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Raptors Make MULTI-YEAR Signing – Shams Reports Toronto Making Moves | Toronto Raptors News

Raptors Make MULTI-YEAR Signing – Shams Reports Toronto Making Moves | Toronto Raptors News

Ever since the Raptors overhauled their roster ahead of this year’s trade deadline they’ve made a few Moves In order to fill out those back roster spots on this team handed out a few 10-day contracts gave a few opportunities here and there with multiple signings well now the Raptors

Have made a signing that is a multi-year contract a multi-year signing for our guy to be a part of this Toronto Raptors main group and that is to Javon Freeman Liberty a guy that I just recently made a video on about how he’s been breaking out for the Raptors 9005 so we’re going

To break down the deal that he received how it impacts the Toronto Raptors team long term as it’s not just one of those 10day deals he’s got a multi-year contract and how he could potentially fit in with this group now that he’s officially a part of the main roster

Because he was previously just a two-way player that didn’t get much opportunities on the main Squad so lots of stuff to dive into in this video but before we do folks again over 55 % of our viewers are not subscribed and we want to keep you up to date with all of

The latest Toronto Raptors news also apologize I’m a bit under the weather making this fit here today so apologies if I sound a little bit weird but we got to talk about the Toronto Raptors handing out a multi-year contract to Javon Freeman Liberty so basically news came out from Shams just a couple

Minutes ago about the Toronto Raptors converting two-way guard Javon Freeman Liberty on a new multi-year NBA contract his agents Keith glass and Luke glass told the athletic Freeman Liberty has been averaging 24 points per game seven rebounds and four assists for the Raptors 9:05 and has now earned a

Standard contract with the Toronto Raptors so again Freeman Liberty has been a guy that a lot of raptors fans have been calling to actually get minutes even at the beginning of the Season probably even more so at the beginning of the season when the Raptors

Seem to be lacking in terms of the Guard depth area because he has been a monster for the Raptors 905 in the G League he’s been putting up some insane stats stats now you look at his NBA stats they probably don’t warrant a you know a contract or anything like that one point

Per game but only played in two games 33% from the fields the if there was an example of small sample size you know if there was put into the dictionary this would exactly be that for Javon Freeman Liberty you know low minutes low opportunities all that type of stuff but

He’s a 64 guard only 24 years old so not a crazy young player but still very very young in terms of NBA spares you know getting his first opportunity has been good in the G league for the Bulls uh g- League team and the Toronto Raptors now

For the past season and a half but only 24 years old 64 180 and is you know one of those sort of point guards more shooting guard sort of guy you know bucket getter first for the Toronto Raptors now obviously he’s played most of his minutes with the Raptors 95 but

You can see his stats and his Improvement you know coming into the torona Raptors with an expanded role from where he was last season this year now averaging again 24 points but the rest of his game is pretty filled out as well seven rebounds four assists 1. five

Steals he a guy that can finish in the lane is a really good just score all around the court and has increased his usage with the Raptors 905 this season the Raptors you know 905 hasn’t been getting a ton of wins they haven’t been super phenomenal they’ve had again some

Fluctuations of the roster grd dick was there for a little bit Justice Winslow’s down there but Javon Freeman Liberty has been the number one guy you know when I checked the last few days ago he was leading the league the NBA G league in scoring so he is a certified bucket

Getter still shooting 34 % the numbers the percentages did decrease a little bit in terms of efficiency since his last year which makes sense with a higher usage rate but still very solid sort of efficiency he’s a good shooter can make the mides can finish around the

Basket you know as athletic can do a lot of things out there on the offensive end and improved his playmaking as well with the ball in his hands more often so again he does pretty well everything out there on the court in terms of being you

Know a score at that sort of guard position and could definitely just be a burst of instant offense off Off the Bench for the Toronto Raptors now you know with that solidified role with a multi-year contract now underneath his belt you know obviously the efficiency

Did go down which might be a little bit concerning to some Toronto Raptors fans but Freeman Liberty is not going to be expected to be that sort of 1A that number top number one option on the main roster unless we end up getting depleted with injuries he’s going to be asked to

Come in and be a guy that can come off the bench and provide some of that spark provide some of that scoring and hold it down on the defensive end those are two things I think he can definitely do you know with a little bit of a step back

Roll he showed that sort of efficiency so I’d expect that efficiency to you know go up even higher with less of a role in the NBA so I I’m really encouraged about him getting this opportunity again and Toronto the Raptors have had a bunch of guys in the

905 Reggie Perry for example you know a few guys that have been on that roster have been plucked away in past years Gary pton in the second that I found sort of I guess Perry hasn’t really stepped into a a significant role in the NBA but but are guys that I think

Blossom for the Raptors 905 obviously Gary pton second end up winning a championship elsewhere but didn’t get that opportunity for a full-time contract with the main Squad so the Raptors you know rewarding sort of their prospects that are playing really well giving them an opportunity to you know

Earn that contract with the main club it encourages more prospects to go to the Raptors 905 because they have a great development system but there’s actual opportunities for them to jump into the NBA so that’s just a good reputation to have and you develop enough you put up

These crazy stats it makes sense to sort of reward these guys because they could have an impact on this team for the future and Freeman Liberty again kind of provides what the Toronto Raptors the style of play that they want he can you know even though he’s a scorer he can

Pass he’s a high IQ basketball player I’m really encouraged to see how that translates you know into less of a 1A option role and more of a role player option with the main group with the main Squad but when we talked about him potentially jumping to the main roster

After he’s been playing really well as of late he’s put up some monster games in recent weeks and stuff but the question is how does he fit with this new looked Raptors group because again the Raptors have moved younger so age-wise timeline wise this is perfect for Freeman Liberty you know JFL coming

Up for the Toronto Raptors to get his opportunity to get his potential run but looking at the squad right the torona Raptors have a lot of guys that play that position obviously we have RJ Barrett who’s been a monster averaging 20 plus points per game for the Raptors

Now at this point Bruce Brown who were not sure as uh his future entails again there’s been some speculation maybe been a bad move not to trade him at the deadline because his numbers have been progressively going down since he’s been on the Toronto Raptors but another sort

Of shooting guard there right Gary Tren Jr obviously another guy it’s an unrestricted free agent this summer space the floor has been playing a lot better as of lat I love his energy on the defensive end had a poor offensive game against the Dallas Mavericks but I’ve been encouraged with what he’s able

To provide you know in terms of that guard position so three shooting guards there that are going to be needing minutes Grady dick is also a player that has been blossoming now for the Toronto Raptors a younger guy going to get some opportunities and then you also have

Emanuel quickly oai abaji who you quickly is going to be that starting point guard aaji is another sort of shooting guard on this roster war is a guy that’s been sent to the you know I was about to say the Nick Nursery but uh Darko rakovich Nursery don’t really know

What to call that here now at this point but he’s another younger player with some potential on this group obviously Garr Temple’s just a vet I’m not worried about his potential minute but there are a lot of guys that play that sort of combo guard position on the Toronto

Raptors roster right now now if we’re looking at Freeman Liberty is going to be the backup point guard for this team you know the solidified number uh to the backup PG to Emanuel quickly then maybe that’s a route that dark aray oage could utilize him where he’s going to get run

He’s going to get opportunities he’s going to get minutes but if he’s going to be used as that sort of combo guard that backup guard will his minuts eat into aaji will his minutes eat into Grady dick I don’t want to see Grady Dick’s minutes I don’t want to see ai’s

Minutes sort of get eat eaten up so you know maybe you could push especially an aaji more as a three you know in this roster pretty dick Honestly though all those guys could probably play the three as well so you know there’s ways to sort of open up minutes but the Raptors

Clearly want guys that can pass dribble and shoot and the Raptors didn’t really Embrace this during the championship era the Kyle Lowry era even though KY Lowry and DeMar rosen could do that but they like to have their role players as guys that were utility players like great

Defenders floor spacers but there wasn’t a big EMP empis in terms of uh just natural three-point Shooters in terms of guys that just were really good at passing dribbling shooting the main intangibles in the game they said hey we’ll develop those we want the physical sort of specimens we want the guys that

Have it already there on the defensive end and you know we work hard we’ll fitside uh top guys you know but the Raptors is trying to change that philosophy I feel like now a bit really putting emphasis on shooting really putting an emphasis on players that have

An high IQ basketball right like can can take someone off the dribble and make a good read there it can make a nice swing pass we’ve seen RJ barretts passing very much improve since he’s joined the Toronto Raptors I mean that’s a style of play the Toronto Raptors want to run

With it’s the reason Chris buet has been pushed to the bench and we brought in a guy like Kelly oin we want to run that dark aray oish sort of style system so I think Freeman Liberty is a guy that can fit that system is going to be able to

Sort of find his role with the squad and you’re putting up that type of numbers in the g-league leading the league leading the G league in scoring I mean there’s no reason you shouldn’t be able to be a solid scorer in the entire NBA but let me know what you guys think

About this signing in the comment section down below you guys the best make far subscribe to the channel if you guys haven’t already I’m signing out cheers

Shams Charania of the Athletic has reported that the Toronto Raptors have signed prospect Javon Freeman-Liberty to a multi-year contract. Ben Rogers breaks down the signing and how it impacts the Toronto Raptors moving forward.

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  1. I’m just confused why we never gave him real time to show his talent at the NBA scale before converting it. Happy for him though

  2. Welcome to the big leagues Javon, He does show a lot of potential and we need guard depth on our bench im sure he will fit in well

  3. With this signing and the increased depth at guard position… is it more likely GTJ might not be brought back?

  4. Welcome to another decade of mediocrity. This rebuild and "core" we have now won't be any better then the 2010s DeRozan and Lowry era. At the end of the day if you don't have a superstar top 5 player your never winning anything in this league.

  5. Jontay Porter next? It's called Darko's Day Camp… just ask Chris Boucher. Don't want to see players lose minutes to JFL- get real. Play the best players that help the team win… end of story.

  6. Casuals don't get it this give you insurance at the 2, but more importantly your controlling the asset. Another team was going to get him if they didn't lock him up.

  7. I like JFL but he needs to be the 5th guard which is a combo guard that you can play 3rd PG and 3rd SG.
    I would like to trade Bruce for a vet PG and some teams late first.

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