@Los Angeles Lakers

NBA/NFL Team Comparisons Part 2 #nba #nfl #cowboys #lakers #patriots #2024 #sports #funny

NBA/NFL Team Comparisons Part 2 #nba #nfl #cowboys #lakers #patriots #2024 #sports #funny

Comparing NBA teams to NFL teams from this past season part two the Philadelphia 76ers are the Dallas Cowboys they won multiple championships back before color TV was invented but these days they are regular season Merchants consistently finding themselves near the top of the standings and doing absolutely nothing once the

Playoffs starts the Memphis Grizzlies are the New York Jets they have a superstar player with questionable decision-making skills who got injured is out for the year and completely cooked any Championship hopes the team may have had the Los Angeles Lakers are the Tennessee Titans a team that was

Recently one of the best in the league led by a king but now has an aging core that they probably held on to for too long leaving closer to the bottom of the standings than the top a rebuild is coming the Minnesota Timberwolves are the Baltimore Ravens offensively it’s

Really a two-man show an athletic freak and his stocky friend who together are incredibly difficult to stop but their real calling card is their defense because they have the best one in the league and the San Antonio Spurs are the New England Patriots a once proud franchise that can’t win games to save

Their life right now but at least they have one young Superstar First Team all defense caliber player to build around as a Patriots fan am I coping by comparing wemi to Christian Gonzalez absolutely let me live

What other comparisons could we make?


  1. Celtics-49ers have gotten all the way to the top so many times yet haven't won a title with current core

  2. Detroit Lions-Sacramento Kings: We're at the Bottom for So Long, Known for Terrible Reffing Mistakes, Have Some of the Most Electric Fun Teams

  3. Okay that Cowboys comment was uncalled for they were a dynasty in the 90s and there was colored television back then

  4. I’d say the cowboys are more the knicks because they used be title contenders who’s fans will jump on any postseason success and act like it’s their year and are back 😂

  5. The Chicago Bears are the Chicago Bulls. Gets rid of good players and brings in others after their prime.

  6. Crazy how we've had color pics since the 1800s but in the early 1900s everything was still b&w.

  7. The real reason the Titans are bad now is because their “very well managed” organization decided to trade A.J. Brown

  8. Lol the Timberwolves are a mix of the ravens and the lions. Best defense for sure. But this is the first time this team has been fun to watch since their past all star. (Megatron = Kevin Garnett)

  9. The Milwaukee Bucks are the Green Bay Packers. Good. Sometimes very good. But usually destined to send their fans into a state of alcoholic despair.

  10. You lost me at Lakers are the Titans.

    I thought, "The Lakers are MUCH more synonymous to the Patriots. He MUST know that…..oh, he thinks he can equate the Pats more favorably with another te-..".and then, BOOM, you went Spurs.

    You've disappointed me. This will not look good next to your other stellar work, which is proudly hanging on the fridge.

  11. Chief , Prime Warriors , Patrick/Travis – splash brothers , Chris – Draymond

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