@Miami Heat

Miami Heat Postgame: Miami Heat defeat the 76ers | Duncan Robinson carrying the Heat

Miami Heat Postgame: Miami Heat defeat the 76ers | Duncan Robinson carrying the Heat

One [Applause] shot welcome back to the team to beat Miami Heat basketball Channel and the Miami Heat Zone podcast my name is Amir and I am joined by Martell what’s up Martell how are you doing tonight let’s get it Miami Heat just won back-to-back games on the road so they beat the 76ers

On the road tonight 109 to 104 so we wanted to hop on do a real quick recap for you guys but before I do I just want to thank everybody for their continued support of my channel I’m getting close to a thousand subscribers so if you could please subscribe to my channel

That would mean a lot Martell just hit 3,000 subscribers so he’s super pumped about that so if you guys can subscribe to his channel he’s on his path to 4,000 subscribers so thank you so much and then of course Trent and arnest are not here today but don’t forget to sub to

Their channels as well so anyway Miami Heat won I guess a nailbiter kind of game I mean it was a back and forth close game throughout the entire game for the most part the heat were down a little bit in the beginning I know the first quarter

Was tied down two at halftime and then the heat took a three-point lead after the third and the fourth quarter was back and forth so pretty pretty exciting game even though both teams were super short-handed and you know the Sixers were missing obviously the MVP Joel embiid they were missing toas Harris and

DeAndre Melton and a whole bunch of other players and we know who the heat are missing the same three so big big win because the Miami Heat again on a back-to-back were able to win on a road against a pretty decent team still so I think it’s a big victory to close out

Before the All-Star break the Miami Heat are now 30 and 25 seventh seed and I think we’re like half a game behind the Pacers now for the sixth seed so good way to end the um game before the allar break so Martel I’ll pass it over to you great

Game what were your thoughts overall on the game itself just another big win you know no Jimmy Butler no Terry Rosier no Josh Richardson and for them to also be on the road beat the Milwaukee Bucks beat the 76ers it’s a huge W because every single win right now counts we’re

In the seventh spot hopefully we can get up to the fifth spot you know a great game by badaba 23 and 14 just an allaround game from everybody and especially Duncan Robinson and one thing we have to talk about is that should Duncan Robinson go back to the

Bench when everyone gets back because don’t get me wrong Terry’s nice but Tyler and Duncan the way that they’re playing the way that the ball is just moving around they look absolutely phenomenal sorry I’m on mute um do you think Terry roier would be willing to

Sacrifice and go to to the bench when he comes back after he’s healthy SPO has to do whatever it takes to win games and for the offense to flow its best because think about it it’s a shame that when people are out that’s when our offense is clicking on all

Cylinders we’re putting up points like 109 points like what do we have yesterday like 120 so whatever it takes for this Miami Heat team to win that’s what I want to do I don’t care if Jimmy Butler has to come off the bench if we win the game if we continue to push

Through the first second and third round that’s all I care about and get out of the plan yeah definitely I mean it’s just so funny when we’re shorthanded as SPO yesterday was saying don’t say that in front of the guys they’ll pissed them off but we are obviously short-handed

And we just we play with more urgency which is pretty damn annoying right this team is just so up and down with its consistency all throughout the year especially offensively defensively they’ll have their moments where they have lapses and whatnot but they’ve been playing a a lot better on that end and I

Think that’s why we’ve won what six out of the last eight games or so after we’ve had that um disastrous seven game losing streak which made us freef fall in the standings but right now we’re still within Striking Distance of the fifth seed and I don’t know yeah like

SPO is stubborn when it comes to his rotations like he’s always willing to Tinker and give some guys opportunities but that’s only when injuries at specific positions so I don’t know I think I think Terry it would maybe make sense to just sacrifice him and put him on the bench because

He’s the the odd man out like he’s the new guy and we can give him the keys to owning that Sixth Man kind of role and spot and you know he could break down starting lineup Defenders right and Crush those types of players not specifically since he’s been on the heat

But when he was on the Hornets averaging 24 points he’ll get more shots more opportunities and I think he’s going to have more spacing in a sense where Jimmy and Bam if he’s not playing with them directly then they’re operating in the in the paint in the

Mid-range where he likes to go downhill so I think that would be beneficial for him to come off the bench with like a Caleb and a hawz or whoever it may be and Kevin Love and be the anchor and so um one more stat I want to give real

Quick before I pass it back to you Martell but um Duncan 20 points tonight right and he scored 20 points on let me look at that 7-Eleven shooting five for seven from three he was five for five from three until he missed two difficult ones in the fourth quarter but we’re 10-0 now

When Duncan Robins scores Duncan Robinson scores 20 plus and we’re we’re 12- one or 13- one now technically after he scores 18 plus so I don’t know man do you think Terry like do you think that make sense sacrificing Terry right now to get Tyler in the starting lineup or

Or do we bring up the conversation about Tyler hero obviously going to the bench as a six-man well the biggest thing right now is since Terry Rosier has the spraining knee I still don’t think he’ll be ready by the time the allar break is over which is fine we’re going to

Continue to have this Miami Heat team roll start Tyler hero start Duncan Robinson and then like I said then we’ll start to tweak around but I’m the biggest proponent when guys are on just like an elite run full of confidence hitting all their shots you cannot mess

That up and ruin that routine or just ruin their Rhythm by putting them on the bench I don’t know what it is I know it’s not a good excuse to say well he plays better you know starting but whatever it is it’s about winning games

Right now you know what I mean listen I like Terry but his shot really wasn’t falling while he was playing he was doing other great things but right now it’s about winning games and just getting into a better spot so that we’re not playing the Boston Celtics in the first

Round yeah we need to avoid the eighth spot with at all costs but yeah man Duncan’s been spectacular as a starter this year and you know his average points per game was like 1617 or so while he was starting it’s dropped pretty dramatically and he’s been pretty

Inconsistent Off the Bench but for some reason when he’s in that starting lineup right now and I think it has to do a little bit with playing next to Bam out of Bio he just seems more confident and his three-point shot is more crisp and that pick and roll with bam is awesome

Because the beginning of the game both team came out on fire especially the Sixers they were nine for their first 11 shots and three for four from three and the heat were shooting like seven for 10 or 11 also and in that first two minutes or so of the game Duncan Robinson was

Playing pick and roll with bam at a bio and he had two elops to Bam out of Bio so huge pick and roll opportunity with Duncan on the floor and then of course you know Tyler and Bam are pretty good in the pick and roll as well or the pick

And pop so I think that’s good for bam having both Tyler and Duncan on the floor because he’s able to get into that mid-range that postup move he likes to do now with that like Hakeem dream shake you know back to the basket Type move

And if he gets double team then he has more Shooters around him to shoot right so I mean him and Jimmy need more Shooters around them I don’t think we need necessarily another kind of ball handler like a Terry roier on the court and it it just doesn’t seem like it’s

Working with Tyler and and Terry effectively not saying it can’t work but I don’t know man I like Duncan out there he’s playing really well Tyler played well tonight to even though he kind of piss excuse me pissed me off a little bit in that fourth quarter um but hey we

Don’t win this game without Tyler hero 23 points seven board seven assists but I think it was one for eight from three and he took a couple bad shots and then which we can get into but what are your thoughts on Tyler tonight the biggest thing for Tyler here tonight is that he

Started getting to the rim he started creating Rim pressure and that’s the thing because you know during the offseason he said he wanted to get to the free throw line he wanted to actually get to the rim make more layups that’s what he did tonight because when

His shots not falling he has to realize you know what let me just be a decoy let me do the mid-range game let me try to get to the rim let me try to get to the free throw line that’s how you catch Rhythm so you know uh you know just for

The beginning of the game for him to do that which is huge because now he’s finally learning that you don’t got to Chuck up so many shots you don’t have to get to the free throw line try to create Rim pressure even just a drive and kick

Just act like you’re getting to the rim just so that another guy can get open and that’s what he did tonight yeah his handles are looking a little more crisp too he’s just dribbling a little bit better getting getting to the paint specifically this game and I think the big factor here was

No Joel embiid obviously with the rim prote ction and so huge having uh what’s his name Paul Reed starting in who actually played really good which was frustrating that he was able to get like 17 or 18 on bam tonight which is unfortunate but bam played good overall

Defensively so no complaints there but he was getting downhill to your point and it’s kind of funny though because he did get fouled and had three free throws in the first quarter and that’s all he had for the rest of the game so that’s like the biggest piece like if he wants

To increase points per game and become like a Devin Booker esque type player he’s going to need to get to the line like 7 to eight times per game he needs to like learn how to pump fake get people in the air and play through contact like Jimmy Butler does because

When Jimmy has a big game and scores 28 30 points it’s based on having double digit free throws so if Tyler wants to increase that average scoring he needs to do better like I thought he got to the free throw line a lot more but I’m like he only had three

And that was after the first quarter even though though he was getting to The Rim finishing at The Rim Miss some bunnies here and there but he was actually trying to do normal layups and getting all the way to the rim versus his typical floater so good to see him

Take some easier mid-range shots this game he did take the most shots 23 which is quite a lot he shot 44% um from two which is good but he was just one for eight and at three and he had some kind of boneheaded shots I think in the fourth quarter specifically

So as the heat like to do they’re very torturous and they were up by eight with a minute or less left in the game and then we had a turnover by Tyler hero a bad pullup jump shot with like 10 seconds left on the shock Haw by Hero

And a I think it was a goal tending by bam which brought them within three but we were able to hold on to the lead and and win by five which was again a huge a huge victory for the Miami Heat on the road Road and we need some rest we need

To recover and I think when’s our next game arel is it next Friday I guess ver the Pelicans right yeah yeah should be close to the end of this month so we got to get some rest we got to be able to heal up a little bit and just Tinker with the

Lineups and like I said finish the season strong because like I said every game counts every game counts going forward hopefully Jimmy Butler can shake off the rust when he gets back you know hopefully Terry and Josh they’ll be ready to go and we’ll see what the you

Know we’ll see what the Miami Heat could do yeah and right now this depth is helping us win which is great so even though we are banged up we’ve always mentioned throughout the season we’re one of the deepest teams in the NBA and we always have that slogan or Moto like

Stay ready so you don’t have to get ready like when your number’s called upon and so let’s talk about the bench real quick before we close up so we had Haywood heith and hawz um pretty much the two main guys that we were playing Uh Kevin Love and

Jamal Kane played but I was surprised to see that Kevin Love only played 12 minutes and he only took two shots two points but six rebounds which were obviously important um but yeah let’s talk about the bench real quick because we outscored them 40 to like 17 or

Something so what are your thoughts on high Smith and hawz tonight listen man haime H Jr he’s just continuing to round himself back into shape like I know that a lot of people want to see him like how he was like in the beginning of the season but I’m not really too worried

About it he’s continuing to cut and slash to the rim getting all those easy layups same thing like with Hy with heis smouth his shot was falling but then it wasn’t at the same time because he missed a lot of shots but he kept his confidence up and he continued to shoot

Throughout the game and he finished with 16 points so you really can’t complain about that and of course his great defense yep see 16 points 4 for 10 like they were giving him that it wasn’t just the corner three but I think a majority of them were the corner three but they

Were leaving him open like kind of how PJ Tucker was left open in that corner when he was on the team and you know he missed the first three or so and I think the announcer said he’s missed 13 of the last 14 threes in the span of a few like

Three or four games and luckily he hit his next to but I’m not going to complain if he shot four for 10 he shot 40% not necessarily want Haywood to take 10 three-pointers he took the most threes on the team tonight but that’s the looks that he was getting and he hit

40% of them and that’s huge haime again coming off an injury and you know he’s getting back in shape back in form and he was crushing it like in the it was either the second or third quarter he had like three layups in a row to get

Six points really quickly so of course again great off ball movement great cutting back door weak side cuts so energy type player which is great 12 points nine rebounds which is huge that’s the second most he’s had in the season so far he also had three assists

Six for 12 shooting which is great so he improved his um efficiency out there in the field 0 for two from three so like his three-point shot has been kind of down for the last 10 games or so so he needs to get back and improve that but I

Think that was kind of an anomaly in the beginning of the season when he was shooting like 40% for a for a while and that’s dropped significantly but kudos to those guys man and he had one of the biggest plays in the game when we were

Up by three with like 40 seconds left or so Duncan at the end of the shot clock had to shoot a three in the corner that was contested almost went in bounced out and then he had the tip in dunk which I think was one of the biggest moments in

The game um so huge play for a rookie guy’s always active has a motor so kudos to those guys so happy for the win man um so yeah they need they have a week off or so whatever it is so just something that we needed was to just

Have some momentum going into the break and then hopefully we can come back a little bit more whole and I don’t think we need to worry about yic talking about him in the rotation as we saw tonight he kind of came back down to earth and

Didn’t really play a lot but I think there’s going to be a real conversation about when Terry and and Jimmy come back in about Duncan Robinson and His role in the starting lineup so we’ll see what happens but anyway anything you want to end on Martel just make sure you guys like

Share comment subscribe subscribe to all of our channels and we appreciate all the support thank you so much and we will be back hopefully we could do some episodes we’re not going to wait till next week to do another round table we all have our own channels obviously so we’ll be

Posting individual content as well but we’re going to try to get together during the All-Star break and put out another video for you guys so anyway thank you so much for watching guys and again like Bell said don’t forget to subscribe to our channels have a good one

The Miami Heat beat the 76ers 109-104 in Philadelphia, behind Ducan Robinson, Bam Adebayo, and Tyler Herro. Big back to back wins on the road for the Miami Heat

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  1. I do really wish we would try and experiment like having both Jimmy Butler and Terry come off the freaking bench lol. We have seen a lot of good basketball from the current starters when they played together like this. Imagine our bench if Butler and Terry were coming off it lol

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