@National Basketball Association

New Clippers branding revealed

New Clippers branding was just revealed


Looks like with the move to the intuit dome the clippers are doing a full rebrand. Including a new primary logo featuring a naval ship

What do you think of the new logo? I’m personally a big fan

by gbpackers25


  1. Are they re-branding to the Los Angeles Cruise Ships? That looks too big to be a Clipper.

  2. bobby_jackson_GOAT

    Logo is pretty bad imo (none of the recent rebrands have been great to be fair)

    Nailed it with the jersey’s though

  3. StormSaniWater

    It’s certainly an improvement but still like a 5 or 6/10

  4. ABagOfPopcorn

    The script on the jerseys is the biggest win here. Logo looks like a madden relocation team

  5. reedhubbert88

    I’m glad to see they’ll be bringing the light blue back

  6. pm_me_cheesy_bread

    The “N” in Los Angeles at center court pointing due north is a nice touch. They’re really leaning in to this nautical theme, not sure how well that is going to resonate with fans.

  7. They are all fine except the bottom right. That looks like some scifi’s fascist space governments flag.

    I really like the court, that’s just class.

  8. mightyducks2wasokay

    Any inclusion of a ship: HELL YES

    That being said, it’s still a little disappointing in execution

  9. The jerseys are great!

    Primary logo is “meh”, but I’m sure it will grow on me over time.

    I’m just glad they are embracing the nautical theme

  10. Spicy__Urine

    Like everyone else is saying
    Logo is shit. Confusing to the eye.
    Jerseys are good. Excellent font choice.

  11. Dazzling-Slide8288

    The logo is complete ass and I’m laughing my ass off that some design firm got paid six figures to come up with this shit lmao. The script on the jersey is nice, though.

  12. BruiserweightYxB

    I don’t have any problem with the rebrand but I’m really bummed out by this minimalistic wave of design and branding. Expected more flair and something more from the uni’s.

  13. jupiter__jaz

    It just makes me realize what a weird name Clippers are for a basketball team.

  14. I like the current logo, I think the new one is ass. It looks like a cruise ship. I like the jerseys though

  15. Clemenx00

    My first thought was that this looks like a Minor League Baseball branding and sure enough I remembered the Columbus Clippers exist lmao.

  16. The logo is fine. Could be better, but still an upgrade from the boring “LAC on a basketball.”

    But those uniforms are niceeeeeee.

  17. imDaGoatnocap

    This whole time I thought clippers meant barber clippers

  18. Ronnie2kDropCode

    Jerseys look nice especially that red one. That logo is abysmal though

  19. Colorado_designer

    Should have gone retro-classic style for everything, all the modern rebrands look soul-less and boring

  20. thegabrieldavid

    For a secondary/tertiary logo, I like it. For your primary logo? Eh

  21. It would’ve been really hard to do worse than what they have now so I guess it’s a win

  22. SavingsMurky6600

    i like the idea of the logo just not the execution

  23. pointguard22

    right cuz nothing says new and cutting edge like a boat

  24. Impressive_Corner207

    If they gonna do a Naval ship thank just move it back to San Diego for christ sake

  25. miltondelug

    Carnival cruise lines could use the logo if this doesn’t work out for the Clippers.

  26. I see what they were going for trying to evoke an old school clipper, but they really should’ve gone side profile bc man that just looks like a Carnival cruise liner lol

    Agreed with everybody else though the script + monogram is fuego

  27. I was hoping the ship would be a side profile to see the sails better. Almost looks like a billionaire yacht or cruise ship in the logo.

    Much better than the current logo at least.

  28. mispresence

    Logo is awful, it is trying to be too clever and do too much and just ends up looking like a blob. The letter C, a compass, a ship AND a basketball…how about just a ship?

  29. FunkmasterFuma

    They should’ve done the clipper at a 3/4 view to give it a better sense of action. Very cool regardless.

  30. DabZonTwitch

    The Los Angeles Catalina Wine Mixers are gonna be a force ngl

  31. Long-Furby

    Idk what y’all are talkin about I think this looks great

  32. oleslew-foot

    I don’t understand the C logo. What’s the shape inside the C supposed to be?

  33. maximus-zero

    Looks like a cruise ship caught in the crosshairs

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