@Philadelphia 76ers

Philadelphia 76ers season outlook post NBA Trade Deadline | A2D Wednesday Nights

Philadelphia 76ers season outlook post NBA Trade Deadline | A2D Wednesday Nights

What up fam hit that like hit that subscribe this is a2d Wednesday nights talking Sixers and maybe a little tip of spring training let’s go I mean how silly is that and we talking about practice cck them out the Philadelphia Eagles are Super Bowl champions Eagles fans

Everywhere this is for you let the celebration begin welcome in everybody this is a2d Wednesday nights only on a2d radio and every Wednesday we are brought to you by bajio Bread located Mount Laurel New Jersey home of the best stuffed breads tomato Pi sandwiches cwoods meatballs

Mention HUD radio 10% off baby go check them out all right as always Greg Movic Chrome and now py formerly known as birds of a feather now on with us HD Wednesday nights we’ll get we’ll get py is a little little Japanese isight we’ll clean him up I’m Tom arnone everybody

Out there welcome in we got a lot to go over like I talked about when we came in Phillies pitchers and catchers reported it’s here it’s officially baseball season per se we’ll get into Sixers heat give you a little postgame recap of what we watch tonight and our main topic at

Hand Sixers season outlook all right and we’ll talk about post trade deadline and what we can look moving forward we still have no update yet on Joel embiid so we’ll give you our thoughts and opinions on that and how this sixer team looks without him and now a new edition with

Kyle Lowry how does that play in so a lot the go over Sixers and your comments your questions and everything you guys have let us know Tyson or poll question let’s talk about it the recent additions to the Philadelphia 76ers will keep them in a top six playoff spot do you agree

Disagree let us know Facebook YouTube Twitter that’s where we’re live and everywhere you get your podcast we’re there as well so like follow subscribe five start do you Boo Boo and join the conversation tonight this is so tough right we have only had a small sample we haven’t even

Seen Kyle Lowry play yet we’ll get a taste of him after the All-Star break as reported today know where he’s there you know I’m going to agree because I saw some things that I really do like early on without Joel embiid right and the first and foremost that that one thing

Is really like the addition of Buddy heel I mean buddy heel was tied to this city for 45 years it feels like and he and he ain’t been playing for that long so I really do like the addition of Buddy held that being said you know then

You look at a guy we already know we have a maxi we know we have a Tobias Maxi combo and then you dive in a little deeper now you get Kyle Lowry I I like Cameron Payne I’ve always thought he was a good solid backup point guard in this

League and he’s been a guy who’s played the NBA Finals so I like them not crowning them I just like them okay then yeah a guy like Lowry I we got a really good deep backourt so I think it’s competitive enough now do you do you

Have enough big men to get it done are they good enough Paul Reed stinks out loud I don’t care what anybody says he’s a he’s a glorified backup in this league okay and a dog on a hardwood floor so you know at the end of the day great G

Liger but do we have do we have enough size would be the argument for us not to stay in a top six right because you got to like what your wings are doing UB you’re gonna get Paton back you’re gonna get roko back you’re gonna get DeAnthony

Melton back yes I think this team’s the top six team because of the way they started now you tell me are they at top six babe when the season starts and this is your basketball team probably not right you’re looking play in city but here we come open the pool or Miami Heat

You know what I mean so no we want be but the way we started in our record you know when Joelle went down it gives you a little bit of wiggle room to make some moves like they did bring in the additions get a little bit of chemistry

Quicker because if you look at it Cameron p knows Nick nurse’s system right and also when you talk about not only him you talk about Kyle Lowry obviously knows his system too so that when you add pieces like that it makes it a little bit easier of a transition

But I’m excited I’m just really excited to get into the postseason and see what this roster the way it looks with the big fella that’s what that’s where I’m six to midnight at anything else I think it’s serviceable and I think they did enough that the tread would like we

Begged for last Wednesday night so you I mean that clap it up because I think he made good moves I mean people upset about Pat BF I love me some patf but we’re upset about Pat BF when you go get a legitimate backup point guard you have

The Anthony Melton coming back okay and you go get a guy like buddy heel right what do we move for that we move Marcus Morris and literally Marcus Morris and Pat Beth you’re telling me that’s not a you don’t grade that at least as a b the

People out of their damn Minds right people people fall in love with guys I love P I love Marcus mors i g a the city essentially so when you look at those things why am I why am I upset about that like you got to give stuff up to

Get stuff and we got stuff and right now we’re better basketball basketball team than we were pre- trade deadline okay we are that’s factual now it’s see I agree so family after I see you all chiming in Martian Eddie Greg Michael uh David Donnie hey Don swoopy swoops always in

We love swoop Greg Miller Eddie Everett so let’s talk about it tonight and we’ll get to everybody KZ everybody chiming in tuning in wherever you’re tuning in from do you agree or disagree the recent additions to the Sixers will keep them in a top six playoff spot let us know

Yeah I’m gonna Jump Right In Here I I agree to the poll as well you know I mean their their distance now as far as a a play in is is it’s a little bit slim it’s two and a half games but you’re right having that buffer that we got

When Joel was here was huge uh and and and listen when you make these kinds of additions there’s going to be a little bit of growing paints um but but a professional like Kyle Lowry I think when he steps in again I’m not expecting him to be the All-Star level Kyle Larry

That he was we were looking for a veteran with depth and playoff experience and big game experience to be able to calm the storm when our starters are out when Tyrese Maxi is out honestly I’m I know that Luke talked about it last week I I

Don’t really know that that Tyrese is a natural point guard at this point anyway so we’re gonna have a lot of opport a lot of opportunities and options here to configure the lineup and we know Nick is really super creative when it comes to matching up the lineups and and finding

Ways to creatively or to create offensively with his players buddy heeld has been a great addition so far very happy with what we’ve got you know when they first made the deal I kind of was like H you know I don’t love it I don’t hate it kind of feels like the

Definition of mid but he’s come in and guess what he’s been a guy who stretched the floor he’s been able to shoot really efficiently I think he went 5 11 from downtown tonight had a really good game tonight he’s creating place for other guys Cameron pay I like him too not a

Great shooting night tonight but over all in his time here we’ve seen him be able to drive the lane get to the basket create scoring opportunities um and to to what you said there’s a lot of experience there with him as well Kyle Lowry we already know

You know what what the resume says and again having the familiarity of working and winning a title with Nick nurse and knowing that Nick knows he knows how to run his offense I think it’s a huge asset here so yes I think this team can tread water I think they’ll get better

As time goes you know we need to get Tobias healthy as well right now so once we get some of these guys who are who have kind of been in and out of the lineup you know Batum being out I think kind of hurts you a little bit because

He’s been your best depth guy I think they’ll be good to go so yeah I’m confident that they could stay in a top six spot and stay out of the uh the play Maran I did think he said mid he he drop some slang on us with with a Crome

Crum hot in the streets as we see here you know what I mean you know ready listen I come relevant come don’t know what that meant I’m here to stand on business guys stand on business wow w d down he just doubled down p d down on your

Age stop glazing yourself stand on business and disagree to this this man at the door we uh Crome as you mentioned our our our lead now in that to stay in the out of the play and is only two and a half games and the two teams if you look

Behind us right now are Indiana and Miami and they’re traditionally two teams that we struggle with tonight tonight even ex you know you know exasperates that right we do struggle with those teams even with a full healthy Squad and and Joel embid right you know what I mean so I’m going to

Disagree I yeah I mean you’re right the moves are what they are I do like buddy heeld Cameron Payne is what he is uh I I’m not a Kyle Lowry guy I think he’s I think he’s washed uh Pat Bev made me fall in love with him uh with his time

Here so yes I am one of those uh that doesn’t get that move uh but I guess I do understand it from a nurse standpoint and from a sixer standpoint uh but I’m gonna disagree as I said you’re just like what do you you think people walking around here saying

I love you to death like you think people are walking around here getting on Broad for Kyle Lowry or you think it’s just a conversation that it’s better than the alternative but is it I think Pat Bev has more to offer than Kyle lry I don’t think play anymore no

No no no no you’re counting as as the same guy I don’t know why you’re count him as the same guy still how is he the same guy no on this team they are you just said you got Maxi at the point and you’re gonna have Cameron Payne and you

Got DeAnthony Melton so is he where’s he jumping in you’re not bringing him off the street for two and a half million dollars to not jump in behind Maxi and or start next to him honestly if it’s me I’m moving I’m probably moving Maxi to the two and I’m starting Lowry and then

I’m bringing Melton with camon Payne Off the Bench God right that’s my point that’s not better you don’t think no I do I think it puts first of all years ago yes having Melton come off of the bench I think it gives you again another guy

That shoot what did the heat do this year with Lowry right I think that’s what we got to look at the heat struggle with Lowry because he’s not the same guy and you’re to play You’re Expecting him to play a large role no you’re not see this is where ch’s misguided shut first

Off the fact that you’re listen to Chrome starting five and he just put Kyle l in starting five he’s out of his mind so you Nick NIS we can safely say is an out of his mind we’re talking about 12 to 15 minutes energy guy you ain’t that’s the same thing as that’s

The same anything as Pat B give me 12 15 minutes of everything you got essentially we were playing Pat Bev way over Pat Bev supposed minutes before he let got traded right we can all agree that because of all the injuries but let’s not act here like that Kyle lry

Can’t bring the same type of toughness that Pat B is Pat B better yes at this point in the career yes but I don’t get Cameron Payne too so I get the best of both worlds there I get another true point guard I get a backup point guard

Gard and Kyle Lowry for the price of one guy in Pat Beverley yes yes and yes I have to do that and it’s a veteran it’s the same thing Pat B did except I got two guys whove actually been the NBA Finals so as much as we Crown Pat Bev

How much winnings he been around so I love that b and this isn’t a shot but let’s be fair here we brought back two guys that have least got past second round not that Pat Bev hasn’t but these guys have gone the finals not that they defining peace or the main reasons but

They’ve been around it kyi was main reasons for a lot of times when he dig up or one of the main reasons but now he’s older but 12 to 15 minutes there’s my shutdown to you Greg sorry I love you but but like you you listen to chome

Start five is gonna trigger me all night chome start five got Kyle Lowry in it oh my that doesn’t mean that he has to play 25 minutes just because he’s starting you know again at the end of the day you know you could switch it up as far as

Who’s closing and who’s opening I’m saying who’s your starting five how do I start then if you bring pain in or however you alternate I don’t know that I believe that tyres Max he’s a starting point guard in this league I think he’s an undersized too I don’t disagree with

You fully I’ll never bet against him Lowry Lowry comes in and starts the first five or six minutes and then he’s out and you see in the second half of the second quarter I’m fine with that you know what I mean doesn’t mean he has to play extended minutes but maybe he

Just comes out and starts the game yeah maybe maybe all right py what do you say yeah I don’t think so like obviously like they’re nice pieces like they are like Cameron pay is solid you know Lowry is whatever he is at this point like

He’s a guy like I would rather have Pat Beverly on this team right now obviously like he’s not the career is is not in comparison Like Pat like Lowry’s always been the better player but like for this team I just think I rather have Beverly because he gives you that defense gives

You that dog mentality he gives you that that guy who’s going to knock you out and I just I don’t know what I’m getting in Kyle lry like other than like the Feelgood you know home run story you know a HomeTown kid coming home which is nice but P why on another

Show God God only hopes but no like he just doesn’t he doesn’t do anything for me and I love buddy heeled like I wanted buddy healed back in 2016 like I I’ve wanted him for a while but like just does he really add that next level with

These guys right now like it all has to do with like Joelle coming back like if if Joelle doesn’t come if Joel comes back these could be really good pieces for a deep playoff run depending on everyone else coming back healthy if he doesn’t you’re asking a bunch of

Basically at this point role players and Buddy heel to try and write the ship and I just don’t know how comfortable I feel with that happening like as of right now now they’re a bunch of guys like I don’t expect Kyle to do anything for me I think I expect Cameron Payne to

Be a solid player you know buddy heel is going to do what buddy heel does play no defense whatsoever and shoot threes which is great but I I don’t think that’s a recipe for long-term success or continued success to stay in the top six in the East that’s just me well so I

Think like what’s what swoopy put over here Ryan swoop where he says Lowry may bring offense right this team has a lot of Defense as it is they could give up a little bit of defense and Kyle Larry could still shoot the ball he can still

Hit the three ball and when you bring a buddy healed in and Cameron p who can get to the basket and facilitate a little bit like we have to remember right if Joel comes back whether we had all those guys we had before or we have

These guys we have now if he doesn’t come back we’re not doing anything anyway so this is your opportunity first of all and the secondly this is your opportunity right now to you have you had to put a piece of a team together that can give you a

Shot if Joel comes back regardless if he doesn’t it doesn’t matter if it was the other guys or these guys I think this iteration of the team with these pieces with Joel in the lineup and a healthy Tobias in the lineup and a healthy DeAnthony Melton in the lineup a lot of

Diffs that that gives you your better chance to win than what you walked into this season with and that’s what they had to play for that’s what they had to build for I love this city right I mean py and Greg are not like necessarily wrong in like what they’re saying at all

Right like it’s good value it’s good points like I love Pat what Pat B brings to the table I love the toughness I love those things right but at the end of the day like this is a scoring like like we can we could talk about we’ve done this

We we’ve done this game before we’ve done like oh my God like look at that we got toughness we got toughness here right and back second round right like I don’t need toughness I need fits and he’s always a fit here right but maybe this move makes you just a little bit

Better like maybe you don’t do all these moves right like you’re able at the deadline to to literally go bring in the additions you brought in right are big and then you’re able to go like not Cameron pain is big but buddy heel is right and and Cameron Payne’s like solid

That’s my point he’s like he’s your typical backup point guard in the NBA right like what you want he doesn’t turn the ball over right he’s he’s distribute first type of guy and at times he can score right not that he’s a scorer per se but at times he can score but Kyle

Lowry like if you telling me he can’t give you 10 minutes of toughness and and more offensive threat a more of an offensive threat than a guy like Pat Bev I mean I think he still can I think he can still give you 10 minutes of that in

A playoff game now we’re we’re talking about the wrong things like when we’re talking about playoffs like playoffs like when we’re talking about that like I don’t I don’t care about those guys like I’m gonna carry right now now about Joel embiid because if he’s healthy he’s

Going to make guys around him better anyway so like it’s all mute if he doesn’t play right it’s all it’s all mute in in my opinion but just like getting it yeah go ahead Greg what were you gonna say no I was say it absolutely

Is and and you kind of hit on it too all of these moves whether you know we particularly like them or not doesn’t matter if Joel isn’t back right because we we’ve watched this team even over the last week and and yeah growing aside this team’s bad without Joel as

Things should be right you know what I mean like when your best player is out most teams in this league are going to be worse for an extended period of time you could get by for a couple games you can get by for a week you can get by for

Two weeks of treading water but the large sample size when your team is missing your best player I is is that this team isn’t very good and we all agree with this like when you go out and you bring in a guy like Nick nurse guys like you’re asking him to always get

More out of more out of less or more out of what he has that’s why you go and make a move for a guy like that that’s the opposite of Doc Rivers it’s it’s literally what they do in Miami right year in year out Spa does it in Miami

And Pat Ryan do a great job of getting the most out of what they have developing players Rico Hines like the the likes of those types of guys that this staff has so like I you know this is where it’s his time now this is we’re

Coming out of the All-Star break it’s a Nick nurse time right now you got to get the most To Tread this water back to our Pole to Circle back to it to get the most out of what you have to be a top six seed so you give yourselves that

Fighting Chance for when Joel embiid’s back right that you’re not in a play on playing game or you have any of those things you’re waiting for the playoffs to start and that gives him a little bit more time too which is important every day matters when you’re talking about

This type of injury uh Tycoon says he’s excited for Kyle lry I wouldn’t necessarily say I’m excited like what about R excites you like what about him coming here is like fun for you like is is what he was four years ago fun is the fact that he’s from

Philly fun like like I I get it like Kyle R is a very it’s a sexy name like it’s like oh my God you know the championship oh the lineage and all this other crap but like nothing about what he is right now does anything for me it

Does not tickle my pickle in any way shape or form boys and girls like come on now like he does nothing like what about Kyle does anything for anyone like literally like I I just want one thing tell me one thing that makes you excited about Kyle ly playing on this team other

Than sentimental nonsense I think he can hit an open three and I think he’s a guy who’s won a lot of games in his a lot of playoff games and I and and I think when you’re looking at a roster like this and a younger team I think he can teach things

Right if he’s willing to still teach still had that mindset too like I think he’s a guy that can really help Tyrese Maxi uh I think he’s a guy that can help a guy like Anthony Melton I think he brings value like a pat Bev does on the

Things that we don’t see uh Pat Bev just makes sure you see them he’s he’s he’s going to make sure for the Pod that we all see it right I love him and rightfully so and I prep was tremendous to me I hated him I hated him coming in

The he got here until he got got he he is the walking definition of you can’t stand a guy until you have him on your team you’re like I get it now yeah y That’s 100% it like I could not stand him anywhere else he was like this is

The guy who’s getting on top of tables pointing at LeBron laughing at him when they got um Paul George then he comes here and I’m like dude I love this guy I want him for like 10 years like what’s let’s make this happen like it’s complete like different

Type of player he is when he’s here and Robert uh get to the com some of these comments right great comments guys keep them coming love talking love talking Sixers shop with the fam Rob says Maxi buddy baton Harris Reed and U melt and Larry Off the Bench is decent yeah I uh

Who do you have starting oh oh with okay yeah I was like well I’ll just reading a bunch of stuff because you left out you all my opinion but yeah that’s a really good starting five for regular season basketball to me like that’s a that that should be enough offense enough things

To win enough games to stay as the top six seed now you now you make one substitution there and you’re talking about an you’re talking about a championship caliber starting five I’m not I’m not telling you it’s the best starting five I’m not doing that I’m telling you it’s a Championship starting

Five if you take out bball g-league Paul and you put in the MVP you talk about Joelle Tobias whenever he gets whenever he’s done with influenza for the 40th time batun buddy and Maxie when you get that starting F that’s a that’s that’s a problem that’s a problem I mean I want I

I would say up and night if I’m the def defensive coordinators in the NBA I really air quote that if I’m defensive coordinates in the NBA having to defend what we’re laying out there not only in the the ability to drive to the bucket but the ability to space the floor even

More than ever probably the last time the Sixers could space the floor like they do right now per se for Joel embid was like ilas Sila and guys I feel like he never got a chance to play with because he was hurt like bellelli Ry like there was dudes who could stretch

It this is Big Time this ain’t just JJ rck and Guys Baton buddy Maxi the bias all good three-point Shooters wow wow and all dude different things right they all bring you something different and when you have a bunch of guys that don’t necessarily need the basketball to score

Too right they still needed to score but you guys get where I’m going with that I think it’s I think that’s great stuff I think it’s I think it’s really great now will we be robbed of that chance maybe right who knows what you out right but

What up Derek I see we see you baby thanks for joining us and Tommy it’s something you mentioned earlier right we we talk about the NBA and how NBA is probably the least at least in game and during the season the least coaching Centric sport of them all right you know

I mean like the top players are G to play they’re not like the I mean the coaches are out there looking like they’re doing something but they we know they’re really not right this is where Nick nurse is gonna make his money if he could get if he could get the most out

Of this current roster without Joe L andb to tread water to stay in that top six he will be worth whatever money that they’re paying him you’re right you’re absolutely right uh uh Eddie say he forgot about Kelly UB I’m responding to him on Facebook right

Now but I me too for like five seconds you know what I mean when I was rattling off now you could sub now forg about him tonight but I don’t sub I I start Paton when he’s healthy when Nicholas paton’s healthy he starts for me I mean that’s a

Guy who just wins feel like another guy like we’re forgetting guys because they’re hurt but like Melton Melton’s really good who’d rather have the whole dude Pat be you would rather have you would rather have De Anthony you rather have Pat beev over De Anthony Melton at

This point like I think people are just so misguided like I’m not crowning Anthony Mountain he brings you so much more he’s way more athletic you’re talking about really guarding Wings in this league you talking about really being able to have the length to guard some wings in this leag Pat B doesn’t

Have that length that that Melton necessarily has so like like those things matter you know who would you rather have like is he healthy well I don’t know what’s going on Greg I’m not in room I’m saying like so literally right now at this fate i’ take pat

Because he can play I mean that makes to your point you’re are correct yes M better overall player an issue again what is the issue what is his I am an issue but what is his history uh you know update right or injury update like

Is he gonna be back or is it is it like Joelle where we’re all just kind of hoping the guy’s back right it’s like the it’s like the CIA like we don’t we ain’t getting that info yet so I mean it’s a Wayne see he’ll be back dude this

Isn’t this isn’t ACL this isn’t like this isn’t crazy it’s not crazy like that anybody who’s done any homework on it knows it’s like a four to six weer like so I don’t what to tell anybody he’s been out already four to six weeks I know I know it feels like he’s been

Out yeah uh Greg and and that’s the thing Greg Miller Joe beid if only Joe beid if he could only stay healthy but what a St basketball I mean probably arguably one of the best I’ve ever seen that 70 point game feels like it was so

Long ago at this point 70 point game is what ended up doing it uh Stevie Pinella he said they are a team who’s taking the lead well I mean that’s gotta be tyus Maxi would have to be would have to be your leader and you got Tobias you got

Buddy healed I mean I think now more than ever I think that pressure by the Buddy heeld trade I I want to get your guys thoughts on that like that trade now takes a lot of pressure off of Tyrese Maxi like not not only like personal pressure not only personal but

The way def defenses have to now guard you as a basketball team when Tobias plays too obviously what you guys thoughts family what do you guys thoughts on buddy hee your first your first Glimpse at him finally in a six years uniform after our 48 years of reports and rumors and the

Good times no I mean I I agree with you I think obviously again like we talked about he stretches the floor he sees the floor really well he facilitates the guys I think he’s he does he takes a lot of the pressure off as opposed to Tyrese being

The only guard back there really without DeAnthony in the lineup who has to find ways to score and to facilitate the basketball and and I would take it a step further because as far as the leadership pressure that’s on him that’s where Kyle Lowry is super valuable

Because of the fact that he’s been there his experience in the league and like like we said right whether you believe he’s a he’s a one or a two talking about Maxi an undersiz to your best chance of of turning him into you know a Bonafide point guard is

Having a guy like a Kyle Lowry who has climbed to the mountain toop over and over and been in big games who can now help this this phase of his development as the floor General no I I think you’re I think you’re right I think think it does

Matter you know that that that can that like can affect it right it can help you grow we’ve already seen as much as we despise James Harden here again right but we’ve already seen Tyrese talk about that go back to Danny Danny Green even Danny Green how Danny Green he wouldn’t

Shoot the three and Danny Green used to pressure him and pressure him and pressure him in practice take your shots take your shots then Harden comes in and says you need to take that shot more right those two guys yeah and those two guys helped him to develop that part of

His game to gain the confidence shoot shoot shoot the ball the and you saw it from Rookie year right and now you see him and he’s almost sometimes he’s taking some of those those step like you know almost almost at the at the logo three-point shots and hitting them so

Feeling good about himself These Guys these guys who were veterans have such a massive effect on these young guys so like having a buddy heeld here who’s played with some really good players in this league and having and played for some really good coach Coes and then

Having a Kyle Lowry even for the leadership aspect alone can be extremely extremely valuable and it takes a lot of pressure off of him absolutely what do you guys uh feel feels what’s up in your feels uh about Buddy heeld he’s re I I think he’s a really

Solid player like he’s gonna especially when you’re gonna get Joel back like him in that lineup being able to space space the FL with him is huge like he he’s not going to give you much defense if any but like you don’t really need that with

Him like you just need him to stretch the field you need him to shoot a three like and I thinking him with um with maxi is gonna be a really good job because he’s gonna get that running mate he’s gonna get someone he can count on

To where even if it’s not falling for him like three-point wise or just shooting wise he buddy heel will shoot buddy heel will shoot until until his arms fall off that’s just who he is like there there was never a bad shot that buddy he will look

At and be like no no I won’t take that no he will like that’s just who that’s just the type of player he is so like I think it’s going to work with maxi in the sense that like there’s gonna be nights where he’s on there’s gonna be nights where he’s

Off and those nights where he’s off you know he’s going to have someone to lead on to take the pressure off him and to not have to force stuff because he can just pass it to heel and be like and just let him hit hit hit the shots he needs to

Hit yeah exactly exactly you’re right uh L KZ says Larry hasn’t climbed to the mountain top he’s been carried to the mountain top there’s a difference that’s I mean listen I K nobody a great one I like that that sounds like sour grapes because you know he was on the

Beneficiary side of the uh four bounces but why do we even having that conversation because that doesn’t matter nobody’s asking him to carry us to the top of the damn Mountain here what we’re asking you to do is be a leader by example and and and just be that vet

That it’s needed a guy who’s been there so don’t you get carried all you want you could be in the briefcase all you want KZ you still been there so if you’ve been to the top of the mountain you know your way up there right do you

Not know your way up there or am I an idiot and I love you KZ but you would you that ain’t the conversation so so guys who talk like that are guys that think he’s it’s five years ago right that’s that conversation cor on the

Other side of it it ain’t five years ago he’s an old man now who you Hope come playoff time can hit a couple open threes for you if you want more than that if anybody’s expecting more for him to climb the M he here he goes he’s

Carrying Joel the top of the mountain top all right with with his knees the way Kyle low moves then you’re misguided don’t overhype what was done here but you can you can not overhype it and not and not expect much but still know what you got is better than essentially the two

Things you gave up everything you brought in here at the deadline and I’ll argue with you all that is better than what you gave out overall it is better and I think it’s hard not to agree with that and if you agree with it or

Disagree with it hit make sure you go of course trying to do something and we got oh my you know what I mean it’s just my life all right if you agree or disagree with it doesn’t matter hit the like subscribe follow stay with us turn your alerts on continue the conversation

Talking Sixers talking what they did you know after the deadline all right and does it make them a top can they stay in tread water and be a top six team come playoff time what’s everybody’s thoughts on that because now at this point there’s nothing more you can do unless

There’s maybe another buyout and my biggest concern with them staying in the top six would be size and I think we saw tonight yeah right recapping the game a little bit we saw it tonight in the closing minutes we couldn’t get a rebound rebound and and yeah that was

That’s probably our biggest Miss and again there is still time with the buyouts right but that was probably our biggest Miss and at the deadline was adding any sort of size no you’re right Chuck we’ve done this Chuck sorry me and P why we like me and you did show for like a

Whole year together and we were just back and forth with each other all the time like what is this we have okay once you do the Ben Simmons argument there’s nothing else that like we’ll even compare there is I don’t know I was a part of the Westbrook Shady argument

That that was something else yeah Shady’s better I mean that’s I’m with you I’m with you yeah yeah yeah that’s you could you could take the take the love away and and just know who’s better we’re not going to do this tonight but but seven years later that

That that point still stands yeah and seven years later more reports stand that neither one’s really a great guy so you know we can’t even use that H where was I at where was I at I was want some more comments Marsh say Lowry one of the leaders on a championship team

Championship team Pat bav led the Timberwolves to a play and win please let that s again right I love Pat Beth but he’s he’s not you getting out of a second round is not going to be because of Pat pery I got I gotta continue to Enlighten people

Like how you get out of second round is one your star is healthy is the only way we’re ever getting out of a second round simple if he’s Elite Greg in a second round series if he’s Elite we win that’s not I don’t care who

We play if jel be’s on his game and and can put 40 up on you you we win because all the defensive talk is a mute point when you have arguably the best rim protector in the world when you the things he can do with seven foot defensively changes your defense right

There changed hey we’re we’re middle of the pack now you’re top five like that’s what that’s the impact question no question so so Pep’s cute I love P but if they tell me that I the way I buddy is I got to do certain things where it’s

Marcus and then I gotta trade pev because I want to because I gotta upgrade my my my guard position a little bit more and I gotta get like a two for one in this that’s all they did right they traded literally two guards if you count Jaden Springer right two guards

And they got back healed right Lowry pay so they got back two for the price you know they gave up two they got back three they really gave up one and got back three so that value alone is a win is a win because how do you win in

This league too you need good guard play you need guys who can hit open shots you who listen hypothetical guns DS you got right wide openen three for the win you want Lowry or you want Pat Beth I’ll take P Bev because I haven’t seen Lowry hit aot this year oh my God

My God and that’s what we’re talking we’re talking this year what’ you say Pete if lry was hitting so many like clutch shots for the heat why is he here I don’t know I don’t know I’m just telling you guys yes you do you know exactly why he’s here Tom come on let’s

Not lie like there’s a reason why there was a buyou there was a buyout market for him because like he couldn’t he couldn’t play in Miami and he’s home and you know it’s the warm and fuzzies and you know his connections to Nick nurse and all that fun stuff which is fine I’m

I’m cool with the leadership I’m cool with the connection to Nick nurse I’m cool with him teaching tyres Maxi but the notion that like I’m gonna be able to trust Kyle Lowry to hit like shot in a big moment just it’s laughable to me like like let’s be

Real maybe again but then the fact of the matter is like how many cut shots would would we expect either one of them to take true with what we have out there if healthy again all goes back to the big guy and then it goes back to guys

Like baton go back to hee it goes back to U Maxi Tobias like roko there’s like so many other guys that I’d rather have shooting besides Pat Bev anyway so in reality in reality it’s just really liking a player and upset that he’s not here because he’s sort of he fit he fit

Here but fun podcast yeah is even that like but not for you but for a lot of people it is I agree with you I agree with you if Kyler R Lowry is truly just a 10 to 15 minute guy you’re right we could do worse I just have a feeling coming in

Here with the staff that he already knows with with the of priority that it it felt like that he was that he’s going to be pushed into a larger role and that’s where ultimately my issue runs into because I don’t think he has that larger role I don’t think he will

Where’s the larger role where’s the time you you said you had him stting 30 minutes ago who Chon did I know oh yeah yeah it doesn’t matter if he starts the first five minutes and then he doesn’t play until the last four or five minutes

In the second half my point is he’s not he was playing 28 minutes on a team that needed him to play a bigger role I think that Miami’s underachieved again this year right for the talent they have they needed him to have play a bigger role I

Don’t disagree they put him in a position was on the Block but they put him in a position that he is not going to flourish in coming here there’s a lot more depth there’s a lot more as far as scoring and everything else to where he

Doesn’t have to play 28 minutes on this team I hope so so if you’re running so if they’re running him out there for I’m gonna give him more than 15 if he’s going let’s say 15 to 18 minutes a night right that’s a that’s a huge huge

Cutdown from the wear and tear that he’s already been taken with Miami for the rest of the year you can serve him a little bit more and you can get a little bit more out of him and he has more offensive Firepower on this team as far

As being a facilitator also he’s going to have less of a focus on him to find his opportunities to score because there’s a a lot of offensive weapons on this team it’s not just bam Jimmy and hero there’s a lot of guys on this team that can score the basketball it’s a way

Better situation for a guy his age to play a little bit less minutes because he won’t be relied on and to have a little bit more of an impact doesn’t mean he has to be this huge impact player buddy heeld is the guy that we’re looking at that’s going to have the

Biggest impact as far as the deadline it doesn’t mean he he can’t have a semi significant impact on this team that is a better fit for this point of his career I hope you’re right I hope you’re right I just I I don’t get the feeling

That the organization is going to do the same thing it’s it’s gonna feel that same way it’s a fair criticism and that’s where that’s where my thoughts are right you know what I mean like I said with the relationships and everything that’s just where it is right that’s where I’m

Thinking he comes in and plays a lot bigger role than where he should be at this time and and that’s that’s where the waiting game comes right this is a conversation I’m sure in a month we’re going to revisit maybe not even three weeks from now and say you might be

Saying hey you were right or we might be being like you know what they’re kind of fitting him in in the right spots I mean it’s something we’re going to revisit but I’m not putting the X on him right away put a uniform on you know what I

Mean it’s it’s crazy to me these people who are you know KZ who’s out and thank you guys again for the comments phenomenal comments love the engagement KZ over here is saying that he’s been dragged up the mount dude was a leader on that team Martian chimed in the same

Thing he’s been a leader just because you’re pissed off because he was the beneficiary and we were of the of the quadruple dinks off the off the uh freaking Rim let’s not discredit what the guy’s done his career he’s a six-time Allstar he’s played for good

Teams in a lot of playoff games like let’s and and he played for a pretty big college program too so he knows what playing in big games as like oh for sure listen I mean anybody that’s doubting that I just think isn’t really you know has paid attention but we’re we’re

Caught up in the wrong things yeah we’re just caught up in the wrong things again as a city like this is typical of us love Pat Bev who I love I love Pat Bev too and he has a you know listen he’s he is a Tasmanian devil when it comes to

The defensive side of the ball but I mean offensively I found him to be a huge liability more often than not because I felt like he was forcing more shots than he needed to take and and maybe maybe it was because of the some of the situations that we were in but Kyle

Like you could afford to give up a little bit of that defense to give a get a couple of guys who are GNA possibly well should bring you more offense that’s what this team needs is more offense coming out of the starting lineup when Joel is in the lineup

Doesn’t matter in the lineup n can I stop this we just complain too much like I don’t know what people want it like what do you guys want what do you want what do you want because you can’t have all these things goodness gracious no no we don’t

Pay attention we we sat here you’re right we sat here and we just had a converation for 40 no I’ll say 34 minutes of this conversation when I love both of you two down there and everybody in the comments I love y all all right and somehow love Greg okay mpy but at

The end of the day at the end we sat here talk about the two wrong things the do wrong things we got we got caught up in a guy who to pull out a Playbook a play sheet right on the bench and that’s cool that’s awesome I love that you’re

Engaged bro all right go be a coach that you know I mean I love that you teach but we’re so in love with that but Kyle Allen can’t do that he he won’t be a leader enough for that and the fact that we haven’t talked about the best part of

The addition which is Buddy healed the reason you make the moves you got to go make and we’re more concerned about pep beev and goddamn Kyle ly tells me everything I need need to know about us as a fan base myself included right like I should have reeled this in I should

Have grab you know what I mean I should have said oh what do we still talk about these two for part was my fault because I brought it up but at the end of the day like you know we talked way too long about two marginal guys that that marginal impact

Guys like marginal marginal to your point too right the dejonte Murray’s the Jimmy Butlers the the Lori Lori marinin none of the big names got moved like let’s be honest as far as the names that got moved probably bogdanovich and heal are the two biggest names so in terms of

What was actually added to teams the Sixers are right up there in terms of making one of the biggest moves at the deadline what KY we’ve mentioned not that you’re wrong KY but we’ve mentioned the fact of the importance of them figuring out another big man right obviously there wasn’t anybody that that

Were with yet doesn’t mean more buyouts don’t happen doesn’t mean that they can’t still get somebody else that is like serviceable but you know this is why you pay a guy like Paul Reed right organizationally they paid to keep him right you brought in moama you brought

In these guys to try to help you with no Joel embiid so but again you’re you’re gonna look at a game like tonight per se and there’s no Tobias so like you your rebounding is going to be affected right there because he’s a good rebounder so I

Mean yeah we need we could use some more size but we’re also not the smallest team in the yard like you know what I mean what did we say last week Greg at the goddamn Chihuahua about a bunch around a bunching like Alaskan huskies you know what I mean like we we’re right

There we’re we’re not a small team so everybody is like simmer down and KY Ali just a news flash pretty good rebounder even though we can’t jump over a freaking clipboard well writing the pl signs on listen Craig Greg and Tom you guys were on last week with Luke with yeah we understand

That you need a big man they didn’t go out and get him but we we specifically mentioned last week too they needed a big man and they needed guard def so did they get the big man no there was an astronomical ask for guys like my opinion like oen and Drummond who were

The two guys I think on the market that could have made the biggest impact big man wise right so instead they went out and they said okay we’re going to ride it out with Paul Reed let’s really address the depth in the back court and that’s what they did they upgraded the

Two spot they upgraded the one spot so yes it’s not that I Mis understand anything or any of us here do we have to discuss what was done because this is what this is what we have right now and yes they did need back cour depth they

Needed at the one and the two we don’t know when the Anthony Mountain’s coming back yet yeah but like oh Martian’s comment’s great too by the way you know myy Colin calling for LeBron KD Booker Beals what Shooters do Shooters shoot those are the only names he trade

To buyas for though right like those are the names worth trading that contract for other than that you just sit and hold no and swoop I get you bro I get I get you Sixers lost tons of Defense not just Beverly but Springer come on bro

Like I Sloopy I love you I love you B I love you you’re always in every show but are we really talking about Jaden spring right now if you and don’t bring up freaking a Wednesday night against Seth KY playing East Coast time please don’t do this right please don’t do this you

All fall in love with guys jadden Springer’s okay man he’s a guy that’s got a lot of a lot of hop to his step all right but like we overrating jadden Springer like jadden Springer might be a guy who plays in the leag year for Le

For 10 years but if you’re trying to win right now Jaden Springer is totally tradable and you had to get second round picks back because of what you gave up for heeled so you were forced to do to some of the things you did make sense you’re forced to do it

Guys why what are you saying or add a two-way knockdown shooter why why oneway Shooters who you you act like you’re going to the buffet swoop we ain’t going to the buffet shopping for for Fighters at the deadline it’s not like it doesn’t work like that he looked for twoa guys

Mar just told you who we called he called for LeBron KD Booker so we think he didn’t try and lift up every stone that’s what I’m saying like how about we give him credit and I’ve been very critical of Daryl M but can we give him

A little bit of credit where there’s a lot of general maners that don’t do anything like gosh darn it can we just say hey Daryl you know what you made an effort this deadline he was you made an effort to get rid of to get rid of Ben

Simmons you you made an effort to get rid of James Harden before became a distraction why can’t we give him any credit he was the first goodness gracious LeBron by the way there were other teams that called and and the reports were outward myy had been the

Very first one to make the call on LeBron as soon as LeBron put a tweet out or I was it an X or whatever they call it or an Instagram story I think they said immediately he was on the phone trying to see if there was any

Credibility to him being moov we’re not doing fake news KZ we’re not doing fake news tonight I mean come on when did I hype up Lowry when or I hyped up the leadership that’s it I sat here and said same thing other guy said he’s old but

Can you H it open three I hope so right how much how much how much time he really gonna get like come on they didn’t hype up Kyle lry all right what up cotton ball KY I do agree with you Ricky Council I’ve really like what I’ve seen from Ricky

Council um and to caria Smith I do I do um but you you need veterans too and you see dude if the guy’s not good enough and Kyle L’s not good enough you think Nick nurse is Gonna Keep playing him right like think about it you think

He’s gonna keep playing him it’s not Doc Rivers I was about to say it’s not doc Mr Rudy P nobody has more PTSD than me my son’s the guy who continues to have an injury that derails our season yearly so you know we’re all hit it together casy he doesn’t deserve credit

For for for cleaning it all up I mean me and P Y had these conversations so that darl Mur does not deserve credit for moving on for Ben Simmons getting rid of that getting what he could get back okay it wasn’t h burton all right you could say okay you

Made a bad move there I get it right but he then got Harden he then Harden wanted to be a problem and he didn’t he didn’t kiss his you know what right he made a move he got a lot back for that deal like he got a lot back for that PCD then

Went and moved to go get who buddy healed so when you really look at it the picks and the players like you may not okay right guys like you may not okay on it and then he like I said then he goes to the deadline and makes you know these

Moves like I just think he’s done a good job of like sort of cleaning some stuff up but like what’s he gonna do if if his best player isn’t playing don’t play man and I freaking I I hate suit and ties so I would have no problem running dudes out of

Town but I think he’s always tried for whatever that means it’s it’s funny like the Halbert stuff comes out now but how true is that yeah yeah I don’t even NE yeah I don’t know who knows what what was trueth there uh yeah I mean I’m not gonna sit here

And praise him I don’t I don’t think he did a terrible job uh but there’s definitely questions about what went down like you didn’t need to you didn’t need to move all that to to sign Lou he was a free agent right you didn’t need to you could have gotten Budd

Just on on buddy you know what I mean like and then then You’ been fine right what do you mean what do you mean you didn’t need to make all those moves to sign Lowry he was out there why why did you who said you had to make all those

Moves to sign Lowry you said ear you said yeah all those dominoes had to fall in to get Lowry no didn’t what he he don’t because he also talked about how they had to replenish the second round picks that they gave up to get that’s what I said

They were trying to position themselves basically to have no commitments Beyond this year similar to what they had going into the deadline what to upgrade what they had as well as any picks they gave up so that’s where J that’s where the Jaden Springer deal came in they

Replenished those second round picks so it wasn’t just about getting Kyle Lowry no no I meant no I meant everything was set up everything was set up for to get a guy like buddy healed I said I then I said that I I think what they tried to

Do is knowing they were gonna have to move Pat Bev was that okay we’ll move pep because we know we can get a guy like low in the buyout market and we get Cameron Payne back and we sort of get an extra guy for for for whatever right so that’s

How I felt like they sort of look at looked at that but no I don’t think they did anything for Kyle like I don’t think no nothing was set up for kyl Lowry everything was set up for Joel embiid and to not have restrictions there wasn’t a better like

Honestly the fit what Joel does there wasn’t a better fit than buddy heel I don’t disagree so I I that’s what I’m giving right now well I understand that but I’m giving Daryl his credit for for going in though for getting what he could get for picking up the phone you

Act like I’m giving him credit because every move’s been great I’m giving him credit for trying and I know all that’s what you’re supposed to do but every year he’s making adjustments every year he’s like I can’t believe I’m defending this guy but every year he’s like trying

To help us win and then it becomes on Joelle to be healthy so we can win uh Mr Rudy poo Tom these D don’t realize that my is trying to get a contender but also keeping his eye on the Future No I mean he’s doing both but

I mean that’s a guy that when you trade for Buddy hee I don’t know if you guys felt different but I felt immediately that that that they felt Joel embiid was gonna be ready I don’t think he make a move with think not thinking that with with a guy

Like that right exactly yeah I don’t think you give up your biggest trade chip in the $18 million that’s Marcus moris to then not to not think he’s gonna be back but even that like we again we just go back to the same story and same song and dance with Joelle even

If he comes back there’s obviously no guarantee that he’s gonna stay back we know his history right you know what I mean and and yeah I mean it right look Mr rupu we’re all right here right I mean yeah I get that we have no commitments the next year but how does

That keep our window open I know we’re not talking about next year but I’m saying like right now in the moment if if if he’s doing things to make this team better while also thinking down the line well then what do we gain but down the

Line well a bunch of free agent a bunch of money for a week free agent class yeah but I also think that there’s ways that they could still finagle that they could do signin trades there’s going to be other opportunities here so I I don’t I agree the free agent class

Is not great but there’s other ways they can allocate that money with other than just signing guys you know they can they could sign Tobias and a sign in trade and move him Elsewhere for another guy you know there’s a lot of ways they could work

This it would be very it is very Philadelphia though to have this much cap space at the worst possible Free Agent Zero commitments for nothing well again you’ll keep that cap space if you don’t spend it there there’s no way they’re not GNA do it like think be a keep his hand off

Off the trigger well I don’t know that they’re gonna like Max it out next year py but I mean yeah you’re right they’re goingon to they’re going to allocate probably a good portion of those funds next year I mean had similar to this a few years ago and they were like oh

What’s tror Jimmy Butler let’s tray debias Harris oh that’s not working let’s try anything else well so I think the one position this puts them in too though right the free and I know people aren’t gonna want to necessarily hear this but hey if the Buddy heel thing

Does work right and he really is this good of a mix it does put them in a position to resign him for next year especially if he enjoys playing here and playing with Joel um and we talked about it last week but I’ll talk about it again puts him in a

Position to bring Tobias at a much lower number yeah but it’s the it’s all to ma out and obviously that to pay Maxi is well well it’s all four of those guys right like I look at it as like it’s it’s there’s not four I mean you want

Count well but I look at it as like they’re looking to they’ll probably bring back budy heal that’s a guy they’re probably going to want to keep right right so if they don’t have to bias and they got buddy and Maxi with Joel but I think their goal is to keep

All four of those guys so when you talk about spending the money I think they’ll spend it and I think our and we could say oh it’s a bad for agent class but we’re keeping our own like we’re trying to build some chemistry here and and I

Think they feel like they can win that way if if they are go stretched with out Joel because I think they’re going to find ways to upgrade their big men and ways so that’s why I feel like that they feel like they could still win and then

Not have to like overplay Joel and beat this goes back to that conversation of 25 minute nights 25 minute runs right you don’t gotta go play 35 tonight against Char Hornets babe we got this so I it’s it’s just taking it easy on them throughout the year he’s a point a

Minute guy so you’re going to get the production you’re GNA get it so I think I think this is where they’re going I think that’s where they’re going but let’s say this year right and and they’re in if Jan and B comes back which we all hope he will they’re in great

Shape does anybody think they’re not in great shape Greg py Chrome the chat who doesn’t who doesn’t think that they’re not in like good shape right now if Joel comes back I think they’re fine that’s what I meant going to be the the biggest if he comes back because if he’s

Not I think they’re in trouble I I think they’re shit’s creek at this point like if he doesn’t come back and and it lingers or he has a setback or things like that like you’re not in good place you’re like things are not trending in the way you want them

To no you’re right you’re right then that’s where now you know you’re just not good enough this year now we’ll talk about this cuz we’ll have plenty of weeks together boys like what we do if he isn’t healthy down the road right we have plenty of time to do that talk I

Don’t want to do that tonight that’s stressful right we did it last Wednesday or whatever and it was fun exciting I don’t want to talk about that again I I want to believe in this guy again I’ll speak for all of us I’ve never seen a

Player this good that Sia can do the things he does and all I’m asking for is like we’ll start with one year of full health um but maybe two two would be nice like one when you’re why you’re there TOS us in a second year because I don’t think we’re beatable I

Don’t think anybody beats us Greg sorry I don’t think anybody beats us if he’s healthy I I I swear by it it’s definitely tough to argue because we’ve never the only problem is is obviously we’ve never seen it right we’ve never seen him fully healthy even

Last year and you know we quote unquote you know got the closest he wasn’t healthy right you know what I mean two year couple years ago with the Raptors and the the eyeball you know again wasn’t healthy so yeah and in the East I don’t see anyone currently right now that’s such a

Juggernaut that you’re worried about that you’re scared over uh coming down the line in in a seven game series there’s two things I haven’t seen Joel and be healthy for a full season and Sasquatch the chances of me seeing Sasquatch might be higher might see reindeer fly before

That happens I might see Santa Claus in person like these like like come on like Santa Claus yet in person I mean you saw them a couple weeks ago or a month ago months ago tring Pete that’s the question I ask you right now since we’re doing this you trading

Him am I trading him no yeah okay please let’s not I have no desire to trade no no no I know I know chrome chrome back up all right I’m G tell you to back up back up I know py so you think I’m gonna go into this question thinking he’s

Gonna say yes to that and we’re gonna do all this tonight or do you think that I knew he was gonna say yes to it and sorry I was looking for my fruit shoes you know I mean you guys ever give fruit shoes fruit shoes are so gous and I

Can’t find them and I’m so mad but what happened so you think I didn’t know where that was going what up slag what up slag I didn’t even see you in there baby comment again where you at I didn’t see your comment I must have missed it I

Apologize he’s looking for his fruit shoes swoop says not just the the shows but you’re changing it all up a different look for all you guys loving it and now we appreciate it thank we appreciate it we appreciate it swoop appreciate it on all levels hopefully you like the content trying I’m trying

To deliver you the good stuff you know what I mean doing my best Miss Rudy man I’m trade all right we’re not doing that oh my God please yeah yeah because uh the future is looking so bright once we trade you all and be like bottom feeder nobody cares like not not finding

A star for another 15 years can’t wait sounds super exciting 76ers basketball we love mediocrity without Jo he’s always injured nothing was fun like trying to Hype up uh Thad young and uh Andre gadala and like guys like that like are we serious you didn’t have fun during

Those years you weren’t a fan of the Eddie Jordan near in Philadelphia God I mean this organization’s been a downright joke all right a Medi and and actually dumpster fire for years on end okay for years on end and then we go out here and we get

Our generational we finally well we were told two guys the one guy is a freaking kitty cat all right but the other guy really was generational generational and we can’t we can’t get that healthy for a year like full health full health what what do we do

Wrong what do we is the curse of hey I we get one guy who want talk about practice and never show up to stuff and then drop 50 right out the casinos all night and then the next Superstar we get just can’t stay on the court what do we do to deserve

It somebody off though so I agree like I’m not I’m not in the business of deal on him you know talk to me again talk to me in the offseason talk to me if he’s not healthy talk to me if he comes back and gets hurt again right like whatever the ca

Whatever the case may be talk to me again down the road sir shut up all right nobody was talking nobody was talking to you that all the time he was Dynamite dropping uh Michael says Joelle needs to drop 15 and never play over 28 minutes L first off Mike

M he could play Mike he could play he could he could drop 28 in 28 minutes so one thing like yeah you could play him 28 minutes every night he’s going to give you 20 eight and 10 you I mean that’s what people need to understand is

Like you don’t have to overplay him that’s the key you don’t have to overplay him he’s gonna give you your production now you go get you have three other little show ponies right that can score the basketball buddy to bias Tyrese now you feel better about that conversation you definitely feel better about

It it’s Rudy poo you asking me are you out of your mind is he is he generation you’ve seen greatness in generational before but the talent didn’t stop producing in the postseason don’t shake your head don’t shake your head Greg he holds the record for most points as a sixer in the game

Like how is that not generational how is not like before he was injured like that was generational he was dropping high 30s 40s 50s in three quarters of play like how is that not generational like oh ask Craig we hav did did you watch games five six and seven against the Celtics last

Year I did he was hurt so I hear you but we can’t we can’t have we can’t say he’s generational but then also not be able to to criticize him for being hurt that’s SE conversation here I think that’s two I think that’s two separate discussions you could criticize him for being hurt

Like that like he is an unhealthy player that’s just who he is but that doesn’t take away from his generational Talent like he is that type of player he is but it is the same because your ability your availability is just as good as your ability no not in this conversation in

This conversation we’re talking hear me right in this conversation we’re talking pure ability that makes you generational the other part needs to get cleaned up to make you one of the Great there’s a difference here we’re talking about just like watching you and your things you can do on a basketball court

When you’re healthy is the definition of generational because not everybody can do that now can you stay healthy is what makes you like go go in the record books be ultra special that’s my view of it when it comes to that obviously different than you guys and whatever but

Well he was not s he was never not able to play in back-to-back games they sort of just what are we doing here I me what are we what are we doing what this we com to I mean the guy you you watch him play Greg you actually

Coach basketball and you’re gonna sit around and tell me that ain’t generational no he’s he’s F he’s amazing okay all right you just count the two together all right I see where you’re all right all right oh he’s spectacular and everything that we’ve said about him is absolutely true your legacy is

Defined by your health and WIS not not your just your your talent look at a guy like Yao Ming right back in the day love I don’t I don’t think he was just I don’t think he was as talented in quote unquote generational as Joel but he

Dealt with the same type of of injury concerns throughout his whole career which makes him a really good great NBA player and great basketball player but takes him out of any type of longevity and and generational cases well I think the thing that we have to remember when

It comes to big men right on guys I’ll be right back two seconds bodies bodies break down a lot faster than most people right so you know when you build your organization around a big man right and we haven’t had that maybe until now that

Number two guy to kind of go up with him right Shaq had Kobe Shaq had Penny you know a lot of these guys even with Robin you know there was Robinson and Duncan for a while then Robinson had you know uh M job and he had Tony Parker Hall of

He did but my point what my point I’m making right when your Cornerstone is a big man you know that’s the risk you run sure but in terms of the talent he is head and I mean there’s we may not have ever seen a player in terms

Of the total skill set including the defensive side of the basketball that has quite been like Joel embiid I do think one of the misfortunes has been um you know the fact that he hasn’t had that other guy who could take the load off and you can count on winning

Games because Ben Simmons yeah he was great defensively and you know those 10 10 and 10 triple doubles look good as far as a quote unquote triple double but offensively the aggressiveness was hit and miss it wasn’t great he really hasn’t had you know a a robin or you

Know another Batman like we talked with the eagles with with you know fat Batman and skinny Batman and all that he hasn’t had that so he’s had to do and take a lot more of the that is a yeah go Ahad I just say he’s had to take

A lot more of the of the of the pressure of carrying teams that most big men don’t so he does play a lot more minutes than than maybe he should although I you know I’ve been while you are talking I’m looking at his minutes right like we

Keep saying the San Antonio game was the game that I mean that wasn’t even close to the most minutes he’s played this year by the way I mean he’s he played pretty much around where he plays which is 34 to 36 minutes but there was a stretch in the beginning of the year

Where they played him 30 minutes every night so they did do things to conserve him he averaged a point a minute no matter how many minutes he played in games sure he always I think that but I think they did try to manage his load a

Little bit and they ramped it up but like he only played 36 minutes in that San Antonio game he played 36 minutes in almost probably 15 games this year so we keep saying because he scored 70 the San Antonio game was a thing but anyway just

To to Circle it back I think that’s the thing with Joelle that he that has been a detriment as well is that he hasn’t had a true second reliable scorer that you can take him out of a game and leave him out of a game and you know how many

Games did we see this team guys where they go into the fourth quarter over the last three or four years with 10 12 13 14 point leads and they blow them in the fourth quarter a lot of games yeah I find that to be more product of what the

NBA is than I agree I agree but if you can’t I mean we we’ve seen them take him out with a 22-point lead and then they have to bring them back in because the bench can’t hold it within the last six minutes of a game and and so who you

Bringing in you’re bringing in your number one score and your number one Defender and that that’s him so like I think that’s a detriment to him that they haven’t found the true number two guy for him to where he doesn’t have to play as many minutes because other guys can score to where

When he’s not in the line like Tyrese still hasn’t been that guy Tyrese doesn’t get look at his numbers when when joelle’s not in the lineup his assists go down and his shooting percentage goes down he’s still developing yeah but they haven’t even had anybody close he’s probably the

Closest they’ve had and you still can’t rely on him without Joel in the lineup like this is a microcosm this season of his entire career when Joel is not in it they don’t have a chance they look like a totally different team as oppos KOB could carry the Lakers when Shaq wasn’t

In the lineup Penny and and Nick Anderson those guys that team play could still play well and win games without Shaq every year it’s the same thing if anything happens to Joel they don’t have the right guy they don’t have another guy that you can rely on and say they could

Still win games so yes of course he’s playing a lot more minutes he’s taking a lot more beating on his body because he’s your only chance to win but that’s the that’s also the organization’s fault you’re 100% right on that for you know what I mean like that’s the organization’s fault for for

Picking a Ben Simmons right and I’m not saying at the time everyone thought it was a great pick right it was a no-brainer I mean it was you know you can never doubt that pick you know but and and there’s a time like we get go

Back it’s so I hear what you’re saying and and you’re right but that’s not I don’t think that’s a that’s more of an organizational failure than Joelle putting that pressure on himself you know I mean trying to carry the load no it is the organization puts that load on his back

And and it’s been through through multiple front offices after mstep after map with this with his organization like like whether it’s the jul oap whether it’s NN Noel whether it’s um like whether it’s Marquel fults like pick and pick and choose whatever you want and you can you can literally see

Like the Domino’s just continue to fall and fall and fall and this is why we are where we are you know what I mean like if all we need was one other guy that’s all they need it and like obviously like you found Tyrese Max he’s really he’s a

Really talented player but like is he that superstar that we need time will tell oh yeah well right yeah he is I mean he listen he looks to be able to get better he gets better like even like without Joel right away he’ll struggle to like sort of figure himself out we

Gotta keep in mind he’s a 23 year old kid right so he’s still growing as a player and what I say to guys all the time if you’re if you’re really talented and you’re always willing to learn and you’re always willing to grow your game and you’re a sponge for it guess what

Babe you know I mean you’re gonna be able to play oh you play yeah you’re gonna be able to play whatever you’re playing for a long long time all right a long long time so it’s simple stuff simple simple stuff and I think Tyrese Maxi has that

Ability to one want to grow to always learn and you’ve watched it right you watched it I like this team I do I know they haven’t really has have the wins to show for it but they also haven’t had everybody play together but I’m really looking I’m looking really looking

Forward to after the All-Star break not for Kyle Lowry by the way but I’m looking forward to the hopes of getting danthony Melton back the hopes of getting Nichols Paton back in the lineup Tobias consistently roko you know some of these names we haven’t seen a lot of recently I think

It’s important for us to get these guys back and and see what we’re able to to go accomplish without Joel and I think it’s a pretty deep team to be able to win some games maybe you sh it which which again circles back to the poll of

Being a top six now if anybody else in the chat has any more Sixers conversation let us know we’re probably going to spend the last you know 13 12 13 minutes here talking some early Phillies before we transition though real quick Tommy yeah go ah great we better figure something out over the

Allar break because do you see that schedule coming out no I don’t look at NB I don’t look at NBA schedule just why is it it going with home New York Home Cleveland Home Milwaukee at Boston and then home Charlotte at Dallas at Brooklyn and then home for Memphis and

New Orleans just the next fun yeah that’s that’s a pretty tough stretch coming out so hopefully we get these guys healthy right you know what I mean like to your point right hope we get these guys healthy hope we get these guys acclimated and uh and ready to go because

We might be to play it game real quick so so so at the end of the day we’re gonna find out two weeks how good we are all right all right all right good good I I’d rather find out now than later I guess it’s find now than later this is

True there ain’t nothing to rain about about the about the Niners save them the Crum of the week on Sunday Martian those losers Kyle shanan Kyle Shanahan where’s Chuck’s at where’s Chuck’s at your boy I told you for years oh you’re a great designer with design go good I I know

Great interior designers too right he a loser in big games some guys just are I don’t know what happens I there’s no Rhyme or Reason some guys just wake up right and they get real small in big ones that’s all I don’t know there’s no other reason for it and he’s surrounded

With a bunch of talkers that don’t that can’t win either so that’s all a s FR is it’s a bunch of it’s a bunch of stalkers some good rice I hear right and and that’s it what’s s Fran good for what’s it like a b what’s I tell you that much

What’s the rice company out there I feel like there’s a rice company located right in San Francisco why am I drawing a blank here big a big one like everybody would know and I felt good about that and then I lost it in my rant

I lost it but I’ll Circle back he’s a loser Debo’s a loser all right there’s two guys who who don’t talk a lot r Ron reron to San Francisco treat don’t think I don’t forget I did but don’t think that I didn’t remember unbelievable all right you

Losers Joe Montana Joey rice be thankful be thankful and Brock perie is exactly what listen this is what happens when you see greatness so I don’t want to hear oh they lost to the Chiefs twice okay if you’re great you can you can you can slay the slay the dragon like we did

Against Tom Brady if you’re great if you’re had a great team they’re going to do that and I love it right Steve wils Steve wils did such a bad job this year yeah you’re the scapegoat loser Kyle you loser there’s my rant Martian now we got 10 minutes because for Phillies because

Of you thanks Mar all right glad take Steve WIS on this team well listen jump hey Vic sorry Vic we’re gon we’re gonna make a change again quick before CR before you say this I want everybody to know this is this is our this our this is your four for four Philly home

A3d Wednesday nights when it’s Eagles season you know where we’re gonna be talking about right when you know draft time we’ll talk about it coming up we’ll have a lot of Phillies conversations Flyers you know we plan to talk about them we dab them you know but we also we

Also got a show every Tuesday that talks about them so we don’t want to you know we don’t want to overp there either uh yeah we dab a little bit with Flyers but uh I did see a little while ago while we were on the air uh a report

An hour ago from Matt Gelb of the uh athletic that the Phillies have begun discussions with Zack willer’s representation on an extension there you go so nothing imminent but uh hey get it done I don’t give a [ __ ] why what do I what do I care about that for right

Now what do I care about that why is first off why the hell is that even a conversation right now I love these m gelp m gelp you got your D CU of daddy you want to do this you want to do this we’re gonna do this tonight you know I

Mean that’s like that back out yeah I think it is so with all due respect but like are we doing this why are we even talking about that well I know I know know conversation in the pressure today I know like’s he’s got a year on his deal

Correct yeah it’s just last year yeah I get it we’ll get it done I don’t know why it’s like such a presser like they just got aess these all these dryer sheets got to press like like like Dave doesn’t know right like David nobody knows right over down Philly spring clear water like

Nobody has a freaking clue nobody knows this is last year I what are you guys gonna do oh you know what we’re actually not gonna sign him Matt you know is that what you like to know hey Matt we’re not signing him was that the answer you wanted these guys in their questions

Like what do you think what do you think the answer you’re gonna get is either nothing or you’re never going to get like the you know what we’re just not seeing out eye maybe from the player but sure ain’t gonna get that from the organization it’s just I don’t know I

I I I can’t I can’t with it anymore you know whatever I like Matt galp galp whatever you say his name but come on but yeah no it was funny because that was a topic of conversation for the press conference that and and Rob shut it down real early he even I

Think he even cut off the question when he realized where it was going and he goes That’s Not My I I want to deal with Zack will wheeler the player because that’s what we’re dealing with here that’s outside the building don’t get him don’t get him Inked Up like it’s not

I’m not I’m not worried about it they got Noah done didn’t they what’s up Pete I said it’s like it’s I agree with Tom like it’s not even something I think about because like oh man I wonder if they’re gonna sign Zack Wheeler of course they’re gonna sign

Zack Wheeler there’s like four other four or five other things on the top of my head I would rather them do or things I need to be worried about Zack Willer would not crack crack my top 10 of worry things right now I agree like we just watched it

Happen with Aron Noah he’s back he’s back like I don’t like you know they’re they’re why do you think they didn’t spend a lot of money this off season think it’s by accident or you think they’re trying to keep their money tight so they can go and

Spend the money on a guy like Zack Wheeler like come on just connect some dots if you think the Phillies are like figure it out like if you think the Phillies are just like you know what we’re just gonna let them walk we can’t afford it good question Maddie thanks for the

Question bu thanks for stopping by go get go get a little pan all right go get a little Sun little son babe listen real quick D Slayer appreciate the Super Chat off topic answer it quickly th on Assan reic if he doesn’t get his money he wants to be traded there you

Go yep I don’t care what he says on Twitter if he doesn’t he’s not simple [ __ ] this guy on Twitter I never answer to be TR shut up this I everybody stop tweeting can everybody just stop tweeting no [ __ ] yes you did because if you don’t get paid you don’t want to be

Here that’s how it works we all get it huh doesn’t mean you hate us as Eagles fans so you got to go to Eagles Twitter and massage the ball sacks of a bunch of losers a bunch of nerds right it’s all your massage look guys I never said I

Wanted to so it’s gonna be the organization’s fault when I’m not here hello anybody have a brain does anybody in today’s world actually think anybody I’m just asking for myself and a lot of friends right now it’s amazing like we we’re gonna oh he said he didn’t want to

Be traded guys look look he never one or two it’s the media the media what are you talking about if the guy doesn’t get his money he wants out simple anybody disagree with that no no no and honestly that that that whole comment could also be hey they couldn’t

Find a trade partner already at least at this point so let’s do a little damage control on this now no absolutely you’re right on that point too that’s like thinking critical critically like actually like having a brain and saying well this could be another reason why he would tweet

Something like that right yeah just think a little bit people like but at the end of the day he wants to be traded he wants out if they won’t pay him it’s okay I don’t like dislike Assan reic but he’s the same guy who was on a defense

That just utterly claps in front of my face and he had a lot of things that seem like he had problems with so you want more money I don’t think you get a sack for four weeks well it’s because they dropped them in coverage for four weeks no they didn’t drop in coverage

For four weeks they dropped them in coverage four or five times a game okay whatever that’s a three four defense y all y all say moving to a three four defense you don’t think he’s gonna be in coverage next year I don’t know what you guys want it’s been that’s been going around

Forever that’s why I think it’s funny that we overrate it per se like not that I’m I’m okay with it I just think it’s funny like I’ve been dropping in coverage for years so nothing new I’ve just never been a fond of a three four defense right I just always felt like

There was holes on 3 four defenses that 43s don’t necessarily have but whatever it’s more of a passing leg now so I guess linebackers dropping is one of those huge holes yep that’s why we drafted a guy that probably can only drop in coverage because he’s so small so give me

Your I I’ll start with this because we know what our expectations are and we’ll just leave this conversation Phillies right here is this team good enough to go to World Series because I’ll start because I have my answer you no Greg no py would you

Say oh I say yeah you say yeah Chrome you can go last on this because we’ll save the Cardinals the Cardinal for last you know I mean you sit on the sit on the porch and Chirp for a minute right as as the Phils guys go here

Sit on your bat sit on your bat as a like at the party without the ice cream that’s what don’t disrespect the birds on the bat buddy just cake for you tonight just gonna be cake we’re just gonna do the cake we’re not doing the ice cream too uh yes absolutely when you

Really look at their like lineup and their staff and their Bullpen you’re like oh okay okay I know they didn’t do a lot this all season but all right that’s pretty good the starting five is really good really good they just bring in these extra guys that just to make them

Deeper and Camp arms right it’s really what it is we’ll see you know and you want some guys in Triple A so all these extra moves are just like extra you look at their lineup really good David B Canon they’re really good the weakest point maybe you can say it’s

A bullpen but when you really look at it it’s not bad when you figure when you factor when you factoring the kid as well is a big part of that pen this year like they’re good I mean it’s all Health right s Anthony’s good if he’s healthy

Alado’s good right Matt strum had a really good year for us Hoffman had a really good year for us so orian was just in came up and had a pitch in the biggest spots ever so you would hope that would help him coming in to this

Year and then I know I’m missing some guys in the back end of the pen but it’s not as bad those are your main guys oh Gregory soda you got SoDo back too so I mean you have you have good arms back there so I don’t

Think it’s as like I know people talking second place I know the Braves are good I get it I understand that I know the Dodgers are really good that’s cool so are we so are we I think we throughout the All Season we didn’t spend the money

We I think people seem to like oh oh crap right like oh we’re still really good I don’t know gr what do you think H do I think looking at the roster today I I don’t I think they can get back if you’re asking can they get back yes I

Think they can get back um I think they’re gonna they’re going to need to make some tweaks and some moves as we go along you know we’ve seen them tied to some other guys I one of I like the move they made today I mean Spencer Turnbull

Didn’t have a great year last year but he’s had some really good years in this lean for lowrisk high reward a guy like that if if he can pitch like he did two years ago with the sub3 ER out of the bullpen I think it’s another guy with

Experience that you could really utilize here so I mean their lineup I thought hit last year and and they pitched well so you know I think you’re gonna get the key is gonna be is getting guys like Trey Turner to be have a consistent year which I would be Faith have 100% faith

In and I thinky a guy like Nick casianos I think is going to be really impactful and Bryce staying healthy Bryce stays healthy and Trey has a big year alone his team is is looking tremendous going into the year as far as offensively pitching wise you bought back Nola uh

And Wheeler I think will pitch like wheeler obviously you know did Jordan Montgomery sign yet or no no okay so I’ve seen the Phillies tied to him man if they could add a guy like him well that’s depending well then what do you want to do right

It’s like what do they want to do because right now like they’re they’re deep right there right they have wheeler they have Noles they have Walker they have Ranger and then they have and then have Christopher Sanchez who they really liked and threw well so the way they

Probably would look at that like okay we go get a guy like Montgomery we probably move Sanchez or the bullpen that helps us out there so either way like they’re in good shape like going into it you know I would like to see what they do

Through Camp I think Montgomery is a guy who definitely gets picked up somewhere especially as soon as an injury happens I’m shocked he hasn’t been picked up yet it’s really surpris prob wants too much money bro probably wants way too much money for what might be like a Kyle Lo

Type of a situation he’s not that good like he’s not that good he’s trying to Parlay his his postseason with the Rangers over to overshadow an average career so far yeah but his last two years have he’s been pretty good especially when you look at the year

With the Yankees and the Cardinals he pitched pretty pretty damn well last like not this past season the year the season before and and he pitched really well for the Rangers last year I think you’re underestimating how how good he can be particularly if he’s your three

If he’s your three sloted behind Nolan and Wheeler that’s a hell of a top three it’s one of the best top three in the in the entire league yeah I think it already is I think that pushes him over the top because I think that really solidifies

And really deepens your options as far as your starting rotation I mean I would love a Trevor Bower I mean I be all in on Trevor B not sure why not sure why they then that’s well they’re all idiots the the whole League’s idiots the’re whole

Idiots I mean I he knows nobody he’s literally willing to play for free yeah he knows nobody’s gonna touch him too he said it basically well because he’s not an idiot and you get blackball for something like somebody made something up about you and you get blackball y I

Sign me up for Trevor Bower that’s tough and while we’re at it sign me up for Brandon Woodruff and I don’t come at me don’t come at me when he’s hurt I understand that’s why I want him now I’m with you you give him a three foure deal I I know

I talked about this before you give him a three four-year deal put a little pocket in his money right now put a little money in his pocket got that pocket pocket in his moneyy give him a little bit now get him in rehab years two three this sounds

Rough right here he’s got pocketing his money rehab listen heavily backloaded incentive base in two three you know years two and three put some options in there so if if he doesn’t like it or or you know there’s outs right the contracts are built like that I’m in

Listen and it works then you extend your window well it works too even he’s even extended Zach Zach’s 35 right what I mean so I’m all in on you know 3435 I’m all in for extending them but just like with Noah like by the end of their

Contract we’re going to be up against it Greg it works too I mean in 2003 uh the St Louis Cardinals went out and signed Chris Carpenter and sat him for an entire year and dude ended up being one of the best pitchers in organizational history and Billy fans

Are very familiar with him it can work hey it can work and a guy like that I like Woodruff a lot too and I think you could really get him for you know if you give him security and like like Hey we’re not just GNA you know wait till

You’re ready to go and get make it approve it deal we’ll give you like two three years 100% 100% yeah they’re going like what’s three years 50 million with 40 of it in the back end the last two years Loop them up a little bit make him make him

Put a smile on his face donon says Alec boom 30 homers no agree or disagree disagree I’ll say 25 yeah disagree High 20 though he was on Pace last year before he got hurt not for 30 but for like a monster year like he let

Her team in rbi’s for a while before he got hurt good yeah he really good year he did I think this lineup’s gonna be better this year than it was last year I just think the more comfortable stot and boom get the better they get I think the

More comfortable a guy like Roos can get the better they can get I think and I also believe in guys like Trey Turner another year being here calms you down a little bit and now that you’re calmed down you’re going to have one of your Trey Turner type years who has an

Opportunity to go have an MVP type season right so when you look down it’s Nick Nicki Cass has a chance to be as an MV as the C capability to put up MVP type numbers is my point right Bryce Harper same thing Kyle Scher was losing the baseball always has that opportunity

To go hit like 55 and be in the conversation right like so my my point is when you look throughout this this team they have they have a lot of those guys right a lot of those guys so when you go look at the Dodgers you’re like

Oh my God like we’re really good that’s all we’re really good really good what I like they keep kept you know what I like they kep ree Hoskins of course but we’re really good and I think we need to we need to still realize that even though

We didn’t make a bunch of big moves this year we’ve made a bunch of big moves every need to every year exactly py like if you can go get the guy from Cleveland who I’m just throwing a blank on could it’s late but you guys know who I’m

Talking about the closer yeah I know who you’re talking about yeah yeah if you can go get if you can go get uh if you can go get him sure I’m all in for that all in for that like I think some of the biggest things is like because everyone

Is upset because we didn’t go out and we didn’t make the sexy moves but like if some of the moves inhouse work out those are your sexy moves if Roos can hit while also being an elite outfielder a def a great defensive outfielder that’s sexy if kiring can be what you think he

Is that’s your sexy move like if those two things hit like you’re set like you didn’t need to go out and spend money and do those things because you made those moves like obviously we wanted to keep Reese I loved ree Hoskins he was robbed of his final year here but like it’s

Just things have to happen the way they have to have it like sometimes you don’t need the home run hit every time sometimes the single works the walk works works for me like I I don’t need the Home Run every single time for every player like it’s like obviously it would

Be awesome if we had that but like it just doesn’t need to happen that way and you have so much talent sorry real quick real quick Greg like you’re giving Martian a chance to play every day sorry like that’s important here like the py point like you’re giving guys chances to

Play every day that could have really years and have shown the ability to be really good hitter especially Brandon Marsh has shown the ability to be a really good Defender and a really good hitter especially what more ABS he gets and he hit lefties decently last

Year for not getting a lot of a lot of run against them and I think him getting a year to go after it’s huge remember you have Christian pase too so if yoan Roos doesn’t hit Christian pase won’t hit either so you have that you always

Have that option but I I just think when you guys look through it it’s really better than we’re giving this team and this organization credit for it like you’re talking about two two spots in your entire lineup that you may have a question Mark come on how many teams

Have that and you’re talking about one you don’t in Brandon March so you really have one question mark in your entire lineup come on that that’s a world Ser Contender you have zero question marks in your starting rotation zero zilk out outside a ranger just being healthy is

Your biggest question mark biggest one who might end up being the bullpen guy we’re talking about down the road who might be your closer when this is all said and done if Jordan Montgomery comes in so th this this team is like a piece away from everybody saying oh yeah yeah

Yeah they’re as good as the Dodgers they are as good as the Dodgers they act like they ain’t good as the Dodgers when the Dodgers are perennial losers and David Dave Roberts is a primy a loser cool co co cool Co cup okay you loser he’s a

Loser too so you want to circle the wagons on guys who never win big ones Kyle shannan Dave Roberts anyone good at the list we I’m scared of Dodgers I’m more scared of the Braves than I’m scared of the Dodgers with all due respect because if Chris S finds himself

Houston we may have a problem but outside of that I ain’t scared of nobody how are we going in this year scared of people because we didn’t make a splash that’s when you go win it new splash of people when you don’t go do that is usually the

Year you sneak up on people you’re not the haunted the Dodgers are haunted mookie Beck talks now you haunted you haunted we can s just go through it in my opinion yeah D Slayer said it thanks for the Super Chat brother three minutes boys three minutes we get out of here

I’m just gonna say this and then Greg you you you go through your thing I I just shot Greg down I I think the real two I think the two keys right outside of obviously you want try to to to get that all year it’s two things can start

Make that next step because to me he was the most impressive guy from start to finish in the lineup last year like he already had his baby I like that got that out of the way per se right it’s not an infant stages so you’re a little more relaxed early to spring training

Too by the way and I know I know when you look at the numbers statistics and I feel like this is where statistics can lie it looks like real Muto JT had the typical year right but if you look at his situational hitting he was not good

Last year so if he who was this JT his situational hitting if his situational hitting is what it has been in years past and he comes up with hits at more keep moments in the game where it’s what you would expect from him I think those two factors are a a massive differen

Maker in how this team rolls defensively and offensively and I I leave that let you feel these guys finish this up well yeah Alvarado Hoffman Soto Dominguez I mean they’re all capable closers of Mr Rudy po GRE say what you’re going to say we’ll we’ll get ourselves out of here no

I was just gonna I mean you did you did kind of shut me down in in your in your rant but it was like you’re 100% you’re absolutely right like you don’t always need the splash but when the two teams that are in your like one

In your Division and the other in your conference or or League are making moves that are making them that take them from where we’re at with if these guys stay healthy if this happens if they take this jump right we right now while I agree with you we’re there we have a lot

More ifs where the Braves and Dodgers right now outside of outside of Pure Health right you mean like everyone’s gonna have that Health Factor but outside of Pure Health we’re we’re right now third at minimum to the brav and the Dodgers right now and I don’t know that we’re even

Close what we close what because our bullet bull well and that’s that’s the other side Aron NOA didn’t have a great year last year I believe that he’s going to be better but we need I need to see that first before I can believe that he

You know before I think that he’s gonna be what he is I agree Craig right kir like you said the D way got team Japan now we’re now we’re scared they got team Japan team Japan want it and now and now we’re like oh they’re so much better and we we marginally got

Good right again kirking like you said thrown into a huge spot I’m not killing the kid but how does he bounce back we don’t know we don’t know and and the guy you know I don’t I don’t really like Montgomery I’d prefer Balor but like more guys that you know can do

It solidify it even more yeah yeah I mean I hear you I’m not you’re gonna sit here you’re gonna sit here with a straight damn face when we’re trying to get out of here and tell me you want to put the Braves ahead of anybody you better check your damn pulse

Right now you going to put the Braves ahead of anybody Daddy okay I’m not I’m not worried about Atlanta we own them that’s cool you canot be afraid but they’re real you gonna make me go two hours I don’t want to do this tonight Craig we already started late you’re

Doing it you’re doing it doing it you’re going to put a team above us that we own like are you out of your mind like you over under over chrome for what’s that for who 90 and a half oh uh I’ll I’ll say over it might just be over but

Over Craig Craig just look at you look at you you’re so what are you are you over or under I’m gonna go under I’m gonna go under of course you are you’re you’re out you’re out you know what you know what you know what I had a boy

Harper below me too you know what to you twoo you you know what he better have a healthy year because he gets he gets to pass all time so you want to get over 90 it starts with him and I love him I love him I love him love love him right love

The guy but he knows it so and a lot of it’s not his fault like most of his injuries are get buked in the forehead you know I mean like okay bro what are you gonna do there it’s like that’s not your fault right so but listen I know

He’s going he’s a gamer he wants to win and those guys set the tone remember that remember that those guys set the tone this been h2d Wednesday nights we were brought you by bajio Bread located M La New Jersey go check them out and on your way out hit the like subscribe

Follow we love you all we’ll see you next w

With the NBA approaching the NBA All Star break let’s take a look at the Philadelphia 76ers season outlook post NBA Trade deadline. The 76ers traded for guards Buddy Heild and Cameron Payne prior to this year’s NBA Trade Deadline. They followed up those additions with the addition of hometown kid Kyle Lowry on the buyout market. The 76ers host the Miami Heat Wednesday night as they play their final game before the NBA All Star Break. Tyrese Maxey and injured MVP Joel Embiid are the Sixers All Stars. Philadelphia Phillies season is quickly approaching as pitchers and catchers reported today in Clearwater. Position players report on or before February 19th for the Phillies.

#sixers #philadelphia76ers #nba

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