@Golden State Warriors

Warriors/Raptors Postgame, Draymond, Moody, Coach Kerr Reactions | March 1, 2024

Warriors/Raptors Postgame, Draymond, Moody, Coach Kerr Reactions | March 1, 2024

Uh call Tom out after think Barrett hits a corner three it’s 14-7 seemed pretty animated just what was the conversation like with the team and how you feel like they responded after that I just urged them to to be a little sharper um yeah I uh I I don’t like

Doing I hate yelling at our guys I mean they’re such great guys and um you know they’re they’re they’re doing such a nice job um we’ve really found a good Groove um but you know the circumstances um I think dictated the first six minutes you know I think our guys were

Asleep still which was understandable but on the first time out I told him we you know I’ll give you a pass on the first one but we got to wake up we can’t we can only win this game if we you know put that stuff behind us and focus and

Then we immediately messed up the uh atto and gave up a three in transition so I called called the next one just I mean with the circumstances how I guess satisfying is this Victory to come out and put him the second half like that fantastic win um I mean last night was

Brutal that’s the worst uh travel circumstances I’ve ever been involved with in the NBA I think we got in bed at 8:00 this morning you know the guys slept during the day and woke up and came to the game so it was uh it was pretty rough but um you know really I’m

Proud of the group for the way they competed and U you know like I said after that slow start which was understandable we really locked in and and did a good job coach how do you feel with with the team right now I mean this

Is a great streak you guys have won um well 10 out of the last uh 13 so what what do you feel moving forward is this the is this the ceiling of this team like what what else can we expect from this team well I I like uh I’ve liked

This team all year you know we had some struggles early on um but it was really more about um things just coming together and U the chemistry has been great right from the beginning of Camp the guys are all committed to each other they care about each other uh they care

About winning and um we’ve just gotten healthy and and found a good Groove and I think it it took us a while frankly just to figure out our team um we were leaning on what we were two years ago when we won the championship ship early in the season and that wasn’t working

And I gave that a good long look and um we eventually kind of um change things up and um between that and getting Draymond back and um you know our young guys really taking a a leap uh forward um and guys like Lon and Moses who are so

Professional just you know hanging in there during difficult times um setting a great tone for the rest of the group group um we’ve got a good good uh bit of momentum going and we’re just going to try to keep it going what do you make of

Ler Kon minutes tonight and what do you think he can add to to the team yeah we we really like Lester you know he’s uh he’s a guy who can create his own shot and he’s he’s got good speed good good bounce you know he was a plus 13 in his

Minutes tonight um did a good job at both ends um you know he’s uh he’s been in the rotation quite a bit um over the last month and uh he’s helped us win a lot games what you like about the way Moses uh is approached offensively tonight and just in general the last

Three games yeah Moses has been fantastic uh in wigs his spot um you know defending but tonight you know knocking down some shots he was a plus 17 uh with his 17 points um I like uh his um discipline defensively you know defending without fouling and making it

Difficult on his opponent and just kind of you know keeping things um relatively simple simple and just taking the shots that are there and moving the ball when they’re not kaminga seem super aggressive especially attacking the rim what does that do for your team’s offense when he plays that way yeah JK

Has changed our team really you know um since we’ve put him in the lineup and um gone smaller with with Draymond at the five um JK’s ability to to get to the line and get to the paint get us easy baskets has really balanced out our our

Team um in a dramatic way so really thrilled with him and his development his uh his work that he’s put in um he’s really come a long way and he’s he’s uh you know put our team in a much better position coach um yeah a question not

Related to to the game um there is still a long way but uh for uh for players like LeBron like like St uh what are going to be the the biggest challenges of of playing in the in the Olympics after 10 years without playing with FIB

R oh in the Olympics yeah uh after 10 years without playing with f rules in the case of Leon and and after after that the game has become more equalized what are what are they what are they going to be the the biggest challenges for for them the challenges are that the

International basketball is really strong now there’s great teams um there’s a lot of um NBA Talent um spread across all those fee rosters and um the game is very different so that’s part of the challenge is is um you know adjusting to the rules and uh but the

Competition’s Fierce and so it’s a it’s a huge challenge is is the European basketball doing anything better than uh than the NBA than the US in terms of tactics of Player Development to to have uh yeah to have to be closing the gap or

To to to make that the game has has yeah that’s a you could probably write a book on that um so they do a good job of developing ing players and and um you know they they there’s plenty of talent whether it’s NBA Talent or um you know professional Talent throughout um you

Know Europe and South America um it’s um yeah it’s very impressive you know watching watching these teams they U they do a great job keeping the conversation on the Olympics obviously you’ve been with USA Basketball for years can set the face USA Las Vegas for like a pre-up what are

Your thoughts just on the growth of K basketball to be get a g game like this with do say to set up like like yeah I mean Canadian basketball has has had a dramatic rise uh obviously so many players uh have come through the NBA over the last decade um but now they’ve

Got guys who are real stars you know with um you know Shay and Jamal Murray and um you know we’ve got wigs on our team and um you know you’ve got um a lot of Canadian talent either already in the league or entering the league and um you

Know they won the bronze like last year at the World Cup and so um it’s um it’s impressive seeing what’s happening not only in Canada but um France and Serbia and uh you know a lot of other countries basketball is just it’s Global and it’s it’s strong everywhere with you guys

This stretch of you know 13 of 16 you’ve been doing it with guys in and out of the lineup you know changes in the starting lineup what’s been the key to sustaining this level now for you know a month plus uh with all the changes that

You’ve kind of had to deal with in terms of the lineup and whatnot I think the key is the chemistry of the fact that these guys are committed to each other and to winning and I think Draymond has done an incredible job of um walking the

Line the way he needs to just um being competitive and fierce but not going over the over the line and we need him and he knows that he’s been fantastic thank you guys thank you thank you coach before we switch planes always just sitting there and then got another I’ve

Been sleep the whole like throughout the time yeah just what did you guys feel I mean today especially early on how did you kind of power through the the circumstances the last 24 hours to you know run away from the Raptors in the second half yeah um you know the

Circumstances were what they was but you know you kind of got to pay attention to yourself and say how do you actually feel and not how should you feel because of the situation it’s like I was cool uh the Toronto fans were cheer in for you guys by a lot of moments

Especially Steph and Clay does that make a difference when the team that you’re visiting some of their fans are rooting for you yeah yeah we got home gyms all around the country when you got they way they feel about Steph and clay and Dre uh what the the campaign they’ve put on

Around the league just showing that love and respect so it’s cool to reap the benefits of it 17 points for you tonight how do you after your third start you know third straight start how do you feel like you’re you’re settling in with with the starting Group H yeah just

Settling in you know know um different situations every every every time every night uh just finding a roow finding how you can help it’s been like that throughout kind of this whole stress you guys have won 13 of 16 but guys in another lineup what’s been the key to the keeping

Maintaining the team chemistry over this last month plus and maintaining the momentum despite a lot all the changes yeah yeah I feel like a lot of that is a testament to the guys on this team rather more than just the what we doing on the court but we got a really good

Group of guys just um different players going through so many different things whether if you in the rotation if you’re not not in the rotation but uh like the guys is not in a rotation is kind of holding that down just because anybody that’s going through anything on the

Court you can look at one of those one of us you know in different times throughout the season it’s like um everybody’s just being mature and grown about all the different situations going on so I feel like that’s a that’s why we’re able to uh power through these

Tough times and these tough situations and then when you winning and then that part look good too looking forward to a early night of rest tonight yeah yeah you know gota gotta catch up from last night thank you there’s a lot tonight all how are the last 24 hours fun

Fine um no sleep few hours of sleep but we got two wins in the last 24 hours but that’s always great yeah what does it say about your ability to perform especially in the second half like you’re able to you know put them away considering given the circumstances

We’re a resilient team uh we’ve been through the storm already this year um you know so to play the game we played says a lot about the group I had no doubt that we would play the game game we played um you know it’s been a few

Times now in my career that we’ve had situations like this and think one of the games we lost we was going to La we got I was way back U maybe my second year in the league but all the other ones I think we won Steph broke a record

Last year we got in the day of um we won in the garden last year we got in the day of ironically we’re leaving the garden and we get in the day of uh sleep on the plane sitting on the playing from 12 to 7: um but you know no excuses

Nobody wanted to hear an excuse if we lost so think we did a good job of making sure that we took care of what we needed to take care of and got the job done how how do you train or build that resilience like you you said it yourself

Like you guys have been in situations where doubting you this this year obviously the past months have been a lot of questions now you guys have this stretch how how do you how do you I mean obviously you said you you had no doubts you guys were going to come back but how

Do you think that that has developed over the past few years like what is it uh well number one you have winners um and then you bring in people with winning qualities that needs to learn how to win and you have guys and staff that teach them and a part of winning if

You’re going to win you have to be resilient uh you know and so I think you know as you know if you’re leader are resilient you have no choice and Steph is one of the most resilient person people I’ve ever seen Steve cerr is resilient as hell um and so I think you

Know when you when you have that um everybody else kind of fall in line you know and you got great guys that Embrace that and it’s special thing you guys are on quite a run right now I just curious what your perspective is on you know why you guys are clicking so well

What what’s come together I think it’s all coming together you know people are settling into their roles on this team um you know the steps that Jonathan kaminga has taken it’s been huge uh you know and and it you know Moses look at Moses uh haven’t quite played ton of

Minutes this year and yet he continues to stay ready and shows the step that he’s taking lead the team in plus minus tonight at plus 17 um last two nights having to guard a point guard and shutting both of them down um you know it’s very very says a lot about uh our

Developmental staff um you know says a lot about those guys and the work that they’re putting in and uh you know guys having a main goal you know we all have one goal at the end of the day however we got to get there and get that done

That’s what we have to do Rond you got your own podcast very good one by the way you you represent quote unquote the New Media how would you define the new media and what’s the difference between the New Media and the old media oh the old media lie a

Lot um they don’t keep it too real New Media we keep it real you got to stand on what you stand on you know um there’s not many passes given out you know a lot of people say things and don’t necessarily stand by that they flipflop

With the Wind uh wind blowing this way one day they go that way and blow this way the next day they go that way we stand on what we believe you know um you know we we’re truth tellers you know we we speak our peace um and it’s

Fact-based it’s not assuming um it’s not throwing things out there to get clicks it’s fact-based and you know it’s a special special fraternity slity to be a part of and all cannot join jaymond when you look at the quality of the teams 1 through 10 in the

West I know the West has been pretty loaded for most of your career in the NBA but does it almost feel tougher this year in some ways uh I mean it gets tougher every year you know you in this league players get better teams get better it gets tougher every year but

That’s what you want you know you want that type of competition because that’s what keeps you going every night you know if you’re coming out and you’re playing against whoever um and with nothing to play for it’s hard to get motiv for that you know when you got playing against

Good teams you’re in a race with other good teams it gives you something to stand up for every night we could have came out and lay down T night everything was going against us uh but you know it’s those things that get you up keep

You going um and so it’s uh it’s fun how how the the experience of having CP as as a team been for you guys I mean obviously another like Mega competive animal joining like step yourself clay how’s that experience been for for everybody it’s been incredible uh you

Know we’ve competed against C for so many years and um you know to to have him on this side as a teammate you know learn from him uh pick his brain um you know take have his input uh you know CP is is a winner

Knows how to win you know and so just having that uh that steady presence that he is on and off the court is huge for this team and it’s been a joy um to to have him here this year has taken a bit of a leap this year

Playing more of that point forward position that’s something you’ve really made your own throughout your NBA career what has impressed you about his game and as someone with experience that point forward BR what do you feel like is the next step for him uh I mean he’s

Doing he’s shooting the ball a lot better uh he’s making reads um super aggressive he’s making guys around him better you know and I think um I think that’s a great thing for him I think the thing for Scotty is going Scotty’s the face of a franchise you know and so um

He’s going to have to continue to score the basketball I think that’s going to be a big thing for Scotty you know we know uh all the things that he does on the court he’s a Swiss army knife but he’s going to have to score the basketball being the face of a franchise

And he’s you know he’s doing more and more of that uh I was just looking at this stashi do have 14 rebounds and oh that’s Perle with 14 rebound I was about I’m I kept looking at this stashi like golly he had 14 rebounds in 24 minutes

All right that’s purle but anyway uh Scotty is an incredible player um you know he’ll be you know uh you come in this league and you hope to leave your mark you know and me playing the point for position I’m not going to sit up

Here and act like I was the first person to do it but I think I’ve done it a little differently than most and um he’ll take that to a whole another level and you know when you come in this league uh one of our ogs used to tell me

Pete Myers like you owe it to this game to lead the game in a better place than it was when you found it and for me to see guys like Scotty Barnes come in with kind of in that Mo he’s far bigger than me um probably 4 inches taller um way

More athletic um you know he’s a special special special talent and so when you come in this league and you guys like that that’s kind of in that mode you having strong appreciation for it and and even more so love to see them take it to a whole another level than you

Ever could and I think Scotty will do way more than I ever did in my career Draymond the it wins the 13 the last 16 there’s been guys in and out of the lineup Steve credited the the consistency and play to the the chemistry what goes into establishing

The chemistry that you guys have have found and what goes into maintaining it uh you know the crazy thing is this team has had great chemistry since we came together uh you know know coming together we did a couple mini camps this summer which was great um you know and

Uh we you know we’ve um started building that and and you know guys are pulling for each other and like I said before we all have one common goal and long as everybody stick to that goal it’s not going to be your way every night

Um but as long as that goal stays at the Forefront you know you and you Veer from that like I’m not g to sit here and act like throughout the throughout the course of an 82 Game season plus playoffs you don’t Veer from now you do

But it’s our job as a whole to make sure whoever veers from it that you pull them right back to it and uh you know we’ve been doing a great job of that regardless of who’s been in and out of the lineup other guys have been stepping

Up uh other guys are leaning and trusting in each other and um you know it’s you got when you put a great group to gu great group of guys together like Mike dun Le he has um that is the benefit you know and we got great guys

In our locker room Draymond um thanks Draymond uh tonight Toronto fans were cheing for the Warriors as much as they were for the Raptors how much do that help you when you’re you’re away it’s an away game but you got so many people behind thousands of fans behind you oh

That’s always special you know dub Nation comes out when we go on the road it’s always special when you can kind of get that home feeling even when you’re on the road um I look no further than the Steph Curry effect play with Steph

You get a lot of that so uh you know we get cheered in a lot of Aras we go to I get booed in most Aras I go to but shout out to the Canadians they were very nice to me and I appreciated it so peace and love

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  1. A breath of fresh air in the digital landscape; an innovative departure from the mundane.🐱
    Cinematografia meritevole di riconoscimenti; non è solo un video ma un'odissea visiva.💝
    Authenticity radiating through the screen; a genuine connection with the audience akin to a trusted friend.🔥

  2. Hahaha, "Peace and Love" signoff by Draymond. Such a solid defensive performance this game. Well earned win.

  3. Its great to see things starting the click for the team. Im not saying I'm high on them winning this season, but I think theyre set up great to go for the 2025 championship the way their youth is playing.

  4. Kerr recognizing the rise in talent globally speaks to his greatness and his understanding of the game and its evolution.

  5. Warriors know what this part of the Season means, going to have pursue 3xcellence, gain momentum, step it up Be Warriors, feel the Playoffs coming round, round ball, ply it tough, looking strong, Be Warriors deep, respected, Champions!

  6. I love this team! They are playing playoff type basketball now and are showing tremendous spirit and team chemistry! This team should have a much better record but instead of being discouraged and feeling sorry for themselves they have gotten more determined and it has shaped them into a very tough team! There is no reason to doubt that this team can be very dangerous in the playoffs!

  7. Wiggins leave of absence is a blessing in disguise like greens suspension.. give the young men credit for STAYING READY!! when Andrew comes back he needs to be on the second unit with klay and paul

  8. "The old media lie a lot. They don't keep it too real." …
    "It's a special community/sorority (new media) to be part of… And all can not join."

    WOW, Draymond DESTROYED the Steven A Smith's and Kendrick Perkins' of the world… 😀

  9. Moody is rising at just the right time, just like Kuminga, who has been rising very fast for a while already. I hope they keep it going fast and consistently for the next 4 months, together with Klay, Podzemski, and TJD.

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