@Oklahoma City Thunder

No one even acknowledged this crazy ass stat line because how normal it is 😭

No one even acknowledged this crazy ass stat line because how normal it is 😭

by Spare-Water-7672


  1. NotoriousHothead37

    Not a knock on the players I’m about to mention, but if this stat line was done by LeBron, Luka, Embiid etc., NBA media would br glossing over it

  2. PurrySquishyKittens

    To be fair in todays nba amazing stats are every day occurrences, that being said shai mvp cause my goodness he’s so dominant on both ends it’s crazy

  3. stonerslug47

    like when Russ would drop 35 12 13 on a random Wednesday and not a single post on any social media site, no one talkin about it cuz “it’s Russ” smh

  4. revisioncloud

    Cuz he didn’t even drop 90% FT shooting /s

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