@San Antonio Spurs



Guys I know what I wanted to do I I completely forgot about this okay big shout out to tyer all right we’re going to do another a tier list all right I’m I’m going to do a tier list over because uh I just think this is prettier so big

Shout out to him uh let let’s see what we can do here but before we get into this tier list this beautiful tier list uh that that creator has created uh really quick bet us okay big shout out to bet us uh for sponsoring this video and this

Live stream if you guys are interested in making bets as far as Sports books live betting uh you you can do it on basketball baseball football ice hockey so many different things that you can bet on uh please head on over to bet us Link in my description click it when

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Um and click the link in my description just all you got to do just click the link in my description what does 125% mean well that means you put in $100 you get an extra 125 uh to play with uh so yeah so go check that out um the website

Is beautiful very easy to access you can do it on your mobile device as well so just just just so mobile device oh my goodness I sounded old right there am I getting old I’m dressing old but yeah big big shout out to bet us um guys go check it

Out and if you want to bet on the San Antonio Spurs being an NBA champion unfortunately you can’t do that anymore all right out of good faith we have been taken off the list but um there’s there’s there’s lots of different things so just go check it out uh Link in my

Description once again all right let’s see I did yeah mobile device what the heck is wrong with me uh let’s see here definitely sounded old all right you guys we’re going to do a tier list okay this is my tier list I did one on Twitter I’m going to

See if my mind has changed I had some time to to think it over and and really sit on it okay um so first and foremost Untouchable Untouchable I think we all agree the Untouchable player when it pertains to trades is wimy he’s untouchable right like I don’t think I have to explain

That Zach definitely on ship him now we’ll get there we’ll get to the ship him out now just just give it a second okay just give it a second all right uh second we said or it says uh not looking to trade so I would definitely because

We know Devon fael is not Untouchable okay that that would be silly to even uh think that fathom that uh that he’s not he’s not that he’s Untouchable uh same with Jeremy soan I I think that this is a really good core I don’t care care

What anyone says I’ll be real with you there’s so many people that are so quick to say oh you know soan ship them out I saw people taking uh Tai’s uh post making their own and putting him down on like ship them out comfortable with

Trading I I really I don’t want to talk bad about about you guys in the chat okay but I will talk bad about people in in general I don’t know um if you really think that soan is easily tradable like the Spurs should really fathom really think about and be really comfortable

With trading him I I really question your basketball your basketball uh takes I really do because while he’s not somebody that’s going to put up a plethora of points he’s not someone that’s going to be a huge stat guy uh he does the Small Things in every single

Game he has been our primary Defender often times our best defender behind actually often times every time our best defender behind uh Wim banama there they have developed quite a bit of chemistry I think soan does a very good job of playing his role of being a glue guy and

You want somebody like that that brings that little bit of nasty and he’s perfect for the Spurs because not only does he bring that nasty but he also has pretty High character at least from what we’ve seen uh thus far so he he is a

Spur he’s he he seems like uh he jails with the guys uh he keeps them keeps them involved and he’s always engaged he might not have great games here and there but he’s super young and people forget that as well I think he’s only like 6 months 6 months older than wimy

So yeah he gets a lot of hate don’t feed into it trust me he is a very good player and other teams know it as well I guarantee you that the Atlanta Hawks when it comes time they’re going to be saying hey man go ahead and give us go a

And give us so hand and Brian Wright is going to be like I don’t think so if it’s a straightup trade I’ll take it right if it’s just soan for Trey young I’ll take I’m not I’m not stupid all right I’m not I’m not I’m not crazy here

Uh but if it’s give you all your pcks back plus two first and then we give you soan I don’t know I don’t know that’s that’s that’s a bit much we could probably get away with not doing that cuz we could literally just chill out not do anything and they just blow up

Their team and we get their 2025 anyway so uh anyways besides the point all right moving on okay so who else is there anyone else on not looking to trade now I stuck on this one okay I I really want to put Blake Wesley into not looking to trade truly I truly do

But I cannot in good faith put him on the same level as Devin and soan when it pertains to no this is an Untouchable piece he is definitely somebody that I’m just going to say prefer not to trade but will if necessary absolutely have to be if necessary I wish there was an

Extra one I guess I could add one on here but I wish there was an extra one because I feel like he’s in a tier between will if necessary and not looking to trade I don’t know it’s a a weird one I think by the time the season

Is over I’ll go ahead and put him in the not looking to trade but thus far I feel like his defense have been really good he’s made a huge gigantic leap to the point where he’s demanding minutes um demanding minutes over Malachi even I I

Have to I have to at least keep him here okay he can’t go any lower I want to put him higher but I just can’t I can’t see the Spurs holding on to him as tight as they will hold on to soan and Devon pel

So I just can’t do that yet uh you can add one I can add one I’m I’m not I’m not I’m going to keep it authentic okay um shout out to tyer once again um all right moving on prefer not to trade but will if necessary another player that I

Would go ahead and put in that category is Trey Jones and that’s where it gets frustrating because I definitely would have Blake Wesley I’m holding on to him a little tighter than I would Trey Jones um but at the same time I think Trey Jones is a

Guy that I don’t think that we should trade um it would have to be some type of a really good package but I think that he’s a fine backup point guard and he’s a fine uh game manager uh as the time for the time being I know so many

People thought that Trey young coming to the Spurs is going to save everything or not Tre Jones I’m sorry Trey young I’m Trey Jones Trey Jones being uh the starter for the Spurs going to save everything I kept saying it’s not going to make a difference we I mean we won a

Couple games but I mean I felt like we were going to win those anyway th those were pretty the schedule got much easier uh but I think that what it really just comes down to is the fact that this is a young team and they’re going to make

Many mistakes guys you can’t even pinpoint like what they’re going to mess up on each game like there’s always something different when they fix one thing another thing screws up and when that thing gets fixed now we’re back to doing the thing we were before like I thought that the third quarter issues

That we were having was over nope it creeped back up on us and that’s what happens with young teams um it kind of goes to the thing that wimy said in which pop was like what the f is this you were messing up actually I’ll show

You that clip hold on let’s see if I can find it I had to repost it there’s no way there’s no way I didn’t repost that here we go messages and like uh yeah sometimes like I remember maybe two three months into the season we were in

Film in front of everybody and he goes like yeah what the [ __ ] is this this is what you were doing day one so yeah so he’s just talking about papic so yeah so that happens all the time in which the Spurs continuously mess up on something different and I’m sorry adding Tre Jones

Into the starting lineup wasn’t going to fix all of our problems it ain’t that simple um anyways moving on so who else would I put in prefer not to trade um City Soko uh that’s another guy I think this list is actually going to be the

Exact same as I had before so C SOS won um and with which I think a lot of Spurs fans don’t necessarily think about him uh that often but trust me he’s really good he could be a lock down uh Defender force a really good point of attack Defender now he’s not as

Versatile I would say as Jeremy Sohan in which Sohan can struggle with point guards definitely um but I would say on occasion he can guard one through five I would say CID Soko is closer to three through five but that’s just me um you

Say I mean I get it okay cool yeah you guys get it uh what city has done nothing and he’s in the perfect not to trade prefer not to trade tier well I mean that that’s why you need forsight my friend yeah that that’s why you that’s what what foresight is from for

Or for uh CID Soko is a really good player uh it’s one of those highly like high potential uh type players I hate that I hate that Don Baro isn’t on here um but yeah no I would prefer not to trade them I think the spurgers know

What they got uh in City uh he’s been improving tremendously over in the G League he’s improved his foul trouble which that was the biggest thing he just get a little too physical uh doesn’t didn’t move his feet uh well enough but now that’s fixed he’s been really good

You I would really prefer you or uh encourage you to go and look at some City Soko games and uh come back and you’ll be like oh okay yeah I get it City got crazy potential he does Sebastian he does have crazy uh potential um and once again he he very

Similar to Sohan in which I don’t think that he’ll be a player that um give you like crazy stats or anything like that but I will say he’s a better passer than soan while soan is a better uh Defender right now as City but man if

He was backing up uh Jeremy that would be insane so hopefully he kind of come into his own and he can get uh his minutes as well and I think once his roster is cleared out um he’ll get that all right so moving on is there anyone

Else that I would put in prefer not to trade but will if necessary uh H Charles Bassie no the only reason why I wouldn’t put Charles Bassie there is because he has too many injury issues um I’mma go with you guys are going to hate this I’mma go with

Malachi uh because I do think that there’s still a lot of potential there and hopefully if you know we get the right Personnel that he will look even better um look young player not making anything right now uh but d BR bro I don’t know where Dom is Dom would

Definitely be in this tier um but right now I I would go ahead and just go with Malachi uh since he’s sitting here um but he he’s a he’s a good player I just think that right now he doesn’t necessarily have like the floor spacers

That would cause him to be uh what he normally is which is kind of a mid-range guy he needs that room he needs to be the primary ball handler unfortunately with the group that we have right now the San Antonio Spurs have resorted to making him a sharpshooter uh catching

Shoot shooter and that is not who he is whatsoever he wasn’t that in college and he’s not that now and I think that that’s where Spurs man see him struggle defensively he is bad I will be honest in saying that but at the same time I

Think um him being in this tier of uh you will trade him if necessary I think it’s appropriate I think previously I had him comfortable had comfortable with trading but I don’t know if I’m just super comfortable with trading Malachi I he was projected lottery pick I think

Maybe you can get even more utility out of him as things go along U really good shooter so really good scorer um if we can’t play him in what he needs to thrive then we need to trade him I’m I’m not I’m not even arguing with you

Really I agree with you I’m just saying it’s so early that I’m okay with the Spurs saying let me hold on and unless it was something where uh you know you’re trying to get Trey young and there that’s what they need then it’s like yeah would do it but I mean that’s

Why he’s in this tier I’m not comfortable saying that with Devon and soan but I’m comfortable with this one all right so I’ll roll with that moving on comfortable with trading so here are some guys that I’m just I’m just comfortable with trading not necessarily like get him out of here

But I’m comfortable with it I’mma go with Julian champeny um right now as it stands I like him on the squad I like him on the uh in the starting lineup uh as right now but as time goes on he’s more than likely going to be an end of the

Bench type of guy I don’t know but I’m comfortable with trading him I don’t think that you you lose him and you lose so much to your team anything like that uh but I’m also not at the point where I’m like yeah trade them ship them out

Do whatever you got to do make that happen don’t trade Don Barlo Don Barlo isn’t on this list I think I think our boy uh accidentally missed him all right all right hold on you guys mentioned Don Barlo before so I’ll show you where I’ll put Don

Barlo let’s save it I got to get this Don Barlo image guys are ridiculous oh gosh will it accept this file let’s see choose file dude I literally can’t find Don Baro I just saved it and I can’t find him what the heck okay look I don’t have a Don Barlo

Image and I don’t I don’t really feel like downloading it so we’re going to do a placeholder okay uh this is Don Barlo uh pop of all right so this is Don Barlo bar I prefer not to trade him all right that’s Barlo okay that’s Don Barlo I prefer not to trade Don

Barlo sorry bro it’s okay all right let’s see who else we got uh Charles Bassie uh I’m comfortable with trading them I’m not necessarily saying ship them out or get him out of here or anything like that it’s just one of those things where he’s so injury prone

I don’t he’s always hurt but he’s definitely the type of player that would help uh backing up wimy right now we just need some type of defensive Center to go out there and block shots and and and make Ruckus and right now we just don’t have that and I think Charles

Bassie is a a poor man’s version of that thing that we need uh Barlo looked like he wants some nasty he definitely does he definitely does where is Marcus Morris you’re trolling all right moving on um Zach Collins we got Zack Collins left we got Graham left and we got Kellin Johnson left

Guys Zach Collins it’s a really weird place that I’m at right now cuz I want to put them and ship them out but then at the same time I want to put them in comfortable with trading and the reason being is because believe it or not all right you

You might not believe this all right you might find this absolutely cuckoo uh but Zach Collins is actually our most efficient or most most productive goto as we can see here hold on let’s open up in a new tab as we can see here this just shows each team’s most prod productive action

Um you got obviously Denver in the post yage um that’s the most productive you got ISO dejonte Murray that makes sense Atlanta Hawks go to that all the time you got ISO Luca donic makes sense uh Dallas goes to it all time in San Antonio Spurs you would think oh is it

Post wimy no it’s post Zack Collins that’s our most uh productive action so it’s not like Zack Collins’s just complete trash uh it’s not that he’s just garbage or anything like that it’s just very frustrating situation because I personally was expecting him to shoot more threes than he has and I think the

Spurs probably expect that too I was expecting him to be able to space the floor a little bit better uh for our guys specifically Wim banama uh his defense has not been terrible but it at least this is the vibe okay I’m not looking at the numbers here but the vibe

Is last year his defense was was better than it is right now um maybe it’s due to you know being hurt early on I have no idea uh Collins is productive at scoring on third Stingers when we are losing by 30 yeah that’s a point there

Gregor uh so it’s it’s really tough one for me it’s like I’m comfortable with trading trading but right now as it stands this can change I’m going to put him in ship him out I’m going to put him and ship him out because he’s just not necessarily fitting with what we got

Going on Devonte Graham you easily go and ship him out because hey Devonte Graham man we don’t play you anyway and then Kellin Johnson I’m put him and ship him out now this doesn’t mean that uh City Soko Trey Jones Blake or Malachi right now are better players than Kell

And Johnson I won’t go that far but I think it’s been pretty apparent uh over the course of the last few seasons and now going into this one that he’s just not necessarily fitting right like he’s just not it it’s a lot of the decisions that Kellin Johnson makes on

The court is quite frustrating especially when I see a team often times start to play together play well together passing the ball but then the ball kind of starts and stops with him often times and it gets kind of frustrating man not only that we’ve seen

Teams actively go at him like he is a defense defensive liability at this point uh doesn’t mean that he’s a bad player I think overall he is he is a baller he can play um and I think in the right circumstance he he can he can

Really Thrive I I just think with the Spurs right now he’s a standout even in games where everyone plays poorly for some reason Kellan Johnson stands out and that’s that’s a problem so as it stands right now I think that Kellan ship him out will be really good and

Also I think you’ll get a pretty nice return uh for Kellin also uh something to bring up as well that people don’t NE necessarily think about is this would be the last uh player from the RC Buford era right Kellin would be the last player from the RC Buford uh era and I

Think that maybe clearing up this this space and trying to see what does it look like when Brian Wright just has his guys because people forget that they think I mean Brian Wright was a fan of Kellin but I think people kind of think like oh Brian Wright he’s the one who

Got Kellin and he’s the one that got Luca and it’s like no that was RC buford’s last year right like th those were those were the guys he drafted so you know this be the last one of the RC Buford era and I think I think it’s time

To go in a different direction so as far as ship him out that’s where I’m at um this isn’t coming off of one game or two games or three games this is his whole career and I just don’t necessarily think that it fits with what we got going on right

Now um let’s see Wright picked Kellin Wright also made the decision to sign off on Barlo and and no he like I said Kellin was one of his guys I mean also I mean we can go back to the Kawhi Leonard trade with uh Danny Green right and that

Was another thing like the thing with Danny Green um uh Danny Green wasn’t supposed to be included but he added that in there it was supposed to be a straight up trade Kellin John not Kell John Kawhi Leonard and demard de rosan and he said no no no

Give us yic will’ll give you Danny Green and now end up being a good move obviously uh for obvious reasons um and him signing Barlo uh wait you said correction Buford made the decision to sign Barlo I don’t know we look we got a great front office all

I know is the general manager at the time of Kellin Johnson being drafted was RC Buford okay we do know that and I also do know that yes Kellin was one of Brian Wright’s guys but uh it’s still in the RC era Still Still Still ultimately a RC decision there but

Yeah Trey Jones 6man yeah well these are my this is my list I think once again people are going to skip to the in they’re going like what the heck you don’t like pop this supposed to be Don Barlo I couldn’t find a Don Barlo image now it’s pop good stuff good stuff



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