@Golden State Warriors

Why Is The NBA Doing This To Steph Curry?

Why Is The NBA Doing This To Steph Curry?

Here’s Steph Curry up top with the ball in his hands being hounded by Jaden Springer to break free he drove downhill then when he got enough separation he slammed on the brakes and popped out for a three splash splash butter baby now I’m highlighting this moment because

Right after that beauty of a shot Curry practically Gets bulldozed By The Defender and listen to this they hit up the video replay and Bam they slap number 30 with an offensive foul for supposedly kicking his leg out seriously for any other NBA star that’s an automatic four-point play for sure

But for curry they don’t just skip the and one they outright erase his three-pointer I mean it’s nuts isn’t it in a league where players can draw files if their Defender so much as breathes too hard on them Steph seems to always draw the short end of the stick when it

Comes to the whistles what’s up with him always being on the wrong side of foul calls well today we’re diving deep into this Enigma to find out what’s up Steph Curry revolutionized the NBA with his Marksmanship the warrior Superstar single-handedly spearheaded the three-point Revolution back in the mid-2010s when he started launching

Threes from the parking lot from half court it’s gone making it rain like the basketball Gods had never seen before fast forward a bit and he’s bagged himself multiple MVPs a handful of championships and a permanent spot in the NBA’s history books he’s a global icon now with kids and grown-ups alike

Trying to mimic his every move all over the globe it’s pretty clear at this point that Steph has transcended basketball I mean just like how everyone in the 9s wanted to be like Mike everyone today just wants to be like Steph so you’d think the NBA would be

All over protecting their Golden Boy right making sure he gets those Superstar calls to keep him dazzling on the court as long as possible but plot twist that’s not really what’s happening foul calls which are supposed to keep players safe and sometimes pad those Point totals seem to have missed

The memo when it comes to Curry officials are supposed to call these fair and square but with Steph it feels like they’re playing a whole different ball game and uh to understand this discrepancy better let’s examine it through the lens of NBA guard statistics specifically comparing layup attempts to free throw

Opportunities this analysis will provide a clear picture of how Curry’s treatment on the court contrast with that of his peers now to do this I simply picked four random guards starting with Devin Booker as of today he’s hit the court for 45 games going to the basket with

155 layup attempts and earning himself double digit free throw attempts in 12 of those games Trey young over 50 games has made his way to the hoop 10088 times and found himself at the free throw line for 10 or more attempts in 17 games dearen fox in 48 games has a tally of

231 layups with 11 games hitting double figures in free throw attempts Damen Lillard playing 51 games leads with 255 layup attempts and has reached double- digit free throw attempts in 18 games averaging these four we get around 207 layups in 14.5 games with double digigit free throws now let’s talk about Steph

Curry in 50 games he’s pretty much average with 206 layup attempts but here’s the kicker he’s only landed in the double digit free throw attempt Zone in four games not 14 just four that’s absolutely crazy peing at the total free throw attempts every player listed is cross the 300 mark this season except

For curry this is intriguing especially considering his layup attempts are right on par with the others guys now get ready for something even more mindboggling in a recent Warriors versus Clippers game every single Clipper who stepped up to the free throw line ended up attempting more free throws than

Curry no joke some might argue that Curry’s lower free throw count is because he’s primarily a three-point shooter but let’s break down the numbers from this game Curry took 31 shots 19 of which were threes that means 12 were inside the ark here’s where it gets wild

Not a single Clippers player in this game took 12 or more shots inside the ark yet seven of them got to the free throw line more often than Curry seven the stats are telling the story so bizarre you couldn’t just make it up anyway I need to Circle back to that

Offensive foul called on Steph during the Philly game because like I said earlier they even pulled up the instant replay to scrutinize the move deeming it wasn’t a natural shooting motion now let me break down why this call is so disgusting growing up as a huge Kobe

Bryant fan I remember how he used to kick his leg out during his signature fade away to maintain B balance and guess what he was never not once penalized with an offensive foul for it same goes for Michael Jordan fast forward to today and you’ll see players

Like Lillard and D rozan pulling off similar moves in games often without any repercussions and in fact they even get the benefit of the whistle in their favor falling away again that’s good and the foul yet when Steph tries to pull off the same moves his shots often get

Discounted the Injustice doesn’t stop there either take an incident from a game against Miami for example where a Defender from the heat ended up right in Curry’s Landing Zone despite a review of the video evidence the officials concluded it wasn’t a flagrant foul now look again the defender didn’t just

Invade Curry space he practically set up camp in the heart of it yet all that came out of the review was a decision that it was merely a common foul this is something that could have potentially ended Curry’s career and they called it a common foul it’s understandable that In the

Heat of the game referees might miss certain incidents but when a play as clear-cut as this goes under review and still emerges with a minimal penalty it raises questions about the NBA’s treatment of Curry these aren’t occasional incidents either they represent a consistent pattern where Curry seems to be unfairly targeted by officiating

Decisions given his signature contribution to the League’s popularity and revenue it’s quite puzzling why the NBA wouldn’t take greater steps to protect one of its most valuable Assets Now nobody except Adam Silver and a few high-up Executives would really know the answer to this but let’s unpack the most

Popular theories that have been floating around the first one suggests the NBA might just be over Curry’s constant winning streak with four championships and six finals appearances under his belt Curry hasn’t exactly been sharing the victory Vibes across the league for a league looking to spread excitement and revenue more evenly diversifying The

Winner Circle could be key one straightforward strategy to make that happen dial back on the free throws Curry seems to miss out on I mean just imagine as one fan put it imagine if he was treated like Luca then there’s another theory buzzing around hinted at by a now deleted Reddit

User two words Under Armour it’s no big secret that Nike dominates NBA sponsorships and Curry well he’s not on their roster could it be that Curry’s allegiance to Under Armour puts him at a disadvantage think about it from Nike’s perspective pouring Millions into the NBA only to watch an under arour icon

Clinch Championship after Championship wouldn’t it make sense for them to want their athletes in the Limelight nudging the league for a nudge in the calls their way another theory suggests that the NBA is focusing on nurturing new Talent this notion piggybacks on the earlier idea of increasing League parity

Indicating that the NBA might be looking to diversify its portfolio for marketable figures this strategy aims to secure the League’s financial success in the long run at the expense of established Stars such as Curry I mean the league thrives on its Superstars and with curry nearing the latter part of his prime coupled

With his already extensive achievements it now seems more beneficial for the NBA to Spotlight other emerging stars to pave the way for its future now this is where it gets interesting I know I know some of you might just think I’m just spinning wheels with these theories and

That even after I’ve laid out all the evidence of Steph being being treated unfairly by the refs that some of you would still say I’m crazy that he’s getting the fair end of the whistle like everyone else yet hit up the internet and you’ll see loads of NBA fans

Noticing the same odd stuff like this one Bulls fan saying yeah I watched Steph get rag dolled in the finals and get not even a whistle it’s crazy how he gets refed he must have pissed off Tony brothers or something and if you do a quick Google search you’ll bump into

Video screaming Steph Curry needs better whistles Steph Curry does not give foul calls and the foul truth there’s a ton of Buzz online about this but if you’re looking for my take on why it’s perfectly captured by these two fans one fan put it simply it’s cuz he’s

Too good if Steph got a fair whistle he would be the unanimous goat with eight Rings this sentiment is echoed by another who dives deeper saying because he’d literally be too good that’s the answer he’d be averaging 35 to 40 points per game during the regular season and

Averaging like 38 during the finals on like 70% true shooting he’s already arguably the best offensive player ever if he got foul calls like Jordan there would be no debate sounds about right doesn’t it just picture Curry getting as many calls as James Harden did in his

MVP hey day talk about an unfair Advantage imagine someone nailing 5040 and 90 and hitting the free throw line 11 times a game that’s not a game Cher that’s breaking the game The Warriors would be unstoppable for an eternity but the NBA nah they wouldn’t want want that

Because if that did happen suddenly there’d be a new goat in town and imagine what that do to say the whole Legacy of Nike’s Jordan brand so yeah my two cents that’s exactly why the NBA’s been pulling these moves on Steph Curry the guy was never meant to be this Mega

Star according to the NBA script that was the narrative the league was willing to give LeBron but Curry well he’s just a 6’3 guard who burst onto the scene and was about to flip the entire script unless the league stepped in

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  1. One of the reasons the NBA is losing its viewership. Regular season horrible officiating, player preference and team preference at the free throw line, NBA Allstar game shenanigans and last but not least the slam dunk contest. Just fire Silver already.

  2. I think this is a bit too biased.
    There's a lot of factors that cause Curry to shoot less freethrows, most notably that he isn't a physical inside finisher. He ususally drops floaters or prefers to avoid contact to try to get a better shot. That's not to say he doesn't get too few calls (the NBA almost certainly decided that only absolutely egregious off-ball fouls exist for Curry), but your take is also not quite accurate.

    On a side note, I've noticed that the referees just generally try to avoid making the landing space flagrant call. Stuff like this gets attention shortly after an injury like Kawhi's, but if there hasn't been anything serious in recent years the NBA probably rather not have too many of these calls slow down the game.

  3. As someone who has watched the Warriors win 4 rings in like 10 years, Curry gets plenty of calls and this is a ridiculous complaint that no one needs to make on his behalf.

  4. Not to mention it cost them game if steph got the whistle he was pose to warrior would of won alot of those close games this season facts

  5. You picked four random guards (which I am sure they are not random) and a random benchmark for judging fairness instead of doing an average of all drives and looking at fouls per drive across guards in the NBA. Dude take a stats class for god sake. Let me pick some random guys. Haliburton has zero games with 10 or more FT, Jamal Murry has zero, Kyrie has 1 game, and Derrick White has zero. Can you believe the NBA is doing those guys dirty like that? Damn shame. Even high usage guys like Mitchel and Brunson each have only 7 games of 10 or more free throws. And even if Curry is being wronged, it may be in exchange for GSW running an offense that relies on illegal screens the last decade.

  6. But why would they be doing that to their cash cow though? Why they outta get him when he draws the most cash just doesn’t make sense.

  7. The real question is, are you ever going to make a video without Steph/GSW on the thumbnail or allll about them? Just change your name to GSW Reports, sheesh.

  8. So your saying that the league that gives a 6’9 almost 300lb mass of muscle in LBJ or the flop gods like harden or DeRozan all these weak touch fouls and refuse Curry cause he’s to good? Lol. More like they are protecting LeBrons forced legacy.

  9. Steph doesnt avoid contact. He harder to guard then anyone in league. These numbers make no sense

  10. I love a good conspiracy as much as the next guy, but I think the much more likely reason for Curry's no-calls is due to the refs being tired of his years of flopping and exaggerating. Even when he legit gets fouled, he exaggerates the contact, making it look fake. Do other players do this? Yes, but Steph is up there as one of the more high profile players that behave this way. With the NBA's recent attempts to reduce this kind of thing, you're seeing him getting ignored even when it is legit.

  11. Because we Humans have a tendency to not appreciate greatest appropriately or in it's proper time. Imo.

  12. lmao steph can't play defense, and kick out the leg is clearly a foul thanks to guy like steph and harden just foul baiting from 3. ya clowns truly dont know basketball lmao.

  13. Bulldozed….what a joke. Curry gets two inches off of the ground when he shoots. There’s no way he should ever fall on the ground after shooting a three. I’ve been playing ball for 30 plus years…..falling at the 3pt line is a flop 11 out of 10 times.

  14. I completely agree 😂😢😂. When I saw those stats ICried in laughter of how rigged sports are. Baseball, basketball, and the NFL are all cheating threw refs.

  15. Who got money on LBJ or Steph becoming the first former player Commish? Correct me if I'm mistaken.

  16. Steph does not Fit any GOAT criteria and yet he is the Effin GOAT. They had to find a way to try stopping him. But to me he is always going to be the best

  17. Man I hate this. If y’all say. “Oh curry would average 30+ if they Give him the fouls.* your dead wrong. Some fouls are clearly fouls and some that are now are clear and the refs mixes them up big time. It’s honestly annoying. I will say this. The warriors be unstoppable and curry will have like 6+ and be the GOAT but you have to understand something. Curry is getting clearly foaled and some could have career ending and they just give him a common foal?! That’s insane!

  18. I'm so glad you are highlighting this. I have been calling it out all season. He would be the league's high scorer if he got to free throw line all of the times he should have. It blatant, and ridiculous that a premiere player not only gets no love, but gets worse than some bench warming rookies out there.

  19. Curry getting whistles would be good for ratings. A David and Goliath story would be amazing for the NBA. Its one thing for players to create fouls, flop, etc. But if a player is good and gets fouled often, thsts not his problem. REF FAIRLY! And let the (supposed) real goat become just that if he earned it.

  20. Curry is amazing, but advanced rules say that this move by Curry (at the beggining of the video) actually can be called as a offensive faul (if it is intentional).

  21. Only one thing is very clear …..they abused their authority ….and it seems that they also abused the kindness and humility of Curry

  22. Steph Curry in his career with 11+ FTA is 37.1/5.5/5.7 on 49.8%/45.5%/91.4% (41 games).

    Steph Curry in his career with <11 FTA is 24.2/4.7/6.5 on 47.3%/42.5%/90.9% (891 games).

    Compared to Harden

    In games with 11+ FTA: 34.0/6.8/8.1 on 44.4%/37%/86.3% (319 games)

    In games with <11 FTA: 20.1/5.1/6.6 on 44.1%/36.2%/85.7% (729 games)

    So yeah, Curry would be OP if they gave him Harden's whistle. He scores more than Jordan did too (37ppg with 11+ FTA).

  23. Curry would have more foul line shots if they called fouls for him like they should. Its just trash jobs by officials.. i feel like the refs be on prize picks gambling🤷🏾‍♂️🤦🏾

  24. Allegedly, because he got in the way of the NBA plan for LBJ being better than MJ. The NBA money was and is in LBJ, so Curry 3s broke the game. 3 is more than 2 free throws. Etc etc etc. Think about it 🤔

  25. Old news bruh.. shits been like this since 12-13.. Once he started to get some clout (MSG game)..

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