@Brooklyn Nets

Jacque Vaughn Fired. What’s Next For Brooklyn?

Jacque Vaughn Fired. What’s Next For Brooklyn?

Coming up as a bonus on President’s Day the Nets fire jock vaugh we break down the timing of relieving the long tenured head coach for the Brooklyn Nets spending a little bit of extra money to clear the books and whether or not jock vaugh represented all of the issues or

If the Nets really have a plan going forward we dive in coming up next you are locked on Nets your daily Brooklyn Nets podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day Bro ah yes my friends it is the lockon Nets podcast right here on the lockon podcast Network it’s your team the Brooklyn Nets every single day over there is Doug Nory I’m Adam arre we thank you as always for making us your first listen of the day we’re 100% free

On all those great platforms and live on YouTube Doug for the breaking news as we all anticipated the Monday after the allar our weekend right when all the coaches get fired Jac vaugh relieved by the Brooklyn Nets well Jac vaugh takes the L I’m going to take the L too

Because I said that there was no way he was going to get fired this season uh and laid out all the reasons I thought that would be the case that was clearly wrong the Nets I agree with you publicly but everyone should know that privately I completely disagreed on this take I

Was 100% against I just didn’t want to barrass my co-host that was what kind of works as like a sort of a All-Star break Monday news dump um in the timing of it obvious viously Monday morning everyone’s off uh effectively kind of works that way although when you look

Back on it is it all that surprising that Jac Von is fired of course not I mean the team is completely underperformed this season they’re coming off of one of the most embarrassing losses in history there’s been comments about from the players that came out this weekend we’re going

To go over that there’s been a building frustration possibly uh around that so we’re gonna discuss all that ultimately jacqu vaugh is out as coach for you know the last third of this season and it’s ENT sort of just represents another Tipping Point sliding doors moment

Whatever you want to call it in the Nets organization about like sort of what they’re going to do going forward because this is a team that has more questions than just the coach of course and we’ll go ahead and highlight the official statement from the Brooklyn

Nets here and before we get into what it means Doug mentioning their players maybe starting to get a little bit vocal how much impact did they have on the decisions of Shawn marks and ultim josi but this was an incredibly difficult decision Shawn Marx said but we feel it

Is in the best interest of the team going forward jock has represented this organization with exemplary character and class for the past eight years the consistent positivity and passion he poured into our team daily will remain with the players and staff he interacted with throughout his tenure we thank jock

For all he has done for the Nets and the burough of Brooklyn and wish him Laura and their family nothing but the best in the future over the course of his time here this is beyond Shawn marks comments uh the three seasons head coach Brooklyn in Brooklyn vaugh had compiled a 71-68

Record that’s winning that’s winning basketball baby I I hate to I hate to say that’s building a winning culture I hate to say that because we we are never Pro players getting traded or dumping on you know players in their minutes and their performances or coaches getting

Fired but like your impact on the on the organization and all of these These are always such fluff pieces after you like he’s he had a horrible season and he had a hor and you could argue that he didn’t have a great 27 games a year ago either

And a lot of times you never anticipate this from a GM or from an organization but you wouldn’t hate it if they came out and said honestly we probably should have gone a different direction this off season we probably should have made a decision sooner around this particular

Role and we didn’t and it’s a failing on our part but it’s in the best interest for everybody that we move on now right there’s never an acknowledgement of of your cability in the head coach that you put in place that has struggled mightily all year long well oh you’re saying from

The Shawn marks angle like from the organizational yes yeah so okay so I well you know there’s a couple there’s so many different angles to take this in terms of when the coach is fired and this is something that we’re going to probably end up dissecting more over the

Course of the week right like this is this represents something like the real-time reaction you know he’s just been he’s been fired within the last hour uh essentially and trying to sort of make pieces all these things tend to oh things tend to to work jump in real

Quick here just cu didn’t put this in the clarification when I read that statement the top of it was the Brooklyn Nets have relieved Jack vaugh as their head co of his head coaching duties an interim head coach will be named in the near future go on right so we don’t even

Know who the interm coach is going to be um and we’ll you know we had sort of made some guesses in the past where they would go but the fact that they didn’t name someone right away lends itself to some more questions and by the time this

Episode’s over they may have named one right this is sometimes the this is sometimes the problem of doing things in real time although like getting quick reactions is is also pretty important when something this big you mentioned jacqu Vaughn’s record as the coach if you add in his playoff record he’s a

Losing coach he’s 0 and8 in the playoffs as the Nets coach so if you want to just Chuck those in there but like you said this season has not has been significantly below expectations and I actually thought Von’s job was pretty safe going into this year no matter what

Based on the contract extension that they signed him to really quickly when he was first hired right he’s under the Nets are now go gonna be paying two coaches plus an interim because Steve Nash is still on the books I thought that Vaughn’s um job from that perspective was pretty safe because the

Team was in a gap year you know like they the expectations maybe it’s just like hey can we make the playoffs and maybe that’s going to be good enough or the playing game and that’s going to be good enough it’s really a testament to how bad the season has gone that they

Even got to this place right like because I think that like in terms of having a pretty long leash around performance the performance expectations were already so low right all things considered that you would have thought that vaugh probably had some staying power even if you know the the record

Was you know 500 or less or or or whatever but following that loss to Boston F following some of the player comments following some of his comments frankly which I felt a lot of times lacked the um like lacked the inner look to say like we may have done some things wrong

Like kind of seemed to blame external factors a lot like coming off that loss to Boston he had an interesting quote that said a lot of these guys haven’t played together and he said Dennis schroer and shuder and cam Johnson had only hadn’t played together well they

Played like a minute and a half together all game right like just really and and by the way every team deals with this every team deals with new players the grizzley’s like basically the night later a team that had never played together beat the Bucks you can’t use

These excuses that guys hadn’t played together as an excuse for underperformance and I think there was a continued lack of just like I said inter reflection or outward reflection around his own performance that always that was beginning to really ring Hollow right like it’s like how can we like how can

You have these records how can you have this defense how can this offense look like this how can you how can things look like this and not have it be some coaching so I think there was like a little bit of writing on the wall just

From his own comments too and I wonder if as much as anything like that became the straw that broke the camels back because I think he was a guy that had I think it had to go really bad to get fired it’s a testament to how bad

Was going that he actually got fired well this was the other part of it too before we start to move into you know what it means going forward having some names maybe to speculate about who could replace him ultimately but it also to me to you you mentioned the point there

It’s like this team is still you know comically in the play and tournament discussion but the fact that it did it never really looked like and we’ve mentioned the injuries throughout the season right messed up some timing and the Rhythm but it never looked like from a system standpoint that there was

Improvement movements that’s I think the biggest problem with with Coach vaugh over this season it’s that Hey listen wins and losses are going to happen but it never felt like fundamentally you were getting the the players remember going back to last season it was cam Johnson that said well we’re all coming

In from all different systems we’re trying to learn new terminology new language GNA take time okay 27 games entire offseason entire training camp and all of the what is it up to 50 plus games now of across the course of this season it still didn’t look like you had

Figured it out now you can speculate whether or not there’s buyin from the players or not but at a certain point you have to look at the staff and say come on like if you can’t instill this and then you come out with comments of I think the players are learning a lot

Here I think they’re taking away a lot there was some separation there from Jack vaugh in terms of we’re putting in the right principles and it’s just a matter of the players getting up to speed on it that that seemed to ring a little bit Hollow as well coming up here

In a second let’s just further this discussion what does it mean for the Brooklyn Nets going forward over this season and we will reflect on the timing of this and how it does pave the way for someone interim or otherwise to maybe have a soft landing spot from a schedule

Standpoint we’ll get into that coming up here in just one second all right before we get to that tell you about our friends over at grammarly look no matter what kind of work you’re doing out there sending emails doing reports doing presentations you have to make sure that your fact

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We always appreciate everybody coming in another little reminder to go over to weot where you can pick up a free ebook when you sign up with your email it’s five stories in five days from the history of this organization guess what 2.0 is probably coming down

The pike and it could be the Jack vaugh reflecting on his tenure as the Nets head coach and what it meant for this team you also get alerts around new content we’re creating there there and there’s a forum where you can go ahead and send us a message give us your takes

Ask your questions about this team really excited for what we’re doing over on weot sign up for your free ebook today okay timing wise Doug we said now it’s funny you you acknowledged your perspective was was going to be in the off season and while tongue and Chic

At the top when you laid out the reasons why I I liked it I think it made sense like why rock the boat for a team that is not necessarily going to win a lot of basketball games but when you play competitive and you come back the first

Game against Boston you say hey okay that’s something to hang your hat on and then get totally dumpstered and it’s followed up by the comments by Mel Bridges it all of a sudden as soon as it gets announced this morning you go yeah I could see it because we now do have a

Track record here throughout the season as well there’s more than a handful of games where it felt like this team just didn’t show up yeah and what once you’ve lost the locker room we know in professional sports that that is the death nail because there is no coming

Back from from that and it’s almost surprising maybe if we think back now that Jack vaugh survived several of these games from this team look they right now as of uh February 19th they are 19th in offense 21st in defense with the defense being particularly Troublesome right and then you come off

That Boston game and male Bridges essentially Intimates that like changes have to be made now he doesn’t say like you know he’s basically saying something has to change when you get that when you get when you lose by that much now whether he it’s an inward reflection as

Like he done earlier in the season around his own play or if it’s just a growing frustration with like the organization or lack of Direction when it comes to different schemes which we’ve sort of heard about he’s become more vocal in the short term uh around like maybe some frustrations there going

Away from his own culpability to maybe just like that there’s other problems with what’s happening um you know that was like really when he said that that those quotes after the game I was like huh this might be speeding toward the end here because these are not not even

That veiled frustration in terms of like where and it’s like not seeing it maybe as like where we saw earlier in the season it’s like you know I got to be better you know this team’s gonna kind of ride with me here it wasn’t like that

Anymore now maybe it it could have been I mean like these guys haven’t been amazing on both ends of the Court either like they I think the everyone’s kind of to blame here but in terms of like just the way things were messaging then he obviously has some sort of high some

Higher profile comments with Jaylen Brunson and crew uh on the podcast where they’re talking about how the Nets just like don’t really rival the Knicks I’m paraphrasing here just in terms of fan base and stuff like that and how it’s always going to be hard I don’t think

That like necessarily has to do with the firing but you can just sort of see this the tone shifting here in terms obviously cam Thomas has been frustrated with vaugh it seems like in the past with playing time and not understand had higher Pro like you know widespread

Comments about like not knowing what his rotations were at the end of games right like never like not having clear messages so I think there was all these little things that were happening and if you’re going to be willing to just hire an interterm coach knowing that that person is not

Going to be the long-term solution I guess it does make the situation a little different but than I like sort of thought it was going to be but just looking back at how this last week has gone I mean you can’t be surprised at all at the announcement like I wasn’t

Surprised at all when I saw it even if I thought that it might not happen for no for you’re right for sure it wasn’t like you go oh this feels very l field now we will get into also the timing of it from a trade deadline standpoint and organizational decisions made around

That but let’s stay on the Mel Bridges piece just for a second listen we know that that players Drive the league and then they have a lot of influence and their input and it it should be valued but Mel Bridges is not a superstar talent and the Net’s just went through

This with Kevin Durant and Kyrie Irving and James Harden does it concern you at all if it is the the influence of the way male Bridges has been speaking more recently than going back to the beginning of the year that that impacted the decision to fire jock vaugh because

He’s been a part of the organization for eight years they obviously have a have an affinity for him Shawn Marx and Joe Sai they they knew exactly who this coach was by the way when they gave him his extension right like it’s not like this is oh we’re surprised it didn’t

Work out but then when male Bridges makes those comments this and I’m not knocking male for it but it seems to give some indication that like we are concerned with male Bridges wanting to be here wanting to be a part of this organization and getting a clear sense

That maybe he’s starting to wne a little bit now that we’re talking about last season 27 games this year this is an under 500 basketball team and it doesn’t look like in the short term there’s a bright future here barring them going out and making that Big Splash in the

Offseason yeah you know sometimes these are things that you don’t realize till later they never really fully come out my strong suspicion is not is that like mckel brid didn’t ask him to be fired or anything like that I doubt there was like a player Mutiny along these lines

At all I I just don’t think that now do I think that he got asked ahead of time probably I mean probably right like I think that’s sort of how these things go it’s like you know would you be devastated if this happened and you know

This is all not we’re not reporting this I’m just saying like how these things tend to go it’d be like it’d be pretty crazy considering what sort of Faith they put in male Bridges as a Cornerstone piece as either like you know whether they see him as a superstar

Or as a way to get other superstars in the door right like he’s clearly a very important part of the organization so I’d be shocked if he was n at least asked or you know a soft ask or whatever about it right and I think like that

That feels like it probably make sense to me in terms of like you know what we’ll hear about you know from these other guys going forward I I I actually think that I actually think they really liked Jack vaugh a lot I actually think this was hard it’s actually a testament

To how bad that it was on the court that that he got fired right because I think they actually like liked him a lot like I think they thought he was a cerebral guy they obvious gave him an extension early he’d been in the building a long time

Right like uh so it’s like they knew him right and so I’m I think that this will Pro when Shawn Mark says it was hard I bet you it was hard on a human level maybe not on a basketball level not maybe not on a basketball level maybe on

A basketball level it was long a long time coming or well overdue possibly right and like and at the human level me and like the contextual level made it so that it went on longer than maybe it should have but I I believe marks when

He says it was hard I bet you it was hard on human level um and I frankly my guess is like that’s why it took till February 19th and not earlier in the season or something like that yeah and and I’m sure that the contract extension

Played a factor in it as well like on both levels right individual level and then from a contract standpoint which we discussed last week was remember now you’re gonna pay him money too and the money from Steve Nash doesn’t come off until this offseason so just from a

Business standpoint you know that you made a choice it didn’t work out and now you’re making the decision to try to not throw as we we often use the phrase don’t throw the good money after B bad so you’re trying to move on here coming

Up in a second what does it mean over the remainder of this season whoever the interm head coach is what immediate changes would we like to see now that there will be someone new at the helm we’ll dive in on that discussion coming up here in just one

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Nissan Armada to go find your next big adventure shop all right so as we continue today’s episode Breaking Down live on YouTube as well the firing of Jack vaugh by the Brooklyn Nets and by Shawn Marx ultimately so before we talk about just what it means for the remainder of this

Season there’s also the Shawn Marx aspect of this he’s the one as the GM that that makes this statement and says it was difficult and wishes Jack Fawn all the best this will be his fourth coach in terms of the interim and then as Doug pointed out before we got

Started and ultimately fifth unless someone stays here after this season does this mean anything in terms of his job security I I know that that seems like a silly question to ask when you when you think about other jams around the league but that’s because most jams don’t even get past the second

Coach or the third coach but now we’ll be talking fourth and maybe fifth coach do you think that Sai is still in marks We Trust here in terms of making decisions trying to get stable with that core of M Bridges and Cameron Johnson and this clearly clearly has not gone

The way they thought whatever the big picture plan was over the next couple of years the idea was we extended Jack vaugh to be again the steadying hand at the head coaching spot with the steadying players in M Bridges as a core and then two years from now we’ll

Reevaluate this is fast-tracked as they’ve kind of spiraled here yeah I mean it it rings to as to safety to me like who knows you know maybe they maybe this is the first step and it’s going to be part of a larger organizational Bill I’d be really surprised if that happened

Um I’m not surprised that you know if they were going to do it not you we’re g ultimately fire marks not naming a successor and coach would make sense because you would want the next GM to be able to hire the next coach right um as

Part of the same thing it sure seems like Marx is safe here like I don’t really if I had to vote now I would say he was he looks I mean completely like Teflon right like I I just don’t know what I mean seemingly everything on a

High level has gone that could have gone wrong has gone wrong here right like so I don’t and I while I like a lot of the smaller decisions that they made like through the draft and some other value pieces when you look at the highest level decisions here they’ve gone as bad

As possible like Kevin Durant asked for a trade Kyrie Irving asked for a trade James Harden asked for a trade Ben Simmons has barely played they fired Nash they fired vaugh they fired ainson so if you fire all the coaches and all the big all the best players ask for

Trades or don’t play like I I that’s kind of the whole thing so I I don’t like what else is there to the game so what else do as a GM other than all of these things that we’re listing yeah oh and they’ve lost most of their playoff

Games too so like I like I just don’t like I just don’t know what else he could possibly do to get fired and if you’re if if we’re thinking about this through the through the Joe sa lens you you go back and say a head coach making

It through the trade deadline well that that’s kind of irrelevant especially for a team doesn’t have high expectations a GM going into the into a trade deadline and coming out the other side that does matter because in theory and by the way organizationally with Shawn marks is a

Part of this but they always seem to be a half step behind the process right in terms of their decision-making but if you were josi and there was some world where you were I’m sure having conversation with Shawn marks maybe vaugh is going to be on the outs here

And if Sai is thinking maybe you’re G to be on the outs here well you would at least think that there’s a moment where he has that private discussion for himself because I can fire a GM and bring in a new GM and let them get the ball rolling at the current deadline

Where that’s clearing everybody out making highlevel decisions about Mel briges Cameron Johnson now it’s not typical but it does extend this timeline now where Shawn Marx he made some of the key decisions we can reflect on the fact that it’s veteran guys expiring contract so any GM probably would have made those

Moves but but I I I think it does matter especially when you heard the rumors of offers for male Bridges you allowed Shawn Marx to execute that vision at the deadline so it would seem unlikely that you’ll turn around now whether it’s in the offseason or otherwise and say but

You’re not going to execute going forward yeah like I just don’t know again this this organization has done some nonsensical things in the past also so I’m not sure like I can totally trust that um you know sanity is the better part of valor when it comes to just like

The decisions they’re going to make but just like none of none of the none of the moves so far would suggest that like there’s any trouble ground now maybe you might say to yourself well vaugh getting fired is the final stand that this guy has right it’s like you you extended him

And now you extended him and you got to make sure you make up the playoffs or like you have to bring in a superstar over the summer and if you don’t do that then like we’re going to part ways like mean there might be other pieces that

Could be rounding out toward the Finish but I just like don’t that there’s really never been any talk of that there’s never been any reporting of that there’s never been really any sign that vaugh is anything but incredi excuse me marxis anything but incredibly safe so I

Just don’t see that’s just would be just merely just simply a guess like I it would right you know what I mean I don’t think that there’s any other sign that that would be the case and look like we said with the NBA life comes at you fast

Like all of a sudden if he was fired tomorrow I also wouldn’t be shocked about that either and then by the way Doug and I are if nothing like we’re willing to be right and wrong on these things because it happens very quickly and things start to snowball in

Different directions so I know that a lot of the fan base has said Jo should have shouldn’t even been the coach coming into this season okay but but sometimes that’s disingenuous to your frustration around coming out of a superstar era we are going to talk about because we’ll have time this week what

Changes do we think we’ll see in the roster in rotations in systems and how they want to run this team to maybe give a sample size but if we stay inside of this here too did did you mention I I don’t want to put you on a bad spot here

Did you have a sense of coaches or names that you had in mind that the Nets might look at or am I am I I’m being this is on the fly here or was I miss did I M hear you I have some there’s there’s some guys out there so obviously the

First the first couple are just inh housee right Kevin Al Ronnie barell are there we’ll see who’s named interim head coach like we might get done you know that might come out today so I’m they play on Thursday maybe I’m sure they have some sense of the direction that

They’re going there other guys that are interesting I mean you have Mike pu hols are still sitting out there obviously his tenure with the Bucks starts to look a little better in the context of like how the Bucks have been this year right they’re already on their second

Coach this year after firing him um and whatever you want to say about sort of playoff lack of adjustments right like he had he was a good coach right and specifically defensive minded and if and if they want to like sort of make defense as a core of their of their sort

Of like marching orders going forward then I could see that Jared Dudley has been a guy that’s been sort of like bantti about xnet really highly respected with the Mavs organization now as assistant like that is a guy that I think you could see crop up here right just because of like

Some of the historical stuff and I and he’s just like really well-liked across across the league Sam Cassell is a guy’s name I I saw thrown out there David ad like there’s been guys that are mentioned um but I don’t like I don’t I’d be shocked if there was like a front

Runner right now for that but I do think that there are guys out there I mean ainson is still assistant coach I I doubt would do that but like I doubt like I’m sure that that by the way I don’t know you’re mentioning mentioning these names off

The top of your head but that would be that would be the ultimate the ultimate move from Shawn marks would be We’re Going Back to Where it All Began baby Kenny ainson coming through the door with I think if I have this correctly I’m so glad when I have these stats kind

Of ready to go here Kenny ainson 383 win percentage this is how we build right like it just you’d bring it all back to neutral on on those two guys I will say like Ali who was brought into this staff and and then Burell is interesting to me because I wonder if organizationally

Like you elevated him from the g-league did a great job down there it’s on the one hand you could Elevate him and say Here’s your opportunity to to earn this role show something over the back end of this season and then it be kind of a nice organizational story right that you

Groom this coach up the chain of command or when we’ve seen recent track record and how this team has played you go I really don’t want to damage a very good coach that we’ve developed by putting him in an impossible spot so that’s the weird part here for me in the short term

And I wonder how the Nets are going to really thread the needle on somebody’s got to coach this team over the final 30 games so we at 29 games so we’ll obviously get that as it comes out and continue to discuss it but that that’s the fascinating part here you kind of

Whoever they name if it’s just interim there’s a big part of it where you feel like he’s the lame duck for these last 20 you know 20 plus games which is probably again another reason why they were maybe holding off on firing vaugh because it’s okay to let him go after a

Really really bad year if he’s the guy start to finish now you could actually damage another potential coach inside your team which is exactly why I thought they wouldn’t do it yeah always your talking point was like someone in a horrible spot and they’re going to look

Bad at the end of the year if they don’t win this was reason one two and three why I didn’t think they would do this like because of that exact thing that you just said now uh the last note I will make here before we get out the

Door I’m pretty sure we’re going to stick around for a few minutes extra he a massive group of people as we anticipated coming in on the live one other reason no matter whether it’s the interm coach or otherwise that it made sense to fire Jack Vaughn coming out of

Those two Celtics games is because remember we said and it was harder to stick to this after they got absolutely dumpstered by by the Celtics after those two games though they are on the road this is another good reason why away from Barclays Toronto Minnesota Memphis Orlando then home for two games against

The Hawks the Grizzlies again at home and then a Sixers team that’s obviously in a little bit of flux this was a somewhat quote softish landing spot on the schedule too so whoever you name the head coach at least gets a little bit of a favorable Runway here to get

Themselves going Institute some new ideas and principles to the team and maybe give the fan base a little bit of a jolt this is the pr part of this too like the timing of these things matters when you’re trying to maybe sell the fan base that we got rid of the coach that

Wasn’t doing enough and look look at the four and three record over the first seven games for the incoming you know interm head coach as well yeah and you also give yourselves like you know four days to just until your next game or three days till your next game right

Like you got all the players are out of the building right now because they’re all on the All-Star break right so there’s just a lot of other timing pieces that ended up making a lot of sense you clear out you clear away the NBA festivities too from the weekend

Like just like the dunk contest and the All-Star Game and all this other stuff that the NBA probably doesn’t want detractions away from like on the media side to like have other things be stories and you just get like a Monday morning there’s a lot like the timing

Around this makes a 100% sense I I I get every part of it it makes it all makes sense it’s just that I’m just I still remain just a little a little surprised that they end up doing it for the other pieces that we already mention mention much appreciated everyone that jumped

Into the YouTube live we’ll stick around for a few minutes here uh to talk and if you have some questions throw them up un locked on next make sure you go visit the weot grab that ebook right maybe jacqu vaugh ends up becoming a

Story uh that we write that we end up wrri about the story of jacqu vaugh in the 20232 24 season we got I thought we’d get to see forever but forever’s gone away it’s so hard to say goodbye oh to yesterday Bo to them come

On man some of the all time great poet we’ll back again in a moment on YouTube and tomorrow talking more Brooklyn that’s basketball basketball basketball basketball basketball basketball basketball basketball yeah all right my friends sticking around here obviously on the live when when news like this breaks it tends to I

Don’t know say throw a small wrench in what your normal routine or schedule is we’re always happy to get on and have these discussions but we’ll stick around as long as we can here throw up your questions or comments if you want to I’m sure there’s mostly going to be relief

Doug around Jack Von being fired and you know he was the the Crux of all these issues here couple quickly that just jumped out to me John Jonathan mentioning as you had said buen holer obviously an option tyou would be perfect for this team I find that’s

That’s another name maybe to keep an eye on and then we backtrack to Jay who mentioned uh Jay Wright does he get a call here rebuilding and developing team former coach to Bridges as well do they have enough do they have enough of the players because the Knicks are really

The ones that have collected and amassed so many of that core over on the other side of the city yeah but they got their coach already I I I think that like it’s probably G it’s definitely going to be a name you heard of I think if I’m if I’m

Guessing I doubt it’s a I doubt at this point it’s G to be like an unknown assistant or g-league coach variety kind of guy right like I I don’t think that that’s going to be the way they go I think they’re gonna want to try to make at least a moderate Splash between

Either like an ex player like a Dudley type or Sam Cassell or a guy with like at least a proven track record of regular season winning um or right I mean like with a I you know these are all just names but like who has like you know obviously a great College coaching

Career so I don’t think it’s going to be just like your Nick nurse let’s see how it works out from the g-league kind of thing right I I don’t think that’s gonna be the kind of guy they go for and I do not think that they’re GNA whoever they

Pick at the interm is gonna stick as the head coach like I think that is unless Ali comes in let’s like let’s say Kevin Oly comes in and they just rip off like you know a great last third then maybe but I still think it’s just going to be

A different situation well and again too it’s like if you wanted to be Oly or you want it to be Burell that we we said again after these Celtics games we thought that they could be an above 500 team now when you get dumpstered that

Bad it takes some of the Shine off of it but but I could look at it and say there’s winning there’s a winning record to be had here over the remainder of the season so maybe you put somebody into that position to be successful there as

Well uh I want to ask you something throw up any other ones that you had as well but I did want to ask you because you just mentioned there bring in someone established go back to Kenny ainson I mean listen the record looks bad but the team was bad back then too

He was a guy that had established himself and was a name coming up but then you go to the Steve Nash and Jack vaugh who had a clear history of what he kind of was as a head coach I I think you make a good point around like we we

Can’t have a ah now wait now wait and see like we we pulled a a coaching rabbit out of our proverbial hat here I think there does need to be some you know this guy and you know what he’s capable of he has the history of being

At least solid right developing a strong team and pushing for playoff runs I the one do you think there’s any world where they would put a known commodity as an interm head coach who they have no intention of keeping longterm like and I’m go I’ll use the

Name take this with with the intentions I mean it like Stan Van Gundy where you go this guy’s not coming back to the league he’s not sticking around long term but it might be a good sample for our organization to understand what we really have from a roster standpoint if

A if a very established coach came in said oh I would just one two three these are the very easy fixes and you can see how with some nice system adjustments this team actually can be way more competitive than jock B made them appear I don’t think so because I don’t think

They have enough talent to like have these established guys to to feel great about it right like I don’t feel like if they had like a better so a good example of that would be like Doc Rivers in Milwaukee right it’s like hey they have

D they have Giannis and damee I can step in there not going to tarnish my legacy at all I mean maybe he is already but like yeah hold my beard let’s see right let’s see but there’s going to be like that’s a different that’s that’s a at least known situation situation around

Superstars I mean this net team like who knows what they’re gonna be in a year like I I I don’t know are they gonna get Donovan Mitchell are they gonna get Trey young I mean I’m just you know are they gonna get one of these Superstar guys

Right are they gonna be the same and then you’re really looking at like no chance to improve your record I just don’t see them choosing one of those guys I I think it’s that’s why I really like the name Jared Dudley right as a as

A guy because I think it fits a lot of these other and I saw this on you on Twitter and I feel bad because I can’t remember who said it and I just really tried to look it back up um and I I I’ll correct

It later when I find it but maybe it was Billy Reinhardt um the I saw that name and I was like oh that makes a lot of sense to me right like that name makes a lot of sense because it checks a lot of these other boxes that even like Nash didn’t check

Because Nash had never coached really right right like Nash he was a great player and great name but he really never coached and so Dudley’s been inide the you know on the organizational level for a while outside of his playing career so even that like Rings a little

Differently so anyway I don’t think you’re gonna see one of these other like high-profile guys kind of get drawn out of retirement though no the other thing too is uh Jean Rome steps in frequent flyer mentioning Jack vaugh is glad that he’s fired but also that Sean marks put

Him in a bad spot with the roster totally other yeah the other we hodge podge of players they never fit correctly together and and it speaks to again to what Doug’s Point once we started having the discussion around jock Von and could he get fir was yeah

And this is why you want to keep him as long as you can because the next guy’s going to come in here and you’re still going to have this hodgepodge of players that doesn’t fully complement each other very well and you know whether right wrong indiff yes Ben Simmons is playing

Basketball now but he wasn’t playing basketball all year and that’s a critical Cog as we’ve seen reflected on the court to make it look successful from a coaching standpoint again too like one thing about vongh like yes the the roster is Def is is extremely deficient in terms of talent but it’s

Not a Barren Wasteland like vaugh did himself no they had no system they ran no real sets they did nothing to sort of like maximize the talent like you know you never saw you know floppy action or like even like Great Horn sets or these things that they would sort of run unre

Repeatable they would swing the balls to non the ball gets swung to non-shooters all the time which makes no sense like there’s just there was a lot of like core pieces to this offense especially that didn’t make any sense so he did him himself no favors they they played drop

Defense with guys who weren’t really equi the play Drop coverage for like a long time at the beginning of the Season which crushed the defense right like there was lots of x’s and o’s scheme schematic pieces R vaugh just clearly dropped the ball right so I I think that

And then you know if you look back interestingly enough man I forget what game this was but there was a game where the Nets put up like a really good defensive effort and Dennis Smith Jr got asked after the game like what was the difference and he was like oh Kevin

Ali’s video work like he said Ali by name and I and I was thinking huh interesting like that’s now it’s probably true and assistant coaches do tons of work so it’s not like you could probably say that for every team every game where an assistant coach does

Something really good right so I don’t think that that in of itself was weird but it was interesting to compliment the assistant coach schematically when they did something different I was like huh interesting because because we just know the team didn’t like they played this drop coverage at the beginning of the

Year with Claxton with no point of no good point of attack Defenders you just can’t do that right and so I just there was other things that went wrong and to that point too it’s like you know I don’t think players don’t always necessarily have a sense of that in this

Case vaugh that what he’s doing is is wrong or bad right it’s succeeding or failing but it is then the the contrast of the different thing right like we don’t know what could work better until we see it and it feels like it works better so you mentioned Ali instituting

Something that maybe benefits also just as a note Weaver on this uh hired to this coaching staff as well he had coached in uh Australia as the head coach also France played with the was with the g- league for the Nets as well Coach of the Year down there too so you

Have you know you have options onside inside of this building right now which does feel the most likely who it ends up being will be interesting and what happens to the rest of this coaching staff like is this a is this a staff comprised by Shawn Marx under Jack vaugh

Did Jack vaugh any input or influence on this because remember they flushed out a lot of coaches from the 27 games last year and then reconstructed it but they maintained a lot of guys from inside their pipeline yeah uh I I I think it’s mostly organizational I mean b Ronnie Burell

Came from the G league right so like I think that I think that these were like multi organizational hires um yeah I don’t know it’s that one’s hard to know I think we’re gon have a lot more clarity on this by Thursday I I think like it’ll I mean obviously they have a

Game but I think we’ll kind of like I think more will come out in terms of like what the plan is go ahe no no I just I just feel like since we’re going to wind this one down we have a lot of fun it’s going to be hard to peel us

Away from 300 plus people uh being in this room but I really want to make sure I gets up for Doug because he’s a big fan big fan of this candidate thinks he deserves his shot and here here’s why I know he won’t be the coach I won’t even

Say I won’t even give my own opinion about this this guy’s name comes up every time there’s an there’s been an opening which has been a 100 you know 50 over the last ever since he stopped coach coing the Warriors yeah and they went on to win all their championships

Basically right um his name has come up with every single hire and he’s never made it even close to the finish line so I forget even my opinion on this this guy’s name comes up these same names come up every time and there’s just no chance there’s no chance there’s no

Chance on him I remember having that that that thought back when like when Stan Van Gundy went back went to Detroit and had full you know full autonomy but that was after when when when Mark Jackson was out there and it was like well if you’re going for Stan Van Gundy

Who had that point had also been away from the game for a while it just felt like the writing you know it’s been written in terms of uh Mark Jackson and where he is from a head coaching sto not that we need to dwell on it but I think

There’s gonna be a lot of names like that a lot of name cache will get thrown those are always brought up by the fans like they’re never brought up in like important distinction here is these guys are always brought up by the fan bases they’re never really brought up

Organizationally these guys don’t tend to interview right like they they’re always brought up because people can’t think of other names now I’m not taking a dig at whoever said that right uh it just this happens every time so it’s not it’s not just that it’s said these the

Fans bring this up because you’re it’s you’re hardpressed to draw on a a huge list of names that you can think of that don’t coach anymore most of them either still coach or retired right or they were so bad that you would never even it’s like oh why why is no one

Considering David blat right it’s like because he’s stunk right right um or or boil from you know Jim Bole from the Bulls because he was the worst head coach in the coming up in these kind of coaching Cycles exactly so it’s like you have this very short list of guys who

Kind of walked out not totally at the bottom or they’re not just ancient like Mike Danton who’s 80 something years old right who’s just not like so so I get why these gu I get why the same names always come up but it’s really just fans drumming them up I don’t think there’s

Ever like real legitimate interest in these guys uh I’m going to leave it up to you because I think you have a little bit of a tighter timeline at least right now this moment we can we can close this bad boy out whenever we want and and

Really to be honest at this point now we’re waiting we’re waiting for who gets named interm head coach what does that mean how is it going to impact this team the only last note would be do you think that this team gets that as a lot of

Teams do that little bump after you you let go of a coach everyone gets a little more energy in themselves come back from the All-Star break do you think that this team can come out and have some success over the back end of this season

My guess is you see some kind of sort of like initial spark of new guy maybe some new rotations are coming right like there’s maybe play we talk about that right rotations minutes like I think there’s gonna be a shift there for sure maybe playing time isn’t going to be

What it was before right um where some guys seem like sort of locked into roles and and other and you know I so I think you’ll see some a decent amount of energy come out with like under a new name especially like if guys just had totally if they just had totally checked

Out on vaugh then how could the energy not be higher but um I think we’ll just have a better sense of that in the next in the in the coming days I I doubt you’re going to see too much um negative stuff written about vaugh though I think

That they don’t want I think you know sometimes you see these sort of hit pieces that come out after the fact around you know just to sort of make the organization look better I think this one was just like so obvious that I don’t think they even need to do that

And I think on the human level they probably don’t want to do anything too dirty so that’s my guess around that um it’s just like not it’s just obvious sort of why I got fired you’re right listen 72 come on you’re just started he I thought he was closer to

I would go Larry Brown personally I think that’s a good option there as well listen um obviously we’ll be covering this all this week the Nets don’t play again until Thursday night as we mentioned so roster rotations minutes obviously when when new head coach interim or otherwise gets mentioned here

If it is in house then it at least opens the door for Beyond this season as well so it does make it a showcase over the end of this as opposed to running out the clock we’ll cover that um we’ll cover projections for the rest of the

Season and there is one other discussion here that I think we’ll have this week before we get to back to games did they make mistakes at the trade deadline ultimately if you end up firing your coach and you’re in a lot of ways waving the white flag on the old season here

Did you not go as far as you should have Dorian finny Smith other decisions that you could have made there so we’ll probably break that down as well all I feel bad I I’ve overshot Mike danton’s age he is 72 so my fa he looks older

Though he like he moves and talks and looks like a much older man yeah you got it yeah five yeah 75 seconds or less or whatever okay um we’re g to get out of here much appre appr everyone that jumped in always hard to to break it uh

With so many folks in but we’re going to have tons of content coming at you all this week with this with this move and sort of what the Nets are going to look like going forward in the meantime make sure if what since you’re in here subscribe over to lockon Nets you’re

Already here so just go and subscribe to lockon Nets YouTube uh make sure you hit that like button and go visit weot gra a copy of that free ebook you better believe it uh no quote in all honesty sorry that Jack vaugh ends up losing his job maybe he deserved it but

We are not a podcast that Revels in the loss of jobs or minutes or rolls or anything else so we see who comes out next uh I am one of the alltime great poets we’ll be back again tomorrow talking more Brooklyn that’s basketball basketball basketball basketball basketball self accolades basketball basketball basketball yeah

The guys discuss the firing of Jacque Vaughn, what role recent player comments had in the decision, and the short-erm outlook for the Nets.


  1. At the end of the day coach Vaughn getting fired felt inevitable…..

    Last season coach Vaughn was thrust into a role he wasn't expecting and instead he did his best to step up to the plate and actually got everyone together including KD and Kyrie to go on a small run…

    But this season Coach Vaughn radically changed in his philosophy and stopped developing the young players, at times ostracized Cam Thomas by fluctuating his role and upsetting him….

    But the fact this organization had Ben Simmons as their plan A option and after he got injured following six games, the coaching staff had no backup plans!

    Spencer Dinwiddie was thrown into a role he didn't want. Nic Claxton was defending at the center position and not one through five and Mikal Bridges was frustrated and just as angry at the lack of direction for most of the season…..

    This change needed to happen. But the question is can Brooklyn actually find a coach with a resume who understands the Brooklyn culture and the standard that needs to be set????

  2. Well…the writing has been on the wall for a while. I suspect they won’t name a full time head coach until the off season. If they are smart they will hire someone who has been a head coach with a proven track record. I’m not so sure that Marks job is safe.

  3. Looking at these last games the obvious decision would be to give Kevin Ollie run given his college championship career and the fact Nets players have credited his leadership and strategy skills that helped them win games….

    Now another option is former Bucks coach Bud but also Adrian Griffin who got a bad end of the deal with the Bucks could be an option as well…..

  4. Jacque Vaughn is not a bad coach, the big problem is Nets don’t have a no 1 option player. I remember just before KD and Kyire ask for a trade last season, the team record was amazing, like18 – 3 (In the last 21 games).

  5. Looking at this summer Brooklyn definitely needs to find a coach with a winning pedigree and someone who is very adaptable with both offensive and defensive schemes…

    But also as everyone knows Trae Young will be available this summer and he would be one of the best complimentary pieces with Nic Claxton and the Twins…

    The pick and roll combo Trae could make with Claxton and the 3 point shots he would help set Mikal and Johnson up to knock down would greatly improve this team's cohesion..

    But the key is Young is w point guard and this team needs someone to organize the team. Plus adding another superstar with Trae and Milkal would give the Nets a trio to build around 🔥🔥🔥…..

    Brooklyn needs to hit the ground running this summer….

  6. Somehow the coaches they hire seem to have that winning attitude in the beginning then as they go deeper in there contract then they become losing coaches and seem to only care about themselves and not the players.

  7. Must be about X's and O's (always is tbh) but I see nothing about this team that's lead me to believe they should have a better record. The big 3 is the biggest failure in NBA history and draft picks or not, it's going to take time to clean up this mess. Mikal Bridges value will never be higher than now and he's not some talented 22 year old. By the time Nets are semi relevant,he won't be as valuable to them and possibly other teams

  8. Well, its a long overdue first step in fixing this franchise, Marks has to be next if he cant clean up this mess he helped create. Bring in someone with experience that can actually coach and help develop the young players.

  9. how does Marks have a job? again, great eye for talent but he has such a poor track record on everything else. if Marks isn't gone after this year I have to question how committed Tsai is to winning a Ship. just seems like he's treading water as an owner

  10. Jacque Vaughn signed that contract extension almost one year ago which was reported to be a 4 year extension that keeps JV under contract until the 2026-27 NBA Season.

  11. Don't worry guys…we'll all forget about Josh Vaughn when Mikal and Cam are fighting the rest of the East for All Star spots next year.

  12. There must’ve been some behind the backstage drama going on that we didn’t know about….maybe Sean Marks should be the one!! Feels like a mutiny was on the horizon….id noticed several players not paying attention during time outs! But as of late they looked lost out there….two months earlier they looked great!

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