@Sacramento Kings

Mike Brown NOT happy with no-call in Kings-Suns game

Mike Brown NOT happy with no-call in Kings-Suns game

Turnovers and a miss box out down the stretch but other than that you know our guys gave us an opportunity to win and that’s what you asked for on the road versus a really good team uh I’m you know I’m baffled I I I still don’t understand how we can you know great

Guys officiating crew I thought they even even though we we had 27 fouls and they had 16 fouls called against them um I I thought the game was officiated uh fairly well I I just we’re down three with 24 seconds left and domas rolls in rim and he shot

Fakes and uh and Devon Booker lands on his back with two hands and the officials just tell me that it’s marginal contact that it doesn’t affect the shot but but it’s a foul and I just I don’t you know the foul that they called on Keegan

Booker was still going to get open it was marginal people hold at the end of the games and they call that foul because they say it’s a foul and they got to make the right call but the foul by Devin Booker I I’m I’m just I just I’m I’m just

So you know I’m just emotional right now from the no call and I I saw it live I watched again uh on playback and and a foul is a foul and you got to call it just like you called the foul on Keegan if you’re

Going to call that foul you got to call any other foul because Booker was about to be wide open because Keegan wasn’t even running with him I’m just like I said I just I don’t I don’t I don’t I don’t know man you you fight so hard and

Then you just feel you feel like it’s it’s just not fair down the stretch and and that that no call I I I’m I’m I’m going to be interested to see the two-minute report because if they say that that’s not a foul on Booker I’m I’m really

Lost how difficult is it like I mean when you look at kind of the miscellaneous stats right which normally if you win every category in the miscellaneous stats like you win the game you demolish them I mean 72 points in the paint 18 points off Second Chance

24 fast break I mean every category just demolished them and you only had 13 turnovers so how hard is it in a game like that where you kind of look at the stat sheet and at the end you’re like how how does this turn out this way well

That’s that’s why I I mean it was it’s easy it’s 27 fouls on us and 16 fouls on them uh and and including the the the no call you know that that’s that’s man that that’s it’s just it’s it’s tough it’s tough to swallow and you know I

Know they’re human great they’re great freaking guys too man good officials uh but it’s it’s man it’s it’s tough It’s it is it is tough out there to see your guys like you say work as hard as they work and we’re in a position to tie the

Game with 24 seconds and that that foul doesn’t even happen with keing and now now they got a score and and going to have a chance possibly to score too um but to to to have the game decided you know by something else that’s that’s tough man that’s tough it’s

Tough like given all that happens in in a basketball game and I know that those calls are are important to you right now but what else and you mentioned the turnovers but what else can can you or or your team do in those and just

Overall in the game um to to avoid being in that situation first of all they’re a great team we’re not coming in here and blowing them out you know that that’s very rarely going to happen so we’re going to have to execute down the stretch and like I said you know other

Than a couple of turnovers down the stretch and the Miss box out I I I thought our guys fought and gave us a chance vers a really good team on the road they they got two first ballot Hall of Famers they got another possible Hall of Famer in Bradley Beal

You know they they got some they got some cats on that team and them dudes hit some tough shots and you know we doubled then we didn’t double then we doubled and then we didn’t double and they hit tough shots uh when we didn’t double Fade Away pull-ups contested and

Then when we did double they swung it and they hit some big big threes and so you just got to keep taking your chances and keep trying to mix it up to keep them all balance and I thought thought we did and I thought we executed like we

We we scored down the stretch we we executed offensively and I big improvement from last time we got the ball where we wanted to get it and we got some great great looks and um you know it’s it’s hard it’s hard when it’s 27 to 16 and especially when you feel

Like again I I I’m interested to see the two-minute report but when you feel like I got fouled on a one and they say it was marginal contact at best and it didn’t affect the shot well Devin Booker getting open he was he was open it didn’t keeg grabbing the

Jersey then it was quick it didn’t affect book he was open you know and was marginal contact and that’s I’m just that’s why I’m just I’m just man I’m just I’m just confused mik they they went on a talking about Phoenix their run late third beginning of the fourth

You guys responded can you speak to just the response you guys had when they went up I think it was 108 100 and then you guys had an 80 run to tie it up yeah I thought like I said I thought our guys fought they fought uh most of the game

You know and they tried to play the right way and we gave ourselves a chance you know uh obviously domas and Foxy they they they were huge for us tonight Malik was huge for us off the bench in terms of the scoring part and and uh you know

Defensively again they they you got two first ballot Hall of Famers and and and you know KD I don’t care how old he is that dude is in his prime you know you just make them work as best you can and I thought our guys did and you know we

We know they’re a great team we know they’re going to go on a run you know you just got to be able to not panic and keep believing and that’s what our guys did and and uh it gave us they gave us a chance down the stretch you know see

Like domas uh took advantage of their their small lineup like attacked a little more can you just speak to how you guys handled the small lineup uh that they went to tonight yeah that’s what I said earlier I thought you know you know we we’ they made us they really

Made us think about it and work on it and talk about it and so we made some adjustments from the last time that we played them and um we felt like we got great looks you know and uh our guys responded the right way they they responded with the stuff that we went

Over after uh getting beat here the last time and they executed well uh versus their small lineup and got great looks got All-Star break coming up feel like you guys are ready for a break do you feel like it could help you out no we got to play

Tomorrow yeah I was going to ask kind of the similar obviously give up 38 points in the first quarter 130 in the game but it felt like the intensity on the defensive end was there the whole the whole game like obviously the numbers wouldn’t reflect that if you just looked

At them but how do you how do you think defensively from the jump uh your guys came out on that end of the floor yeah I I thought we I thought we better we we had some breakdowns but it’s like I said it’s they got they got two first ballot

Hall of Famers Andy you know guy in Bradley Bill who’s definitely an Allstar and they’re going to put you in some predicaments and uh you know we had a couple of breakdowns but I thought when we had breakdowns we scrambled and give them credit they they hit shots you know

I mean Eric Gordon I think had 20 in the first half and I don’t you know I don’t know what book had and and what KD had but you know sometimes you got to have other guys shoot and if you can have other guys shoot sometimes you live with

That and that’s what we try to do but you know Gordon’s a good shooter I mean I go down the line and uh and and those guys stepped up and and they made us pay you know but uh I again I I my initial feeling is our guys fought it’s like I

Said it’s it’s it’s going to be hard it’s it’s going to be hard to beat them as he is but if it’s 27 to 16 foul wise uh it’s going to be almost impossible to beat this team you know I get this point in the season a year ago you guys were

In third place eighth place after tonight’s game record basically the same each season kind of takes on its own personality sure 29 games left in the season and in a predict where you’re in the play and you’re in eighth spot right now and it’s not an easy schedule by any

Means going forward how does that change kind of your approach because last year you kind of had a cushion this year it it’s almost like it’s you’re in constant fight mode we were in constant fight mode last year the only time that we had that we were okay with the cushion was

The last four games or three games when didn’t matter if we won or loss but we we I mean if if we didn’t fight at the end of last year we could have easily lost 10 in a row and fell from third to eighth or ninth you know so we we fought

Last year we got to fight this year you know message any different though like given kind of the urgency of it at the moment and just kind of the realization that this season there’s just I mean there’s such a a bunch between basically Fifth and 10th in the west yeah I mean I

Said this before to to the media a couple games ago after we lost the Charlotte game I said that uh I you know the next day I showed the standings and uh I showed them what one loss can do and you know we talked about at the time

I think there was 30 game 32 games left or something like that when I said this to the media and and uh so you know you got to be conscious of it you got to be aware of it but uh we’re going to keep fighting like we did last

Year um all the way to the end you know because just like we lost a couple or we lost one here and one there there and it knocked us from fifth to eighth uh if we win three or four in a row we may be

Back in fifth you know and so we got we got to we got to keep fighting thanks everyone

Sacramento Kings head coach Mike Brown discussed a no-call in the Kings loss to the Suns and looked ahead to Kings-Nuggets.
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  1. Something about this rubs me the wrong way. Either say it with your full chest that you think the referees have a bias towards nationally popular players or don’t say anything. This wish washy “I don’t know what a foul is” just sounds like excuse making. Win the game or stand up for your guys but losing and making excuses just feels lame

  2. Seems like calls go against the kings a lot they don't seem to get the respect from officials but the way I always look at it is play better throughout the game you won't have to worry about bad calls or no calls at the end of the game

  3. If its a foul in the rule book you have to call it, otherwise there's going to be an ever changing standard for what "marginal contact" is throughout the game as evidenced by last night's swing.

  4. It is shocking how many no calls go each game… You can somehow live with those,but those crucial no calls can kill whole season….

  5. I mean, if you play a consistent game and defend the 3 point line better maybe you don't have to rely on a no call?

  6. NBA doesn’t want the Kings in the finals it’s sad. Kings are always getting cheated on wins. Kings need to make their free throws

  7. You are so right if you’re gonna call a foul on one end, call it on the other end. Unreal. I’m gonna loss of words.

  8. It’s all good coach ! Not your fault
    You did all you can .. real FANS know you don’t got enough pieces yet ! Blame our GM for standing pat he deserves all the blame for our downfall coming !

  9. MB was holding back about the officiating. I'm guessing his iPad wasn't nearby? Kings fans wouldn't mind seeing another fine. Vivek can pick up the bill.

  10. Ever since Mike brought the laptop to the press conference. The Kings have been getting the short end of the calls. Almost as if the NBA is holding a grudge

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