@Boston Celtics

Jaylen Brown declined to comment on the Celtics fans still booing Kyrie Irving, but he did have some advice: “We should probably boo every star player that comes in the arena…When Jokic and all those other players come here, boo them too.”

Jaylen Brown declined to comment on the Celtics fans still booing Kyrie Irving, but he did have some advice: “We should probably boo every star player that comes in the arena…When Jokic and all those other players come here, boo them too.”

by horseshoeoverlook


  1. thetruth0102

    Jokic and the other players didn’t betray our team, didn’t hurt our players and don’t talk shit about our team, I get what JB said but I respect Jokic and the others as their opponents. Kyrie is different, he’s a bitch, he’s a diva and fuck him. And Kyrie is not the star player of the Mavs, he’s the Robin to Luka.

  2. NotLow420

    When Jokic comes in, disrespects the city and team and stomps his foot into the logo during a timeout…I’ll boo him for sure!

  3. I’m over the Kyrie thing, man. I would have been the 1st to boo him once upon a time. I wouldn’t waste my breath anymore.

  4. ChickenWhiskers

    The difference is that Kyrie Irving is a poisonous pseudo-intellectual that held back a young team with volume shooting and phantom injuries. It’s cool that you’re friends with him, JB, but it doesn’t take away our right to give him our honest opinion. 10 straight, baby.

  5. flyingpandum

    Whatever it’s his friend so I wouldn’t look too deep into this

  6. Well Jokic seems like a nice guy. I’d have a beer with him and watch horses or whatever he does. No one disrespects Lucky and gets away with it.

  7. paintingfainter

    Of course he’s not going to comment on it and that’s fine. It’s weird and awkward to even ask him about it, tbh.

  8. BoostMelon

    I don’t care about the kyrie thing anymore. Maybe the first year or two but him leaving was the best thing for our team

  9. goldrow22

    I really wish we could past the Kyrie thing, it’s over and done with

  10. holographoc

    I dunno it sounded like Luka was getting boo’d too. Obviously not as intensely, but definitely boos at the line.

  11. ImDKingSama

    Context for people that’ll overreact, he also literally said he has no thoughts on the fans booing Kyrie, and that the fans can do whatever they want.

  12. Green light to be even more obnoxious. Thank you JB.

  13. TroyBarterSales

    Yeah that’s why he’s getting booed Jaylen…

  14. We gotta get more creative

    Got to get back to telling Ben Simmons that he’s “not a rookie” level

  15. Fresh2Deaf

    I get the context but isn’t it the the best idea?

    Fuck em all. Boom em all. Banner 18.


  16. mickymau5_

    Bro we DO! Every team and star player gets booed…kyrie just gets more

  17. CrackaZach05

    Does Jaylen REALLY think it’s about race?

  18. bagchasersanon

    This fanbase is full of pansies as exemplified by the comment section

  19. EquivalentAd4708

    What a stupid question to ask him regarding the game.

  20. It’s been a couple years the Kyrie stuff is old. If he stomps on the logo or says something crazy about the team, fine. No real reason for continued animosity

  21. DreadLockedHaitian

    Jaylen’s subtle way of telling us Kyrie was just a blip.

  22. Fail_Panda

    I for one think it’s good that the fans can respectfully dislike opposing teams’ stars and focus our boos on certain players that deserve it

  23. Thanks4DaOpportunity

    Why not enjoy it at the top? We should boo every star player, every game. Imagine we do that and win the chip.

  24. Fuckblackhorses

    Kyrie tends to shit the bed in Boston so maybe he’s onto something and we should boo everyone

  25. HugeMan06

    “I won’t comment on it, but here’s a comment”

  26. Vast-Cheesecake7230

    Y’all need to move on, focus on 18. Geez.

  27. Ancient-Judgment1689

    Why is he acting why we cheering for jokic and the other stars? Last I check we don’t cheer for the opposing team what the hell is he talking about. I hope he’s not trying to make this a race thing!!! Smdh

  28. Doctor_Phist

    You can always count on Jaylen Brown to bring race into discussions that have no need for it

  29. He’s kinda got a point. Why aren’t we booing the star component?

  30. Old-Consideration939

    Yeah, typical jaylen is making it more than it is. Kyrie failed the Celtics and failed the fans. Jokic never played for the Celtics so why would we make a big deal about him.

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