@Phoenix Suns

Gilbert Arenas ETHERS Charles Barkley For Dissing Kevin Durant “LOOK AT YOUR F*****G Career”

Gilbert Arenas ETHERS Charles Barkley For Dissing Kevin Durant “LOOK AT YOUR F*****G Career”

Welcome back to NBA Cinema so today we have to talk about Charles Barkley and Gilbert arenz and their think pieces that they provided here recently now Gilbert went at Charles for comments he made about Kevin Durant during NBA Allstar Weekend which was ironically on air with Draymond Green now a few years

Ago Draymond Green would have been at Barkley’s neck for saying anything about KD when he was with the Warriors or maybe shortly after he left but with the recent unfolding of events with nurkic and Draymond Green and Kevin Durant and what Draymond has said recently on his

Podcast calling uh you know nurkic and Durant lames then you know he he really didn’t have any pushback now Gilbert Arenas posed a question and asks Charles Barkley what has he ever LED because Barkley is always saying KD isn’t a bus driver and you know one of the very first

Uh series I paid attention to completely like sat down and watched every game was in 1992 uh when they played the when when the Bulls played the Phoenix Suns and I watched you know I watched games throughout the season before then but I really watched it and paid attention to

It you know and Barkley was playing at a very high level you know we all know how it ended in Philadelphia when he was there but uh he came to that team and he was the best player and he was one of the leaders you had Dan Marley Kevin

Johnson was a big time guard one of the guards that get lost in discussion but if Kevin Johnson was playing right now people would be looking at him like one of the greatest things since sliced bread we going to take a listen at what Chuck said about KD as far as his

Leadership and as far as him being the guy for a team we’re going to take a look at gibber aras’s rebuttal as well let’s peep wanted to be KD but he’s not doing doing it to me has got to be Booker he’s got to be your your mental

Leader and your vocal leader to a certain degree no disrespect to Kevin Kevin’s a follower he’s not a leader he’s proven that on all his stops Booker is a hell of a player also I think he’s going to have to take the initiative and take this son team to the next level

Because man Kevin’s a hell of a player I never going to say anything bad about him but I saying the same thing with Boston one of you guys has to step forward he has to step forward and for me for Fenix to be successful it has to

Be book then see we all know about the Houston right we know about him that was at the end yeah yeah cuz he didn’t get a ring in Phoenix when he was chasing the ring in Phoenix then he went to Houston Rockets trying to join that team to try

To beat Michael Jordan and the reason they failed because he was overweighting out of shape right the reason that uh Houston didn’t win not because they was because the guy that they brought in you was not in shape was blaming everybody else for not working hard and being in

Shape while your big ass was over there on the bike complaining about everybody else oh I heard all the stories I asked so when you call somebody a a follower and not a leader let us know which team that you led or was a leading right being the best player on

The Suns you didn’t lead that team already had captains and it was already established before you got there right you bailed out on you know Philadelphia and you wanted to try to win a ring so whatever you have this Grudge with you know someone like Kevin Durant you need to look back

At yourself and look at back at your career cuz you followed back then you was not a man on your own yeah you had the personality but there’s nothing in your resume that had you as someone who was leading something you always tried to run to go chase

Something now I absolutely need to see y’all takes in the comment section whether it differ from M or not cuz I want to get all the input I can on this topic for me specifically again Barkley joined the Warriors when it was over for him pretty

Much I mean he was still playing solid but he wasn’t the Charles of old and anybody in their right mind knows Hakeem elijan was always going to be the leader of that team so Barkley wasn’t going to come in and be the leader of the team

One of maybe but even you know they had already had a championship pedigree and Barkley wouldn’t have been looked at like getting a ring on his own no more you know what I’m saying not at that point it been looked that kind of like a

Pton Miami ring or you know one of those Rings you get later Jason kid in Dallas ring Hall of Fame player but didn’t lead as the Hall of Fame got get there now if you look at their resumes you know as far as what Gilbert saying both of them

In their Heyday took a team to the finals as the best player KD took them back when they faced Miami they lost that series 4 to one Barkley obviously lost to Jordan and the Bulls you know in in in the finals back in 1992 um Barkley led the Dream Team you know what

I’m saying scoring back in ’92 so I mean Barkley was that guy Jordan stopped a lot of Hall of Fame players I know a lot of people like to say the 73 and N warriors were better than you know the teams that Jordan and and Barkley and

Them F no they wasn’t man no they were not you know the rules have changed so much they were a great offensive team and with offense being highlighted yes they thrive in this era um could they had lost to a lot of those Western Conference teams in the series back in the day

Absolutely they could have lost to a lot of those teams can you imagine I ain’t even gonna get into it because that’s going to start a whole different argument you know what I’m saying I just want to stick to what Gilbert said now Barkley I’m not saying

That he didn’t even hear stories from within the locker room maybe Barkley is overstating some of his leadership qualities two things can be true right but as far as what have you ever LED in your career I mean I think Barkley’s resume kind of speaks for himself you know anybody that got to

The finals you have to look at it man the dream won those titles when Michael Jordan was out now Penny and Shaq eliminated Jordan but people like to leave out some of that story Jordan came back in like March you know mid March and the playoffs started in April so he

Was nowhere near who he should be yeah he had like a 50s something point game or something like that but he wasn’t consistent he wasn’t Michael Jordan yet and you saw what happened that next year they went out there and they got the ship so um you know people like to talk

About that time when Penny and Orlando Magic who were formidable uh ended Mike and them but Mike came back in March just for some context you know from baseball um so Jordan stopped everybody man now what I had loved to say hake malijan and Clyde Drexler play against

Michael Jordan absolutely you know cuz I think that would have been a challenge that they hadn’t faced or nor did they face uh in in that time frame now Carl Malone was formidable people like to say uh I I seen something the other day saying you know who would you take I

Think it was Shannon sharp and them what I’m saying who would you take or who’s better car Malone or KD and I like how how many people just said KD and thought they were right you know what I’m saying Carl Malone which only like to talk

About him based off some things he did in his personal life you know I put him with Kels I I just don’t like to talk about them guys at all uh but you know as a player you you know he obviously he can’t shoot threes and be on the

Perimeter like KD but he he was a problem and he hit I remember that dude hit almost every fadea away J he took he was annoying playing against the Bulls he was strong as the ax he’s very athletic you know when he came out of Louisiana Tech it’s like the perfect

Power for man so I’m not so sure you know people just uh saying that KD is that much more of a formidable opponent than Carl Malone I’m not going to ride with that but uh you know but I get it you know people know what they see today

And if you look at highlights it would look like that you know what I’m saying but um again man Jordan stop car Malone sto uh uh Reggie Miller Reggie Miller some of those teams that he was on probably would have got one and you can’t say Reggie Miller wasn’t a leader

Now he was absolutely a leader they just could not get over the Bulls you know um who else who else who else Sean km and Gary Payton you can’t say Gary Payton wasn’t a leader you know so it’s a lot of people that were good leaders that couldn’t beat Michael Jordan you

Know so that’s what I would say now LeBron’s in a different era I’m not even trying to diminish uh Lebron by saying he didn’t stop certain Hall of Famers because I understand the way the contracts work now people can move around more you got more moving Parts people can team up now

He was one of the catalysts for teaming up in your Prime don’t forget I said in your Prime so don’t bring up the Boston Celtics they were outside of their Prime when they teamed up in their 30s I’m talking about in your mid 20s and your Prime you know that that’s the teaming

Up I have a problem with I didn’t even have a problem with KD trying to team up with Kyrie Irving and James Harden that was not an issue for me the issue was him teaming up with Steph uh Draymond and clay in his prime in his mid 20s and

Like there’s this misconception out there that him leaving Russell Westbrook was the problem me personally I never had a problem with him leaving Russell Westbrook per se it was just one team well I say two because I did not want him playing with LeBron and I didn’t

Want him going to join Steph and those guys but other than that KD was free to go anywhere else in the NBA he wanted to anywhere else and imagine if like KD and a young joic was playing together and joic became who he was it wouldn’t be frowned upon because he wasn’t

Already that guy yet you know you could have played with a lot of people who wasn’t that guy yet that would be that guy now you know so I look at that and I say you know KD just chose the wrong team man um his leadership will always

Be called into question Barkley didn’t necessarily get on the team where it was stacking a deck cuz you got to look you know the the ages of the players a lot of them went out of their Prime earlier because of one they played with more injuries back in the day or played

Through more injuries they competed a lot harder especially Allstar Weekend which is a whole another conversation um and thing I remember once upon a time uh a ACL injury was almost like the end of your career you know like or Achilles you wasn’t coming back from

That stuff once upon a time yeah that was it for you so medicine has come a long way too and it’s a good thing for the game but I’m just saying it’s a dynamic that you have to take in consideration so when Barkley joined what was he like

33 when he went to Houston his 33 ain’t like somebody else’s 33 today you know that’s that’s what I want to say like it all 33s ain’t made the same especially and even before then right if you go back man you remember David Thompson got injured his career was over he he did

Did like the same offensive output as Michael Jordan his rookie year he was scoring like on that level then he had a a devastating injury man and you know he kind of went down from there he played pretty good for a little bit but they just didn’t have the things to get your

Body back to that level back in those days so I know I went off on a whole different tangent I just want to provide some different insights on why the game is different or why Chuck is saying what he’s saying and why leadership uh shouldn’t be called into

Question for Chuck you know again I ain’t saying that Gilbert Arenas hasn’t heard stories about Charles Barkley’s leadership but you know to question him as a leader as far as leading the Suns uh and only being stopped by Michael Jordan like so many other ones like Patrick Yuan

Was I mean I don’t know man let me know what you think in the comments don’t forget to like share and subscribe to next time peace

Gilbert Arenas ETHERS Charles Barkley For Dissing Kevin Durant “LOOK AT YOUR F*****G Career, What have you lead!!!”
#NBA #ESPN #gilsarena #gilbertarenas #insidethnba #nbaontnt #charlesbarkley #shaq #kennysmith #kevindurant #kd
00:00 Revisiting Charles Barkley Comments about KD during All Star Weekend
01:57 Charles Barkley Says Kevin Durant is not a leader and is a follower in front of Draymond Greent
02:37 Gilbert Arenas unloads on Charles Barkley’s career
04:06 My take on what Gilbert and Chuck said.


  1. Mann stop giving MJ and the Bulls an excuse to losing to Orlando in 95. Mike actually had an amazing playoff run that year. This narrative that he was rusty is total bs. The man average 32 ppg and shot 50% from the field vs Orlando during the playoffs. The reason the bulls lost because they got killed on the glass. Shaq and Grant dominated the bulls bigs on the boards. Pip who’s a small led the team in rebounding. That’s why they lost and they went to grab Dennis Rodman that summer.

  2. Charles told no lies 🤷 Gilbert is in his feelings. He can't comment on Hall of Fame players issues. 😂😂😂

  3. Gil and Barkley really the same kind of player just different positions. Great players but both never accomplished anything….

  4. Gilbert he was trade to the suns he didn’t leave philly …. Charles Barkley was a leader & lead both sixers & suns .. league mvp , Allstater mvps etc

  5. Barkley was arguably the 2nd best player in the world at one point. He was a leader. He just happened to be going up against the best player in the world…ever. lol stop Gilbert. KD is a bus rider, he's the substitute teacher, the backup driver, not the guy you rely on for both sides of the court all year round, let alone year after year .

  6. A 6'4 power forward whos a hall of famer , lead his team to the FINALS , lead the dream team in scoring vs a 6'4 guard whos not a hall of famer, no finals, just only care about scoring Chuck is 6'4 getting 20 rebounds and 40 points. Barkleys prime years didnt max out at 25

  7. Barkley wasn't chasing a ring in PHX. He did lead in Philly and PHX. Gil just a hot takes artist.

    KD good doesn't matter if he leads has 2 rings as the best player on the warriors.

    Nobody beat Jordan.

  8. Dammmmm…😭😭😭..Charles said he better at talking about basketball than playing…but he a leader…😳

  9. I'm sorry, Gilbert Arenas, but Chuckles is one of the NBA 50 Greatest, what about you? You were good, but not elite? How many Finals have YOU been to? At least he LED his team to one. I don't normally stand up for Charles Barkley, but this time I have to. I've followed his career since I was in high school, he was scary for opponents to face. Gilbert Arenas? You had a good career, but you have NO BUSINESS calling out Barkley for DOING HIS JOB!!!! History can speak on him not having championships vs KD actually having several titles, but you can't. Try again, Gilbert!!!!

  10. He’s right. Charles spit on fans, got arrested, over ate. Told people he wasn’t a role model, demanded a trade to improve his chances of getting a ring. Now the nba media loves him. Wake up.

  11. As far as skills wise, KD is a monster! Leadership wise, he's more passive, I wish he had more of a dominant personality. I would use OKC as an example. Everyone knew Russ as great as he shouldn't have more shots than KD, but for some reason, KD wouldn't demand the ball from Russ. Then he arrived in GS, and when Draymond called him a B, instead of addressing it himself, the upper management had to speak up for him. Draymond said he had seen KD in the gym the next day, and KD, instead of KD addressing it upper management did it for him. Barkley, Kobe, Jordan, Ewing, Shaq, and multiple other players are not going to let you call them a B and not step to you. Barkley has admitted that he was out of shape in Houston and in Philly. Barkley had highlights and was highly effective in Phoenix he just lost to the better team. I thought KD had turned the corner in the playoffs against the Bucks he was truly carrying that team. He then went up against Boston and Boston game planned for him and was very physical with KD, which KD did not like. I thought KD would adjust. Unfortunately, he didn't. Draymond, to this day, knows he has KD mentally defeated because he knows skills wise he can not compete with KD. Fans want to see KD be a leader. I just don't know if it will ever happen.

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