@Orlando Magic



Coach as as you look at that third quarter there they were able to close on an 18-1 run what what did you kind of see over that stretch that they were able to gain separation you know I think deante got himself going um you know he he hit some tough ones some extremely

Tough ones I think we we turned it over leading to their break again but you know giving our give them credit for in which the way in which they played but it’s you know you get you put yourself in a tough situation when you turn the

Ball over 20 times for 21 points uh go to the free throw line and she eight for 18 you know you got to give yourself a chance in those areas how’s ji what’s the latest on him do you get to chance to to see him at

All in the locker room I saw him in the back locker room ji ji is okay you know obviously hope the best for any player but for a guy like him who’s who’s with everything he’s been through you know just how much do you hope the best

Especially for him no we pray the best for that one you know my heart dropped uh when I saw it happen but again like he’s such a tough resilient kid you know he was in the back saw him everybody went to go talk to him and make sure he was

Okay you know your group’s definitely not one to to make excuses you in particular but you know when you have three games four nights uh don’t get in until 3 in the morning just just how how tough of a stretch you know has it been especially when a few guys go down with

Illness and injury I mean it’s tough you know it’s part it’s but it’s part of the league you know it’s part of these games you know other teams go through the exact same thing and and we’re a team that does not make excuses uh we gave ourselves an opportunity you’re up at

Halftime uh so you there was some things that were working you know they turned up the heat turned up the pressure again you you turn the ball over 20 times for 21 points you’ve got to give yourself that opportunity and so if you don’t get those possessions that’s what we talk

About it’s a possession game and those are opportunities you can’t get back talk about guys staying ready you know what does it say about guys like Caleb you know who you know get called upon and you know are ready for the moment I thought he did a great job stepping in

Stepping up uh guys are comfortable with him they find him and he’s willing to step into his shot it just says so much about the work he’s willing to put in the work the coaches put in with him uh but again getting off this road getting

Back home uh watch the film where we can continue to make improvements uh and we’ll be better for it you know against Brooklyn and lastly how nice will it be to to have a few games at home and be home for at least a three- game stretch

After being out on the road so much I mean there’s nothing like being at home with our you know with our fans you know being at home in our beds uh guys getting able get some practice time being in our facility I think it’s going

To be great for us to get back home France they were able to close the the third quarter on that 18 to1 run you know what did you what did you see during that stretch that allowed them to gain such separation I would say uh

Turnovers um and I think we got a little stagnant on offense and they got easy opportunities um off of our mistakes I would say um they also um know had a bunch of shots I think you got to give them credit and moved the ball pretty

Well and uh yeah J Murray made made good plays you know fron did you get a chance to to talk to ji back there you know obviously hope the best for for any player but especially a guy like him and everything he’s been through what he

Means to your team just just how much do you hope the best for him yeah of course um know want to see that see that happen especially ji knowing how hard he’s fought back um multiple times so hopefully everything’s uh going to be all right and um yeah we we definitely

Need them so yeah I know your group’s not want to make excuses you especially but to to have three games four nights you know not arrive till 3:00 a.m. in in the morning this morning have guys go down with illness and injury just just how tough is it to to overcome that kind

Of stretch sure it’s not easy but that’s what this league is about and um like I said we don’t want to make excuses um we didn’t reach our standard of how we want to play today and um just one game we got to learn from it and hopefully do it

Better on Tuesday when you guys have guys go out and you’re challenged short-handed you know to see guys like Caleb step up you know what does it say kind of about his work ethic and preparation to be ready for for when he’s called upon yeah I mean says a lot

I mean Caleb has always the first one in the gym so I’m I’m definitely not surprised that he was ready tonight and um I think it’s good for everybody to um you know with guys out get a little bit of Rhythm and get some get some time I

Think it’s going to be really important as the seon goes on you know when when Paulo’s out you know obviously so much even more attention you know turns to you just just how do you try to manage that when even more attention is is focused on you and what you

Do uh just try to try to make plays get in the pinion make plays they switched a lot of stuff today so um the one thing I don’t want to do is just play one-on-one I want to want us to keep playing together and um I think we could have

Done a little bit better job um me personally as well so um but I think I think it’s a good challenge and um yeah always always here to learn and get better and lastly you’ll have three games at home now now after spending so

Much on and off time on the road uh just how nice will it be to have three games at the Kia Center and be in front of the home fans yeah we’ll be great um like you said we haven’t been home for for a little bit so um definitely looking

Forward to to those three games and just being home as well

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