@Philadelphia 76ers

Chris Paul reveals that Daryl Morey lied to him by saying he wouldn’t trade him to OKC, says Morey has “no people skills”

Chris Paul reveals that Daryl Morey lied to him by saying he wouldn’t trade him to OKC, says Morey has “no people skills”

by MaleficentHawk590


  1. MaleficentHawk590

    >“I go over to the gym to go work out and Daryl call me…He said ‘I was just calling you to make sure you didn’t wanna go to OKC.’ I was like, ‘No, why I don’ moved 15 people to Houston.’ And he was like, ‘Okay I was just making sure.’ He was like ‘I would never trade you to somewhere you didn’t want to go because you chose to come to us from the Clippers,’”
    >“I chose to go to Houston from LA…I’m at the house chilling, I was on the phone with Jada [Chris’ wife] and next thing you know [the alert] said that I was getting traded [to OKC],
    >“And then my phone started ringing and it was Daryl calling. So I ain’t know…Daryl was like, ‘Hey man, it just moves so fast.’ **I said, ‘It’s all good I just want you to tell me one thing. You said you wasn’t going to trade me, right?’ He said, ‘Yeah I said that but–’ I said, ‘That’s all I needed to know.’”**

    In a different part of the conversation he says:

    >“**If you know Daryl Morey, no people skills, real talk**, you know what I’m saying. He don’t really understand how to talk to people,” Paul said. “So as soon as Melo told me that (he was released) I got Jada my kids and we got up, I said Rudy (Gay) I gotta go. I went back to the hotel called Melo went to his room knocked on the door or what not, and I was in there with Melo for along time, a couple hours.
    >“And Melo was in tears and I know how much he gave to the game but throughout the whole process of him coming to Houston me and Melo would talk about… all this stuff, I never said this is going to happen or not going to happen. So he tells me what happens with Daryl and I was like what? He came in his room told him he’d get him a flight back to New York, how do you say this to this man? **Some of the most disrespectful sh*t I seen**”

  2. Maybe he should direct that anger at the guy who really traded him. James Harden.

  3. jacobtfromtwilight

    I couldn’t give less of a fuck what these players say about how Morey interacts with them. These players call people soft all of the time and then whine about a GM saying he wasn’t going to trade them

    Also Chris Paul cut Morey off before he could finish what he was saying lol

  4. throwawayjoeyboots

    I really don’t understand

    1)why GM’s would ever go out of their way to tell a player they aren’t being traded in the first place.

    2) why players would ever believe it. It’s a business. Things change on a dime constantly.

  5. Wow two huge dickheads didn’t get along I’m shocked

  6. Rustycake

    All I hear from all these players who say this is that, the NBA more then any other league is a players league. And when the players dont get their way they throw fits.

    Its a business. If a GM says you wont be traded, player should always hear the unsaid “unless there is a deal I cant deny.”

    Players, owners and GMs are waging a war and the fans are the ones literally paying the cost

  7. pickledelbow

    Revealed? Hasn’t this been known for a long time? He publicly said he wouldn’t trade cp3 right before he traded him lol.

    Also fuck Cheese Pizza 3 anyway 😂

  8. ABagOfPopcorn

    Is this really new information? Morey has always come across as kind of a weirdo, and that is both good and bad when it comes to him making decisions

  9. ihorsey10

    I’ve always assumed that Daryl is smart enough to not literally say, “there’s zero chance I’ll ever trade you”.

    Players just hear what they want to hear. I’m sure he puts some qualifier in there that gives him some kind of out.

  10. IKillZombies4Cash

    If its not in your contract, then its fair game, no value in verbal assurances.


    This is on players for trusting these people. They are businessmen not friends or family. No matter what he tells you, you shouldn’t believe anything he says. Not an indictment on Morey, he’s just doing his job. No room for loyalty in sports anymore.

  12. Wolfofwinter97

    This new age of nba players getting on podcasts and weaving these woe is me stories is so corny. You get paid millions of dollars to play basketball. Nobody is shedding tears for you over getting traded. Suck it up and drown your sorrows with all that all state money

  13. The_Paint_by_Numbers

    It’s bizarre how defensive people are of Morey here, it’s like a reddit thing because no one I know in real life really cares about him personally

    That KOC article made it pretty clear he was a douchebag with no people skills, making staffers clean up his toiletries and violating traffic laws

  14. I’m not saying that this isn’t true. It probably is. But CP3 basically said that he didn’t join the Miami superteam because he didn’t want to change his jersey number. He traded away nearly guaranteed rings so that he could keep his number 3.

  15. thomasthethothumb

    We don’t know what really goes on behind closed doors and it’s a “he said she said”. However, It’s funny harden wanted cp3 gone, but he’s using Morey as the scapegoat. Feel like CP3 is exaggerating here and trying to fix a broken bridge

  16. throwawayjoeyboots

    I don’t think I’ve ever fundamentally disagreed with a narrative more than r/nba’s anti Morey circle jerk.

    I’m far from Morey’s biggest fan and frankly think he’s been overrated since coming here, but I will always be grateful that he puts the organization first and commits to doing what’s best for the 76ers, regardless of how the public or players perceive it.

    I don’t care that he told Chris Paul he wasn’t going to trade him and then traded him 5 minutes later.
    I don’t care that he had a wink wink deal with Harden.
    I don’t care that he held onto Simmons for a long time before trading him.

    That’s what being a good GM entails. You don’t let friendship and feelings get in the way of your job.

    I would be furious if he handed Harden a 3 year max deal just because that’s his buddy and he didn’t want to risk their friendship. He made the tough decision and that’s why they pay him the big bucks.

  17. icepickjones

    I will bet a million dollars that every other GM has said and done shit like this, it’s a business and players are assets to be fucking swapped and traded.

    It’s what comes with getting paid millions of dollars. Every team, every sport, this shit happens.

    It’s why the super super big players have no trade clauses in their contracts – because they know it’s a business and they know they can be dealt at any time for any reason.

  18. AlbrechtSchoenheiser

    Probably because Chris Paul can’t keep his mouth shut and would have leaked it to the media. 🤷🏿‍♂️

    What makes players think they have the right to know when they are about to be traded? Professional athletes, especially basketball players, love to gossip like little girls, especially on social media.

  19. CPTHoagie

    Yeah uhh thats cool and all but the reason that happened is James Harden told Daryl Morey he was gonna demand a trade if they didnt get Russ so…..

  20. mendellbaker

    Baseball has the dog days of summer. Basketball has the soap opera days of winter. We are in those now.

  21. cockheroFC

    Morey has all the negative traits people accused hinkie of having.

  22. ArbysPokeKing86

    As a Rockets fan and a Sixers fan who follows r/NBA, I had no idea!

  23. LarrySellers3

    Nba players making 40m a year while acting like whiny cunts is one of the reasons ratings are in the shitter.

  24. Biggest thing to take away from this is, we are going into next year with a big cap to use and it may be hard to attract free agents with Morey at the helm.

  25. Daryl did him like they did Lester and McNulty on The Wire lol…”Major comes back, ask me where I *don’t* want to go, and he’s asking like he wants to make sure I land ok”

  26. gunter_grass

    Hey, this is your boss. I’m considering firing you. What do you think?

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