@Cleveland Cavaliers

Cavs get 18th win in 20 games | Cleveland Cavaliers podcast

Cavs get 18th win in 20 games | Cleveland Cavaliers podcast

On today’s lock on Cavs it is 18 wins in 20 games for Donovan Mitchell and Company we’ll talk about how they did it and what it means going into the allstar break on today’s new show are locked on Cavs your daily Cleveland Cavaliers podcast I’m Chris Manning that man over there is

Evan dameral this is the lock on Cavs podcast your team every day thanks to Jake Stevens as always for his work on production Cavs beat the Bulls in their last game before the allstar break a game where they were down 80 early certainly weren’t at their very very

Best in this one kind of a SLO of a game but end up winning 108 to 105 Donovan Mitchell has 30 points Evan Mobley Jared Allen Darius Garland and Isaac aore and George ning all in double figures as well for Cleveland and they’ve won 18 of

20 18 of 20 games over the over since January 3rd Evan damal let’s start there that this is the big deal coming out of this game that they’re going to the all-star break as the two seed having won 18 of 20 games what does that tell

You about where the Cavs are at right now at this point in time they’re in a much better spot than they were before 2024 began especially after they dropped the New Year’s Day game to the Toronto Raptors they are sitting pretty we talked about this on

Wednesday show quite a bit like the two seed is Cleveland’s to lose at this point and um this game against Chicago certainly had the feels of a team that uh may have had their minds on the allstar break already may be thinking about where they’re going on vacation for the next

Week or so or Donovan Mitchell gets to hang out in Indianapolis for the weekend but um uh regardless the Cavs um certainly battled in the second half I have a little bit of a different takeway but what this means for this team is um they’re they’re sitting pretty in second place in Eastern

Conference they’re still kind of within the mix of things Boston they keep Milwaukee New York Philadelphia teams like that a little bit further away from them for the two seat as well and it just leads them in a good spot you know you just hope they maintain good health

Heading into uh this proverbial second half of the season but 18 to 20 is nothing to seees that they played very well over this stretch I mean 18 to 20 is beyond I think nothing to see that this is a team that has gone from being

You know were they going to be the four seat again were they staring down at a a tough first round matchup with the Knicks like where was this going what was the end result going to be this they’re now number two in the East they’re six games behind Boston and like

I don’t think anyone’s catching Boston they’re so you’re playing for the second seed behind Boston really you’re two games up on the Bucks you’re four games up on the Knicks and you’re four and a half games up on the 76ers to be at TH this is effectively this run this 18 and

20 run has put the Cavs in the pole position for that I mean that is massive that is hugely important for for whatever this team is going to ultimately accomplish whether it’s a Conference Finals whether what whatever it’s going to be their chances of maximizing it the

Chance of it happening have just risen in a real way over these last 20 games and even when and this was not a perfect performance this was a game I thought they might lose for a time and then I texted you in our group text with Jake

That they were going to win it in the dumbest way possible that didn’t exactly happen but it wasn’t a pretty win their game before you know they really should could have won 19 to 20 if they just played like 5% better the other night but this is just a really really good

Basketball team they’ve raised I think what their floor is and what their ceiling is over these 20 games that is what we have proved to be here at the All-Star break is nothing short of a testament to I think what this group has figured out that I think it means a lot

That they’ve done this yeah I mean I’m not trying to discredit it by saying it’s something to sneeze at or anything but um no I know but I I I feel like I am like kind of like a I feel right now I feel like I’m a little more amazed by

This is where what I’m kind of feeling if I’m reading The Energy coming off of both of us right now oh no I’m I’m continually amazed how well they played I think I’m just remaining levelheaded and thinking that there were some warts that I saw against the Philly game I

Think it became more apparent in the Chicago game maybe it is just that fatigue you feel with the All-Star break Louis and you know it’s like you get like an actual vacation more or less uh time off that you need to rest recuperate and just kind of get away

From basketball for a few days to kind of reset everything but um for me it’s just yeah there’s a lot of encouraging things for this Cav team heading into the stretch run the season and no it wasn’t a pretty win I agree with you like I thought maybe if they do

Win this game it is going to be in a really weird way and uh thankfully it didn’t turn into that for our sakes because that would have been a lot harder for us to probably digest and break down but I’m just I’m optimistic to see what the remainder of this season

Has for the AB just because um they have some important games coming up in early March and I think those will be another big test for them and just the fact that they keep stringing together wins on a fairly at least consistent basis and they keep playing

Very well uh I think especially just you know it can’t beated they changed their entire offensive approach on the Fly midseason um not a lot of teams are able to do that and kind of keep rolling like this but the cows have found a way to

Win most nights and every night and I mean we can talk about Donovan Mitchell till the cows come home but he was the reason why the Cavs won this game despite a bit of an injury scared about early into the game this is over the 20 games this is

The cleaning the glass stats I just want to throw some numbers out there Cavs are first in point differential over that stretch they’re 18- two they have a point differential of 15.5 the second best team in point differential over that stretch is the Minnesota Timberwolves at plus

10.3 think about that for a second think how much better the Cavs have been than just about everybody like everybody else in that one way again it is not everything but that is absurd their offense fifth over that stretch at 121.5 uh Clippers Phoenix among the

Teams better first in defense by a full nearly three points per run of possessions Minnesota second in that category they’re first against the spread as well if you better is out there like this team is just like I I to act to to look at it on

The whole to me and to look at the numbers and to look at how they’re playing and to just feel like the energy I I just can’t help but just be like there’s something really cool coming here there’s going to be something really interesting coming here

After they done yes you can look ahead and say oh there’s these other tests but like I I just kind of think they’ve you win you win 18 of 20 that doesn’t have that’s not a fluke hot streak that is we’re a really good basketball team hot

Streak and I don’t necessarily like I’m not going to put like so much weight into tests to come I think they just they just passed the biggest test to me this whole year you think so yeah be Evan I think I think the fact that they had playoffs

Are the biggest test I’m saying in the regular season I’m saying in the regular season for the fact that this team had Darius Garland go out and whether it’s having a bad year or not he goes out Evan Mobley goes out other teams other situations it crumbles there

And instead that became like the basis of them figuring this out and hitting a high they weren’t hitting at the start of the year so like yes do they have to get to the playoffs and like not get shellacked in the first round again for

This to mean anything sure but if I I don’t necessarily it’s not fun to live in a world where like I’m that everything is based off that yes that matters that’s going to dictate a lot of things but in the moment right now this team has passed the biggest test it is

Faced in this regular season and they hit a grand slam with it they hit out of the park they got a 50 in the dunk contest I don’t disagree with you um I I I in the fact that they’ve been playing really well and they’ve hit a home run given the

Circumstances and that can’t be understated at all um but I do not agree that this is the biggest test they passed they still we talked about this at the end of last season and we were both incredibly high on this team heading into the playoffs last year the

Because of what we were seeing on the court um I I maybe I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today maybe you and I had a personality swap before this episode started but I am optimistic about their chances I think they’re showing that they can handle adversity

Very well on the chin and they can battle back in games where at least in this game against Chicago it was a product of them putting themselves in this hole in the first place but yeah that’s encouraging that’s good they’re showing signs of tangible growth I think JB Baker staff is really really

Really shown his chops and medal as a as a coach for this team just from not just a you know rallying the troops perspective but a tactical advantage and just adjustments and game to game adjustments and things like that too but I just need to see it continue and it

Has for this 20 game sample and it makes me optimistic for the second half of the season and I think like the next like quote unquote test or quiz they have will be like some higher level opponents come March and also just how they look post All-Star break too because

Orlando’s a pretty solid team as well but yeah they are still playing with house money heading into the break and that is a fun thought to think of if you’re a fan of this team and it does make them even more intriguing to cover going forward because how far does this

Go is now my new question for them and that that’s yes does this need to get to faros yes but I I think there is something in just like okay even Orlando is a point of comparison of a test and we’re going to go into a break

Over the same stretch that the Cavs are by far the best team in the league in turns of Point differential Orlando is 17th they’re 23rd in offense like the Cavs are literally like just didn’t like it’s a level that doesn’t compute and even if not every performance is perfect

It is just like they’ve hit a high that I’m if you injected true serum into JB bicker staff right now and the whole and the players I don’t know if they would have told you they would have hit a run like this to certain I I really don’t

Know if anyone necessarily could have believed this all right after this we’re going let’s talk something about C Bulls Hal Cavs got it done another Donovan Mitchell 30-point game that’s up next Robin Hood do you know that even if you have a 401k for atir rate you can

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Real decider late Evan what was your your big takeaway from how they pulled out this game um my big takeaway from me is that the Cavs are going to have to learn how to live by variance whether that means living by the three-pointer or Dying by the three-pointer in the first half you

Saw them go 5 21 from three-point range nearly 50% of their shot attempts for three-pointers and I think it’s again that’s a product of the new offensive approach and the fact that they have the shooters to take those shots whether it’s meang um stru scarland Mitchell Merill when he’s available Wade when

He’s available um even Evan Moy when he feels like it too but there are going to be moments where the Cavs kind of do dig themselves into a hole and maybe they just have to kind of find a bit of that balance uh just between like prioritizing attacking the basket

Attacking the paint and also you know they are reading reacting what Chicago’s defense is giving them of course in this game but at least in the second half the Cavs were a little less trigger happy comparatively to where they were in the first and even if the attempts start to

Creep up towards the same amount by the end of the game at least I noticed the Cavs are much more efficient from three-point range in this game and at least in the second half of this game and then they also was able to get a lot of cleaner looks and opportunities at

The basket and then in turn when Chicago’s defense uh corrected and adjusted to Cleveland applying more pressure at The Rim gave them easier and cleaner look at on the perimeter whether it’s a guy standing outside or they’re just using off ball screens in motion and things

Like that and I I think that’s just going to have to be emblematic of how this team tackles things as they continue to acclimate these pieces especially with Darius Garland who is looking better I’d say um the game against um Philly we saw some good things I think him hitting some clutch

Shots down the stretch against Chicago was really good too but there’s a way to be a lot cleaner about it and I think that’s going to be kind of the next step on top of integrating Garland and to an extent Moy but Mo I’m not as concerned

About what about you yeah Moy Mo’s kind of brushed all the concern I would have had aside in a lot of ways hit another three in this game 14 and n a block and still like he’s just he had a late bucket in this game that was key and

Crunch time that’s really great to see garlands I I where I have kind of was drawn to at this one because it’s not box score-wise a game that you look at and say okay he was great he was 12 points seven assists two turnovers solid but he hit you mentioned the clutch shot

And that to me is the the smartest thing you could have shot out out for his performance because he hit a three that was a s step three that put them up and until Kobe white hits one on the other end that was like the go-ahead

Clutch shot and for him to take it to make it he had another one that that just rolled out later in this game um a little bit before the one he makes like that’s the Darius you’re going to need in the playoffs that’s the Darius you’re

Going to need to just maximize what he is as a player and for Donovan Mitchell not like Donovan Mitchell played nearly 39 minutes in this game at some point he’s just going to need someone to take a little bit of the pressure off of him and and relieve some of the burden of

Having to do what feels like everything Garland’s the guy as a scorer that’s going to need to do that particular just because he’s in theory he should be more consistent than your Caris L vir of the world or some of your other options well yeah he also no discredit to Caris

Slipper you want Donovan Mitchell taking those big shots with the game on the line but also if you’re Cleveland you at least for me with him him as in Darius hitting that clutch three-pointer especially because it’s just like you know one of the more darest Garland three-pointers I’ve ever

Seen him take and make um you jump back to the Philly game where Donovan Mitchell drives to the basket pulls up at The Rim doesn’t get or is semi blocked um on the attempt and then Jared all recovers kicks out to Garland on the perimeter and Garland

Misses it you know it’s encour in to see the Cavs have the trust and faith to go right back to Darius and say okay the game’s on the line the ball is in your hands go out and do what we expect you to do instead of them maybe shying away

From it or maybe not showing that they have confidence in Garland despite some of the physical limitations from just like what his recovery has kind of put him through so far um did over Isa aoro like the Cavs K to ISA aoro in the last

Two minutes of the game and let AO just spray a three-pointer hoping to like kind of firmly seize that momentum that they’re starting to pull away from the bull and it didn’t make but you want guys taking those attempts and I know I just said I talked about three-point variance

And living and dying by the three but there are good shot attempts and also like if you have your best Shooters taking those shots it makes life a heck of a lot easier for you ISAC auro took eight threes in this game just for the

Record he six of 11 from the field he took four of eight from three surprising and always hear out loud he is like based on what we know about Isaac aoro as a player I just but I I I think Evan just to to the point of this I think he’s

Just kind of proven that he’s actually evolved and if you don’t think he’s evolved you’re just ignoring that he’s evolved at this point like I I think if I think you can look at that and say like like is he taking is he is he going to become KY corver reincarnated or is

He going to be like Sam Marl no but you look at his shot frequency like he’s he’s taking a good amount of Threes he’s taking threes at a at a clip that you really like he’s making them at a he’s near he’s nearly 40% from three on the

Season and it’s not just boosted by Corner threes which has been kind of the thing with him before where his Corner threes were higher and his non- Corners were higher he’s at 37% as of right now on non- Corner 3es he’s at 40% on Corner threes this is just like a good shooter

Now and and he also made a play in the fourth quarter of this game where he drove on a closeout and he passed to Jared Allen and he didn’t freeze he didn’t have a record scratch he didn’t panic and give up the ball like it was

Hot and it was a hot potato he just drove and the handle was a little loose but he made the play and Jared Allen got a bucket out of it he’s grown like there there’s just a there’s a there’s three four plays a game that guy makes on top of his

Defensive stuff that I think tell he’s grown that is just highly highly encouraging even at a night like this where it’s kind of sloppy overall as a team and it takes an eighto fourth quarter for Advantage in the fourth for them to win you get okoro you get MO

Stuff you you get enough Mitchell Garland shows a little bit more life and you went um you went Andor has just been a big part of that last thing Evan ninan rotation tonight the starter so Garland Mitchell stru Mo Allen and then okoro Nang Levert so excuse me

Eight man rotation I can’t count apparently um Dean obviously this one and and yang fouls out no way due to injury what do you make of that it feels like we kind of know who the 8 n guys are what do you make of the fact that it

Seems like biger staff has settled onto this set group of guys I mean it’s the same group and then if you add in Dean Wade and Sam Marill there’s the 10-man rotation that JB Baker staff reluctantly wants to roll with just because he’s a creature habit at times prefers 8 to

Nine men deep but and Marilyn way didn’t play in this one but yeah I I think I understand just from my casual timeline scrolling well L Valentine’s dinner with my wife um just people saying like the Cavs need to like bench George dang because you’re not going to get much

From him defensively especially when the Bulls are forcing Kobe white or DeMar rosen onto him some possessions and he just candle he cannot handle guys that are smaller quicker faster or stronger than him um it’s pretty much a dunk lyric at that point but

Um there was a stretch in the end of the third quarter heading into the fourth that um meang hits a big three and then he gets into that pushing match with white which it’s just it is what it is but he’s that type of dude where like he

Gives you that spark where like yeah he can be a guy who gets you consistent minutes but those eight guys no not surprised I think again you add Wade and Maryland to the mix it’s a packing order maybe who’s who is going to play or not play

Um dependent on just the matchup and maybe who has a going between Wade meang and Merrill I think this is a game they did Miss de Dean Wade’s defense at times especially against guys like white or D rozen but more or less this those eight guys uh at least the first seven with

Levert and aoro being the first two guys off the bench more or less is like your lineup set in stone if you’re the Cavs and then you kind of pick and choose based on who has it or the Personnel or the matchup that you have in front of

You and just kind of plug and play your options to maybe figure out like your eighth ninth or 10th Man willing if you’re willing to stretch it that far uh especially come playoff time coming up next ammani Bates is heading to Indianapolis let’s talk about

What he’s been in the G league and and why he’s going to Indie to play in The Rising Stars game this today’s episode is brought to you by hunger root hunger root is your partner in healthy living it is the easiest way to get fresh highquality groceries and simple healthy recipes

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The G League he’s been named to the NBA’s Rising Stars challenge replacing Ron Holland from g-league ignite um he’ll be baates is this is the second part of the weekend Bates will be part of he’s also going to play in the G NBA G League next up game on Sunday so

The you can look up the format for the rising stars challenge it’s not it’s it’s always it’s a little there’s a there’s a tournament and like it it’s a whole thing but Evan Bates to me getting there and him being the selection for this I think it’s really fun I think if

You you know I’m not going to tell you I’ve watched every charge game uh there’s only one person I know who I think has and Jackson youro but Bates has had a really interesting year and you look at the numbers it’s it’s starting to outline statistically at least of the kind of

Guy you hoped he could morph into at a professional level after his obviously kind of Odyssey of getting here at all yeah I I think that’s the right way to look at it just Um I was curious on why he was selected so the team he’s on um I’m sure maybe you heard any folks and I said oh Wonder are during the ad read um he’s on a team of G League ignite players of almanza buis Ron Holland who baits is

Replacing uh Tyler Smith and then like there’s a player from just Sue Falls is a team from player from um Orlando Orlando is a affiliate and so on so like it makes sense you pick some of the younger players and plug them into these situations and it can be like an

Audition or showcase because it’s what they’ve done for the last few years it’s like it’s the top g-league talent and I think Bates makes sense because he’s already representing the charge in the g-league next up game and I think he’s just really showcased the credentials and everything like you said

There there are moments where you can really see that there is a path and a vision of development and I think despite maybe what our YouTube comments or people on Twitter say like it is for the best that he has spent almost the entirety of his season this year with the charge developing

Under Mike gity and getting consistent on court reps just to keep playing and developing the player he can be and just the player move the Caps hope he can be and you see a lot of it like just in the numbers like it’s scoring it’s shooting um there’s some passing I think he’s

Using his size to rebound a bit more defensively it’s still not perfect but I think that’s just to be expected to a guy that’s that small and um just comparative to his height and um also just young as a player too like that’s just going to be part of the growing

Paints but yeah he’s in a good spot and I think this is just a welld deserved honor that he locked up that it’s cool it’s just a cool special thing just because not many dudes like it’s a team of seven players for team de left which

Is just G Le night and G players so yeah you’re 10 of7 that was considered one of the best with um four of the players already being gag ignite gu so maybe one of the three that was considered good enough for this showcase and it’s a good

Opportunity for him just to kind of showcase where his development and growth has been at since he really hasn’t been on like a national broadcaster probably stage since he last played for Memphis uh in college yes or no he’s on the main roster next year so main roster in the sense he’s

Not on the 2A Um I want to say yes but I it also wouldn’t surprise me if the Cavs put him on a two-way he’s on more of like an inside track to getting a roster spot um maybe not in the same level as Craig Porter Jr he needs more

Time down at the G just to get those on court reps But it all hinges on the defensive stuff I think and he’s acknowledged that he needs to approve on it whenever he’s spoken to the media whether it’s through the Cavs or the charge and that’s just like kind of the thing is like he can be a bit of a mismatch

Get hunted at times because he’s not fully acclimated to NBA defenses but it’s a tentative maybe for me um what about you so I’m just going to say yes because here’s if you look at just the roster of who’s under contract next year there’s 11 guys Garland Mitchell Allen

Levert strew Moy Nang Wade Ty jome remember him and Sam Marill Sam Marill is non- guaranteed Isaac ooro and Craig Porter Craig Porter Jr yeah he Craig Porter Jr is on there and then you have Isaac aoro I would expect to be back so that gets you to 12 so that means you

Have three roster spots one of those I would suspect goes to a backup center that that would be my guess if you’re looking you with a question about that actually I’ll let you well Bates and B the only thing I’ll say is Bates is Bates would be the

Logical guy in house you sign him to a Kobe alond special of a multi-year deal that gets him some more money but also has some non- guarantees in it I think that’s a pretty reasonable maybe he’s on a 2A but I I think that there’s a pretty

Reasonable path to do that versus a veteran and I think and I and frankly I’m that’s we’re going to I’m going to earmark this for us now I think when we get to the summer think about this team debating what they do with those spots

And and if it’s worth it to just go get like a veteran guy that doesn’t have a lot of juice left but is a vet versus someone like Bates where there’s maybe some more some more risk just because he’s not as polished I I think that’s an interesting roster construction debate

You can have what’s your question about backup big um Isaiah Moy is still riding on that two-way contract after Craig Porter J got converted and I thought about it when the news became official today um do you think he has done enough yet to earn that roster spot or is he

Going to kind of be in limbo heading into next year because I I don’t fully know what the limitations are for guys on two-way deals like how many times you can put them on one but um that’s a fair question and also like to your point about baates like what if

Luke Travers comes over next year and he says like okay I’m ready to play the N do the Caps to put him on a regular contract or they want to put on a two-way first and let develop with a charge like there are some questions about this and also like just circum

Ances that Cleveland will have to navigate this Summer that there could be a path where Bates um ends up on a guaranteed or like a regular NBA contract and like it’s not Isaiah Moy and then they explore that Rabbi because assumedly they keep 14 players on the roster because that’s how the Caps

Typically operate as an organization um and yeah I’m just I’m curious to see how they approach it because I’m never one to say that there shouldn’t be like maybe like that quas vet big man maybe it’s Tristan Thompson again if like you know post PD he’s really doesn’t have

Any gas left in the tank but um the guy seem to like him in the locker room but either way um the decisions on Moy and then like Trav stuff do you think Moy has isaah Mo has done enough or is it going to be because he’ll be entering his thir

Year of the team whereas like uh Bates will be in his second season like has Bates done enough you think to Leap Frog Moy and like the priority of signings no because if if they gave if they honestly I’m going to be very blunt about this if they thought

If they saw if they thought Isaiah Mobley was ready right now I think you could have seen him been used on a two-way been activated and used instead of Damen Jones when certain times they got suspended for Peds and instead that that’s that’s the thing to me I’m just

Like tells you every to me that that that says everything you need to know uh there’s a lot to figure out there in the end of the roster we’ll get to that in the summer but for now the leaving Cavaliers winners of 18 of 20 it’s a lot

Of wins they’re heading into the allstar break second in the East we’ll have more with this means big picture setting the stage for the Post Allstar and we’ll look ahead to what we like and don’t like about allar weekend on Friday show until then I’m Chris hat7 have a great

Have a great Thursday thanks again to Jake Stevens as always

On a new episode of Locked on Cavs (Thursday, Feb. 15, 2024) hosts Chris Manning (@cwmwrites, The Just Basketball Show, SB Nation’s Fear the Sword, Forbes Sports) and Evan Dammarell (@AmNotEvan, Right Down Euclid) talk about the Cavs win, Evan / Isiah Mobley, and Emoni Bates.

This episode was produced by Jake Stephens. The intro music is from our friends at Astral Radio.

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  1. Can't believe the pennies on the dollar 4 year contract that CPJ got…..I feel very bad for him….Where was this Koby Altman when he sat down with Rich Paul over DG's contract when he got the last dollar Max contract?

  2. I'm enjoying the run, but I wont be impressed until after a few playoff wins. We had some solid runs last year too and then forgot how to play in our playoff "run".

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