@Toronto Raptors



Now that it’s official right he’s G we’ve already seen him in the All-Star atmosphere he’s having fun he looks comfortable I started to think about the whole ramification of him being an allar CU I it it’s one thing to hear it and it’s another thing to see him in the in

The atmosphere and and with the unit of practice jersey on it’s like it’s it’s really real you know what I mean it’s really it’s like like damn like it really happened you know what I’m saying and but now you start to think about the future hit that like button and

Subscribe if you’re new we you start thinking about the future and you start thinking about how good of a positioning space this is him being an Allstar so early and this setting the tone for his future you know what I mean how much of a significance his

Performances take on now you know what I mean how magnified the moments are now how pressurized the moments are now you know what I mean this was a great no matter how he got in he got in he’s an Allstar Rookie of the Year Allstar all rookie allar could possibly be all

Defensive you know what I mean this season as well as an Allstar the positioning of him being an All-Star right now everything is just more enhanced the impact that this moment has socially and economically for him are astronomical are way off the charts you know what I mean and

Now it’s not so much that the pressure is on it’s just that everything has a certain light shined on it and good or bad is going to be there no matter what and it makes it easier for him to have future success he’s not going to have to go have that uphill

Battle that his peer groups are having like anybody that comes after him from his peer group they’re gonna have to go through years of proving themselves he got in so next year is going to be easier the year after that is going to be easier the year after that is going

To be easier once you become an allar the first time it makes it your you’re already in that you’re there you’re in that conversation you’re in that space You’re Not Invisible so your performances are going to take on a new meaning and a new sign significance and

The Glamour and glimmer on your better performances it’s going to be through the roof you’re going to get those moments where your where your greatness is [ __ ] Amplified all around the world quicker than it is now like now you know they kind of you we don’t

Really see them on ESPN like that we don’t see them on these other platforms but I think after this it’s going to be the Scotty bonds watch he’s going to get some more playing time he’s going to be playing time as far as him on certain

Shows on in regular rotation you know I mean he’s going to become a part of the the the mainstream media Norm part of their playlist so to speak you know mean especially when you speak of new stars and I think this is a better like lifestyle for him than having to fight

The uphill battle and it’s also better for us as a team you know I mean that the fact that RJ gets to see it and quickly gets to see it and all the other young guys get to see it Grady dick you know what I mean oai and like they get

To see that you can be an Allstar from here as a raptor you don’t have to jump through a bunch of Hoops you don’t have to be super human you don’t have to be Supernatural even though Supernatural magnificent performances have to be a part of that resume but you can have you

Don’t have to be perfect you can have moments of imperfection and still be a part of some magnificent conversations you know what I mean you’re not behind and I think that’s that more than that more than Scotty becoming an Allstar for me is magnificent because the the conversation and debate for years is

Young Players don’t want to come to the Raptors because dot dot dot it could be location they they’re too far from their family it feels like an international Affair um which is crazy because we all know they go up there for Carnival every summer um the taxes could be an issue

But most importantly they’re not going to get an opportunity to be a part of the major conversations like their peers are whether it be Allstar all NBA which helps them financially and economically right now that that that ceiling has been broke and there’s no ceiling put upon young Raptor players or potential young

Raptor players now it’s okay now I could go over there and hoop I could go over there and hoop and still my dreams can still come true I’m Not Just Having My best performances wasted or just being a being part for the course these kids are

Going to come motivated you can see the motivation in RJ’s face when he was celebrating for Scotti cuz I would have been excited because now the possibility for me being next is there we can do it all we got to do is win and I’m an Allstar if he can

Get in and we are losing oh all we got to do is win and I’m in too cuz he’s going to be Allstar again and as long as I’m performing in close proximity to him I’m good my efforts won’t be ignored or or overlooked you know what I mean my

Level of excellence and consistency will be celebrated alongside his and that’s that’s sometimes that’s all you need sometimes that’s all kids need is to see someone accomplish something that they’ve J it’s a 4minute mile I always talk about it you have to start somewhere someone has to be the

First Scotty being the first of this new era with the the new coach and the New Direction you know retooling and remodeling the team and more so in Scotty’s to accommodate Scotty’s uh style of play to have guys but like understand that it could happen from

Here as well is a beautiful thing you know what I mean and and I’m I’m I’m proud of the NBA because I thought they were going to play their self man I ain’t going to even lie to y’all I thought the NBA was going to play

Themselves you know what I mean I felt like we didn’t win because we didn’t win I could understand that because you want to shine light on guys who are hooping with a better record I understand but when they didn’t show Scotty’s votes when we when he has the number one

Jersey in Canada which and you told everybody to vote we all voted on days where votes counted as three and everybody kept voting there’s no way you know what I mean I knew something was was was weird when how you only got half a million votes like you just like

507 that’s CRA there’s no way he should had at least a million two at on the low end on the low end it should have been a million two watch next year next year’s vote Scotty’s gonna have 1.5 million watch he’s gonna have 1.5 million on the

Low end this year he should have been at 102 but they’re like your 5007 you bugging we all been voting and you saying all right the players vote and the fan we as fans vote the players vote the coaches vote the writers vote whose vote counts like what votes are you really

Counting like how does this work but you know we we going to leave that where it’s at you know he got in still they I don’t know why it took so long even to show his numbers if it was just 57,000 which is but I I knew it had to be more than

That I knew I had it had to be at least 1.2 on the low end on the low end is 1.2 and when you have young kids who who young players who are coming in and they’re playing and they’re executing and their desire is to be a Allstar and

In these conversations and you see a guy get in that’s just like you that’s on your team that’s just as young and you know what I mean and in some cases maybe a little more inexperienced in you because especially RJ and quickley they were able to come from the Knicks which

Is a very very very hostile environment as far as competition you’re competing for something every day the media is not playing the fans are not playing the the the the teams you play against want to shine in the garden and every time you go to their home they want to beat you

Cuz you are like one of the teams that’s a standard and a staple in the NBA and then when you’re top four in the Eastern Conference top five in the Eastern Conference that’s more of a Target on your back it makes the the the the competition more meaningful for the

Other team they’re more motivated to play against you I just want these kids to come in and care about playing and now they they’re giving the right motivation and sometimes that’s all organization needs is something that enables the people coming in to be motivated to perform because they’re going to get their just

Doe and for a long time that was kind of the conversation you can perform great as a raptor but you’re not going to get your just do you’re not going to get treated like someone who’s on the US side because dot dot dot now that’s no longer a conversation I said that last

Year that it was going to be a time where is Canada basketball Canadian basketball is going to be a bigger factor and impact American basketball and I said all this last year I said all this last year I’ve been actually I’ve been senate for years the growth and

Impact you know as far as Canadian basketball is concerned is going to impact especially New York because we’re so close and that’s why I like I like Canada being in this space because it forces the mecca to either listen either you step to this situation and do what

You got to do or they’re going to keep the crown cuz they them kids is hooping and a lot of the kids like I said in New York they not playing basketball anymore some of the best ball players are not playing anymore they’re doing something

Else so we we have the other kids that may be coming off the bench if certain kids were playing who weren’t in the streets who weren’t on YouTube and Instagram and Tik Tok you know what I mean like they went to all these other places to get instant gratification that

Basketball could provide them with monetarily you know what I mean so it it’s just it’s understandable you know I mean we got to take what we have especially in New York and build from that and compete with the rest of the the country as well as Canada cuz those

Kids are coming to hoop you know what I mean the the the various foundations and organizations are are are building and maturing a lot of Marquee Talent which is going to motivate kids to want to play basketball a lot of kids in New York don’t play basketball you know what

I mean like they used to like when you think per capita like when we played in my era which is the crack era one like what a million people like a million people in the Bronx million people in the Bronx back then now it’s like 5 million just in my

Bur alone it’s it’s at least 5 million a hard 4 and a half million definitely four and a half I’m saying five and when you think of the ratio of basketball players we had more basketball players far as ratio population in the Bronx than they do now because there’s so many

Kids doing other most of them are doing other [ __ ] they might play a little bit and then like all right I’m going to keep it moving like the Canadian kids are they want to play college ball they want to they want to pursue a professional career I know in New York

Kids is like it’s only one or two out of maybe 100 200 ball players that are really serious that are that want to play in the league mostly like y I want to I want to dominate high school I want to hoop but once it becomes too

Much like work and the coaches start doing that sucker [ __ ] I’m out a lot of the time it don’t be the players it be the coaches doing sucker [ __ ] kids don’t want to be involved because the coaches have their own agenda as well cuz everybody trying to come up so I mean

It’s just a different time for us basketball wi but it’s dope to see that there there is going to be more of a wake up call and the motivation is there for people to come and and and play basketball like I said I would not be

Surprised if it comes a time where guys are going taking that trip as a group in New York just to play basketball in Canada just just on the humble just to see what the parks is like you know what I mean that that that’s definitely going

To start to be a thing in the summertime just from a competition standpoint just like Canadians used to cross the border to come to New York to play there’s going to be New York is going to Canada to play basketball too to test out their

Game and all that it’s going to be it’s going to be a dope exchange but it but at the pro level this is so big because it dispels that big myth of nobody wants to play in Toronto for the Raptors because they won’t get the proper shine

Or opportunity to shine you going to get your bread either you gonna get it from the Raptors or you gonna get it from another team but as long as you get an opportunity to to to build your wealth and your your sweat is is is is that of

What your dream is you know what I mean if you believe you’re a $100 million player and you put in The Sweat Equity and you get your opportunity to play and you put the work in and the time and you produce you going to get that money if

Not with us with somebody and I think that’s what people want to see they don’t want to see that there’s a limitation or a cap on what they can be once they put on the Raptor’s uniform there’s no more the Assumption of I’m just coming here to hoop and then I’mma

Leave n i could be a star here I could get it done here and my and everybody around the world they going to see me they going to see me you got the NBA app you gonna see me ain’t no blockouts ain’t no nothing you gonna see me 31

Million people watching me then people State start of watching you got the NBA package it ain’t like back in the day when TNT and TBS and you know ABC and NBC they didn’t really show a lot of raptors games you know throughout the season now we can watch it non-stop

Because we want to because it’s our Choice as opposed to what they’re showing us we have a choice now it’s going to be dope man like I like this is this is a bigger bigger thing than people even understand this may have changed the the potential of the Raptors getting quality players that

They need at the same time that other teams need them better it makes everything a little better you have a bigger chance of getting that guy now because you giv him a bigger opportunity to play platform to play on and he could still be a star you know

What I’m saying and you don’t got to go to La play next you know play next to LeBron or go to the Suns and play with KD or play with Luca or play with n you come up here play with Scotty get the same and get a better opportunity

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Scottie Barnes becoming an ALL-STAR despite the Raptors situation will inspire the young players we have and the young players who would consider Toronto as a destination to come to. Because they would get a real opportunity to play and shine. And no opportunity for advancement would be lose. It will draw attention, and open up some cool possibilities in the future


  1. When I watch this young man at the all star you know he belongs this young man is a giant if he looks in the mirror and star bully the league nobody stops him. Young man tower over most players and he is shooting comfortable I mean Geez!!

  2. Once I saw the young guns of the East beat the Old Heads of the West you get a glimpse of the changing of the guard.Lebron said as much in his comments postgame about the new free flowing style. The critics of Masai don’t understand that he is embracing the future and creating a new narrative for Toronto basketball. He tried an all switchable defensive big wing team but it didn’t work in this new era. So like it or not we are moving forward.

  3. Just to add a thought. When you play for Toronto you literally have an entire country behind you. You will get your shine,and once you show some grit and determination the fans will love you.Even if your losing.As much as it used to be a hockey town, the success that the team has brought to the country, has propelled them to the number one sport in Toronto. This experience will whet Scottie's thirst for acceptance and acknowledgement as a player and one to watch in the next few years.

  4. Chev no young pertencial or star coming to play for the raptors, they see how they treat the own grown stars player, when it time to get pay,

  5. He felt at home there and this is great for him. He feels he belongs now. Glad Masai and his family were there to support him. My fear is folks may have already started recruiting him out of Toronto. Hope he is recruiting too. Paulo was nervous.

  6. No one star players going to sign here we too cheep, and the disrespect that they do to pascal every years the putting him on the trad black , they do it to Lowry as well

  7. Masai has completely changed the culture and image of basketball in Canada. Before Masai came up here, the image of basketball in Canada 🇨🇦 was negative as thats why it was so easy for our last star Bosh before the Lowry and DeRozan era began to leave the way he did. Masai has shined a light on basketball in this country that has been positive. Lowry and DeRozan deserve praise for being the first loyal stars to have success here at the same time. Drake was great in being an influencer too during those years as well. I know we'll never be a Miami as far as weather, but we can show dudes if you want to compete for titles this is the place. During this time Canada basketball hoopers have started to get established and compete against the US and now were going to start telling that story of rhe rivalry during the Olympics this summer in Paris. We made it cool to talk to about giving Vancouver another shot having an NBA team in the future. Vancouver could've been the Raptors of the Western Conference. I think this is the wake up call. I would love it if we could get Zach Edey to complete this story.

  8. Brunson, on a good Knicks team, in a market like NYC didn’t even get a lot of votes… I wouldn’t assume Scottie will get tons of votes next year

  9. I don't know what you're talking about Pascal Siakam was an all star on the raptors. I think players don't like the tax situation in Toronto. Scottie is very solid, but the Raptors are in the toilet so it makes sense for him to get overlooked. If Raps win, players will be all stars. Don't reward failure.

  10. I've been seeing these comments lately of the organization being cheap, but let's also be clear because people seem to have selective memory. Kyle, Demar, norm, fred, OG and pascal have all gotten at least two extensions with the Raptors during their time here and whenever it came out, they got an extension people complained "should have paid so and so", " should have got so and so surperstar that dont want to play here" "what is massai doing, he's overpaying so and so". If kawhi decided to stay, the organization would have paid him. All those extensions we were winning and those players were rewarded.

  11. Excellent points you're bringing up here. There must have been a lot of discussions between Raptors head office and the NBA on this very same topic pointing out why it was essential for the organization for Scotty to get in on the big stage and perform as an all-star amongst his peers.

  12. It’s pretty nice being able to have all stars despite the losing record on the season. Anything’s possible it feels in the years to come.

  13. R j is an all star Barnes is to much to soon the fact he is the pg we will loose in the end it will be scotty bums you can pretend he an allstar but cherish bosh 2..0

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