@Los Angeles Lakers

[Cranjis] LA’s offensive organization has completely fallen off lately. This is a very bad sign.

[Cranjis] LA’s offensive organization has completely fallen off lately. This is a very bad sign.

by Alternatively_Built_


  1. nottherealstanlee

    I’ve noticed this the last few games. There’s been a lot more hero ball. We always look better when we run our sets. 

  2. Hero ball is fine if you think Lebron and AD can iso you to the title. I don’t think they can.

  3. jonbemerkin

    Could be just trying to win games and not “try” sets. Notsure what it is but i’ve noticed it.

  4. Top-Consequence-911

    I feel like the team plays a more organized offence when DLo is the primary ballhandler. And the team’s gone away from that since ASB when it was working so well.

    I prefer the ball in LeBron’s hands in clutch moments, key possessions to end quarters, and against the very best defences, but other than that, I want to see DLo play a more traditional PG role.

  5. skankzardi

    Let’s be honest…in order for there to be offensive organization you need a coach that knows how to implement an actual game plan

  6. alexcantswim

    So I’m not a brilliant basketball mind I’m more of a casual but would this have anything to do with more of the 3-4 guard lineups that have been creeping back into our games and the lack of ability to be strong on defense in these times? Like isn’t our team most successful when we can play good defense and get transition offense and when the ball is moving, getting rebounds etc.

  7. ktran2804

    The offense has been horrible the last couple of weeks, and I know we score a lot but it all seems so messy and uncoordinated. This will come back to bite us pretty soon here. Hoping they figure it out because you can’t consistently beat good teams with a bad offense and a middling defense.

  8. longjinxed

    U telling me we’re winning more on ISO vs. organized schemes? That’s telling me whatever offensive play we drew by the coach didn’t work?

  9. AmiWrongDude69

    I’m gonna go against what everyone’s saying. I want Bron and AD taking a shit ton of shots no matter what. Imo they don’t take enough if anything.

    This is not the crazy talented team people want to pretend it is. If Bron and AD don’t dominate, nothing else will save the team.

  10. baabaabilly

    I appreciate the Cranjis post but based on the comments in here, people don’t care. They just want to make some blanket statement about how Ham should be fired.

  11. TallanoGoldDigger

    Walton ran sets, reverted back to hero ball.

    Same with Vogel.

    And now happening to Ham.

    It’s just right on schedule lmao. I think these coaches never had the full buy-in of the people that mattered

  12. Alternatively_Built_

    Relevant followup:

    >The organized offense on/off percentages for LA over the full season (in non-deep bench lineups):

    >Prince: +2%

    >Vando: +2%

    >DLo: +1%

    >Reddish: +1%

    >Bron: 0%

    >Max: 0%

    >Rui: 0%

    >Wood: 0%

    >Hayes: -2%

    >AD: -2%

    >AR: -2%

    >**Very minimal impact. This isn’t player driven. This is coach driven.**


  13. Alternatively_Built_

    Our organized offense rate has had a strong correlation with winning:

    >The Lakers when their half court offense is organized on ___ of plays:

    >Over 50%:

    >- **Record: 19-9 (68% win %)**
    >- Avg Inj Rotation Guys: 2.5
    >- Adj. SOS: 0.50
    >- ORtg: 117.8

    >Not over 50%:

    >- Record: 15-19 (44% win %)
    >- Avg Inj Rotation Guys: 2.6
    >- Adj. SOS: 0.53
    >- ORtg: 114.3


    >- Record: 11-2 (85% win %)
    >- Avg Injured Rotation Guys: 2.8
    >- Adj. SOS: 0.50
    >- ORtg: 120.5
    >- DRtg: 114.7 (more buckets = less transition D)

    >Do this controllable thing and even more injured LA has been rolling. Strong individual & team success. Offense feeding defense.



  14. Expensive_Mess3501

    The team has lost its identity after all star break lol. The insertion of dinwiddie and cams availability fucked our rotations up. The team looks like dog shit when TP and dinwiddie are out there at the same time

  15. Have you ever seen DH on the sidelines with a dry erase board writing down a play? 🤷🏻‍♂️

  16. shashmalash

    They were playing some really beautiful basketball right before the break. Pick and rolls into pass after pass until a good look popped up. Plus they pushed the pace almost every play. All of sudden both those things are out of the gameplan.

  17. xreddawgx

    Because Bron is most effective when he’s on ball. Unfortunately DLo is most comfortabl and engaged when he’s on ball.

  18. senshi_of_love

    I think Dinwiddie has messed things up. I’d like to see him get less minutes.

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