@Philadelphia 76ers

Not sure why this popped up… but anyone else see this?

Lol history repeats itself. All these Simmons supporters thought Sixers fans were just hard on him… no we just watched dude “play” for too long

by Grossgross987654321


  1. Status-Ability-6867

    i honestly do not care about him anymore. there was a period after the pass where when his name came up, it made my blood boil, but im beyond that now and just feel nothing. he clearly has physical issues, and it seems he probably has mental health issues as well that make it difficult for him to play the game of basketball. my suspicion is that once his contract ends, hes just going to stop playing, because it doesnt seem like he enjoys it. and that happens. hopefully he finds some kind of peace and is able to move on with his life.

  2. captainmrsteak

    Yes. Reddit seems to want me to see that too lol

  3. TheTrocadero

    What happened to rookie season Ben Simmons? That guy was fun to watch. This post-Hawks meltdown version might not get a third contract.

  4. throwawayjoeyboots

    Lmao. R/nba said we were too mean to him

  5. philly2540

    Attempt 3s? Was it this guy’s first day on earth?

  6. Z-man1973

    Another athlete that kinda gave up after getting his big contract.

  7. Grossgross987654321

    Some of y’all take this too seriously lol I don’t care about Ben either it’s just funny to me that of all the posts, this one popped up. And it’s just funny that another organization is going through the exact same thing as us Sixers fans.

  8. bendingblocks3

    Fuck this dude fr man.. given a million chances and still not caring to improve

  9. LAClipShow2020

    He’s just another guy at this point. The player formerly known as Ben Simmons. He will only be remembered for not fulfilling his potential. He will move back to Australia and play in the NBL and for the national team and become an afterthought. He only has himself to blame.

  10. LordLucasSixers

    The bum didn’t shoot the ball his entire life and this person thought he was gonna starting shooting for the Nets all of sudden?

  11. StopMeWhenITellALie

    Popped up on my feed for some reason. Fought the urge to connect with the James Franco “First time?” Meme.

    It’s sad that they haven’t figured this out yet.

  12. SnooComics6150

    Can’t get mad at the nets fans for having hope. We had hope for a lot longer then them, are we fools? No, I say remove the plank from our own eye before judging New York

  13. BigCNote100100100100

    I hate james harden far more than i do ben simmons.

  14. Cicada-Substantial

    I don’t recall if it was this yr or last. We played the Nets in Phila. We were up big, and Embiid had a big play. There was a dead ball, and Embiid walked up behind Simmons and bumped into him, and said something to him. Simmons played like a beast for the rest of the game. It was cool to watch. And it pissed me off

  15. VoidMageZero

    Dude is sadly cooked, Ben had the potential but his body is not going to let him reach it.

  16. iverson3-1

    Is it me or are there less fouls being called in general?

  17. HyzerFlipToFlat

    The answer is he doesn’t give a shit about being a great basketball player. He just likes the peripheral luxuries that come with being in the nba. He’s a bitch.

  18. herplexed1467

    Simmons will go down as one of the biggest disappointments in NBA history, and he only has himself to blame. His physical tools and natural talent gifted him every opportunity, only for him to piss away his career by never actually putting in the work. He had NBA legends in his ear giving him advice, which he wholly ignored in his arrogance and hubris. Then he pissed off a city that supported him and pushed him and wanted him to win, and did so in the slimiest, pettiest way. He is the epitome of laziness and entitlement, the poster child of talent without work, and the dude that will go down as the basketball player who REFUSED to shoot the basketball. End rant.

  19. kylelight40

    His business is his business, but if he does have some mental health issues going on, I hope he finds a way to cope and uses his experience to help players in the future once he’s walked away from playing.

  20. I can’t think of another player’s career that has played out this way. He hasn’t pissed it away due to drugs, he’s hurt but other players have worked harder with worse injuries like Shaun Livingston and even KD. It’s unreal.

  21. Curious-roadrunner

    I’ve come all the way around and now think he really has a bum back.

    Or he’s just a bum.

    And the circle continues.

  22. There’s no way he’s not visualizing what it might be like to dominate in Thailand soon. For whatever reason this dude is broken and will never sniff the potential he once had.

  23. mister_greg_

    All those workout videos from the gym though…

  24. Yablo-Yamirez


    Gotcha bitch 😂😂🤣🤣

  25. RockeySquirrel

    I’ve moved on from Ben, now I channel my rage towards Glenn

  26. yobymmij2

    The evidence is so overwhelming that head cases just can’t make it at the pro level no matter how much physical potential they have.

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