes of basketball if we have a chance we’ll do Trends Monday on a Tuesday we just didn’t get a chance to do it yesterday uh that’s what we’ve got planned as I mentioned I’m David lock

Radio voice to the Utah Jazz Jazz MBA Insider this is locked on Jazz it’s your daily podcast on the Utah Jazz giving you Insight expertise geeky numbers and hopefully making it way better to be a jazz fan each and every day thank you so much for making lockd on Jazz your first

Listen of the day we are free and available on all podcasting apps we also want to thank the every dayers that are out there and if you’re listening right now thumbs up please thumbs up for Keon’s progress we’ll touch on that in a second thumbs up on the YouTube and if

You have not subscribed please do and hit that Bell button if you’re listening on audio on Spotify or iTunes or wherever it might be please follow And subscribe uh on the show it’s all free thank you very much uh today show this edition of locked on Jazz a Tuesday

Edition is brought to you by prize picks prize picks the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports go to loock NBA and use the code all lowercase lockon NBA for your first deposit match up to $100 all right so Keon is these numbers do not include last

Night um they there’s some interesting things about last night so keante has run going into last night 900 9 pick and rolls which gets to be begins to get to be kind of an interesting sample size so there’s two ways to look at it and if you recall earlier this year we looked

At it kante was really struggling with the pick and roll and you could feel him getting much better recently some of this may be because he was playing on lineups against second Team guys that certainly helps um some of it also is just because he’s growing up now if you

Recall every day or might we did this earlier this year and I I remember remember correctly in the research that we did on dear and fox and a bunch of players it really came down that you literally needed like 5,000 picking roles in your career before you got to

Be kind of an above 1.1 1.0 player in in productivity in the pick and roll uh Jaylen brunson’s run 2,000 this year he leads League Keon is is at 935 he’s run the 33rd most amount of pick and rolls of anyone in the league pretty great

Just to have that much exposure so here are the interesting on December 13th on December 13th Keon gets hurt leaves the lineup on that day Keon ranked 99th out of 100 pick and roll ball handlers of the guys who the top 100 pick and roll ball handlers in the

NBA he ranked 99th out of 100 I actually usually do 90 it’s three per team um the way I look at it but I did a 100 and he’s 90 he was 99th out of 100 he was 89 out of 90th at 79 points per pick roll

That’s 5 46 picks so that’s that’s about you know that’s about 65% of his picks he ranked 99th of 100 since December 26 he comes back in that San Antonio game after Christmas his instead of 79 he’s at 1.10 which is great and he ranks 17th out of

100 that is massive progress from 99th out of 100 to 17th out of 100 if we split them in half 450 pick and rolls on each side you can’t quite do it you get 443 before December 5th then you get 466 after December 6th and when he hits a thousand

We can split them in half again the first 443 Keon’s points per chance on pick and roll is8 80 it’s very poor since then he’s 1.02 massive progress pretty great what gets really interesting here is when you start to break down who he ran his pick and rolls

With so prior to December 5th he ran 142 pick and rolls with John Collins and averaged 78 points per pick and roll with John Collins pretty actually all of his numbers were pretty ugly on everyone he was 78 with John 76 with Walker 83 with Lowry 69 with Jordan like it’s all of

Them are ugly he was 99th out of 100 like let’s not like put it I’m not trying to put it on anyone so but it’s interesting here the transformation he ran 142 picks with John Collins he ran 74 with Lowry 55 with Omar JK Saven 52 with Walker Kessler and 37 small

Smalls with Jordan Clarkson let me say that again so the first half of the Season he ran 142 of his 443 picks with John Collins so about a little over 25% about 30% and then Lowry 74 and then JK saving 55 so about 12% and Walker 52 and then

Jordan since December 6 with really interesting is he completely changed who he ran his pick and rolls with because he started coming off the bench it’s really so he ran5 with Walker they went from 76 to 1.09 pretty great massive progress so he ran two

Times as many so in other words he went from running about 12% to about 28% of his picks with Walker Kessler and yesterday Will Hardy in the press conference said the thing that Keon’s gotten best at is suddenly his ability to recognize the roller and to pick up on the roller number

Two he ran with Kelly elen 75 pick and rolls he wasn’t running any with Kelly before and they were really good 1.08 so he’s going to really miss that he ran 74 with Lowry before he ran 74 with Lowry on the front side he got better point 83 to 0.92 still not great

But 083 to 0.92 he went from running 142 with John Collins down to just 50 with John Collins and he’s got better he went from 78 to 098 but not nearly the jump that he did with Walker to 1.09 and he ran 50 with Jordan which is somewhat

Similar and he got a little bit better with Jordan to from 69 to 098 so Keon just got way better some of these are against second Team guys but he got way better but also a huge transformation of who he ran his pick and rolls with so he suddenly became that he’s

Running those pick and rolls with Walker and Kelly instead of John Collins and really om Jerk saav It’s a big difference that helps you develop what’s a little worth keeping an eye on is since the trade deadline ke R 41 pick and rolls only four of those 41 are with

Walker a little bit because of rotations though in the two games will has done two OPP different things with his with the rotations and one is he pulled John Collins first and kept Walker in last night he pulled Walker first and kept John Collins in last night Keon and

Walker did not play on the floor very much together other than the minutes when he’s with John Collins we’ll we’ll get to some of those there’s a two game sample size that’s not enough right now but it’s worth just keeping an eye um so that’s worth that’s worth noting

And the pick and roll game hasn’t been very good the last two games so the floor spacing is not nearly as good without Kelly but the overall concept here is you want you want like a big win this a big win like keante is showing really really exciting signs of

Of where he is and if you want to take a second and take just look at it and get a concept the next thing I think you probably ask well okay where does that put him so if we just take since December 26 when he came back from

The injury he had a second to kind of pursue see what’s going on he was out of the starting lineup he’s now back into the starting lineup was Will Hardy said last night he just thought was time and you look at where Keon is in that stretch of guys running pick and rolls

Since since basically Christmas he’s run the 45th most amount of pick and rolls in the NBA if we do the top 60 guys so those guy top two pick and roll guys on each team okay the top 60 guys in the NBA then Keon’s Point per chance at one point 10 in that

Stretch ranks him or 1.06 excuse me ranks him 18th in the NBA number one is Jason Tatum number two is Marcus Sasser actually interesting rookie at for Houston then Luca James Harden Steph Curry like guys you’d expect Malik monk sneaks in there Anthony Edwards Tyrese Alberton CJ McCullum Jaylen Williams in Oklahoma

City just a beast Collins 12th and then you get to Keon 18th he’s surrounded by Scotty Barnes Brandon Ingram Jaylen Brunson keontay George Carris Levert Kyrie Irving and Derek white pretty great so tip of the hat to Keon Warriors exposed a ton of Utah Jazz weaknesses last night and an unfortunate issue

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$100 locked on lockedown NBA use the code lockedown NBA for your first deposit match up to $100 thanks so much for making locked on Jazz your first listen of the day we greatly appreciate you and to the every dayers out there thanks for stopping by

And saying hi games and for being with us each and every day absolutely fabulous appreciate you so much uh all right so the Warriors last night just exposed the Jazz um it was a bad offensive game for the most part um defensively the Jazz actually I thought

Stayed kind of engaged for most of the night and then they just broke down you can’t break down there was a three-play sequence in the fourth quarter uh the game’s down to nine and then the Jazz just have massive defensive breakdowns against a team that

Doesn’t allow it so if you kind of go back through it um it’s down to nine there’s eight minutes left it’s one L uh hit a buckets 100 to 91 and Steph Curry runs a pick and roll Jordan Clarkson and John Collins just don’t communicate at

All um on the play in the slightest bit it’s kind of the classic Warrior play they go into the post Moody comes and sets a pick on John Collins who had been switched onto Curry at this point and Jordan Clarkson just stays on Moody John Collins gets picked by Moody and Steph

Curry is just zip code open which is incredible uh for a three and makes it like and that’s a bummer because that’s two of your veterans right there Jordan Clarkson and John Collins who just did not execute that in the slightest then the next play Down Keon scores so we’re

Still in the games 10 point minutes left 732 left and the next play down Steph brings it up to the front court it’s a pick and roll with keontay George and John Collins Trace Jackson Davis sets the pick this time Jordan switches and John Collins just doesn’t close out far

Enough to Steph Curry like I mean that’s like you you can’t give Steph Curry airspace and you’ve got to be aggressive coming out to Steph Curry it’s I understand it’s really easy for me to sit here and say this but on the other end like it’s Steph Curry’s

The greatest shooter in the history of the game you’re probably got to be self-aware of that one and then on the next one uh Keon George and John Collins struggle again on the pick and roll and Trace Jackson Jun Davis gets over the top for an easy layup Trace Jackson

Davis was great Steph Curry gets his n consist to the game and it’s the kind of the exact same play John Collins this time comes out much more aggressively and Keon gets caught on the top side of Trace Jackson Davis on the pick and roll

On the switch and so then the lob comes into Jackson Davis and he lays it up and in over Lowry and by that point it’s over it’s 10893 you can’t you can’t be down 10 and make mistakes like that but there’s just overall there were three

Two other things that came back to bite the Jazz last night that we haven’t seen the one what turnovers were back they just didn’t look comfortable in Connect and who they were on the basketball court the other one was play hard like the whole thing that changed on this

Team was that Colin sa went the starting lineup Simone fono went on the starting lineup Chris dun went on the starting lineup and we started playing hard again and I didn’t think we played as hard last night and I didn’t think we played as hard against Phoenix either um so

Keon’s in the starting lineup and Chris Dunn is not and Simone is not because he’s not with us and I thought you just saw this team kind of you can’t ease your way into games against teams like the Golden State Warriors or the Los Angeles Los Angeles Lakers will beat the

Crap out of you on Wednesday night if you do that Warriors going to beat the crap out of the jazz tonight so um I think the intensity play hard is back to a little bit of an issue for the Jazz I just thought the Warriors exposed a lot

Of weaknesses last night honestly I thought that and that’s and to me that’s not a criticism of the Jazz that’s a sign of how good the Warriors are that they’re back because that’s what the Warriors have always done is the Warriors have been able to exploit kind of exploit your mistakes by

Making you kind of not re you know just any M anything you have that’s slightly wrong they expose it the other one that’s interesting on the Warriors is they’re Far and Away the number one team in the NBA denying shots at The Rim they they I don’t know how they do

It in fact I’m gonna ask Steve cerr on Thursday like I didn’t I had two questions for Steve Kerr and he was not with the team he was at the funeral in Serbia one was why they have so little transition I this year and to why they

How they possibly are denying shots of their it’s not close so the Warriors allowed 25.8% of opponent shots of the rim 25.8 and The League average is 33 and the next closest in the league is 28.7 they’re three percentage points better than the rest of the league at

Denying their their guys play amazing position defense when you drive to the basket that that’s the first thing that jumps out to me they they play amazing amazing positional defense you just I saw our guys driving to the chest of guys all night long um so you know huge

Credit to them for that number two is they just rotate and they force you to play to the open man last night we actually did a half decent job for portions of the night of getting to the rim and then did not make very good decisions there because it gets clogged

And it gets tight and it’s difficult um we took 20 shots of the rim last night we took 27 % of our shots at The Rim last night which is below 33 but better than what most people do but we Shot 14 of 20 there they did Force us into just

An inordinate amount of kind of short mid-range shots we took 34 shots there it’s just not a great shot like it’s the league average is about 41% that’s exactly what we shot we took 36% of our shots there which is an incredibly High number and in turn we

Got almost no Corner threes last night the Jazz offense which is largely predicated on getting corner we got four corner threes the entire night so we just did not get very good high percentage shots last night um and I think that’s part of what happened last night the other one that happened last

Night is the Warriors Got 43 points I think in transition last night um or 43 opportunities in transition it looks like they weren’t particularly efficient at them but that’s a lot for the Warriors because frankly the they don’t play in transition very much um and so for the

Jazz to suddenly allow that much transition is a little unusual um because the Warriors have not been playing in transition and the Jazz allow the most transition of anyone in the NBA that is a major issue that has to get straightened out a tiny bit here is that

The Jazz still continue to struggle with um having of getting back in transition or or keeping people out of transition um the first unit had had a tough night last night we actually played our most possessions of the of the grouping last night with Chris Dunn ton Horton Tucker Jordan Clarkson Taylor

Hendrickson Walker Kessler they were on the floor uh I believe the most possessions of any group last night which is was a little surprising um and they actually did fine that that drive group as will hardy referred to him actually had a pretty decent okay night um the starting lineup last night

Offensive rating was a0 74 so that’s a little tough they shot uh and turned it over on 32% of the possessions they were on the floor we’ll we’ll touch into that in a second cuz because that’s going to the Jets are going to have to there’s still rotation

Issues um that exist uh Warriors also we talked about the switching there they just exposed the Jazz in the pick and roll game um again I I don’t know that I think these are criticisms of the Jazz as I do think these are compliments to the Warriors just at how good they are

How good they’re getting right now and then defensively I thought they that they made Lowry work as hard as any team all year and in the postgame press conference will hardy complimented Jordan Clarkson for considering the game that he was having that he was able to have an efficient game last night

Considering the way the Warriors defended um him last night Jordan ends up with 22 points on 17 shots and Lowry ends up with 19 points and just 17 shots as and they really were physical in Lowry in a way that we have not seen most of anybody be all season long so

That’ll be interesting to see how the Jazz counter that on Thursday uh there are still some rotation issues here that um the Jazz need to try to figure out I’ll talk about those here in just a second I do not have the answers unfortunately I’m just going to point

Out some things that are going on and then kind of BS kind of just say uh and that’s not great um because I don’t actually have a good answer Forum so we’ll touch on that uh as we continue here it is locked on Jazz your daily

Podcast on the Utah Jazz uh and we’ll touch see what those have what we have for you part of the locked on podcast Network next segment of the show today is brought to you by betterhelp betterhelp is online therapy which is pretty great because it gives you amount

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On Jazz today jazz Lakers coming your direction on Wednesday that game will be available on Sirius XM your hometown broadcast on serus ex all right so the Jazz have gone back to starting John Collins and Walker Kessler together because quite honestly I don’t know who else they should start right you’re

Starting Lowry you’re starting Colin you’re now starting Keon short either Walker or John and they’re like who else are you gonna start like I Taylor is certainly not ready to start yet and I guess you could start Jordan Clarkson and start three guards but that seems like it really

Disrupts your second unit um I I guess you could start Chris Dunn with Colin seon and keontay George I you’re getting pretty small um I I we’re we’re short of guy we’re short Simone turned out to just be this kind of perfect fit to what

It is so in the last two games and I think this is close to right when Jord and again these are against super good teams but when Jordan Clarkson excuse me when John Collins and Walker Castle have been on the floor together in the two games were minus

20 when John Collins has been on the floor as a center were minus 26 and if I’m right on this we’re plus 15 with Walker on the floor in the last two games just Walker it’s really screwy that it’s that far out of whack it almost feel like I

Did the research on this I looked used popcorn. net which is a great little site to kind of break these things down and look at our progression and now I feel like it can’t possibly be right um I seems like it might be off by a little bit it’s not actually I don’t

Think so again we’re minus 20 when when John and walk are on the floor together in the last two games our sample size is like an ounce here it’s like a minor ounce like you just can’t really do too much with we’re minus 26 when John’s on the floor

By himself we’re plus 15 when Walker’s on the floor by himself now and then we get back to the thing I talked about earlier that Keon has only run four of his last 41 picks with Walker who he was running his pick and rolls with really really well and

That’s probably the combination we’re trying to develop most importantly for the future of the franchise this is really tricky on will I don’t I was hesitant to bring this up because I don’t actually have answers like usually I like to like there’s a phrase in our house we use no

Complaining without Solutions so I’m not really complaining because I don’t have a solution I’m just pointing it out that it’s a little bit of a a struggle right now to come up with what the right answers for this in Phoenix will took John Collins out kept Walker Kessler and then brought John

Collins back in against the Warriors he took Walker Kessler out kept John Collins and then Brock Walker Kesler back in um it’s also has to do with whether players care whether they play two stints a half or three stints a half so for example Walker last night played

Three stints per half so he’s playing three shorter stints does he get into the flow of the game whereas in Phoenix Walker played one stint was seven minutes and 30 seconds and the next stint was six minutes but last night and this is Walker played four minutes and

10 seconds together then he played about another five minutes together and then he played three minutes stints so he’s playing really short little bits last night um I I don’t you know I don’t know what Walker prefers and I don’t know that Walker should be the one who determines this

Maybe John Collins doesn’t like to play in short stints John Collins played last night a 9-minute opening stint and then he played a five minute second stint in Phoenix John Collins played an opening five minute stint then he came back for an extended stretch of about nine and a

Half minutes and then he closed with 225 so he played three stints I I I don’t know whether there’s preference on either guys and whether they’re going into will Hardy’s office and saying like hey you know I’d rather play longer stretches to get so there’s just some

It’s just difficult right now um and Will’s fiddling with it and trying to figure out and I think Will has openly said like I don’t expect this to be pretty coming up here for the next few games Taylor went on a really I mean he really left Taylor out there for a long

Time last night he played 11 straight minutes um he had kind of one of the longer stretches then Jordan Clarkson played 18 straight minutes um which Maybe JC is in such incredible physical condition he can do that is unusual so Jordan you know the problem with coming off the bench by the

Way is if you don’t play the opening five minutes or six minutes of each half your potential minutes you can play is down to 36 well Jordan was on Pace to play 36 like he was going to play all 36 that’s until we pulled the plug so

Jordan’s play staying out there for this kind of incredibly long extended stretch of 18 minutes at a time um which he did not do in Phoenix he got a break last night he did so it’ll just be interesting to see we just have these rotation issues frankly that still exist

And they and I don’t have great answers for them um yet I actually have a question just out of curiosity I probably was I was not going to bring this up but I can’t help myself do you think the same people that were complaining earlier this year that

We shouldn’t play Kelly over Taylor because Taylor Jes minutes are now the same people saying we shouldn’t have traded Kelly because we were in competitive because like it’s really playing both sides of the fence or do you think they’re different people I don’t know it was just a question I just sometimes

Wonder like there’s no way to know right everyone’s maybe not I just was wondering um all right let’s look at Trends and wrap this baby up last 10 games and then we’ll look at last two weeks like we always do so the hottest team in the NBA the last 10 games of the

Cleveland Cavaliers the second H team is the Minnesota Timberwolves again who blasted the Clippers last night the Warriors are the third hottest team in the NBA felt like it they really were good last night Boston’s fourth Phoenix is five felt like it the Knicks six Dallas seven that’s interesting on

Dallas teams that are really struggling right now in the last 10 games Toronto me Memphis Charlotte 76ers Jazz Wizards nuggets interesting top offenses in the NBA the last 10 games Atlanta’s number one Phoenix 2 Boston three Cleveland four Knicks five Warriors six teams that can’t score right now Memphis Washington

Charlotte San Antonio Toronto and Miami and Denver Denver board again teams playing the best defense right now Minnesota Cleveland big jump then the Warriors 3 Houston New Orleans and Milwaukee worth noting Doc Rivers has that team defending worst defense in the NBA last 10 games Utah Jazz Philadelphia 76ers

Atlanta Hawks Toronto Raptors Charlotte and the Lakers so we’ll have a matchup of two of the coldest defenses in the NBA let’s go to cleaning the glass which looks at a little bit more recent Trends last two weeks takes blowout time out of the game your number one team in the

League recently is Minnesota followed by Cleveland New Orleans Golden State and Phoenix it has felt like that team struggling the most Memphis Toronto Washington Charlotte San Antonio and Portland that’s not surprising those are the teams we expect there Toronto falling off the map a little bit top

Offense in the NBA over the last two weeks Atlanta Phoenix Minnesota that’s surprising Cleveland Boston and the Clippers Minnesota’s offense has not been good enough to win this thing unless it suddenly is that would be really interesting um teams that can’t score right now Memphis Washington San Antonio Charlotte Houston

Defensively top team in the league is Minnesota by a large margin Miami Golden State New Orleans Cleveland and Dallas teams that can’t defend right now are Utah Philadelphia Toronto Portland Atlanta and Sacramento that is your edition of locked on Jazz today that’s your trends Monday on a Tuesday hope you’re having a

Great one make sure you check out all the great content at jazz plus it’s available for you right now we send you the first ever 247 National Sports channel on YouTube it’s locked on sports today it’s also now available on Amazon Fire TV as well

Utah Jazz rookie Keyonte George is making amazing progress in his pick and roll game. David Locke, radio voice of the Utah Jazz and Jazz NBA Insider, takes a look at Keyonte and his pick and roll play from the first half of the season to the second and sees amazing growth. It is also very interesting to see who he was running the pick and roll with and how it is impacting his productivity.

The Golden State Warriors exposed the Jazz weaknesses last night on both ends of the floor. It is a sign of the Warriors gelling and the Jazz needing to find their way again

Locke takes a look at the rotation issues of the Utah Jazz since the trades and how Will Hardy is trying to figure out how to put this group back together.

Plus it is a trends Monday on Tuesday

Locked On Jazz Podcast 💻

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  1. Keyonte was a -32. Made the first shot of the game a 3 pointer and then scored 2 the rest of the game. Let’s do a quick comparison of the last 2 guards we drafted in Deron Williams and Donovan Mitchell. He’s not in the same atmosphere as those two guys. I don’t know how you keep making it seem like he’s figuring it out? He has 1 good game every 6 or 7 games. Stop pumping this kid up. We see with our own eyes what he’s doing.

  2. If you play well in jazz, Ainge dont let that go unpunish. Really, whats the point even try to play well anymore when its not allowed?

    Keyonte sound like Jesus second coming even when its unclear can he be in nba long term. So far he has been bad. I dont say that he cant be good, he may but so far he suck. Its obv he cant guard anyone at all. Not only Curry, Nobody really can guard him. But Keyonte cant guard anyone granny if she got basketball. He suck so much in defence. Only reason why he got so many minutes was that jazz tanking. Its subtle way to lose game, just put Keyonte in and guard Curry. 100% sure loss and everyone know it. Very likely Ainge has been telling to Hardy that Keyonte must be in. I doubt that Hardy would give Keyonte that many minutes on his own.

  3. I dont think keyonte is in shape enough to start. He was giving up on defense, dying on every screen, ect.

  4. I hope we dont look back at these last two seasons as absolutely squandered five six seven seasons from now without a single playoff appearance.

  5. I luckily scored some suite tickets last night. We left a few minutes into the fourth quarter. Very sloppy basketball by the Jazz. Hard to watch another season of post trade deadline tankfest. How about nba get rid of trades during the regular season. All trades should happen in the offseason. Paying fans getting screwed with these moves

  6. Donovan was already pretty good by Christmas of his rookie year.

    None of our draft picks are "that" guy. Hendricks will just be some bench player who stands in a corner and makes 3s sometimes. He cant do anything off the dribble, he will just be a role player that relies on better players getting him an open shot *sigh*. And Keyonte is veeeerry far from Jamal Murray people just keep comparing them due to body and skin tone.

  7. Hardy is stuck between trying to rebuild and compete. The worse thing a franchise can be giving there fan base. You have John Collins and Hendrix playing more then Kessler. Every time he leaves the line up the jazz get smoked. I literally watch John Collins turn ball over twice and Hardy immediately pulls Kessler . That makes no sense.

  8. Coach Hardy in his Post-game presser, said he things Keyonte will be best at starting going forward. We are in for a long end of season run.

  9. Jazz is gonna lose 80% of it`s games. Whats the purpose to watch your team getting whipped night after night,you just get dissapointed. It`s better to just forget about jazz unitl they are competive again,this is not fun.

  10. I feel so bad for Lauri…last year they took away Mike Conley ( so he would grow as Mike set him up too well apparently) and now this year while they are making nice progress they take away sharpshooter starter ( Simone had to be respected) , to make it easier for teams to just focus on stopping him completely as well as take away the second unit success. Not sure I'm a believer here in the plan. Definitely not going to be watching much for the rest of the year. It is supposed to be fun to watch your team play, not painful.

  11. Huge avoidance of the real issues facing the Jazz by Locke. These players are tired of blowing up the team for nothing. This kind of takes away an incentive or energy to get better. Why not finish up the season with their team that started the season? Ainge and Smith are like the Keystone Cops and have no clue what they are doing. I preferred Millers approach better, they would have kept Mitchell and Gobert, then built around them. I think we are seeing that the old Jazz way of winning was superior.

  12. I feel theyre hyping Keyonte and cherry picking only the small positive side of him but in reality he's the worst player with Hendrix Hendrix is still terrible I'm not sure how much years he need to develop, might better he stays in G-League in win an MVP. I feel he might just ended up like Ochai, Jared Butler and Udoka, next year if hes the same better to trade him while he has better value

  13. Ryan Smith is wanting a hockey team more than developing a championship level basketball team. Don’t get me wrong I love hockey, but Ryan needs to seriously start doing his job here and break out the check book.

  14. David we love your enthusiasm. We know you are a Jazz employee and therefore must dance to the Jazz tune. We are not blind to what is going on. It just the nature of the beast.

  15. I'm not sure if I agree with the way ownership and management are going about this rebuild . I'm very happy about canceling my season tickets for this year. I had a feeling this was going to happen. Will give them time before I watch continually and make the decision to attend another game. The long plans for a championship are good,but the disregard of the fans is hardening.

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