@Brooklyn Nets

Kevin Ollie is the new Brooklyn Nets head coach, replacing fired Jacque Vaughn

Kevin Ollie is the new Brooklyn Nets head coach, replacing fired Jacque Vaughn

Coming up after firing Jack vaugh the Brooklyn Nets searched far and wide high and low and ultimately hired in-house candidate Kevin Oly as the next head coach for the Brooklyn Nets we dive in on the breakdown and what it means for the Nets going forward coming up

Next you are locked on Nets your daily Brooklyn Nets podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day Brook Brook yo ah yes my friends it is the lockon Nets podcast right here on the lockon podcast Network it’s your team the Brooklyn Nets every single day he’s

Doug Nory I’m Adam marre we thank you as always for making us your first listen of the day we are 100% free on all those great platforms and let you know today’s episode is brought to you by priz piics the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports go to lockon NBA and use Pro promo code all lowercase locked on NBA for a first deposit match of up to $100 and Doug when they tell you TBD in the future we will name our coach turns out they mean about half a day yeah uh it was pretty predictable

Kevin hly reported to be the Net’s go the Net’s new interim coach important distinction around the wording there with what his label is going to be U though when we uh recorded following the jacqu vaugh firing this was where we guessed it was going with the only stipulation was that it just hadn’t

Happened right away so we held out a little bit of reservation that it would could could be someone else on the staff that was going to take over as interm coach though I mean smart SL major money would have been on Kevin Oly taking this over based on sort of like the talk

Around him coming in hearing what players have said throughout the year and just sort of understanding where the hierarchy was part partly thinking that like you know that he was even in uh conten for other head coaching jobs during this offse so feels like a pretty obvious move we’ll talk about sort of

What it means for the team what he brings to the table uh but from a surprise perspective we’re gonna put this at basically zero once Jac vaugh was fired it was pretty obvious I felt that Kevin Oly would be the next at least the interim coach here with the

Caveat of like we’re not sure what’s gonna happen after this season yeah and one of the first things that I thought about as we talked about when jock B was fired felt as though maybe getting the season because you don’t want to put the next coach or interm coach at a

Disadvantageous position which oi may be in here over the remain of the Season we’ll talk about that is also as you mentioned if Kevin oi is a name with some Buzz around it that could be looked at for head coaching positions if you’re the Brooklyn Nets in a season that

Wasn’t going well and jock vaugh maybe was losing the players in the locker room a little bit okay let’s go ahead and give this young coach that could be on the up on the come up here an opportunity to claim his spot and then we also get to claim him right rather

Than maybe go through a cycle as we’ve seen adoko although for other off- thec court reasons ended up slipping through their fingers if you want to go positive you can say this was the proactive decision for the Brooklyn Nets here over the last 28 29 games of the Season yeah

For sure right like if they can see the writing on the wall if the idea here was the locker vaugh had kind of lost the locker room and Kevin oi hadn’t and if we use some of the player quotes we can kind of you know it doesn’t take much

Not reading too many te leaves here to kind of figure this out what was going be on behind the scenes uh sham reported this that there have been like growing sort of resentment with inside the locker room uh about sort of the players not totally feeling what vaugh was doing

In terms of system was going to be advantageous for them uh you know we’ve heard Dennis Smith speak in game around Kevin ali uh his uh film studies leading into certain games to like sort of know the scheme spener diwy spoke about him one question about the media I mean

There are lots of stuff here that showed that he had command to the locker room without maybe being subversive which make the these situations are always tricky right these guys are ultimately there for the team ultimately maybe wanting head coaching jobs themselves that’s not a knock right this is just

Most guys would rather be the head coach than the assistant coach like I think that’s pretty obvious when he starts staring at NBA benches so maybe the situation was getting like a little tricky from that respect or maybe you just the Nets just felt rightfully so like they had possibly just a better

Basketball mind in house and there was time to just turn over the range to him because they had him here to maybe see if he was going to be the long-term replacement which he might end up being it’s it’s unclear uh unlike the jacqu vaugh situation from last year where he was the

Interim then he was the head coach and then he had a three-year contract like 20 minutes later right it does not seem like they’re gonna go that route and I don’t think they should but it does seem like they feel like probably from a basketball perspective my guess is they

Feel like they’re taking a step up here yeah yeah you would hope gosh you you’d hope so I I mean listen if you’re if you feel like you’re going neutral here over the last 28 29 games of the Season then it’s more problems than uh on Sean

Mark’s Ledger than he probably wants to have going into the off season whether or not the Nets are going to try to pursue stars or not all these things I think do play a positive factor into moving on from Jack vaugh because at a minimum you weren’t didn’t look like you

Were going to say well jacqu vaugh is a plus here in terms of the moves we want to make in terms of attracting other players right Kevin Oli at least from a coaching perspective and then going Beyond his playing career just for the brief background he played for the New

Jersey Nets we all knew that in 2000 but also played for this guy was a journeyman right he had that Jeff green kind of vibe about him the Mavericks the the uh Magic the Kings the 76ers the 76ers again the Bulls the Pacers the Bucks the Super Sonics the Cavs along

With the Timberwolves along with the Oklahoma City Thunder and yes by the way also the 76ers for a third time over his career then he moved on though and went back to the coaching ranks with Yukon after Calhoun retired he handed over the Reigns to him won a tournament

Championship in 2014 with that group and then moved on from there after effectively fizzling out a little bit so to speak so but again from college ranks to the pros maybe losing some traction with with recruiting and other things like that he goes to overtime Elite and

Then makes his way to the NBA level g-league Brooklyn Nets so he’s in the pipeline a little bit does does all of this track Like a coach that has kind of Hit the incremental benchmarks you want for rising to this opportunity unlike maybe most recent example Jack vaugh

Before that Steve Nash guy not really doing a lot of NBA anything did some coaching internationally uh Steve n with with Team Canada then all of a sudden gets thrust in kind of as a figurehead Jo vaugh long history and not necessarily a great track record right

The sample size maybe told you which way the arrow would point for this team under vaugh this feels like a guy at least in theory this is all upswing now for the Brooklyn Nets yeah look like like you said he was in contention for that Pistons job um all all talk of him

Has been a highly respected guy I you know the the the exit from Yukon wasn’t wasn’t like the most on the most positive note but had gotten kind of glowing reviews from his time at overtime Elite which is just all Player Development right and so if you feel

Like the Nets are entering sort of like that stage or just like they need to build up a little bit maybe he’s that kind of guy is he like you know a hardcore X’s and O’s NBA guy like we said it’s hard to sometimes know these things the players had praised some of

The film work and some of the scheme work that he had put out there but when it’s all under your control it’s sometimes very difficult to to understand these situations right I it’s the guys can it can look perfect and then all of a sudden it’s it it gets

Harder or you get to the Peter principal idea where it’s like you sort of Ascend to your level of lease competency right I’m not saying that’s what it is but it’s sometimes you know sort of like deploying a new app it’s really hard to test in real time it’s going to be like

We’re just going to have to you’re going to have to sit on the bench and we’re going to have to figure it out out there right like it’s just going to be really really tough to know I will say in terms of just pedigree it would feel like this

Makes sense right like lots of different team situations I think for a coach that is a good thing right lots of different team situations lots of different players played in lots of different schemes and then went they know went to the College route went to the development route and now has respect

The players too like if you’re putting together a coach resume it feels like that’s kind of what you want to be able to do if you’re going the ex player level right it’s not just like xstar goes and sits on the bench and hopefully the thing that made him a star

As a player will make him a star as a coach like we know that that doesn’t really always translate being sort of a journeyman player and understanding that there’s lots of different situations with lots of different players I think that probably is a better thing to have

On your resume when it’s all said and done if you’re trying to guess at which players will become good coaches and again it’s like mostly guess work but there’s nothing to believe that he won’t make a good head coach like we kind of thought thought that when he got hired

As an assistant coach thinking oh I wonder if like this is we said at the time wonder they hired a contingency plan that’s exactly what we thought at the time right yes exactly right so like if you thought that at the time there’s no reason to Dove tap or there’s no

Reason to just sort of um dismiss yourself from that original thought we’re going to talk a little bit more here in a second about what some of the player comments that have made about him what new rotations could look like what this means maybe shortterm and long-term

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We dive in on uh rotation impact and who we think benefits and the outlook here Doug I want to tap into what could feel like in another timeline for the Brooklyn Nets little quote for you from a current player in the NBA speaking about Kevin ol really felt like this

That Kevin olly taught him the ropes and changed the culture of Oklahoma City he also had a Kevin Oli he was a game changer for us I think he changed the whole culture in Oklahoma City just his mindset professionalism every single day and we all watched that and we all

Wanted to be like that it rubbed off on Russell Westbrook myself Jeff Green James Harden and then everybody who came through comes through now it’s the standard that you’ve got to live up to as a thunder player and it all started with Kevin Oly hey it’s Kevin Durant

Guys guys was who’s that Kendrick Perkins the old Perkins no but I mean I I just listen tongue and cheek here but in a world where the Nets had just had Kevin olly on the staff at last trade deadline maybe there was a decision you

Could have made to put him in place and when Kevin Durant says I’m thinking about moving on you go but Buddy Buddy Buddy we’ve got a guy that you really like you respected as a young player Once Upon a Time in this league listen the would have could have should us

Hopefully those glowing words from Kevin Durant hold real weight and and you mentioned it there just in the first segment about usually journeyman players are the guys that get it the most why because they’re grinding it out they’re learning different systems different schemes how do I fit and serve other

Better players on rosters you’d like to think that that becomes very applicable as a head coach where you get to say okay I can see I remember myself in versions of these different roles on different teams how do I make everybody come together here so when we think

About the current roster and the current rotation top of your head who do you think stands to benefit the mo I mean more than one player here but who benefits the most on this roster now going forward with Kevin alot to H like once okay let me start on a high level I

Think that we will see first and foremost before we even get pause one second on the rotations and we’ll say I think we see definitive scheme adjustments to start right I think we will see more of a hierarchy in terms of the offense um and this is going to

Trickle down to like which players I think it’s going to help the most but I I’ll say that they weren’t really running in offense right the Nets weren’t running a definitive system now it came out from uh Shams before that they had like just relied too heavily on

Scheming for Ben Simmons in the off in the off season and then like lo and behold he can’t play and now it’s thrown it’s not an excuse but it’s just like why things might have gone off the rails if you watch this team a lot they’re not really running many principles in terms

Of system I I do think you’re going to see that change it maybe at least a little and possibly dramatically here if they’re just running more identified sets if they’re running like more point guard stuff the guys that I could see probably helping the most or we see more

Of I do wonder if we’re going to see more Dennis shuder because he’s just going to be able to run just better sets with the ball in his hand like more pick and roll and some of this stuff I wonder and I do believe we’re gonna just see hopefully better opportunities for the

Best scorers in bridges and in cam at cam Thomas now I know that’s like sort of a I know you probably want we could talk about some of these other guys because I think you’re probably you’re probably thinking about like more development stuff and and I agree with that but I

Just think that one Kevin Oli is going to be very still and very incentivized to win right like this is not a tanking team they’re not firing the coach they can go in the tank or something like they want to win I I do think we quickly

See a more organized offense that has maybe that at least operates off core principles right like more action more movement more just like more frankly I mean more pin Downs more more off ball screens more things that can free up guys like Bridges and cam Thomas to

Score and then more pick and roll which is just they just have to run more like I like they run it’s it’s they seem like they run so little and so like and they just have Personnel to do it so winding answer to say I think the guys who

Benefit the most are the guys who will be be put in better offensive uh situations now because before they just were it was like kind of it felt like let’s roll the ball roll the balls out on the court and see what happens and I don’t think is a good I don’t think

That’s a I don’t think you do a lot of favors to guys in that situation no I I agree with you in that offensively you know we talk about when Ben Simmons came back oh you can see his impact and it’s true and it was very positive and

Getting the ball off the rebound in transition even off of made baskets but the half court is still where things completely bogged down for the Brooklyn Nets and then specifically I’ll tell you another space too I think you know we talk about oh Ben Simmons and Claxton

And can that fit or work or not I think that if you’re Kevin Oly there there’s an opportunity here to say Hey listen we’re going to break this up however however I deem fit but we’re we’re going with definitive decisions around rotations right no more of this well as

Jac vongh would often say we we heard cam Thomas not knowing when were my minutes coming where I was I was gonna play late games or not and it was yeah I know everyone might prefer that but you never know if matchup to matchup I I you

Would assume that a hierarchy will be developed here and on the offensive end as you mentioned that there’ll just be specific sets to run because at some point here whether or not we we all agree that the high level Talent on this roster is clearly capped relative to

Other teams that have Superstars it has to be better than what we saw it has to be better than when you watch the clock just drain down we saw this in one of the early I the first Boston game where Nicholas Claxton was dribbling around

The top of the arc I’m not even blaming him he’s dribbling around looking for somewhere to go with it and while you can look at the off ball actions and players trying to get themselves free of Defenders that’s a really elite team you’re playing in Boston all great

Wonderful you need to be able to scheme Guys open and you mentioned guys like Thomas you mentioned guys like Bridges as well I agree and the Nets and the Nets more than anybody have to do it more like they don’t have great on ball guys yeah you’re incentivized to

Actually be over do over cooking on offense to get those cam Thomas is a great scorer I’m not positive he’s a great like on ball guy all the time right like like and I I know people are gonna say well yeah he is because he can

Score well it’s true he can make very difficult shots he’s not a great facilitator of offense it’s not a knock against him like they need to get the ball in his hands in really advantageous situations like they I think we’re going to see more of a focus on that same with

Bridges like Bridges is not an amazing on ball guy but he can score if given the right situations so I think that we’re just GNA see more one like off ball screening actions to get these guys open right like they they they didn’t have that it was kind

Of like get the guy the ball at the nail and like see if he can get around as Defender which a lot of times they can’t right like shock they mostly can’t right like so I just think we get away from I hope to say say we get away from those

And I think these guys are probably in a situation where they can buy in quickly to something that seems organized right like like I think that’s probably the biggest the biggest beneficiary is that like my guess is these guys are really wanting that right and they just didn’t

Have it there was no tenants there was no offensive tenants and principles that you could sort of rely on except for like da Jo’s and hopefully they can beat the first guy and they can then we’re in good shape and if not it’s going to be 5

Seconds left in the shot clock and we’re in trouble like that was kind of what the Net’s offense was and I want to get into more player specifics in a second but I’ll close out on this thought here that when we talk about the roster and

Kind of having all these you know 22A or whatever you that grouping of talent of players the defined roles is probably something that not instilling that from a Jo vaugh perspective he gets lost in the well I’ve got like eight guys that are all pretty good so I kind of want to

Use them all but all of those players of that skill set even more so need the construct and the hierarchy and the pecking order because they’re not used to being thrust maybe elevated role and then losing that role right being shuffled around and on game to game or

Possession to possession basis kind of being treated like well you’re the number one here for the next five minutes now now five minutes after that you may be the guy that doesn’t even see the ball right so consistency from that standpoint would be I think a welcomed

Change here for the Brooklyn Nets in a second I have a sneaky player that I believe will benefit in a big way for the Brooklyn Nets and we’ll also talk about veterans compared to youth coming up here in just one second all right this next segment is brought

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These for the Brooklyn Net faithful on we got quickly before we talk not mean quickly but other guys are going to benefit here I’m going to tell you right now maybe fans maybe fans have forgotten about this guy or they’d like to forget about him I think cam Johnson

Benefits massively from this change here because he’s an offall guy that we we said coming into the season and May and maybe this is me wanting to fill my cup up you know back again here a little bit on cam Johnson he’s had the injuries obviously that that’s hurt him a little

Bit but coming into the season I viewed him as a guy that could do a little bit more on ball than than maybe he had shown in Phoenix we saw a little bit of it last year with the Nets and he just kind of gets lost in the wash now the

Injuries have played a big factor but I I would love to see that Kevin Oly starts to find ways to scheme him open or scheme him into plus matchups especially on the offensive end where you get to kind of take advantage of when you look across this roster he’s

Probably one of the more athletic guys here being able to get into the pain and go with the rim that’s faded a lot this season last year you look at him relative to Phoenix he had upped those numbers going at the basket has not been there again injuries may be a big factor

Here but I I I could see a world where we see him tick a little bit closer even just to last year’s numbers being a 17 18 point a game score for this roster as opposed to where he’s basically been fading away here again we know injuries

Have played a role in that yeah I think that’s a great call I think the Nets if you think about them have a lot of sort of scheme dependent guys on their team like sometimes you have guys who are just like sort of offensive engines right like the Superstar guys that don’t

That can that are schemes among in and among themselves right then that’s kind of had one in Durant for a long time it’s like I don’t know he can have the ball with five seconds left in the shot clock that’s fine pretty much right like

It’s K Kyrie’s kind of like this too to some degree or a lot of a degree it’s like as good reliable or more reliable than giving any other player 20 seconds of the shot clock to figure it all right course of course right so like you have sort of like schemed independent guys

And those even could be like guys like and and then coaching and scheme can make them even better right like yic Luca Giannis guys like this then you can have just like scheme dependent guys that are really good NBA players but definitely need to work within a system

That’s going to be able to bring out the most in them and the Nets have a lot of guys like this and that sometimes people will qualify those as like role players but they have like you know super role players like this that are really really good at certain things too like Bridges

Like cam like cam you know cam Johnson they have other guy you know and one guy that’s like kind of not like that is Simmons because he can kind of create a lot of his own opportunity in terms of transition with Shooters but definitely needs a system to work under in the half

Court to make sure he’s optimized so like they have lots of guys like this and I think your cam Johnson call is great because the thing that we hoped to see from him was a leap into you know two like 2A score that’s just not didn’t happen it’s not gonna happen but that

Doesn’t make him like a negative NBA player it just means that they need to get him into places where he can spot up shoot right like where he can every once in a while take someone off the dribble but not too often maybe get in the

Mid-range every once in a while but lean into the things that he does well they just haven’t done they again haven’t done that and so they the opportunity to do it should be here yes if it can just be drawn up with the basics the basics

Um it’s not it’s not gonna be great like this team’s not gonna be a great offense but they should be they really should be better than what they are right we we saw we saw cam Johnson score you know seven points to start a game and then

Not have another bucket or even another shot sometimes until into the fourth quarter right like it just it cannot exist that way you need to be able to find that EB and flow and so there’s some chance too with vaugh where they had reached the point where even if he

Had like started to pull out a bag of tricks of different things I think we were probably at the point where the players were probably done listening to it right so like even if even if there had been those things kind of happening if they had just gone into checkout mode

Hey look if you got kids I know what this like they go into checkout mode and it’s it’s over like it’s over right it’s like anybody hum to if I go into checkout mode with you know with anybody it’s like well good luck you know right

Like and so I think just like having a new voice who they already respect will allow them to make these tweaks to the offense that should be better and I mean I think Ali’s even known better more for his defense too so like if the defense is gonna because we’re mostly talking

About offense sometimes it’s a little easier to see but the defense too should have an impact also if they can get to being able to scheme their way into like more consistent systems switching up depending on Personnel just throwing different looks at teams switching sometimes dropping sometimes zoning

Sometimes right like and just being able to they have enough Defenders I think on the team better combinations like hey maybe Lonnie Walker plus the dsj Plus cam is in a great combination because they’re all six foot three or whatever right like just better combinations they

Could stand I there was just lots of like lwh hanging fruit that the Nets just left hanging there I think based on just simple bad decisions over the course of the year yeah if we talk about we we said this coming in the season the Nets are going to win games we thought

Like defensively that’s how they’ll win games in the margins and then over the course of the Season you felt oh well there’s actually a lot of margins where they’re losing you know they need to be winning bad combinations Etc so for short we talk all the time this season I

Mean go back like all these combinations that made no sense no sense of many of many a postgame podcast was wait what was this for seven minutes in starting lineups that made no sense and rotations that made no sense and even if they made sense they would go

Away from it in in favor of things that just came out of nowhere and then disappeared just as quickly like there was just lots of this stuff going on and that I think excuse me there was a floundering aspect there maybe this has a stabilizing Force where we just say

Hey these are our eight guys this is who’s playing right like we’re gonna have some development we’re going to try to work in some of these players injuries will probably cover some of that for us anyway and and like that’s just what we’re going to do over the

Course of the season I I just think there’s just going to be a general stabilizing effect mostly because there had been this sort like I said floundering aspect to the team for a while now that we had just commented on in a myriad of different ways yeah I’m

Very curious to see you mentioned defensively as we close out this episode obviously Kevin Oly named the interm head coach for the Brooklyn Nets and he’ll carry this team forward hopefully to a playoff or play in tournament I should say appearance um the last quick things for me are that defensive you

Mentioned there even combinations when you talk about you know certain teams also scheme from one side of the court to the other where it’s okay yes you you two in tandem will be switching all the time in terms of your defensive assignments but as that ball rotates

Around to The Far Side it’s a different operation not asking every player to do the same thing on a given defensive possession likewise offensively and we have extra time to talk about this before they play again on Thursday I do like the idea of while we love what Ben

Simmons brings to the table in terms of transition game you have to get other guys up to speed and get them moving that ball quickly how do you utilize and value Ben Simmons in the offense when the ball isn’t in in his hands right because we’ve seen far too much of that

As well even when he came back Jon vaugh may have been dependent on Ben Simmons to make this team successful but he also clearly didn’t have a plan of attack for him and Nick Claxton by the way likewise right you need to find a way to make

Value out of every five players on the court on the offensive end not get lost in the point where you say we’re kind of an average offensive team with very little scheming and now we’re going to pull away one of our five guys and see

If we can beat you four on five it was a lot of recipes for disaster so Samaras to look for there and I’m sure we’ll talk about one Jaylen Wilson before we get to Thursday night don’t worry yeah but sorry I think you wanted to talk

More about him but uh there’s just just know that just know that it’s there guys it’s waiting to happen look one last thing here too one thing to know about Ali’s like sort of landing spot here is the Nets according to tangon have the second easiest remaining strength to

Schedule so if there was going to be a time to let second those two Boston games look at that right exactly so the you know only Orlando has an easier strength schedule with teams remaining based on win on one loss record so this should be a stretch where they can make

Some push right based on who they’re playing so in terms of putting best foot forward for the guy this does seem like the timeline to do it right like if you’re gonna do it this is the timeline to do it and look we’re that’s fans we

Want it to work out we wanted it to work out with vaugh like I like there’s there’s I wanted it to work out there it didn’t work out like obviously we want all these situations as Nets fans we want all these situations to work out we never you know root against a win

Because we don’t you know like somebody that’d be insane um so Kevin Oly hopefully he’s just entered the best spot to be able to push forward with this team we’ll see how it goes over this remaining stretch in the meantime make sure you win by going to weot signing up for that free ebook and make sure you subscribe over on YouTube as well we’re trying to get up to 7,000 YouTube followers oh stop this day and night with me and you shall possess the origins of all poems you shall possess the good of the Earth and

The Sun there are millions of the suns left you shall no longer take things at second or third hand nor look through the eyes of the dead nor feed on the specters in books why that is Walter whitmann one of the alltime gra HS and long- winded man well he was breathy I

Will say I I I sometimes did think Walt whittman heck of a guy could be more concise and just like just say hey Leaves of Grass look outside yada y y get get nature wasn’t it all Grand get on with it anyway one of the alltime great posts we’ll back again tomorrow

Talking more Brooklyn that’s basketball basketball basketball basketball basketball little long winded basketball basketball basketball yeah

Following the firing of Jacque Vaugh, the Brooklyn Nets announced that Kevin Ollie will take over as interim head coach for the remainder of the season. It was somewhat expected the Nets would make this move with Ollie specifically.

The Locked on Nets discuss Ollie’s background, how he came to the Nets and why he seemed like the obvious choice in this instance. They talk about what stands to change with the team in the short term and what Ollie brings to the table in place of Jacque Vaughn.

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  1. Kevin Ollie was the most likely candidate to get the nod as interim coach…..

    Given his college championship background and the fact multiple Brooklyn players raved about his vocal leadership and defensive schemes, signs all pointed towards him getting the opportunity….

    But this Brooklyn organization has a whole lot of work to do to get this team back into a competitive mindset or else more serious changes could be made in the near future…..

  2. Brooklyn is setting themselves up for an insane busy summer.

    Now they have to potentially look for a new head coach in the open market, resign Nic Claxton, potentially trade for a superstar talent, figure out how to fill out the bench and figure out Ben Simmons expiring $40 million contract 😮….

    Busy is an understatement…..

  3. I have no faith in Ollie. We will see but I was hoping for a PROVEN coach like idk…MIKE BUDENHOLZER or MARK JACKSON. Guess I’ll wait for the summer. I swear if Marks hires Kevin Ollie without him giving any substantial substance in this final stretch of the season his job is next on the line

  4. Nets need to break it down and get a veteran coach in there
    even if Kevin Ollie does a great job
    i still think the Nets can’t give the job to an interim coach again and if the Nets keep losing it’s time to handle the real problem Sean Marks and get him out of there
    it’s funny that everybody’s the problem but Sean Marks KD and Kyrie wanted him out of town and
    Joseph Tsai stuck behind him
    and traded both of them over firing him but when all of the dust is settles be it this season or the end of next season Sean Marks will get fired at some point in the next few years
    and Joseph Tsai sticking up for him at that time will be all for nothing adding two or three bad seasons on top of it because the Nets ain’t going nowhere this year and there not going anywhere next year and to top it Sean Marks couldn’t even get our picks back from the Rockets for the supposed mr overhyped Mikal Bridges trade 🤬

  5. Nets need to clean house at the top I feel like. Hire a GM like Trent Redden or promote Jeff Peterson or bring back Trayjon Langdon. Hire a young coach like Charles Lee, Kevin Young, James Borrego, or even bring in a guy like Sam Cassell. The Nets need a fresh start

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