@Washington Wizards

Deni Avdija drops a career high 43 points in a 133-126 loss in NOLA.

Deni Avdija drops a career high 43 points in a 133-126 loss in NOLA.

Will The Real Slim Denny show up Denny AIA drops a career high 43 points and 133 to 126 loss in New Orleans so we’re gonna talk about and answer this question man has turbo AKA davia finally arrived and then we’re gonna look at the stat line for the rest of the team and

Get into comments and we’re gonna celebrate tonight because it was a really hard loss but winnable game but Denny showed out next on lockone Wizards you are locked on Wizards your daily Washington Wizards podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every Day what’s good everybody it’s your boy Brandon Scott again rolling solo tonight my guy the real Ed Oliver has definitely enjoying his valent times day so definitely my my wife’s at work so I’m here to rock with y’all tonight man so um again Denia drops 43 points and a 133

To 126 loss to the New Orleans Pelicans has Den avya AKA turbo finally shown up so we are definitely gonna talk about that talk about the rest of the team obviously Kyle kma was out tonight so they had to make up for his lost um his lost production but really hardfought

Game so let’s get into it um again the Wizards lose tonight 133 to 126 and New Orleans to the Pelicans but lots of encouraging things happen tonight let’s start with the man himself turbo AKA Denny Avia now we said this time and time and time again that

Defensively he is solid he is above average he at times can be elite but the offensive side man was the one piece of his game overall that we were waiting for it to finally arrive and I said be before the season I know Ed did also that we both believe that he

Could have a breakout year obviously he was working on a lot of his mechanics offensively quick a release expanding his range uh definitely still working on left hand but who cares because he was rocking with the right I so I ain’t mad at him so I am very very happy 43 points

By Denny Creer high he had the dog in the night I mean overall this team had a dog in man you know we’re gonna talk about um shamet man and him getting into Larry n Jr man but I love what I saw from D tonight man this

Is wow we’s stting 43 points 13 for 24 from the field six for 10 from three 11 for 13 from free throw he had 14 rebounds three assists one block and if you get into the plus minus obviously leading the Wizards with a plus 17 so Denny Aya wow very impressed very

Impressed he is definitely breaking out he is breaking out offensively and my humble opinion man him and Bala are two stars in the making okay because I’m telling you man the emmo with both of these guys has been they’re good off defensively but can they figure out offensively and obviously bow year one

Rookie he’s got time to develop his game and obviously he’s not starting from zero is going to come along but Denny man 43 points he had a dog I mean he he was driving to to the he was driving aggressively I mean he was not hesitating at all with the jump shot

Love what I saw from denan tonight so let’s let’s get everybody a a little more more credit man let’s get into everybody else um 16 points Jordan p uh six for 13 from the field four for eight from three so I guess you know 16 points

Obviously we all know he can be a 20 plus a game scorer but we’ll take that um because out everybody on the team there was only three people in Plus in the plus minus and Jordan P was plus 12 so he had a really good night I mean

Five rebounds seven assists three steals only three turnovers so look I I have nothing bad to say about Jordan P’s performance man obviously he’s had a tough year but I’ve got nothing nothing negative to say about Jordan P’s performance tonight I mean obviously you know here and there he had a few

Questionable you know um moments but if he can lock in man you know I I definitely want to see what he can do man you know definitely try to get him right in DC um look at the rest of the starting five Martin Bley Jr 14 points

614 for the field one for two from three but he contributed 10 rebounds man Bagley again continues to impress in DC continues and I think that he definitely resurrect his career in the 202 look at the T Jones now 14 points 5 for seven for the field four for six and three 13

Assists I love what I see from tus man um and obviously you know going towards the offseason there’s a lot of talk you know whether they keep him or long term you know we know he wasn’t flit so but I mean again his he his assist numbers

Contined to impress um he can he is definitely proven to be that floor General that guy who can get everybody else involved he didn’t necessarily need a be that score um he’s a pass first point guard and I’m not saying that he’s the guy going forward now I get that the opinions

Differ a little bit whether he’s here long term whether they want to resign him a lot of people say no a lot of people say yes that’s that’s conversation for a later date but his assist numbers have been impressed me this year and he has definitely fit the

Role as floor General and in rounding out my man be B kabali um 26 minutes night shot three for six 0 for two from three only six points but again look the defense was there um you three rebounds the offense is going to come along man

Um you know I definitely think that he the offense is going to come along I’m not concerned at all he’s going to have these moments where you know he’s going to have good games but most of the time he’s still developing his offensive games so not too concerned but the

Starting five rocked it out tonight man rocked it out tonight obviously K kma was out with a non-co illness so aka the flu influenza so um we’ll see if he’s back I mean he should be back I mean this is the last game before the allar

Breaks up I mean I’m pretty sure he’ll be back for the second half but before we move on to the second unit man um very impressed with the starting unit now I get it you know um we lost 133 to 126 I mean obviously the Pelicans had

Their moments um if you look at their stat lines real quick I mean I don’t care too much but 36 points by Zion I feel like Denny obviously there’s a there’s a size disadvantage there Zion is just bigger I mean whether it’s weight room or just a Cuisine of New

Orleans but he’s obviously got a white advantage over Dan his show he he know how to use his weight and I’ll give that to Zion he’s money in the paint and I feel like Denny did his best but he’s just one of those guys man where you’re

Not going to really stop Zion man and that’s why I just you know I mean look at in you know 15 for 21 so that’s pretty much all I’m going to talk about when it comes to the Pelicans I could really care less because I’m talking

About my whiz tonight so looking at the second unit man um really one person shine U Cory kisser 20 points plus three and plus minus s for for 14 overall Five for 10 for three he continues to impress also man man I mean his he’s efficient he’s that sniper he can cut the

Basketball IQ the energy on the defense I am resting easy now because I know that this young core of Denny AA B kabali and Cory hper they are really good foundation going forward in the rebuild man and depending on what we do in the next two drafts man I really

Think we’re going to have a really nice young team in in a couple years man I really because the foundation is strong you’re starting to see Pay Dirt when it comes to these young guys especially Cory Kiser and yav now Bow Dog on the defense he’s going to have to develop

His offens game and it’s fine because we have time you know you see the potential there so um good game I mean and you know me and Ed we said early on man you know this season is not GNA really be measured by wins and losses because

Obviously there’s gonna be a lot more losses than wins is we’re really gauging the success of this season on the success of the young guys Denny AIA is break he he has broken out he is arrived offensively he is just wow I mean no hasn’t seen him a jump shot um below

Like I said defensively but I’m really intrigued to see how he develops his offensive game within the next one or two years and Cory kissper you know a lot of people were down on him and he has proven time and time again that man he’s he he’s a threat offensively and

Now you know I’m not GNA say he’s is a stopper but he is putting forth the necessary effort on the defensive end for him to be considered maybe a starting piece next year in my opinion so I like what I saw from the young guys tonight I like I said a better

Performance from Jordan P tus Jones keep it up with the assist numbers man money in the bank and Marvin Bley Jr again proving that he can score he can rebound good acquisition man I mean I look I’m with Y still miss Cav man but you know look we gotta move forward Marvin Begley

Is definitely that guy going forward um and then you know Cory kiss off the match man money in the bank um talk about uh Landry shamut real quick now obviously only 17 minutes um two for eight 0 for four from three but man I love I love the attitude you know I

Don’t know if you saw the replay of Larry n Jr but I I feel like it was unnecessary I really don’t understand why they called a t on both people because shamon didn’t do anything he was you know he was in the position he in I

Feel like Laren n Jor I mean he he’s he’s been known to do that from time to time with his time with the Lakers and the Cleveland Cavaliers he’s just one of those guys man where he’s just had a chip and I don’t really know why he had

To go out shamet but you know I feel like it was it I don’t know why the shamet got a t but I like the attitude keep the intensity up man the attitude I love the attitude from Denny now I’m this is the only negative thing I’m

Going say Denny and I said this all year long arguing calls get back down man get back down to court and um they said it on the broadcast on Chris Miller said Drew good said it you know get back down the court man you know we can’t have

This disadvantage that five on four you know there’s a time and place to argue calls choose the right time and place man but I mean good performance tonight the effort was there um reason a big reason for the loss I guess overall would be turnovers man I mean we were

Abysmal as far as turnovers um looking at our turnovers numbers wo where we at boo 18 I believe they said 19 and so I got I’m on ESPN right now the broadcast said 19 we’re just going to roll in the middle was call it 18.5 I guess but um

1819 turnovers man either one is unnecessary I felt like that had a lot to do with why we lost this game because it was a very close game and that kind of leads into the next point you know we at one point in the second quarter we

Were down by a good amount adjustments at halftime Brian Keef makes them and in such a breath of fresh a this see that I mean you got a coach he making adjustments man at the halftime and the show because we battle back in the second half so definitely impressed

Overall I know we lost but you know what we’re trying to build culture man and a rebuild and this is how you do it playing hard man playing hard playing to win playing as a team I mean I I love what I saw tonight man like you said I

Mean I’m very impressed with this team man I think this was a good showing I know we lost but year one of rebuild we’re measuring success by the culture of this team being solidified and how these young guys can evolve man and I love what I see if only we can get

Johnny Davis involved and maybe really get another another Victory man as far as development of the young guys man so we’ll see on that so um overall turnovers did B Us in Nola man but it was a hardfought game and den AIA again has goes off to him tonight everybody um

Hate him I love him 43 points dropped he has arrived on the scene man so the future is looking bright with this young Corp I’m trying to tell you so we’re going to move into comments man I mean tonight I’m going to try to read as many

Comments as I can man like said we’re going to celebrate a little bit chop it up Q&A and um matter of fact tomorrow I will be doing a Q&A session again so I’m going put it up on Twitter and on YouTube so we’re definitely um Q&A anything wizard related and maybe some

Personal stuff just just keep it positive all right U so before we move on tonight’s episode is brought to you by Robin Hood did you know that even if you have a 401k for retirement you can still have an IRA well Robin has has the only Ira that

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Today is here for you 24/7 cover the top sports stories of the day with the local Experts of lockon plus our national shows cover every League find locked on sports today now available on free Fire TV channels app so we gonna get in the comments man um you know we we talked

About the game recap um obviously turnovers killed us but Denny and the starting five and my man kissper Off the Bench shined in a lost and I ain’t too mad so right now we have currently 152 people in the chat thank you thank you for taking the time out of your day to

Recap with me tonight and chop it up so we are going to do we’re going to do we still have one ad break but we are going to get into the nitty-gritty of some Comics tonight man so let’s get into the first one locked on law says funny how

The rest of the team plays better without kba there you go going for the jugle from the get huh um I mean we know that kozz is a high uses guy so I mean ball move was fluid like I said JP had his moments here and there but I I felt

Like this was a better performance from him I mean you the starting five overall really responded but Denny man 43 points he was aggressive you know that three-point shot he was not hesitant and he was on the money man he has broken out and I’m very excited to see the

Future man Sheldon T say aggressive Den is gonna turn me into an isi phant of junor if he keeps playing like that man I mean you know look um is really F hit him man you know abini is definitely a breakout guy I think a lot of us knew

That he was going to break out a lot of hard work in off season um not going to Israel and uh trading he traded State side and it really shows man you know he really put the work in to really develop himself offensively and you know look

How it goes off to you man you know because this young Trio upow Denny and kissper man has me excited for the future it really does because we’re not dealing with bar minimum we’re not dealing with zero you’re starting to see a lot of Pay Dirt when it comes to these

Young guys they you know so I’m very excited to see the future uh Christian Coleman says y’all see the fight that these guys had the last few games yes sir they are fighting hard man you look you have to get credit where duude you see a revitalization with this team it

Goes and a lot of that has to do with Brian Keef Brian Keef the interm headit coach who I believe with a strong second half excuse me um should be definitely a candidate for the permanent position of head coach for the washingt Wizards because he has gotten a reaction from

This team yeah they’ve lost every game since but look at the Fashion they’re fighting hard they’re fighting good teams there there there there there’s some fighting this team Brian Keef so I I think that we you know you can answer that question about the transition for

West junr to Brian Keefe the coaching it the coaching change has been a step in the right direction you see a whole new Squad man I like what I see um let’s see perfect findings a star and making that also defense D look what happens every

Time he is taken out yeah I mean defensively we know he can do he’s a p now I get it Zion is a hard matchup Zion knows how to use his muscle now you know you you know most of muscle but um I’m just saying like he knows how to

Use his frame and Zan did whatever he wanted but I don’t see many people in the league gonna be able to stop Zion in the pain I mean just one of those things man so I feel like he did what he had to do um let’s see he also said what’s not

To love about Denny I mean the only thing was just arguing calls you know I I get it that there were some questionable calls I give you I’m not saying that officiating was a reason why we lost it’s just not but they got they definitely got a HomeTown discount to a

Certain degree because there’s times where not only Denny but a lot of guys got you know contact and paint and it was no call but then you somebody sneeze on Zion and he’s at the free throw line so you know it’s just one of those things where when when in New Orleans be

Like New Orleans it is what it is man so good says Denny has arrived y’all know it now absolutely man I love what I see from a man turbo I said Turbo’s playing like he’s in The Matrix I’m trying to tell you I am trying to tell Big J V2 oh

You ain’t right ruy who you know you know don’t don’t start nothing now um Eden says probably the best game seeing Keith somehow catching up wow I’m telling you man I’m trying to tell you adjustments at halftime you see when they’re made what a difference it makes

And now you see that the lack of adjustments at Halftime by West on Junior Man shows I mean you could call it a promotion I ain’t seen him so I mean that’s a heck of a promotion man you ain’t seen around organization man and and it’s and there nothing there’s

No shade on West man um we just know now that we have better options at head coach and that’s all I’m going to say um you know nothing against man you definitely wish him the best but Brian Keef definitely has gotten a reaction from these guys and I’m very intri to

See what he does in the second half and I think that man if he keeps his team motivated I’m I I have you have my vote for him to be the head coach of this team I’ve seen enough of Brian Keefe that I think that he’s definitely guy

Who can lead this rebuilding team in back at the contention at some point man I really do because he knows what he’s doing big J also said list oh oh now let’s see if Brandon and they still got a problem with Denny going right all I see is guys going bouncing and getting

Out of his way look I ain’t got no problem with his right Knight because he was all right I’m just trying to tell you man he had a really good game so I mean obviously he still has to develop that left hand man but I mean I have

Nothing to say I mean he had a really good game I mean it is so cool to see how he is evolved offensively man it really is I I love what I saw T night shout TC congrats Denny regardless of the outcome dude bought out the night

Amen had a really good game uh Denny definitely gets his roses tonight 40 plus and 14 reming go ahead young man amen my man shook Biz one that’s what I’m trying to tell you um so like I said I’m G try to get all the comments I can

We got 179 so I definitely appreciate you guys rock with me tonight man um I get is Valentine’s Day man my wife PO is at work man so hey man we gonna rock with your boy tonight so um let’s see let’s get into some more comments oh locked on law are we

Suggesting that c is Bill 2. oh oh um I hope not I mean we see again we see kman get a supermax man Lord have mercy I mean CZ he’s a Dependable source of 20 plus we know the plus and the minuses we know the pros and cons you

Know he can score with the best of them efficiency can be a hit sometimes but um his you know we’ll see I we shall see because I think even if he’s in the lineup if they play Team Basketball we’re a good team you know just that’s

The thing we need to stop being such a ISO heavy team and really utilize ball movement I mean team communication and really utilize team basketball man um Matt says who L Denny cook I’m All Aboard on the Denny train turbo I’m trying to tell y’all man he has arriv

Red good game d count also said Denny is a dog let’s see Ed Mo said Denny looked very disappointed after the game he wanted to win it is in our best interest to keep him long term I mean we got him for the least the next four I mean so I

Mean look he is definitely part of the foundation and I’m going to go ahead I I believe that him and B can be stars now um right now now I’m I’m not I’m not going to get into ceilings and Floors I I definitely see potential with both him

And B now B is a rookie his defensive game is already on PO on point but his offensive game is Gonna Come Along he’s gonna need some development and we knew that going in but uh Denny man is like I said it is really really cool to see him

Break out it really is man because he’s Fearless man when that confidence is high he’s Fearless so U we’re GNA give this some more comments and I’m trying to knock out as many as I can and like I said tomorrow’s a Q&A so um try to um

I’m going to try to read off some comments here and definitely shoot me your best questions on YouTube and Twitter so before we move on tonight’s episode is brought to you by hungry root hungry root is your partner in Healthy Living I’m trying to tell you it’s 2024

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Try to knock out but on like tomorrow night man I like I’m G put everything up so you guys know um it’s going to be at 8 o’clock so um definitely tune in man it’s gonna be a Q&A and look ask all the questions you want tomorrow night we’re

Gonna try to I’m gonna try to answer as many as I can uh God’s son oh um says 43 points and still lost I mean look you know I mentioned it before man it’s not so much about wins losses I mean look we’re nine and I mean 40 some of our

Losses I mean look it’s all about development of the young guys so I I get it man um but we are going to get to that point man where you’re gonna see performances like this and we’re gonna win give us some time man give us some time because it appears this front

Office is not trying to be in for a lengthy rebuild man I believe these next two drafts are very important for the development of this team and getting us back to where we need to be um shik Biz I like your wording man I’m intrigued by

The way Denny is playing career high in points four games with 20 plus in a row he may be a franchise player now I’m with you I’m with you he’s r i mean obviously not everybody’s gonna agree but I I’m I’m with you he is a big part

Of his foundation man now is he the guy yet to build around not there yet but he is definitely part of the future I mean he I mean 43 points I mean he is definitely rrive offensively defensively he’s already there so I mean I’m going say this man I’m I’m very very intrigued

And I’m looking forward to the development of this young core of Denny balow and Cory kissper man Cory kissper I think they need to really get on next in the offseason get an extension ready for him um bow he’s gonna continue to evolve offensively and Denny man he’s

Right I mean I’m definitely want to see what his ceing really can be um so let’s get into it Des said Israel fan was right after all um yeah I mean look look man um um I mean is really fan was on point with a few things when it comes to

Denny man I know a lot of it was entertainment and the big reason why you know we kind of took a step back with him being on here man because getting into the nationalities and stuff like that you know getting personal stuff like that man um I I don’t really stand

For that either way from anybody I don’t care what your race religion with any I don’t stand for any of that man so um so that was a big reason but yeah I mean you gotta give credit R do man you know he you know it was funny at times but

Look he was on Q with if thing so I’m with you on that um just in Yannis relinquish his Squad at the All-Star game he asked Denny takes his place that’s funny but I mean look man look I’m trying to tell you I’m trying to tell you uh man that’s a mouthful hey

Ray TX in Israel you serve for three years eating some stuff and after that you come into the real world and starting cooking oh okay um I don’t appreciate the comment man um let’s see um trying and get into some more comments man Shay manler future is

Bright for the Wizards give him the ball amen the future is bright the future is bright we have a young Foundation now you know we’re going to see how everything unfolds in offseason as far as these vets and but I’m telling right now two first round picks in this year’s

Draft hopefully we move up in the lottery for the second one and these next two drafts in my opinion are very very important for this franchise as far as a youth movement and going forward with a solid foundation man but I I’m with you um

Let’s see uh my man Justin Caesar said I Ben said Denny’s the best player on the team you know what I’m gon goad and say yeah he is I I agree I agree I agree I think the Denny is definitely the best player on this team now kozz is very

Close but the biggest thing with kozz is his inefficiency Denny has shown a high level effici with a shot man I mean I’m telling you right now he’s just he’s looking good I’m very very excited I’m very excited everybody um so a lot of comments man lot of love for Denny

Tonight and it should be give give credit where due 43 points he really he had a heck of a game tonight man um let’s see my man Mike dub said oh word Brandon has a place to himself I’m working tonight good game Wiz appreciate you bro appreciate the comment man yeah

Rolling solo tonight man like I said um definitely Happy Valentine’s Day to everybody who’s got you know a wife girlfriend hopefully not a girl on the side but um definitely Happy Valentine’s Day everybody man you know um definitely show a lot of love to your loved ones

Tonight man so my wifey poo is watching tonight from work love you baby um so definitely definitely happy valent times today to everybody tonight a man a lot of good comments man like I said I’m going to try to knock out a few more we

Are at 26 minutes so we got about five minutes so try to keep it at 30 so let’s get some comments knocked out like I said um my man no breaks new what’s going on brother I love what I saw from Denny I debate my bro all the time on

Denny and ruy Etc but now we know ruy could never very proud of Denny is he turning the corner wow I think he has I think he’s arrived I think that he’s starting to turn into a complete player you know and I use that term uh previously with Kyle kman obviously with

Him coming over from the Lakers as a as a kind of a role player on the championship team now he’s become a complete player Denny has reached that moment and obviously he is better defensively than KZ is so he he’s become more of a complete player um like I said

I’m not GNA I’m not gonna hit kwi down he’s out sick man definitely get well see after um the allstar break man um but you you gotta give CR du I mean Denny was a man on the mission night the dog I mean talking junk I mean it was it

Was fun to see man it was fun to see this team had fight overall like I said man uh shamon was he was too happy with Larry n Jr and I can see why man he picked dude up threw him on the court I mean and then I don’t know why their

Fans were booing I mean I mean you can clearly look on replay so I don’t know what’s going on with gumbo down there man but they didn’t even to get it together um let’s see uh we got uh F from Israel what’s going on good morning from Israel big

Fan from Israel great show is only the beginning of Denny just wait and see he is only 23 yep only 23 years old he has he’s not he hasn’t even hit his prime yet man um kissper looking solid bow I mean very very raw but the potential’s there these young guys man

This young core has got me excited it really has because like I said The Season’s not really judged by wins and losses judged off how young because our young guys are the future how are they evolving how are they developing and I like what I see from all three man

Johnny Davis I want to see more man we and I get it that’s just you know we’ll see when it comes to that man I’m hoping he can get part of the you know he can join the youth movement with everybody else man um the playing guy said no one can

Stop sign I mean he knows how to use his body man you know he is just he’s money in the paint and you know if he could really go get a dietician man and really really put some time and effort in his body I mean he can reach that Superstars

That is my opinion but this is a wizard channel so you know wish him well but hey it is what it is bir Samson except for a die yep but I mean you see the potential him too and I’m just saying that from the perspective of just a basketball fan man

I mean he could be a superstar if he would just put some time and money into his body man and this is my humble opinion um teas said aside from Denny’s career night very impressed with Jordan P didn’t give up on the plays took the right shot and didn’t chook up a bunch

Of crazy contested shots it was efficient props him absolutely give credit was due good performance Jordan P Bravo you know good performance we want you to lock in Jay jp13 we need you to lock in man I’m telling you right now you have the talent you know it’s time

For this young Squad to lock in man because we have talent here man um om L said it’s 6:00 am in Israel but I’m so happy I stayed up to watch the game appreciate you man appreciate you right now taking the time to rock with me man

Appreciate you you know early in the morning man so definitely appreciate you man stay safe man uh let’s see uh let’s get some more comments out the way I’m trying to knock out lot three more man like I said Q&A tomorrow so definitely bring your best questions tomorrow

Because we gonna have fun tomorrow night man and chop it up like we always do um Mikey dub said we’re scuffled I it was but it was like it wasn’t I mean I feel like the play wasn’t called for like I don’t understand why you pick dude up

And and I mean I get trying to be Larry Nance does that it’s just some guys in the league to just have some chip I don’t know why maybe it’s because he’s a journeyman I we’ll see but I mean I I don’t get he’s just got this chip and

Like I said he did that in Cleveland he did that in in PR stops man and I feel like it’s unnecessary man and I felt like that Shamy was well within his rights to probably catch him with a jab um let’s see MMG says are you surprised didn’t

Got 40 plus do you ever think he could ever get that many in a game yeah um I’m not surprised I mean I knew that eventually you know I knew he was gonna break out because as time went on this year man um he got better and more

Consistent and now with interim head coach Brian Keith man um they just found a right recipe for him I mean he is broken up so yeah I’m I’m not surprised um I I I definitely think that you know I definitely thought that he’ll eventually take that step offensively I

Feel it’s gonna be last year obviously with the Drew haning news and all that man but I’m I’m I’m very very happy to see it this year man I really am um let’s see let’s get some more in there my man Izzy paart what’s up man how you

Doing tonight uh got a lot of lot of lot of folk we know in here um my man Pedro Ramirez says good to see people happy about Denny yeah I would say that man you know um it’s good to see him get get some love man it really is um same thing with

Um same thing with Jordan p man he’s had a heck of a year so I mean he looked good tonight you look locked in um let’s see uh some good comments in here man um uh oh good one Joshua Clark says we met a guy that was Washington’s radio

Analyst the team had a good great fight they put up we need this play every night yeah if we can see this play every night man then I’m star to feel better about Jordan p in DC man just needs a lock in needs a lock in and I think if

He figures it out man you know let’s see I I mean I’m I still have hope that Jordan P could be that guy um I think a lot of the shenanigans have stopped and um let’s see man we’ll see if he can continue to lock in and be that guy and

You know we’ll see how bright the future can be for the Wizards man obviously a lot is going to go on in the offseason with a lot of moving pieces with the veterans you know um this this who’s get moved you know how long’s you know

There’s a lot of lot of questions but I really feel like the young core and you really say Jordan p SP of young hor he’s still young he’s very very young younger than uh Denny so he’s def I definitely think that he can be an asset in the

Foundation with this team going forward but he’s gota lock in and he’s got to figure out man um Yakov viberg says Denny is the greatest player to ever wear Washington Wizard’s shirt ah slow down a little bit man I mean you know I think the John Wall and G Arenas is

Gonna have that something to say about that but I’ll say this man um and I get it from your perspective um a lot of you we appreciate you guys from me Israel man and um lot of a lot of all of our overseas fans man definitely appreciate

You guys man and I get it um a lot of pride in Denny and you should man he he’s a good young guy who’s humble and who’s ready to work so I get it why you say that you know I get it from your perspective um but I was slow down a

Little bit man um I don’t think he’s there yet but he is definitely a f he’s definitely the future of this team you know him bow Cory kissper and he’s becoming a complete player so you know I you know I agree that you know he’s he’s

Going to be a very impressive guy here long term for the Washington Wizards man I definitely believe that uh still gave up 133 on speed minus pels offensive performance I mean and this from Ant Ain’t No Half Stefan I like that um well here’s the thing I mean I mean yeah I

Get that but look the Pelicans Ain’t No Scrubs man CJ MCC can still score and shoot the ball Brennon Ingram is very underrated I mean I think he’s one of the most underrated guys in the in the NBA in my opinion Brandon Ingram is there’s a reason why they call him KD Jr

Man because you see that he’s he’s money so they got they got a nice Squad in New Orleans man um are they ready to compete nah but but they have a foundation it’s just to me for them to take that step they got to get Zion right with a diet

Man because you see the Superstar potential with him but um I’m with you on that Denny had a great game this is my man Bak car Denny had a great game the team needs a center and a point guard absolutely and I think that that’s gonna be addressed in the uh in the

Draft and obviously uh me and my guy e we’re going to talk a lot more about the draft but two names to throw out there Alex SAR is obviously a given but Dylan ham out of Kentucky if you have not seen tape on him I definitely recommend you

Guys watch what he’s doing so far in college basketball because he’s a very intriguing point guard Prospect uh so let’s get into a few more um we’re at 34 minutes man so I’m G do I’m G try to do two more comments and like I said we’re

Going to do a Q&A I’m definitely going to pop it up on Twitter and on our YouTube page and we are going to get into uh tomorrow night 8 o’clock a Q&A so we definitely going to chop it up ask anything wizard is related so let’s get

A couple more man um lot of people 27 Oh 2 Oh Lord 217 people in the chat be nice it was 2000 but um we will get there um but definitely 217 people in the chat appreciate you guys taking the time to rock with me tonight a lot of excitement

Tonight U we lost man but it’s very very cool to see our young guys stepping up and playing meaningful minutes man um oh okay um let’s see I’m uh me I’m not fat shaming come on sh I mean look I I mean I I mean I’m not sitting here chiseled

Either man so I mean I have nothing to say to Zion man I mean I love my fair share of whiskey sours and Philly cheese steaks man but I I try to stay in pretty good shape man but like I mean it’s not so much fast shaming on Zion man it’s

Just um when I say diet is that having that energy that boost um you see that he could be lethargic and I think that has a lot to do with um his man it’s not so so much F shaming because um he he’s got he’s obviously got muscle and he

Knows how to use it so i a f shame design man but I think you know as far as diet um for him to take that next step I mean LeBron James um I’m an old school guy MJ guy I’m not gonna get to the whole goat but one thing I’ve always

Respected about LeBron James is the fact that he spend and I mean he’s got a million dollars to do it but he spends a million dollars on his body every year and I think that if you’re if you’re an a career athlete man that’s one of the

That’s the right move to make put money in your body you know especially if your job is an athlete put money in your body man because I mean Zion if he could find the right dietician man you’re GNA see a massive step up and you can I mean who

Knows man so n man I ain’t fat shaving nobody man I I ain’t that kind of dude man um let’s see um we gonna do one more guys like I said um appreciate everybody showing up let’s see one more um H I guess we’ll rock with my man Diablo

Tonight man um uh he said bottom line they played better without C they did play better without C but I’m not going to say they’re a better team without C I mean we all know efficiency is a hit sometimes with C shot attempts have come

Down um you like I said um we’re not going harp on the deadline who and who didn’t get traded but I’ll say this man I do like C I do like C I think he’s a good leader I think that um the one thing I wanted to see in the second half

Of the season with him being here and in the best case scenario as far as him putting up the stats he wants to put up and still allowing the young guys to prosper was him bringing a shot at Tim St so if he could do that I I still you

Know he’s a good part of his team now going forward you know I think a lot of people agree that eventually he’s you know is he going to be here his whole contract no but he can be a good thing for this team just but you you but I

Would say this you do see how ball movement this team is a better team he really is so I’m not gonna say it’s just because you know K’s out you know but I I will say this um they look good tonight B movement is looking sexy tonight man the ball movement is on

Point so you can’t deny that so um this see ah we got a lot of comments man so like I said I’m going to go ahead and end it tonight guys um tomorrow night uh we are going to um I am going to have a

Q&A session like we did a few weeks ago um like I said I’m going to put up on X AKA Twitter and on the YouTube page and definitely at 8 o’clock we are going live with a Q&A so let’s chop it up let’s have some fun tonight was um you

Know was was definitely kick off the All-Star um break in style so again man we have 194 people um appreciate you guys taking the time tonight man I know right now um East East Eastern time standard it is 11:30 so thank you for taking your time you could have did

Anything else man but you chose to spend your time with me tonight and chop it up man Denny Avia 43 points he has arrived there everybody so definitely definitely appreciate everybody tonight um lockon has launched the first ever National Sports 247 streaming Channel on YouTube and now it’s also available on Amazon

Fire TV and the free Fire TV channels app L sports today is here for you 24/7 coming to top Sports stories of the day with the local experts locked on plus our national shows covering every League find locked on Sports to day now available on the free Fire TV channels

App so everybody have a blessed night man enjoy your night man um we lost and um but there is definitely light at the end of the tunnel man so definitely celebrate hat goes off to Turbo so again see you guys tomorrow night 8 o’clock we are having a live Q&A everybody have a

Blessed night and peace hell to the Wizards baby have a good night everybody

Brandon recaps the Wizards loss to the Pelicans in NOLA.

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  1. Deni is starting to believe 😀 he definitely has All star potential. This is what Wizards fans expected him to be. We just needed some CONSISTENCY

  2. Kyle Kuzma accepts buyout. Signs with his hometown Detroit Pistons. Isiah Stewart accepts buyout from Detroit Pistons and signs with Wizards.

  3. Deni's speed is special for his size. The Pelicans were really frustrated they couldn't stop his drives without to foul. Can't imagine how good he can be if he polishes his offensive bag and handles.

  4. Deni has been that guy in his Euro League days. When he entered the NBA he was with guys like Westbrook and Bradley Beal, very hard to show his true potential. Now, I’m happy he gets to show what he’s capable of.

  5. Brooks: kid, just stand in the corner and wait for open threes.
    – Averaging 6 pts.

    Unseld: good game, now watch the 4th quarter here with me so we can tank.
    – Averaging 12 pts.

    Keefe: be Deni .
    – Averaging 24.3 / 9.5 (last six games)

    3 years of lost development gone like nothing because of "coaches" who have nothing to do with basketball.

  6. Deni has been miss used up until this season. He was drafted to be a three and D but anyone who saw his tape should have known he needs the ball to be effective. He did have to grow up and work at his game. He has the backing of the coaches and management and he is balling out

  7. Wizards fan from the UK here! Just want to shout out the great show, really enjoy it and here’s to the real start of a new era 👌🏼 in the words of Brandon “I’m tryin to tell you man” keep it up guys 👊🏼

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