@Chicago Bulls

Javon Carter Get Honest About Limited Minutes With The Chicago Bulls

Javon Carter Get Honest About Limited Minutes With The Chicago Bulls

The Chicago Bulls get a very important win last night versus the Atlanta Hawks but prior to that game Javon cter got honest about his limited minutes with the Chicago Bulls and the Bulls might be looking at some buyout Market players y know we gonna talk about it break it

Down but you know you gotta hear a music first con gang sh boys podcast with the conac boys I’m conac Boy Bobby and I’m holding it down on today’s episode of sh boyss podcast if you tuned in with me today make sure you hit the like button subscribe to the

Channel and hit the notification Bell as well now look the Chicago boyss last night faced off versus the Atlanta Hawks and got themselves a victory 136 126 and that guy the Morgan Park minutes IOD do sumu got himself a career high he ended the game with 29 Points and seven

Assists it should have been 30 but for the last few minutes of the game they a want to give him the ball but nonetheless Gotta Give and show a lot of love to iodo sumu on a spectacular game last night so we had to show some love

But now on to the content so prior to the game we had an article come out from NBC Sports Chicago and uh it was pretty much talking about limited minutes for Javon Carter and Javon Carter got honest about it we got to keep it up Buck he got honest about the limited minutes

With the Chicago Bulls and when he was ask is he surprised with you know some of the uh dmps and things like that and limited action he’s came out and pretty much said am I surprised yes um I don’t know man I just want to play ball

Whenever my name is uh called I’ll be ready and you gotta we gonna keep on chugging so then he also came out when they talked about other things he also came out of show love to his teammates I want to see my teammates do well just because I’m not playing it ain’t got

Nothing to do with them it’s all love he also went on to talk about the business aspect of it and saying that he has The Stance everything and I know that what came into question is you know maybe his future you know what I’m saying just a

Little bit we know he signed for a couple years with the Chicago Bulls but I believe he has a player option next season coming up I think it was a two-year deal that they got him for y’all fact check me on that but at the end of the day Javon Carter I respect

The honest I love the honesty I mean because let’s keep it a bu this is a production based league and in production based leagues you got to make things happen that’s just what it comes down to and I believe that from the outside guy looking in and

Breaking down the game and looking at certain things it gets it gets to a point to where myy has to be more aggressive in certain situations and I think that’s the number one factor I know when I’m I know that we dealing with Billy Donovan and I know that a lot of us

Don’t really like Billy Donovan that much and don’t view him in a good light but Billy Donovan in this same article pretty much came out and said Javon Carter when he has the opportunities he needs to shoot and that’s one of the real that’s real right there if we can

If if we thinking about these games that Javon Carter has played what does he normally do in the game before he takes a three-point shot he’s pump faking he is pump faking and let’s keep it real y’all that’s not good enough because if you have the open shot the

System is designed for you to take that shot not pump fake not do anything else but take that shot and I understand there will be some situations you don’t want to take away the basketball IQ of a player obviously but bro if Javon Carter literally just cut down on pump fake

Threes and just take the three straight up he’ll be solid he’ll be good to go you know what I’m saying so I think that when it comes down to Javon Carter being honest about these minutes we got to look at everything y’all know me I I’m I

Want to look at the side from the players I’mma look at the side from the coach and from the side of the player you understand like man like y’all brought me over here for a reason you know what I’m saying I still can shoot I still can’t pick up a player on the

Defensive side full court and still be able to have an effect in such way you know what I mean but then from the player side and we know Billy Donovan’s history if you go out there and you not ready to shoot or you not being aggressive he gonna sit your ass down if

He if Billy Donovan showed that tough love to our homegrown players like a aod do sumu last season when he benched them for going Dr because IOD do sumu was struggling a little bit at that time and if Billy Donovan was able to continuously and still in this season

Pull Patrick Williams a few minutes into the game because he’s not being aggressive enough how that does not excl Javon Carter let’s keep it a that does not exclude Javon Carter he has to be ready to go you are the veteran player you are one of the Vets on this

Team so we need you to come out here and be able to be yourself play Within the system but we need that aggression we need that aggression I think nobody would be really really upset if we say javar Carter take pump fake threes take

A pup fake and then a three and hit a huge bulk of them I think nobody will be upset about that that’s just how I’m looking at it but I think that with the opportunities that have came Javon Carter’s way you got to take advantage of those

It’s too many people trying to you know bite the Apple for him to not be performing we got young intriguing players that won time to you still talking about Julia Phillips you still looking at D Terry not to mention IO you can’t take him out of the rotation because how consistent he’s

Been Tory Craig is returned so if if if you Billy Donovan has that point if you’re not coming in to do your job the way I need you to do your job as the head coach there’s going to be limited minutes for you now yesterday was the perfect matchup for Javon Carter

To go against Trey young and Javon Carter saw himself get 25 minutes last night he got himself 25 minutes last night and scored 11 points two rebounds two assists and you and you and you enjoy this minutes last night we enjoyed this minutes last night that was still

Some pump faking in there but there was also some other shot making in there some defensive you know uh stances that he put up out there some effort that he put out there got him to pass the lane deflected a couple passes so you need that

Stuff but it has to be the moment he steps on the floor he’s a bench player he’s coming off the bench and we already know minutes are limited It’s Tricky running running all these guys and running a rotation to get all these guys minutes so when he comes in we can’t

Give a much we cannot give up much so my guy got to take it advantage of those moments and I respect the honesty I respect the honesty about the limited minutes you know what I’m saying it is a business this is what it is sometimes you come in with the

Expectations that you’re going to be able to play x amount of minutes and sometimes things change players change think you know the coach’s mind change and sometimes if you was thought if you was thinking that you was gonna play 25 minutes a night sometime that won’t

Happen we got to give you 15 bro it just be like that some it’s a production based league and a lot of the times those expectations we go into the job with they always change they always change so that’s that let me know what y’all think about that down

Below now before we go there’s a you know the buyout Market you know available there’s a few players that’s out there you know what I’m saying but one player that keeps coming up in my mentions is Joe Harris look first of all how do y’all feel about about the Chicago boys potentially

Looking at Joe Harris because me personally I’m looking at it like okay you can add a three-point specialist but his defense is atrocious and I’m not saying that a guy has to be a specialist on defense but Godly can we show effort can we do that I’m not saying he’s not capable

It’s just that from the from the sample sizes that I’ve seen and some of y’all if y’all watch them a little bit more closely correct me if I’m there are times to where you just can’t play Joe Harris on the court because he’s a liability you know I remember those days

When he was in Brooklyn and he was getting uh attacked attacked attacked possession after possession but what he could potentially bring to the team potentially is a three-point specialist that the boyss don’t have they got three-point Shooters but no specialist I believe this guy can’t I believe he is

One of those Specialists that’s just me I you know is he probably one of the greatest top tier Specialists that’s in the league right now maybe not but he’s a guy that if you get him on the floor he comes with a little bit of size he

He’s going to be able to space the floor for you with this three-point shooting ability the question is is as we already kind of mapped out is the defensive side of the ball can he show effort and then as of late he has been pretty damn injury-prone too so I understand that

The Chicago boys are going to do their due diligence at least that’s what they tell us but at the same time we gotta we I mean we have options but I don’t think I don’t know if Joe Harris is the answer you know what I’m saying it it’s cool

I’ll be like you know hey we got Joe Harris cool but it wouldn’t be nothing that’s gonna be like we just got Daniel gaffer back and I ain’t even and I ain’t saying the Bulls should have went and got him back I’m just saying some sign is mean a little bit

More to me more athleticism more height more size that the Bulls lack when it comes against certain teams you need that because we seen situations to where the Twin Tower lineup it works but last night the Chicago buys tried to they attempted to do the Twin Towers rotation against the

Atlanta Au and it didn’t work at all you know what I’m saying so it’s just hit a miss so I would like other options in there with guys with some size older to see what they could potentially do for the team so and if y’all can’t tell your boy

It’s under the weather but we still here rocking and rolling y’all but hey y’all let me know me hey if the Bulls do the Bulls don’t I won’t feel any different than what I feel right now but saying it is what it is we Bing on competitiveness now not continuity

Competitiveness now so hope we’ll see what happened in the next few days coming up leading to the allstar break and uh yeah that’s it for me today ladies and gentlemen thank y’all for tuning in to another episode of shabo’s podcast make sure you hit the like button subscribe to the channel hit that

Notification Bell I’m Bobby I’mma catch y’all on the next one for show G oh

Chi Bulls Podcast Host Bobby discuss Javon Carter Get Honest About Limited Minutes With The Chicago Bulls

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  1. Bulls did get a win against a team with almost a similar record. They have to win those games! The Coaches need to seriously look at the teams that have owned the Bulls this year and make some changes. Like you said, the Twin Towers did not work, the Coaches need a Plan B and C! If something is not working, they need to adjust. Coaches are well paid and need to earn that money! Javon Carter is 28 so maybe he has a future somewhere! It seems that Bulls wanted a player who can shoot. A writer from Milwaukee mentioned that he was still trying to establishing his identity on offense. Carter needs to start shooting for real as you mentioned.

  2. How do you come home and forget how to play basketball that’s crazy to me like he looks like an completely different player

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