@Minnesota Timberwolves

“We Came Out With One Thing In Mind.” | Anthony Edwards Postgame Sound | 02.12.24

“We Came Out With One Thing In Mind.” | Anthony Edwards Postgame Sound | 02.12.24

You guys came out kind list them in the list them in the third quarter it’s been a theme for you guys all year for for you guys what is what has kind of been the key to being so successful at that point in games for you this season in

The third in the third yeah um we get cussed out in here n um I think as a group we came out like um with one with one thing in mind is to get stops and I think um that led to us being efficient offensively what’s

Kind of the dialogue like in halim is lot talking amongst yourselves talking oh yeah I mean before the coaches get in here we pretty much Talk Amongst ourselves yeah for for you guys most the year when teams have gone smaller you guys have done also a good job of

Staying big and using that to your advantage what have been the keys to getting Ry and going um yeah they went small and we punished them down low um I think cat did a great job of punishing them tonight and um that led to us getting

That lead and Rudy just pounded him on offensive glass defensively a lot of teams had trouble liting these guys what was the for you guys tonight um I mean we got Jaden and Rudy so pretty much let Jaden do what he do and send everything

Down at a big Ru and like I don’t know how those two guys not up for defensive player of the year or at least all defensive first team how theyve been playing starting the campaign yeah for sure I think it’s time so who the C who’s what doing the cing the um Rudy

Yeah English or French um English yeah we don’t know French I feel like you come out with a rap album you got to call it off the glass you been shooting that off the glass shot all the time and I don’t think people realize that you really

Work on that bro yeah like off the glass work that you be putting into on the offse um yeah I might I might have a whole workout where um like me and SE Hans might work out in the morning and he might leave cuz he got to report back

To Minnesota and me and Kier um might the second third workout of the day might be all Bank shots so um yeah I take that real I take pride in that um I want to bring it back um like Tim Duncan was super good at it and um so I want to

Bring it back for sure and then I I got to ask you a a player I ain’t going to name his name from Team USA he said one thing that stuck out is that he would go to the gym early in the morning and he said he would see you in there lowkey

And then you act like you were at breakfast or something like you went in the gym early and he said I always stuck out to him talk about that bro like being in the gym one of the first in the gym always um so honestly at first I was

Kind just going with the flow like um you know working out when I could when they would give us the gym and then um I didn’t know that we could work out early like I didn’t know until I seen one of the one of my teammates doing it and I’m

Like oh we can get the gym early I asked one of the coaches they were like yeah so I started getting the gym early but that’s just that’s just me I always love to work out um let it get better every day so that’s just me and how were you

Able to shink for them um when they went how do we what floor oh I mean um I don’t know man um I don’t know finy did a great job tonight I don’t know that you didn’t miss a single shot when you weren’t shooting three I know

You didn’t have a lot of these but made all your two you got made all youre throws and it felt like this third quarter was like third quarter minutes SOA last mon what is it about coming out in the third where you impos your will where you probably didn’t do it the same

Way um just seeing how the defense is guarding me um whole first half they was putting two on me the entire game um loading up and I was dribbling dribbling dribbling allowing them to get in the gaps and um like I said uh finy came in

Here and uh he showed Clips he was like he you can go fast and they can’t load up on you like when you catch play after catch yeah so I was trying to you know get in get out in transition and play after catch more and it helped me how did that

Help yeah I mean um they put they I don’t know why teams put two on me um because C is the best offensive player we got so if you put two on me cat gonna have a field night so um I’m all for it how does how does

Like when you make threes in front of um I think he’s a fan of it he he might not say it but I think he’s a fan of it yeah yeah inside I think he likes it yeah yeah


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  1. Bro when our team doesn’t drop the effort defensively we WIN. Straight up. We always lose when the defensive effort gets sloppy. Bad defense even makes our offense flow worse. But when we play good team defense it literally translates to good team offense and most of all WINS. Stay defensively focused team! Y’all got it

  2. The team play versus the Clippers was immaculate i can't think of any play where it seemed like KAT or ANT were playing unnecessary hero ball which was hurting us even in wins. Great game hopefully we can build off this and create some consistency in the future during the fourth quarter

  3. This team has the best defensive player in the league, the best offensive player in the league and the best face of the league.

  4. The way he raves about his teammates doesn't feel forced at all, he seems to genuinely believe the praise he gives. "I don't know why teams put two on me when KAT is our best offensive player" like damn dude

  5. We can never hear the questions on these interviews anyway y’all can better this in the future

  6. too strong in the paint, they cant guard u . bully your way in!!!! all day draw fouls and hit your free throws young bloood !!

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