@Indiana Pacers

Get Free League Pass for a year for free – Seriously

Get Free League Pass for a year for free – Seriously

by ameleeplayer


  1. Maximum-Class5465

    Worked for me

    Thank you, I’ll cancel it on prime

  2. TheTVEditor

    wow, this wasn’t easy, and didn’t work. Thanks no one

  3. 2112xanadu

    Signed up for NBA, then signed up for Nike, linked the accounts, and voted. Nothing happened. What am I missing?

  4. omnired44

    It just worked for me. However, following the link directly, I did not see anywhere to vote for Tatum’s shoes…

    What I did was log in with my NBA ID on the NBA website. I didn’t vote for anything. I just clicked to the League Pass site via the sidebar menu.

    Selected monthly premium pass. (The $22.99 option)

    Entered promo code: ALLSTARTATUM

    I did have to add a credit card (I actually have one that expires this summer and just used that.) However, the price is shown as discounted and $0 due after application of promo code.

    It just went through for me! The website is running very slow. The first time I clicked on the monthly pass, I got the spinning wheel for a while and it timed out before even having a chance to enter the promo code or payment info. Second attempt did go through. Maybe 30 seconds between each step.

    Thanks for the heads up on this promo and good luck!

  5. MindofShadow

    for people with LP already, it will also upgrade your account and extend a year from now. I Just did it

  6. Mr__Sprinkles

    It’s legit! Just make sure to unsubscribe next February

  7. Pale-Brilliant-8067

    note: use the link []( to sign up, shoes not necessary

    you might get an error that says “invalid zip code” or something like that or “placing subscription went wrong” – these happened to me too but I just spammed it for a minute or two and it worked

  8. General-Promotion274

    Says promo code doesn’t work anymore

  9. ColonialSheep

    For anyone still attempting – I just got it to work. Just spam ‘Apply’ on the promo code if it shows an error. Once that is set, the ‘zip code’ field is also super weird – just continue deleting/retyping the last digit until no errors are present.

    At that point you can attempt to ‘Apply and subscribe’. It will throw a few different errors, but just keep clicking. It took many attempts, but eventually it went through.

  10. Lucky_Lefty23

    Dang, apparently I’m too late! And I really wanted to vote for the shoes /s

  11. standish1605

    It worked for me, just had to continue to spam the promo code and then apply button for a couple minutes, cancelled my regular subscription since this one for free is actually the premium service.

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