@Chicago Bulls

What’s Been the Chicago Bulls Biggest Mistake in This Era? Answering Mailbag Questions

What’s Been the Chicago Bulls Biggest Mistake in This Era? Answering Mailbag Questions

How are we doing ladies and gentlemen we are at the All-Star break a much needed break for the Bulls and I don’t know about you guys but for myself as well and not just spending so much mental energy on this team but with the all-star weekend now passed we’ve got a

Few days before basketball starts up again I thought it would be a great time to do a mailbag video I think the last time I did one of these it was probably during the off season and with no new bowls news coming out as of right now we

Haven’t heard anything in terms of the Bulls pursuing some buyout candidates no updates really on any player injuries so why not let’s go through some of these questions and things that are on your guys’ mind I’m also going to be doing another hot tis video soon if you’ve

Been following the channel for a really long time I used to do these once a week but I dialed it back a bit and now I’m doing them more or less once a month so leave your hottest Bulls takes in the comments below for a future video on

That but with that let’s get into some of these questions shall we so what’s going on everyone you’re listening to Bull Central here hope you’re all doing well now some of these I’m going to be going through a little more quickly I wanted to get through as many questions

As possible there were also a lot of questions and some that were similar so I Consolidated a few of them but this first one comes to us from Carl kadis uh do you think we have a chance of leaving the ninth spot where do you think we can

End up so it’s really hard to see a world in which the bulls actually jump above the ninth seed they’re currently four games back behind both the magic and the heat who are tied four and a half games back behind the Pacers Who currently sit sixth which I know to some

Doesn’t sound like a lot of games to make up in the standings but at this stage in the season when you only have 27 games left to go making up four games is a lot because not only do you really have to start stringing together some wins consistently going on some actual

Winning streaks but also having the teams ahead of you start to slide and lose a bunch of games in just a matter of a few short weeks all of that is a very tall order now of course A lot can change with injuries you know do the

Heat or magic suffer major injuries to their team that makes them fall in the standings but barring that I really don’t see the Bulls moving up Beyond 9th I don’t think they’ll fall below 9th either maybe if they really start struggling post All-Star break with some

Of the tough games they have ahead of them they’ll fall to 10th but they’re not falling out of the plan the Nets are really bad and there is enough separation there that I can’t see a world in which the Bulls would actually fall out of the play in at this point

Next up we’ve got Dave is a beasty if you could land any Superstar which player would you bring to the Bulls I mean if we’re saying there would be no cap impact no luxury tax restrictions and we could just bring them into the team at no cost I don’t see how you

Can’t take Nika yic in my view he’s the best player in the world yeah and be and Giannis are right there but there is just something about jokic’s game that has such a massive impact on winning because everything he can do on the court with his court vision and level of

IQ is just unmatched Luca would be right up there as well and maybe if I’m thinking much more longterm it would be luuka because he’s a little bit younger but yic doesn’t come with a lot of drama and baggage really doesn’t have an ego just hoops and knows what to do to get

The most out of his team taking yic hands down next up we’ve got RC vilapando if you were were Adam Silver for a day how would you fix the Allstar Weekend events and schedule it’s pretty jarring to see people were booing the judges of the slam dunk contest and

Their booze were actually warranted well I’m going to be honest with you all and I’ll probably do a video of some kind on this topic on the NBA channel I didn’t watch a single second of the All-Star game not the intros the halftime closing ceremony none of it now in the past I’ve

Watched a little bit of the game here and there but I’ve never really been into it Allstar Saturday night on the other hand I used to like but now it’s become so overdone with sponsorships and advertising the players they’re not really into it the slam dunk contest was

Horrible looking at that glowing green Court while the players were doing the Three-Point Contest was just painful on my eyes I’m sure it was terrible for them I mean I don’t even know at this point if I’m Adam Silver I honestly just do away with All-Star Weekend entirely

It’s not that fun and exciting it’s not genuine the players don’t care or try because why would they they’re not going to risk getting injured for a meaningless exhibition game I would just give the player players a week’s worth of rest stop trying to capitalize on

Every money grab you can get from a sponsor and have a weekl long break in the season I mean I say that but I’m sure if I was actually in that position I was expected to generate revenue for the league as a part of my job I would

Maybe approach it differently but my nric reaction is just get rid of All-Star Weekend entirely next up we’ve got Grant Jackson when Zach comes back and he’s still on the team does he come off the bench well we already know Zach isn’t going to be coming back this

Season and I find it very unlikely the Bulls hold on to him Beyond this season he’s going to get moved in the offseason I would be shocked if he didn’t but it’s mainly because the Bulls are going to be hard press to stay under the tax line if they’re resigning Demar and Patrick

Williams while also still trying to keep Zach on the roster but in the event he’s somehow still here at the season opener yeah there’s no way he’s coming off the bench for a guy who still holds a grudge for Billy Donovan benching him last season when he shot what two for 15 and

A bad loss to the Orlando Magic you think he’s getting benched yeah would never happen not saying it’s not just a but the Bulls would never do that for this next one do you think Demar de Rosen will make the Hall of Fame also if Kobe white becomes an All-Star next

Season how many All-Star selections do you think he will get in his career uh for Demar at this point I would say it’s 50/50 that he makes the hall basketball reference gives him a 46% chance of making the Hall of Fame and while I normally would say no he won’t the

Basketball Hall of Fame is almost a bit of a joke in terms of some of the players they let in like if Tracy McGrady is going to be a Hall of Famer why can’t Demar to ro him for dear what he’s missing is championship obviously and also good playoff runs but what he

Does have to his Advantage is his longevity and the fact that he’ll likely end his career in the top 25 all-time scoring list which everyone in the top 25 on the all-time scoring list is already a Hall of Famer or soon will be one when they retire uh for Kobe it’s

Tough to say because the Bulls really have to start winning in order for him to get multiple All-Star bids like if the Bulls tear things down and start rebuilding with Kobe white being one of the main pieces on this team while they go through a number of losing Seasons

It’s going to be harder for for him to get Allstar nods when the team record isn’t that great a team record isn’t always the determining factor for an All-Star being selected but it is a big piece when deciding a player’s All-Star candidacy But to answer the question if

Kobe keeps trending in the direction he has been and keeps getting better I could see him maybe being a three or four time All-Star in his career next up we’ve got sake I believe it is what do you think is the worst mistake the Bulls made over the 2010s Jimmy Butler signing

D Wade Lowry GM coach um this is going to sound weird and I might be labeled a hater again for this but the worst decision post 2010 was the new front office deciding to build around Zack leine and look I’ve been saying this since I started the channel not overtly

Saying in these terms but more so around the fact that is Zach really that guy is he a guy you build a franchise around not with but around is he a Max Level player is he a number one option on a championship team and while yes the

Jimmy Butler trade was a mistake in hindsight I almost kind of understood it at that that time because I love Jimmy Butler but he was a bit up and down in terms of his demeanor and attitude for this team the Bulls weren’t winning with him after they traded Rose not that that

Was all Jimmy Butler’s fault but they weren’t going to win a title with him and rather than waiting until Jimmy got older and his trade value was even lower they pulled the trigger and traded their most valuable asset that’s what the Bulls should have done in that first

Season in which Zack CV was an All-Star and he was at his Peak instead they knew they had to do something to keep Zach happy and around and start building a winning roster and they prematurely hit the accelerator button trading for vuvi then adding dear and Lonzo ball and then

Of course they signed Zack to a Max contract the following off season everything they have done in terms of going fullon win now was to build around Zack leby and that was the biggest mistake when they could have just stuck with the youth movement of lowry marinin

Kobe white and Patrick Williams and got a big Hal for Zach to even further bolster their rebuild kind of like what the Spurs did in trading to Jon Murray a star player in his prime but they knew he wasn’t going to be winning them titles or fit their overall timeline

Because he was a little bit older so they traded him for three first round picks and got maximum value and what makes this an even bigger mistake is because it’s led to all of these downward decisions from there clinging onto this idea of continuity and now

Being stuck in a place where they can’t make a trade for Zack LaVine and would just be happy to do a salary dump move to get him off the books next we’ve got weird eat dusk what teams in the playoff mix do you think the Bulls realistically

Have a chance against which are the teams that we should fear the most I mean there are a few teams that I would prefer to see the Bulls go up against because I think they would be better matchups well one if the Sixers are still without Joel embi come playoff

Time I would take the Sixers and the Bulls could have a shot against them I love Tyrese Maxi but he’s not willing his team to winning a seven game series as the primary option he’s just not there yet another team I know some are going to say I’m crazy for this but the

Milwaukee Bucks the Bucks are a better team than the Bulls no question they have more talent but the Bucks are a terrible team defensively and haven’t been able to figure it out and given the Bulls struggle on offense going against a team that isn’t especially good on defense would actually benefit them and

The Bulls and their defense if they can just take it up a notch like we have seen them playing recent games I’m not saying they would win a series against Milwaukee but they could give them problems and it also helps that the Bucks are older and much slower on

Offense than most of these young gun high octane teams the Bulls really struggle against teams to fear I mean the Celtics obviously and I wouldn’t want to see the Knicks in the playoffs if they’re healthy they’re a very deep team and a team that the Bulls do not

Match up well against but their size and floor spacing next up we’ve got David lvav on a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you want to see a rebuild retooling around a core of Kobe IO and Pat keep up the good work greetings from Germany

Well appreciate the kind words and it’s always so crazy to me to see people from all over the world watching the channel just speaks volumes to how much this team fandom really runs deep globally but as to your question on a scale of 1

To 10 for a rebuild I mean you guys know me I’ve said it before it’s painful going through a rebuild and watching your team lose night after night after night with no end in sight and the other thing about a rebuild is that it’s not like this front office has really giving

Us confidence that they can actually build a team from the ground up they had an opportunity to do that when they took over the Reigns of this organization didn’t like what they saw and they pivoted to try to win now and it’s since then backfired but at the same time I’m

Also so so ready for this era of Bulls basketball to be over and so if I had to put it on a scale of 1 to 10 I’d probably go with something like a seven or eight and wanting to see a rebuild after this season next we’ve got bball

Prods if you could bring back any player that’s played for the Bulls back to the Bulls besides MJ who would you choose and why well if it’s not MJ and we can go with anyone while I think most will agree Scotty and Derrick Rose are more talented I would still bring back Jem

Noah and mainly because this team the Bulls team of this season needs a guy like Noah more than anything a fighter on the court a hustler High effort guy a guy who will let you have it in the locker room if you’re not working hard enough a guy that will energize the team

And get them motivated and also something the Bulls really need Rim protection interior defense and an underrated aspect of Noah’s game his passing as a big man would be used so well in today’s NBA with centers being that Hub on offense which the Bulls are

Kind of trying to do with but it’s not really working out with Noah such a smart player on offense as a playmaker and yeah again more importantly bringing that doglike mentality that this roster absolutely needs next up we’ve got small package okay will Kobe white end up

Becoming a better Bulls player than Zack LaVine o that’s a tough one just too early to say because while I love Kobe’s growth this season and he has well exceeded any expectations that I ever had of him I need to see him replicate this and continue to grow for multiple

Seasons like as much as we like to criticize Zack LaVine and this has just been a bad season for him all around on so many fronts don’t forget that he was one of the best scorers in the game of basketball and very efficient overall on offense with his shooting I like to

Think that Kobe can get there but I do feel like it would be incredibly premature to say that Kobe will end up becoming a better bull than Zack LaVine next up we’ve got Sports vids what position will the Bulls Target in the first round next year so I assume you

Mean this year as in this upcoming draft because the bulls actually don’t have their first round pick next year unless it falls in the top 10 but for this upcoming draft in 2024 I don’t really think the Bulls will focus on positional need in the draft more so looking at

Size and just trying to find shooting they still need shooting they still need size things we’ve been talking about for over a year now and rather than looking at a given position going in the draft they’ll look for a combination of Best Player available and shooting sl size

Anyway guys I will end it there for this mailbag appreciate you all for leaving your questions make sure you get your hot take in the comments below For an upcoming video as always be sure to subscribe and I will see you all in the next one

Answering your mailbag questions post all-star break

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  1. Might be fun during this time or the offseason to revisit past hot takes. Wonder if anyone had some crazy ones that ended up coming true. Like about Coby’s breakout season or something else.

  2. Hot take: the bulls trade the big 3, hit on their future picks, their young talent continues to improve and the bulls win their 7th championship within 5 seasons of DeMar, Zach, and Vooch being gone

  3. Hot take: the Chicago Bulls should pick up Marcus Morris once he's bought out because he solves the size that we need and he plays defense not only that he shoots the three at a decent rate. When you think about a lot of things that we have a problem with on the same he definitely helps out a lot besides the rebounding.

  4. I liked that this FO changed things up with the team when they first came in. The team was unwatchable to me before that but if I knew our ceiling was 6th round at best I would've rather stunk for 2 more years.

  5. The biggest reason they built around Zach was that the new FO was hired specifically to end the rebuild. That was their mandate when they were hired. End the rebuild in a season at the most and make the team into a playoff team. They would have been fired if they traded Zach and told Jerry it'd be another two to three years before the team was in the playoffs. Fan attendance was dropping and the Bulls were missing several years of playoff revenue. Jerry wanted his money and so he brought the new guys in to move into a win now posture that year.

  6. No matter how you feel about Zach, rushing your rebuild to keep him by signing a player everyone knew he wouldn’t fit with (it’s not like him and demar looked good on paper) was just dumb.The Lonzo thing couldn’t be accounted for, but even as a big lavine fan, even at his best he was clearly not a franchise changer. So they had two options: blow the load on a true star or keep faith in the young guys and build out a smart, modern basketball team. Not demar DeRozan and Nikola Vuecvic. The entire nba knew those weren’t smart signings at the time, this isn’t some “hindsight is 20/20” situation

    Even if lavine didn’t make us contenders, signing players that actually made sense for him and his game would’ve kept his value higher. The real dumb part is paying a guy 40m a year and doing him no favors

  7. I don’t think the All Star game is meaningless , I just think it’s the players. The players are who make the All Star weekend exciting. If they put some care into it , the All Star game can be amazing

  8. Hot take: Vucevic is most comfortable when he's running down the lane and receives a quick bounce pass from say Coby or Alex Caruso occasionally. In other words Vuc is more comfortable receiving shot creating passes then creating something himself.

  9. Haha, I knew you'd say Noah when that question came up! Great choice though.. ❤
    I think id go prime D-rose to control the floor.

  10. I think the bulls should of retired Noah’s jersey by now, I like Craig but it feels weird seeing him wear #13

  11. 8:33 Which are the teams that we should fear the most?

    All of them. LOL. Despite the struggles of other teams, they're all still better than the Bulls. Especially on a 7-game series. The Bulls might get a game or two but I don't have confidence on Billy Donovan to get this team over the hump. I don't have confidence on Demar leading this team to a playoff series win. Maybe Coby but he's too inexperienced on a playoff level to lead this team to a playoff series win.

  12. Worst mistake is letting thibbodeau go. After he left the culture changed, effort and defense sucked. Hoiberg was trash Donovan trash.. look at what he has done with the knicks with no superstar!!

  13. Yeah jokic on this team would take us to championship contention.

    Similar effect that Lonzo had on us but better scorer and from a different position

  14. Coby’s already a better player than Zach Lavine! Zach has yet to prove that he’s the difference between winning and losing on this team. The sad part is that he’d make a great #2 scorer if he tried. Coby’s missing his number 2 scorer/ defender. Go Bulls 👊🏾👊🏾👊🏾

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