@Los Angeles Clippers

‘I Didn’t Tear My ACL!’ Kawhi Leonard Reacts After Clippers Lose Against Kings

‘I Didn’t Tear My ACL!’ Kawhi Leonard Reacts After Clippers Lose Against Kings

Ka what do team needs to do better uh in terms of point of attack defense keeping heads of snake guys like dearon and Shay Anthony Edwards out of the paint consistently um just um you know paying attention in detail uh making sure that uh you know

We not making Lanes look wide open but um you know they’re great players and they’re going to do what they want to do um and um you know they had good nights I remember a couple months ago when you guys were going through struggles you

You and Tai kind of said that you know what you need to do everyone knows what they need to do you just got to go out there and do it um is this kind of slippage defensively transition and rebounding is that more so like you guys

Know what you need to do you got to go out there and do it or there stuff you need to watch film on to kind of clean these up um yeah I mean you’re going to watch film on pretty much uh every game you play um but um yeah I mean that’s

The name of the game you got to go out and do it you got to go out and play you got to compete um I feel like we’re competing but we’re just like a step behind so uh hopefully we get a rhythm um you know we got games coming up and um yeah

I mean we we got time to get better um just Starts Now K what concerns you the most about these three games after the allar break uh just just really uh you know tonight I think losing by 15 and obviously uh pretty much getting blissed

And uh OKC as well so just trying to you know close the gap right there really and um yeah done defensive rebounding uh just execution a little bit uh coming out of timeouts not knowing what we’re doing at times uh yeah but I mean um you

Know we’re a little flat right now but um we got time to you know pick it up and get some carryover how do how do you feel physically right now compared to other parts compared to other Seasons at this part of the Season uh I feel good um you know I’m

Still feeling pretty good on the court and um yeah I mean I’m just going to keep it rolling what goes into to you being able to be available for so many of these games this year not tearing my ACL um not ter my Meniscus and Kawai in games like this

When you’re without your fellow Allstar and P and Sacramento throwing multiple double teams at you they just wouldn’t allow you to get into a rhythm how frustrating is that for you it’s not just Sacramento teams obviously throw multiple B but when you’re missing P out there do you feel pressed try to get

Yourself going to give you guys a chance to win against a good team like Sacramento uh I mean no I mean every night pretty much had the same mindset of uh trying to do what I can to win the basketball game obviously uh we do miss him out there uh but um

No I mean I don’t not frustrated by it uh you know I played in this league for a while and um every every game isn’t the same um so if they’re throwing double teams at me uh I’ll have to make the right play and um yeah hopefully we

My teammates can knock down a shot and you know come out with a win U kawhai you had said you guys are a step behind how do you feel like you guys as a team just build a momentum up how can we build the momentum up uh I

Mean winning games uh coming in and uh doing the things that we need to do getting back in transition uh matching up um staying focused um executing on the offensive end and um yeah I mean we all know how to win basketball gam so we just got to go out there and do


Los Angeles Clippers star Kawhi Leonard speaks to media after Clippers lose against De’Aaron Fox and Sacramento Kings. Clippers postgame interview. Clippers game today. Clippers interview today. 


  1. These post game interviews are interesting to watch. Just listening and watching body language the only ones who seem to be panicking and worried are the reporters asking the questions. Kawhi seems chill. Sure they're a little flat right now but these guys know how to win and they're shown what they can do already

  2. lol the media want to know if he feeling any hurt to his body… yeah yeah the toronto terminator is 100% back so as he said he is ready for the playoff! omg shout out nba he comes the terminator revive! so scary!

  3. This sucked kawhi is my favorite player Fox is my 2nd favorite player. Great game didn’t want the clips to lose though lol

  4. I don't think Kawhi respects Coach Lue. A few weeks ago, he stated that they were winning games off of talent, and now he says that when they leave out from timeouts, nobody don't know what's going on. This team has no defensive identity.

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