@Indiana Pacers

How the shorthanded Indiana Pacers got it done on the road against the Toronto Raptors

How the shorthanded Indiana Pacers got it done on the road against the Toronto Raptors

Short-handed yet no problem the Pacers get it done in Toronto they needed that one and they got it they stay in six they keep the Good Vibes rolling into the All-Star break how’ they get it done why did everybody basically step up what’s next for the Pacers we’ll talk

About it all today on the lockdown Pacers podcast you are locked on Pacers your daily Indiana Pacers podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day what up y’all happy Thursday and welcome into another edition of the lon Pacers podcast where we of course talk about

The Indiana Pacers as always my name is Tony East I cover the team for Forbes and Si and today we’re talking about a win the Pacers didn’t need but really felt good for them they played awful Monday they had a winnable game going into the All-Star break even

Short-handed they needed to get the Vibes right and they got it they had low energy to start the game clearly they needed something to get out of their Funk a win and then eight days off will’ll do that they take down the Raptors by to 127 125 and I have a lot

Of things to talk about from this game but to sum it all up almost and I’ll just remove the almost everybody stepped up and did something important in this game which was vital for the short-handed Pacers to win in Toronto an emotional game a weird one two teams

Coming off of ugly home losses Monday not home for the Pacers two teams coming off of ugly losses Monday to crummy teams they wanted a bounce back and the Pacers were the team that actually pulled it off let’s set the scene for what the Pacers were up against because

The Raptors are not awesome right now they got smoked by the Spurs on Monday but the Pacers entered this game no Miles Turner illness lot of sickness running through the NBA right now Pacers one team dealing with it no miles Turner uh who did play on Monday no Benedict

Maan also in illness and they’re you know he had that knee thing uh not too long ago he was out and then they also didn’t have James Johnson they didn’t have jarus Walker because they just wrapped up a g-league road trip they played the ignite in Vegas twice um they

Didn’t have jayen Smith still because of his lower back spasms and during the game Aaron n Smith went down during the third quarter reaching for his right shin ankle area the team called it a shin injury uh Rick Carlile told Dustin dopirak up there shout out to Dustin for

The reporting that Aon Smith walked out of the Arena after the game which is good but they got to do more imaging to set that scene though no n Smith no Turner no Ben maen no Jaylen Smith You could argue the Pacers are missing four their top seven guys in this game maybe

Top eight maybe top nine I don’t know but they are missing a huge part of their rotation now critically of course they had number one and number two right Tyrese halberton was available Pascal sakam was available but that still that’s a lot of talent to be missing against a a completely healthy Raptors

Team who just had their twoa guys as inactives so they were up against it and so what do the Pacers need in a game like that they’re gonna be playing weird lineups right the Pacers started nard halberton n Smith yakum Jackson that lineup had played a total of zero

Minutes together this season ever right so that’s already something new they’ve played together in some capacity but Jackson starting was new with that group they were G to have to play mcder a lot especially once n Smith went down and boy we talked about Doug MC Derman they

Were gonna need Ben Shepard and who else did they need for his first rotation minutes of his entire career Oscar sheway and there was a unique thing about the Raptors that allowed that to happen that we’ll talk about when we get there but just to set the scene of this

Pacers win and why I think you could call it impressive or good even though the Raptors stink is because that they don’t stink they’re okay is because that is what they were faced with totally new lineups a midgame injury relying on their two-ways for rotation minutes relying on guys who never play together

They had Shepard and McDermot playing and they were both good and they won that is big time for the Pacers to hold on and get that one done and they had a lot of moments in this game where it looked you know it felt like a weird

Game Flow to to kind of set up this one for the Pacers right they continually were down they were did not lead in this game until the third quarter and in the first half two times maybe even three they went down by like eight to 10 they

Weren’t playing well they had low energy seaka in this new emotional situation back in Toronto great welcome back by Toronto the uh the Welcome Back video the tribute video was fantastic they had a whole section of people that they gave seaka jerseys to uh so that right off

The court there was a bunch of them that was sweet they did a really good job with that but you know in the first half he wasn’t playing like the seak of the Pacers need two for nine with eight points in the first half minus eight

Right so that started slow for them and so in general as the Raptors were surging ahead the Pacers would do this they would get down by like eight or 10 and it would take a long time the Raptors would just play better than them for about seven minutes and then the P

Had this Fury of excellent play where they’d come all the way back and get it close they’d tie it they’d get it within one whatever you know where you’d see like okay if the Pacers could do that for a longer stretch they can win this game and then the Raptors would

Immediately answer with a big run and it was gone and that happened three times in this game four times now that I’m looking at the game chart right uh right at the beginning uh and then and then into the late first quarter twice in the second quarter and then the end of the

Second into the start of the second half that happened right where the Pacers could get it the back and then the Raptors took it away but finally in the third quarter this is where the game changed to me and this is where we’ll talk about a guy who didn’t have to do

Anything outside of his role one of the the rare people on the Pacers who was totally natural in his role but not totally natural in his emotions was Pascal sakam back in Toronto with all of that going on you know lethargic like he wanted this win you you you heard him if

You watch the ble Sports Indiana broadcast answer that question from Jeremy Johnson about how important this one was to him right back in Toronto with all those fans with the new team he they want that win every NBA player does so to have such a crummy first half I

Mean that had to hurt for him right the not only were the shots not going in but the team wasn’t doing well with him out there Scotty Barnes his primary match up at times was crushing it with 14- seven RJ Barrett was doing well other rap

Bruce Brown who was in the trade had an amazing first half he had 12 points at the break like not a shining first half for SE yakum and then the second half he was unbelievable he was so good in the second half they the Raptors kept

Getting like J Gary I just said Jerry Gary Trent switched on to him or other smaller forwards and he destroyed them second half Pascal yakum after a two for n first half second half he was 6 for eight he hit a three he got to the foul line for five attempts four assists

Three boards and a steel no turnovers 15 points in the second half plus seven humongous massive turnaround in play from Pascal cakam to get the Pacers this win they needed him to be excellent right the Raptors are pretty big still they traded away anobi they traded away

Seaka but they still have a good sizable front Court they still can kind of stink in their half court offense but their defense is good they can run and transition that’s how they’re going to beat teams and that’s what they were doing in the first half they were

Getting stops they were getting rebounds they were running in transition in the second half Pascal yakum said F this I’m gonna get stops we’re GNA grab some boards and we’re gonna hit you back and that worked great and he nailed shots he the one that will stick with you forever

Is I think they were tied the P might have been up one late in the fourth and zakum was just hounded hounded by Gary Trent about 12 feet away off to the right just outside the paint and he hit this turnaround fadeaway bank shot that

Was just filthy and it I don’t know how he found the space to get it up besides just the answer being he’s tall but he found the space and he drilled it uh to answer my own question uh there was three minutes and 15 seconds to go and

It was a tied game uh brilliant shot from SE yakum that gave the Pacers the lead that they never relinquished by the way they won the game in part because of that shot it was huge for momentum it was huge for his game and then the only

Other player who was playing in his normal role I I guess there were two more but uh everybody was kind of doing different things was halberton and this he didn’t like totally stand out but halberton drilled the threes five for n from Deep 12 assists 21 points only one

Turnover maybe not the most halberton halberton game since his injury I still think two games ago the Knicks game he was you know pretty springy as well but to play this much he played 34 minutes and 23 seconds that is his fourth most this calendar year uh the Portland game

And then two games before the injury were the only ones more to play that much to be that effective to be a plus two and a two-point win he was great seak was great and it put those two together they got it done for the Pacers

The Pacers had the two best players in this game you could say Scotty Barnes has been better than Pascal sakam this season that’s fine you could say Scotty bar is better than seak in this game that’s fine but in general the Pacers had two of the top three players at

Worst and should have had the best player in halberton and on a night where they were short-handed and stuck in the mud early in the game and couldn’t take a lead until the second half when it mattered their stars were great Halbert made threes he set up his teammates he

Got the offense in motion against the team that they should beat and yakum finished cruo plays along the way big win for the Pacers they are now 31 and 25 sixth place in the East entering the break we’ll talk about that in just a second but we have to dive in to

Everybody on the Pacers stepping up on the shorthanded night you’re going to hear Oscar sheway analysis McDermot was there Shephard with the game win stops so much to cover from Pacers Raptors before we get to any of that though did you know that even if you

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Is subject to specific terms and conditions Robin Hood Ira available to us customers in good standing Robinhood Financial LLC member sipc is a registered broker dealer and we are back here on lockon Pacers thanks for making us your first listen today and every single day for your second list in locked on Warriors

Or locked on clippers because they just played an awesome game that I just finished watching before recording this and because Steph Curry is insane right now and has made seven plus threes and four straight games dating back to his 11 uh his crazy night against the Pacers

Earlier this month but this was not a Steph Curry or Clipper show we’re talking about the Pacers in their 127 to 125 win over the Raptors look you may think this is uh I’m making too big of a deal of this but entering the break the magic won

Tonight the Heat beat the Bucks two nights ago and then won last night I forget who they played um they those two teams got to 30 and 25 with their wins if the Pacers lost they would have been 30 and 26 and they would have entered the break in eth instead

They enter in Sixth and they keep up with those teams while hobbled and not playing particularly well maybe I’m overthinking that but from a Vibes and mentality perspective and from a reset which should help every team but in theory for a currently banged up and sick Pacers team could be more

Beneficial they don’t have to travel for All-Star if at all I mean some guys still will but I think that that is a that’s a big deal so nice win for the Pacers they in sixth half game ahead of Miami and Orlando Philly also lost um so

Five is still a relevant thing to discuss for the Pacers in the second half of the Season we’ll get to that stuff after the All-Star break we have to talk about a lot of guys having excellent games in in multiple cases in fact at least three the best game

They’ve played for the Pacers this season this entire season we will start with the guy who saved the day this is this is a section that I titled in my notes sh shout out to everybody right I already did halberton for playing more right for actually creeping up to his

He’s probably there now reaching his normal workload and producing in it and SE yakum starting slow but handling his emotion to get it done we’ll talk about everybody right now though and I would like to talk to the guy who sealed the deal Ben Shepard holy smokes was Ben

Shepard vital in this game Ben Shepard closed the game n Smith was out uh they didn’t have mine they traded away healed they needed to play somebody on the wing even with their starting five and I’ve said that I think the Pacers best defensive five contains Ben Shepard they

Were slightly ahead late they’re closing with Ben Shepard the closing Five was the starters with Ben Shepard and that group worked for a couple reasons one being of course Halbert and seak were great in the second half but another part of it that brought it together is

Shepard had his best game ever quite frankly it isn’t close on the offensive end he made shots hey look that’s a good thing obviously you know that’s it’s been funny tracking his whole career so far that you know as he comes in as a scout that everybody thinks he’s going

To be a shooter and he hasn’t shot it well at all from three 27.4% but it’s been a wonderful defensive player tonight he was both the the presence of a potential three and D Wing was huge he had eight points three times had never hit double digits until tonight 10

Points for Ben Shepard five rebounds and a steal plus eight in 21 minutes for Ben Shepard and two he hit two threes they were both in the fourth quarter and they were both enormous for the Pacer momentum and and play in that quarter and he just got him up man he caught him

Let him fly no hesitation despite his season being largely inaccurate those were massive shots for him he made his free throws he made it he shot 50% from the field they needed him to be that level on offense 10 points a career high his first double digit game that alone

Is huge on a night where you don’t have Maan and N Smith gets hurt so that’s already good he paired it with great great defense Plus eight was a team high for the Pacers so he defended well a lot it wasn’t just The Possession I’m about

To talk about but Pascal sakam splits or excuse me not Pascal seak Isaiah Jackson splits a pair of free throws with 10 seconds left which means the Raptors have the ball down too now they can go for the win they can go for the tie they

Can do lots of stuff they inbound it they get it to RJ Barrett he gets into the lane and Ben Shepard is all over him bump with the chest bump with the chest he gets RJ Barrett’s turnaround is pretty quick and Shifty so he gets a

Tiny bit of space but Shepard jumps up well enough not to contest perfectly but still get his hand in Barrett’s face great defense eight-footer contested he missed it nard tips away the rebound to himself and the Pacers win Ben Shepard was phenomenal 10 points one of his better defensive games including

Clutching up on the defensive end for a stop awesome awesome game and it’s funny because you know I I I joked about this on the show I think already I defin joked about it in real life with other people like I thought there’d be a real chance there’d be a discussion from me

And from others who watch the p a lot about who should be the 10th guy in the Pacers rotation and I said I bet they’ll try McDermot but I bet by March we’ll be having the McDermot versus Ben Shepard discussion and then after two games I said hey maybe you think about Ben

Shepard they closed with Ben she or they put Ben Shepard in the fourth against Charlotte and they didn’t play mcder in the second half well in this game they needed both of them to play so you could call this an audition and I’m not going to yet we’ll see what they’re going to

Do but hey guess What doug mcder also great also stepping up when the Pacers needed him too finally getting shots to go and what a time to do it his he wasn’t totally accurate he was five for 12 from the field but he had three threes and you could see his gravity

More in this game as he gets more familiar with this team the Raptors were at least a little bit afraid of him mcder was a plus three and a win 13 points and a rebound and a turnover uh but 13 points was huge hitting three threes was vital was a fraction

Of a second away from four and the the 43 would have been a crazy shot like 60 feet at the first quarter buzzer and he was perfect the whole way it was such a good shot that you know when he put it up I thought wow that could go in before

It even went in but he was the first one to be like it was too late n he was telling the bench it was too late and it was but he got to the basket for a shot he got Corner threes to fall he wiggled fre on the perimeter his release is

Still quick again I don’t know what kind of impact he can have I don’t even know that he’ll long like as the season progresses hold his spot over Shepard forever especially if Shepard’s also now making shots but on a night when the Pacers needed help on the wing both guys

Who they’re hoping can step up as the season progresses did so that one of them made shots and one of them made shots and defended MC D’s defense still had some not so great moments but he did what he’s supposed to do he made threes

He was a threat on offense and that was big for the Pacers good stuff from Doug mcder no one else is a wing I thought it’d be easy to close out this segment by just saying a wing so I will and I want to talk about Aaron Smith because

He got hurt uh in the last segment so I’ll just talk about Andrew nard because he’s Wing is sometimes he guards Wing sometimes uh and then we’ll get to The Bigs certainly bigs in the last segment as well as n Smith Andrew nard five for eight five assists two steals three

Boards 14 points plus five he hit two threes they were both like shephards critical in the third quarter uh to keep the Pacers surging and on a run he’s been much much much much better in the last couple weeks in terms of not turning it over as much and actually

Being accurate with his shot right that has been critical for the Pacers as well him starting made a ton of sense already but now it absolutely makes sense uh I don’t know exactly what to when to start this is he came back from injury in Phoenix uh and then the next game he

Started they played the nuggets at home since that Nuggets game this was prior to tonight that that was 12 games he was averaging 11 points five assists only 1.2 turnover per game on 51 34 90 splits and then tonight he shot 62% from the field 66% from Deep five assists one

Turnover 14 points so all of those numbers are now better than what I just said and he pairs that with of course fantastic defense uh as he did again in this game he was great he fits in so well with this starting group I think he’ll continue to start as the season

Winds down we’ll see if they can get a more ball handling reps in any ways but five assists is nice he played great they needed him to play great and he got it done McConnell n smith sheway top and Jackson not off the hook we have to talk

About them and N Smith injury if it’s something that’s beyond this game what that could mean for the Pacers I don’t know that this if you’re gonna get hurt uh perfect time to do it if you’re Arin n Smith with eight days off coming up we

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Lockdown don’t forget to use our link so they know that we sent you and we are back here on lockon Pacers thanks for making us your first listen today and every single day check out lockon Raptors for your second listen hear what sea Woodley has to say

But the other side of Pascal seaks return in this game and the Raptors uh losing again but hey the Raptors might be happy to lose a competitive game where their young guys look good and The Grizzlies won Wednesday night Raptors can they get to a bottom five record

Keep their first rounder I will not be the GM of the Raptors making that tough call because there are some crap teams in the NBA this year not everyone uh was talked about last segment so we’ve got more people to talk about in the shout out to everybody not

Section Isaiah Jackson started this game at Center this was the Pacers third game without Jaylen Smith or Miles Turner this season in the first one they had Obi toppen play some Reserve five and they had Jordan War available to soak up some of Obie’s minutes as the backup

Four and jarus Walker played a little and the second one Pascal seak was on the team that was against the Kings uh earlier this month the first one was against the Clippers so seak was the backup five and then to could plays him four and then jarus Walker soaked up a

Few minutes in there well in this one they didn’t have War either because he’s on the Raptors now and they didn’t have Walker because of his just recently ended g-league assignment so all of a sudden they can play seak at the five and they can play toen at the five but

They have no four options behind them so they had to get creative with like mcder at the four or n Smith at the four but then who’s playing well there’s been but you know you get the gist of why this was so tricky from a line perspective

And why it was critical that Isaiah Jackson was good and didn’t foul right I this is a stupid thing that I’ve said on the show before but I still believe he’s still fouling at a similar rate to last season but his fouls are better it’s not the dumb ones it’s not the moving

Screens it’s not the stupid regins he’s fouling on like shots that he’s stopping and that’s way more valuable um but he had to stay on the floor in this game because of what I just said they needed to be able to play top and seaka at the

Five as in in as few situations as possible just because the rotation was going to be weird and Jackson played 31 minutes and 33 seconds and still only had four fouls he was great in that way doing the thing they needed him to do the absolute most in this game and he

Played very well in his minutes seven for 13 from the field 11 rebounds four blocks 15 points plus six second highest on the Pacers to only Ben Shepard yes that is a thing that I just said 31 and a half minutes for Isaiah Jackson is among it’s his highest minutes total

This season he had I think only one game with more than that last year he had a game at 3146 I’m gonna look at his career game log in just a second yes he had 3146 last year uh in their like seventh game of the season I don’t actually remember

Why he played so much in that game I’m sure there was a reason and then his rookie season he had one game um with with more than that where he played 32 minutes and 1 second but it was the last game of the season when the Pacers were

Just letting him play so this was uh in the midseason moment the most he’s played and the most he’s played all season and he was ready for it he was awesome on both ends and he was like powerful is what I had in my notes he

Had a bunch of buckets in the first half where he’d catch it and there’d be guys around him and he’d dribble and he’d kind of like lower his shoulder and Shake around them and dunk right through him it was very important that he finished plays and he did he made sure

The ball went in and how about his backup his first rotation minutes in the NBA not garbage time for Mr Oscar sheway fans have been wanting to see him get meaningful minutes and not just soak up I that was his seventh game I believe I believe the first six were all blowouts

Let me double check while I’m talking uh all of his appearances were in games decided by 17 or more 14 or more excuse me so he’s only played garbage time until tonight three minutes in this game the Pacers did not do well in those minutes but sheway in three minutes made

His only shot grabbed two rebounds that’s okay he fouled the reason that this was possible and they could soak up a few minutes without seak or toing at the five which was significant because seak finished with five fouls they needed to make sure they used him in the

Right situation so these three minutes from shway might have been bad for the scoreboard but being able to close with seaka was vital is because yaka purle was in for the Raptors right I don’t think the Pacers could have played sheway against Chris bue and the Pacers

Didn’t think so either when Chris bé came in they tried to get sheway out of the game Kelly alen got hurt in the first half if alen was at the five in the second half I don’t think they could have played sheway but because specifically it was yaka purle they were

Able to play their more ground bound sheway who can just battle on the inside and he didn’t mess up too much they did bad in his minutes but like he was important in a win that is always my bar for two-way players if they can help you

In their rotation in one win a year success right Brian Bowen started that game in Chicago years ago Edmond Sumer helped on his two-way like those are the big success ones obviously but sheway there he got it he checked his box so Kendall Brown helped last year in Golden

State for the in hard game right big stuff from sheway literally Big Stuff uh two guys left who to talk about here uh well one that played well and then two who didn’t uh play amazing Obi Toppers made his shots that was huge six for n

From the field he hit his threes he had 15 points and he made it look so easy which is always important but he also had a powerful drive he caught it in the left corner he took two dribbles he went through a guy I’d like to see more of

That from him Leverage is now threatening three into some interesting drives I watched a lot of footage of him with the Knicks before he played for the Pacers and that was something that I always thought was interesting is he could run guys off the line a little bit

And now that he’s a better shooter I would like to see him do more of that because it was effective for him in this game McConnell one of the few guys who didn’t exceed expectations when needed he was fine six points six assists and Aaron neith did not exceed expectations

Either with eight points uh three for 10 shooting he was missing some shots he’s still a great defender m still important like he six assists is great and he played great defense but those two guys were just like at maybe a little below expectation good enough the Pacers won n

Smith got hurt though that’s the last thing I want to talk about here um landed very weird his right ankle Shin area like Twisted odd on the landing he was in a lot of pain he had to be carried off the floor again noteworthy that he was able to walk out of the

Arena per Rick carile per Dustin dopirak via Rick carile excuse me um and also important that the Pacers don’t play till next Thursday now so that’s good uh never good when an injury happens especially for a guy who was wearing stuff on his shin on that exact Shin

Already so we’ll see if anything comes of this because the wing is hard to replace for every team really but especially for the Pacers who no longer have buddy heel you know they have McDermot they have Ben maen they have Ben Shepard we saw two of those three

Who were able to play tonight be important but they can’t really like play nemard at the three that much we’ve already seen what the limitations of that can be unless in the right matchups maybe so they don’t really have anyone else who can easily fill in at those

Spots maybe jarus Walker I guess a little so they’re gonna it’s you know it’s gonna be tough for them to really F an absence from him if he’s out for a while you know they they with no Bruce brown or buddy healed on the team anymore they’ll be really relying on

McDermot in a situation like that or Ben Shepard again so if he has any sort of meaningful long-term weeks absence which I don’t know that he does or does not that is important for the Pacers to Monitor and figure out what their Solutions can be this season I mean

Their net rating is two points better with nce methon he’s in vital for their defense he’s a great shooter now so you can’t I mean maybe Shepard can shoot and you get both is from him he’s not as effective obviously but you know I think maybe the current trade out for the

Pacers would be if you think you need the defense more you could turn to Shepard if you think you need the shooting more you turn to mcder and then just try to Cobble together rotation and this is this could just be a pointless discussion but I still want to talk

About it because he didn’t close the game and they got both good play from both of those guys um but if they need to fill n Smith’s minutes I’ll be curious how they would do it but it’d probably be a combo of those guys uh I

Would I will guess that if n Smith misses games uh McDermot will start at the three and they’ll value the shooting more than the defense but I don’t know that that would be a permanent decision maybe they could get more creative uh than that and Ben Shepard has certainly

Earned his playing time so we will see lots to cover from this team but we finished the final game it’s now Thursday if you’re listening to this day it comes out it’s Allstar time events start for uh for me on Thursday really I have some stuff I’m going to go tour and

Look at and then public stuff really has already started there’s stuff to look at and do everywhere but events events start Friday Celebrity Game rising stars is Friday Pacers have somebody playing every night so there’ll always be something for you you to watch uh if you’re interested in Allstar Weekend in

Indie tomorrow we will talk with Derek Schultz about the state of the Pacers and talk about Indie hosting All-Star it’s gonna be cool and I’ll be there at all the events so next Monday show maybe I’ll do one over the weekend we’ll see I will be all about Allstar fun for the

Pacers their guys and events the city’s Buzz it’ll be cool and I’ll be able to if you’re a YouTube Watcher or you’re going to become one I will be able to post some footage to YouTube from Allstar events which will be very cool as a part of the media experience so

Lots coming there that will be the next probably two maybe three shows here will be some Pacers and a lot of All-Star talk both because it’s here in Indie and because the Pacers are heavily involved as a result of that location in Allstar Weekend so lots of fun stuff to come

Hope you guys enjoyed Today’s show you can find me on Twitter at Tony R East in the show at lockon Pacers back tomorrow talking Pacers talk and Allstar with Derek Schultz thank you all so much for the time have a wonderful day we will see you soon

The Indiana Pacers were missing several key players on Wednesday night, yet they were able to get a road win against the Toronto Raptors. How did they get it done? What did Pascal Siakam do so well in his return to Toronto? Host Tony East breaks it all down, including the total team effort and the importance of the victory.

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  1. Who was the hero of the game? Siakam's second half, Ben Sheppard's… everything, and Isaiah Jackson setpping up all deserve recognition.

  2. Is it just me or does I. Jackson always delivers at least one really dumb moment/play during his minutes? This time – The ball was slowly falling off the rim and Jackson, for whatever the fuk reason, decided to jump and give Raptors a goaltend. Not as abhorrent as his 'two take fouls in a row' moment, but still pretty f'n dumb.

  3. Here comes the isaiah jackson hate in the comments. Doubles Myles rebounding totals and blocks and scores basically the same amount of points when He got the same minutes as Myles.

    AND they won. Which is the only thing that matters ultimately.

    But lets focus on a play or two and throw him under the bus after he just played his ass off against a VERY underrated center in Poetl.


  4. I’m not nearly impressed by this win you are. Got out rebounded by 17 and gave 120+. This is a formula for a first round exit, if they get that lucky. These two problems seem to be who they are – and it’s going to get them killed by serious teams.

  5. IJax actually did center type stuff. Myles, see ball, see how tall man go get ball, dum dum.

  6. WOULDN'T be a Pacers comment section without: 1) someone NOT putting the game and WIN into Context of the situation we were in, and 2) someone STILL finding a reason to trash Myles, whose been the most CONSISTENT this year. Smdh half the "Fans" are trash.

  7. Why is Rick so reluctant to use challenges? It's mind boggling, especially when he took a timeout anyways near the end of game!

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